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Author: Nadine Payle


George Municipality confirms that the legal march to the main municipal building has concluded and all participants have dispersed.
The municipality would like to thank the convenors and participants for the peaceful manner in which the process was addressed.

Parking at the Civic Centre will be reopened for use shortly. We thank the public for their patience.



George Municipality would like to advise residents and all Eisteddfod participants that parking around the Municipal Civic Centre has been cordoned off due to the legal march being held today.
Progress Street, York Street (front of Civic Centre) and Victoria Street parking will not be available until after the march disperses. The expected duration of the march is from 09h00 – 15h00

Eisteddfod parents are requested to make use of on street parking further away from the main municipal building (along York Street) and George Municipal Traffic Wardens will be on hand to direct parents and learners to the main entrance of the Civic Centre.

Roads/ Streets affected along the planned route include:
Ngcakani Road
Tabata Street

Thembalethu Bridge

Nelson Mandela Boulevard

Hope Street (Intersection with NMB)

Cradock Street (Intersection with NMB)

Hibernia Street (Intersection with Cradock St)

Victoria Street (Intersection with Cradock St)

Market Street (Intersection with Cradock St)

Hibernia Street  (Intersection with Meade Street)

York Street (Intersection with Hibernia St)
Progress Street

Road Closures
No road closures are planned. Traffic Officials will monitor and redirect traffic as the group proceeds. Updates will be posted to keep residents informed.

Municipal Switchboard 044 801 9111

After Hours Emergency Number 044 801 6300

Dedicated Fire Only Number 044 801 6311

George Municipality’s Dynamic Women- Grace Notshokovu

Join us today in celebrating our very own dynamic woman from the George Municipality- Grace Notshokovu, Project Coordinator: Street Cleansing

Grace plans, organises, coordinates, and directs waste management programmes or long-term projects in the Cleansing and Environmental department. She usually spearheads the cleaning of illegal dumping sites with the help of other officials, volunteers from the community and other state departments.

Some of Grace’s duties include inspecting waste/ dumping sites, storage containers and facilities, characterizing waste, and documentation of solid, liquid, hazardous, and/or mixed waste. “All in all, part of my job is to ensure that the community’s needs are met for service delivery,” Grace explained.

“What makes me, and being a woman, special is being a mother, which has given me the ability of being selfless,” Grace said

The George Municipality’s Dynamic Women- Tahseen Raiman

Dear all,

Join us today in celebrating our very own dynamic woman from the George Municipality- Tahseen Raiman
Civil Engineering Services, Manager: Water Distribution (middle management category)
Tahseen is middle management and is relatively new to the George Municipality. Her job is to ensure the efficient running of the Water Distribution Section so that all residents of George Municipality receive potable, clean drinking water.

Part of her job is to make strategic corporate decisions as a member of the Strategic Management Team representing the Civil Engineering Directorate. She is involved in devising new policies, decision-making and in financial and functional planning.

Tahseen manages, controls and co-ordinates all the key performance areas related to the water distribution network within the jurisdiction of the George Municipality in order to comply with the National Standards prescribed by South African Bureau of Standards and enforced by the applicable National Departments (Departments of Water Affairs and National Treasury).

“What makes me special is being a problem solver and proactive in my field,” Tahseen said

Logging a Fault On Your My Smart City George App

How to Log any Municipal-related issue on your My Smart City App.

A Step-by-Step Guide
• Tap on the App.
• Tap on My Municipality in the bottom left corner.
• Tap on Report an Issue
• Select or fill in the location of the issue.
• Tap on Create a Report in the bottom left of the screen.
• Select your issue from the list.
• Take an image of the issue or upload it from your gallery.
• Add a comment to give more details.
• Tap the Report button.
• Screenshot or save your reference number.


