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Author: Nadine Payle

IMPORTANT PREPAID METER SOFTWARE UPDATE (TID Rollover) – Phase 2 are receiving a Token to amend software, 15 September 2023

The George Municipality embarked on a pre-paid electricity metering software update for its approximately 50 000 prepaid consumers quite a while back. The current software on all pre-paid meters in South Africa will expire in November 2024. If your meter is not updated before the deadline, you will not be able to recharge your prepaid meter with the new tokens and therefore will not have power.

85% of George Software Updates Completed
George Municipality has already successfully implemented the software update on close to 85% of its prepaid meter base. This has been addressed through the work done by field staff and contractors on-site while doing a meter change, site inspection, and Amp limit roll-out. These teams will continue to go out weekly to do site inspections and Amp limit roll-out. George is considerably further along with this process than many other municipalities.

Key change tokens
To expedite the software update (TID roll-over) and in order to ensure no consumer is placed at risk of having a non-working meter, the municipality will continue to implement the key change process, with the issue of a separate, extra token when you make your next purchase.

Key Change Token Process
If your prepaid meter software has already been updated during Phase 1, you will NOT receive an extra token. If you do receive a KEY CHANGE Token with your next purchase the following is VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE BEFORE you insert the key change:
1. IMPORTANT – DON’T FORGET TO INSERT ALL old or unused tokens BEFORE you enter the KEY CHANGE token and ONLY then INSERT the newly bought token,
2. The meter will NOT accept your old or unused tokens, once you enter the key change token and no reimbursement can be made on these tokens.
3. The meter will not accept your newly bought token, until the key change token has been inserted.

Verification or Queries – If you receive an extra token and you are unsure what to do?
Customers may phone the George Municipality on 044 801 9222 or Ontec on 044 873 5474 for verification, for response to queries OR to request that their software is addressed. Please note that all municipal and/or Ontec officials carry identification cards with a photograph and their ID number as well as a copy of a verification letter explaining the purpose for their visit.

The Token Identifier is a 24-bit field, contained in STS compliant tokens, that identifies the date and time of the token generation. It is used to determine if a token has already been used in a payment meter. The TID represents the minutes elapsed since the 1st of January 1993. The incrementing of the 24-bit field means that at some point in time, the TID value will roll over to a zero value. All STS prepayment meters will be affected by TID roll over on the 24/11/2024. Any tokens generated after this date and utilizing the 24bit TID will be rejected by the meters as being old tokens as the TID value embedded in the token will have reset back to 0.

Eskom Load shedding schedule update: 15 September 2023 at 08:31

Due to the slight improvement in generation capacity and lower demand, Stage 5 loadshedding will be implemented from 06:00 today until further notice.

George will be affected as follows:

Friday 15/09/2023
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 18:30

Saturday 16/09/2023
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 12:30 **
16:00 – 18:30

Sunday 17/09/2023
06:00 – 08:30
14:00 – 18:30 **
22:00 – 00:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:

Friday 15/09/2023
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 21:30

Saturday 16/09/2023
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 15:30 **
19:00 – 21:30

Sunday 17/09/2023
01:00 – 03:30
09:00 – 11:30
17:00 – 21:30 **

Consumers are reminded to PLEASE use electricity sparingly after power returns. Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Load shedding.

Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding is scheduled to return. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the after-hours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on i.e. areas are switched on one by one and not all at the same time to avoid overloading the system. Please wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The Electrotechnical Directorate will be aware of a possible substation trip that needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at


Please note that the election of block representatives for the following wards will take place as follows:
[18 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2023]

See the full schedule of the Ward Meetings
Link for Full Schedule:

Link for 18-21 September 2023:

Members of the local community are requested to bring their identity document or valid driver’s license on the voting day.


Date: Thursday, 14 September 2023
Time: 06:00 to 18:00

• Whole Wilderness area including Kleinkrantz, Touwsranten and Hoekwill
Enquiries: 08600 37566

Water Supply Interruption

Please note, that due to the planned power outages and extended loadshedding period, the Boardwalk water pump station cannot transfer water, especially to high-lying areas such as Wilderness Heights and surrounding areas.

The Wilderness Heights Reservoir is empty, as a result of no electricity supply.

Trucks will be parked at Bundu Supersave, while another one will be roaming the outer-lying areas (Remskoen Rd, Erica Rd, etc.).

Once power is restored, we request that water be used sparingly during this period and allowance be made for the reservoir level to stabilize in between load-shedding.