Download NEW My Smart City – George APP via the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store or via the My Smart City website or Scan the QR Code which can also be found on your current municipal statement! Should you have any issues with registering please contact

South Africa’s Internal Auditor of the Year Award brought home to George

Caption: CAE JP Rossouw was presented with the National Internal Auditor of the Year Award by on his left, Arlene-Lynn Volmink (CEO of the IIASA) and on his left, Tshepo Mofokeng (Chairman of the IIASA Board) at the IIASA Gala Dinner held in Johannesburg this week.

George Municipality’s Chief Audit Executive (CAE), Mr. Jean-Pierre Rossouw, has been announced this week as the recipient of the coveted National Award for Internal Auditor of the Year for 2023 in South Africa, along with the Excellence in Internal Audit (Public Sector) Award. These prestigious accolades were presented to Mr Rossouw by the Institute of Internal Auditors South Africa (IIASA) at a Gala Dinner held in Johannesburg on August 15th.

Mr Rossouw was nominated for these prestigious awards based on stringent criteria. His ability to demonstrate exponential growth and a deep understanding of internal auditing processes, while consistently adding value to the department, as well as his embodiment of high-level integrity and the promotion of ethical conduct, were among the key factors considered. IIASA, a professional body and a part of the international network representing the interests of internal auditors globally, annually hosts these awards with the aim of recognizing and rewarding excellence and professionalism in internal audit. The awards encompass both the public and private sectors, including the banking industry.

Caption: Chief Audit Executive for George Municipality, JP Rossouw proudly displays his awards.

In addition to the strict criteria for each award category, recipients are selected based on their ability to exhibit exponential growth and a profound understanding of internal auditing processes. They are recognized by their peers as exceptional professionals, standing out for their unwavering dedication to the profession and consistent display of passion. Their track record should reflect trailblazing, innovation, mentorship, diversity advocacy, and being a game changer.

This achievement marks a significant milestone for the young professional, as well as for George Municipality, which receives national recognition for its outstanding work in this specialized field. Mr. Rossouw’s exceptional growth in the internal audit profession and the significant impact he has made within the organizations he has served, including George Municipality, are noteworthy.

Dr Michele Gratz, Municipal Manager, congratulated Mr Rossouw on his remarkable achievements, stating, “George Municipality takes immense pride in having JP as a part of our management team. His outstanding performance within a short span of time has set a benchmark for internal auditing within the province. These accolades are a testament to his dedication and expertise. This recognition underscores the commitment to excellence within George Municipality and the broader field of internal auditing, “ she said.


Municipal Woman’s Month Campaign– My Inspirational Woman

The month of August is dedicated to celebrating women all over the world and at the George Municipality we would like to celebrate the phenomenal women who are an inspiration to their colleagues.

This week we celebrate Geraldine Joy Wolmarans, Refuse Removal Assistant, nominated by Debra Sauer, Communications Officer at George Municipality.

“As a woman, I celebrate my individuality, I’m unique, there is only one of me…. there is only one blueprint of me. Whatever I want in life, I go for it and that is what makes me so unique as a woman. The fact that I can also do a man’s job means any woman can do it, so I’m actually a beacon for women out there so they can see whatever they want to do, they CAN do”, Geraldine said.

Geraldine, also known as Joy to her colleagues, removes refuse from homes and businesses. She does a job that has previously been seen exclusively as a man’s job.

Geraldine and 3 other women made history in 2022 when they were the first women appointed at George Municipality as refuse collectors.  “I pick up refuse bags, hook the wheelie bins on the refuse truck and hang them onto the truck, just like the men do,” Geraldine said. She says she is in service of the public, but her job is exciting and fun.

“I’m a fitness fanatic and do my squats while picking up bags. I’ve worked in an office before, but I wouldn’t trade my current job for an office job, I love my job! Squatting assists me in not hurting myself when I pick up a heavy bag.

Geraldine says safety is most important in her job. They take care not to injure themselves and everyone gets a turn to operate the machines at the back of the refuse trucks. She previously worked in the government’s Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) at the George Municipality.

To commemorate our own inspirational women within the municipality, we invite all officials from all departments to nominate a female colleague who is inspirational to you – tell us what makes this person so special. Please send us a description of what this person means to you (100 -150 words maximum and a recent photograph).

You can send your nomination anonymously or proudly state who you are and why you have chosen your nominee. The ‘My Inspirational Woman’ and her story will then be shared with all officials!

Please email your story to

Deadline for Nominees: Nominate your Inspirational Female Colleague for next week by Wednesday 23 August 2023.

You cannot lead, if you cannot follow- Thuli Madonsela

Planned Power Outage: Portion of Hoekwil- 23 August 2023



KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op WOENSDAG 23 AUGUSTUS 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 18H00 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op DONDERDAG 24 AUGUSTUS 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 18H00




NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on WEDNESDAY 23 AUGUST 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 18H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on

Planned Power Outage: Portion of Wilderness-Heights, 25 August 2023

May be an image of lighting and text that says "LED"



KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op VRYDAG 25 AUGUSTUS 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op MAANDAG 28 AUGUSTUS 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30




NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on FRIDAY 25 AUGUST 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work from being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on
MONDAY 28 AUGUST 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30


The Rosemore Fan Park Reaches It’s Peak

Wednesday was an incredible day for sport in Rosemore, George. Schools from across George were invited to attend the Netball Fan Park’s school tournament which started on 2 August and was scheduled to finish today 4 August.
School and George Club Tournaments Postponed

Regrettably, due to transport challenges, the school final playoffs as well as the George Social Clubs tournament scheduled for this weekend have been postponed. We will be sending out communication on newly selected dates for both tournaments on all our platforms, so please keep an eye on our social platforms.

Live Viewing remains open
The Fan Park remains open for live viewing of the 2023 Netball World Cup at Rosemore Stadium. Pop in to watch the final games and join us for the Closing Ceremony on Sunday at 14h00.

To catch a view of some of the Netball action from earlier this week, click


No Bee Hives In Residential Areas

Please note that according to the George Municipality Animals Bylaw, it is illegal to keep bees in residential areas.

Report the illegal keeping of bees to Environmental Services on 044 802 2900 or 044 801 6300 after hours. The owner/keeper will be served with a notice and will have 10 days, from the time of the notice being served, to move the hives. If the owner/keeper does not comply, the bees will be removed, the cost thereof billed to the owner/keeper.

Please report wild beehives on municipal properties to the Fire Department on 044 801 6300 so the municipality can arrange for it to be moved safely.

Please consult the local telephone directory for the removal of bees on private properties.
Active hives are very dangerous, are especially unpredictable in hot weather, and should not be handled or moved or harvested for honey by inexperienced hands. Swarming bees can be deadly to people and animals and should not be underestimated – do not try to remove a hive yourself, do not throw stones at it or poke it with a stick, and stop other people from doing so.

Please note that according to the George Municipality Animals Bylaw, it is illegal to keep bees in residential areas.
Report the illegal keeping of bees to Environmental Services on 044 802 2900 or 044 801 6300 after hours. The owner/keeper will be served with a notice and will have 10 days, from the time of the notice being served, to move the hives. If the owner/keeper does not comply, the bees will be removed, the cost thereof billed to the owner/keeper.

Please report wild beehives on municipal properties to the Fire Department on 044 801 6300 so the municipality can arrange for it to be moved safely.

Please consult the local telephone directory for the removal of bees on private properties. Active hives are very dangerous, are especially unpredictable in hot weather, and should not be handled or moved or harvested for honey by inexperienced hands.

Swarming bees can be deadly to people and animals and should not be underestimated – do not try to remove a hive yourself, do not throw stones at it or poke it with a stick, and stop other people from doing so

Mayor’s newsletter for George Herald of 17 August 2023

The recent taxi strike that impacted Cape Town, George and parts of the Western Cape has brought into sharp focus the role of community safety operations at local government level. The City of Cape Town has progressively improved their operational capacity of their traffic, law enforcement and emergency services.

In George, we are also ramping up these services to ensure a safe environment for our citizens. As we continue our implementation of upgrading in technology, CCTV cameras and the control room, we experience the benefits. In due course, the staffing complement will also grow.

The Council has consciously decided to spend more of the revenue generated from the Rates account on safety in protecting municipal assets and our communities. The Rates revenue funds a variety of services outside of the core services, as are mentioned below.
The maintenance and upgrading of streets and stormwater systems receives ongoing attention according to planned maintenance guidelines. Additional funding will be required to be spent once the construction on the large basic services infrastructure projects have reached completion stages. The cleaning of streets and the upkeep of parks are visible examples of Rates funded services.

An example of where George will play a facilitating role is in providing access to leisure time activities for our youth. This is one of the needs identified in the Planet Youth survey of youths in grade 8 and 9 to analyse the risks and harms that they encounter outside of school hours. The project objective is to improve their health and wellness over the years. Similarly, we provide facilities and assistance in the promotion of community sport, vegetable gardens, soup kitchens and to relieve the plight of under-privileged citizens.
The work we undertake to promote economic development and tourism is also funded through Rates revenue.

Following the devastating effect of loadshedding in the 2022/23 financial year which reduced Electricity revenue by R214m (or 22% of budgeted revenue from Electricity), the contribution from Electricity to the Rates account had effectively disappeared. After Council had approved reduced budgeted operational expenditure for 2023/24, where practicable, across all services, there remained a shortfall. To ensure that municipal services funded through the Rates Account could be maintained at the high standard expected by customers, an above inflation increase in property rates was implemented.

For the 2023/24 financial year, the new municipal property valuations have been implemented. A recent StatsSA survey has shown that residential selling prices for property in the Western Cape (and George) have risen markedly relative to the rest of the country, with valuations following that trend. To soften the increases a reduction of 28,8% has been applied to the rate in the Rand for residential property rates.

The George Municipality’s Dynamic Women

Join us today in celebrating our very own dynamic woman from the George Municipality- Mrs Lauren Waring:Director: Planning, Human Settlements and Development

Lauren served as the Municipal Manager, as well as Director: Community Services and Director: Planning and Development at Knysna Municipality between 2006 and 2014; and as Executive Director: Planning and Development at Drakenstein Municipality from 2016 to 2021. Lauren has vast leadership experience in local government, honed over many years at municipal level. Her passion for land and development was ignited during her first appointment at the Regional Land Claims Commission: Western Cape.

With extensive management and strategic leadership experience, Lauren has consulted government, private sector and non-profits on a broad range of projects and held positions on various Boards.

Lauren holds a Masters in Town and Regional Planning from the University of Stellenbosch amongst various other tertiary qualifications.

Lauren has a nineteen-year-old daughter, Nina, and enjoys hiking, reading and the arts.




Discover a city where stunning natural landscapes meet a dynamic, flourishing community, where people can express themselves and enjoy a harmonious blend of past and present.

Welcome to George, the City of Opportunities, where living, learning, working, and investing is more rewarding than ever. Whether for business, pleasure, or lifestyle, George offers unparalleled opportunities to transform your dreams into reality.



From left to right: Ross Hannes (Registry Clerk: Transport), Sophie Fanelo (Manager: Community Development), Harriet Van Schalkwyk (Environmental Officer), Leigh Kelly (Environmental Officer) and Sheldon Hendricks (Environmental Intern).

The George Municipality’s Community Development Services division assisted the victims of sporadic residential fire incidents and individual flooding incidents in their properties by providing them with food, clothing, blankets, and matrasses. They also opened their hearts to the People Living on the streets with clothes and toiletries.

The Municipality would also like to acknowledge the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs for the donation of clothing to the Municipality clothing bank. The officials continue to appeal to the community to donate to the Municipality as Municipality relies on donations to assist needy communities. “We cannot overemphasize the importance of these donations being given to organisations such as the George Night Shelter or Kidstop than giving money or handouts to adults or children begging at streets intersections, as this has increasingly become a concern,” said Sophie Fanelo, the George Municipality’s Manager for Community Development.

George Municipality continues to provide clothing and toiletries to persons living on the street. The toiletries include soap, facecloths, toothpaste, toothbrushes, roll-on and sanitary pads. The municipality maintains a clothing bank where residents of George donate clothing for this purpose. Many of the homeless ask for clothing or toiletries to be presentable and a register is kept for this purpose. It would assist the Municipality if more residents could donate clothing and toiletries as no funding is available for this purpose.

Living on the streets is not a crime; therefore, these people cannot be arrested or moved without their consent. Our Social Development and Law Enforcement department’s mandate is limited as the bulk of the functions to assist people living on the streets fall under SAPS and the National Department of Social Development.

George Residents, Business Owners and organisations, who want to help the homeless and /or submit innovative ideas on how to help the homeless, are invited to join the PLOTS monthly meeting. You can contact Estelle Fredericks on 044 802 2000, ext. 2015 during office hours for more information.

The public may also contact these organisations: Freddy Trout, PASA (People Against Substance Abuse) at 068 487 4848, Jonathan Gelderbloem, YFC Kidstop at 044 874 2624/044 875 1794, Department of Social Services at 044 814 1920 or Andre Olivier from Cremhog on


Customize Your Apps Dashboard On My Smart City George App

How to customize your app dashboard to make it work for you
1. On your Home screen, go to the bottom.
2. Tap on “Customize Dashboard”
3. Select the features you would like to have displayed on your home screen.

View the status of your previously Logged fault on your Dashboard under My Reports

How to view your logged Faults
1. On your Home screen, tap on My Reports.
2. Tap on the three colour-coded options.
3. Orange- Logged
Blue- In progress
Green- Resolved


Download NEW My Smart City – George APP via the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store or via the My Smart City website or Scan the QR Code which can also be found on your current municipal statement! Should you have any issues with registering please contact

GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL – 14 August 2023  

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height                           98,72
Rainfall for the previous 7 days                                                          3.5mm

(Measured up to and including 14 August 2023 )
The cooperation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the detailed Stricter Water Restrictions in English/Afrikaans and IsiXhosa.

Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

George Library Services’ new way of taking out books

With this service patrons can select books via the online library portal and email a list of materials they want to loan. Librarians will make up piles of available materials and arrange a time for collection. You can also phone your librarian to inquire about a book-by-phone service.

You can search online according to author, title, subjects, keyword, publisher or ISBN number.
Type in your library number on your card to check your library materials status including due date and opportunity to renew your books yourself.

Follow the link:

May be an image of book

Contact details for libraries:

George Library: 044 801 9288 – Monday to Thursday 09h00 – 19h00; Friday 10h00 – 17h00, Saturday 09h00 – 12h00

Avontuur Library: 044 752 3351
Monday 12pm-3pm, Tuesday 11am-14:00pm, Wednesday and Thursday 10am-13:00pm.

Blanco Library: 044 870 7047
Monday – 9am-17.30pm, Tuesday – Thursday 9am-17.00pm, Friday 10:00 – 17:00

Conville Library: 044 801 9320 – Monday – Thursday 9am-17.30pm, Friday 10:00 – 17:00

Haarlem Library: 044 763 1023 – Monday, Thursday and Friday 14:00pm-17:00pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00/14:00 – 17:00

Noll Library: 044 745 1014 – Monday and Wednesday 12pm-15:00pm, Saturday 9am-12pm

Pacaltsdorp Library: 044 803 9340 – Monday to Thursday 9am-17:30pm, Friday 10:00 – 17:00

Thembalethu Library: 044 803 9260

Monday to Thursday 9am-17:30pm, Friday 10:00 – 17:00

Touwsranten Library: 044 803 9285 – Monday to Friday 9am-17:00pm

Uniondale Library: 044 752 1024 – Monday to Friday 10am-4.30pm

Waboomskraal Library: Monday to Friday 10am-2pm



NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on MONDAY 14 AUGUST 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on
TUESDAY 15 AUGUST 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H00



KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op MAANDAG 14 AUGUSTUS 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H00 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op DINSDAG 15 AUGUSTUS 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H00