Issued by George Municipality
14 September 2023 @09:50

Mayors Newsletter for George Herald of 14 September 2023

Alderman Leon Van Wyk, Executive Mayor of George Municipality

I recently was privileged to visit Denmark as a member of a Danish-funded renewable energy, local government and coalition government study tour.

This tour provided insights into the Danish planning, determination and ability to execute projects that will be to the benefit of citizens. In one city they are undertaking groundbreaking work by incorporating renewable energy to heat water pipes that circulate through buildings to provide internal heating. The port of Esbjerg is being re-purposed from an oil and gas industry harbour into the staging post for wind-turbine and solar PV energy equipment including the off-shore energy production fields in the North Sea. Energy lessons from the Danes are efficiency and flexibility and the management of energy demand as they transform to renewable energy.
I returned to George where we continue to face debilitating loadshedding thanks to the bad choices that our national government made. In addition, they have now run out of money.

This is the stark difference between the careful planning by the Danes and policy indecision in our country. As a result, our citizens endure rising prices with low prospects of employment. In the Western Cape there is active pursuit of driving service delivery and improvements to infrastructure to ensure sustainable economic activity. George has followed this policy approach and we are beginning to reap the benefits through investment into residential and industrial property development.

The electricity price increase that has been passed on to municipalities and consumers has no doubt affected the cash flows of all our customers making circumstances more difficult. Internally within the municipality, there is ongoing awareness around this burden and the increasingly difficult task of constant care and maintenance of electrical infrastructure that was built to operate 24/7. The management of diesel supplies for the various generators operating our water and waste-water treatment plants have become a logistical nightmare. With the constant uncertainty of which stages of loadshedding will be applicable in the days ahead, this impacts on planning diesel deliveries. At times, rationing of diesel for the vehicle fleet takes place to ensure that critical plant can operate.

At one of our plants where a generator had been installed, I was informed of the practical difficulty of manoeuvring a diesel tanker to fill the tank.
A further challenge is restoring electricity after particularly the 16h00-18h00 or 4h loadsheds when users wish to turn on all their appliances at once. Even though we have already installed advanced telemetry at certain key sub-stations, the senior official who restores the power has to ensure that George remains within its maximum capacity. The Danes advise that as part of introducing renewables, consumers will need to shift their loads, thereby reducing the demand on the system.

GO GEORGE survey to measure socio-economic impact of bus service

CAPTION: The Western Cape Minister of Mobility, MEC Ricardo Mackenzie, visited the George Transport Hub last week where the feedback report of the 2022 passenger satisfaction survey was handed over to him by James Robb, Acting Public Transport Oversight Official of the George Municipality. On the photo are, from left, Morné Lakay, Acting Manager of GO GEORGE, James Robb, MEC Ricardo Mackenzie, and adv. Recardo Collins, Director, Land Transport Contracts of the Western Cape Department of Mobility.

A passenger satisfaction survey under the joint auspices of the Western Cape Government Department of Mobility and the Municipality of George will be launched shortly, aiming to determine and measure the overall socio-economic impact of the implementation of the GO GEORGE bus service in George.

Macro-, transport- and socio-economic impact measured

The overall impact will be measured in three main areas, namely macro-economic, transport-economic and socio-economic impact. Several surveys will be carried out over a six-week period, starting during the week of 18 September and ending towards the end of October 2023.

George residents will be approached for feedback by means of the following three surveys:

Passenger travel surveys, which will be carried out at GO GEORGE bus stops across the route network;
Business surveys,g., general businesses, as well as businesses and informal traders at transfer locations around the greater CBD which will be carried out primarily through telephonic and personal interviews;
Special Interest Group surveys (e.g., users with special needs and specific-interest groups), to be carried out primarily through telephonic and personal interviews as well as distribution of electronic questionnaires.

During a recent visit to George, the feedback report of the 2022 survey was handed over to the Western Cape Minister of Mobility, MEC Ricardo Mackenzie.

“I am very proud of GO GEORGE, which is a collaboration between Provincial, National and Local Governments that provides commuters with the world-class mobility service they deserve, right here in the Western Cape,” Mackenzie said. “The results of the 2022 passenger satisfaction survey demonstrate that delivering safe, reliable, and affordable public transport is possible. I thank all the passengers who contributed valuable feedback on how they experience GO GEORGE services and I encourage even greater participation in the 2023 survey. These surveys are a key tool for improving operations with an evidence-based approach so that people can get to work and school safely.”

Surveyors easily identifiable

Surveyors will be wearing GO GEORGE-branded identification cards showing the person’s photo and ID number. An appeal is made to the George community to take 10 minutes out when they are approached and to assist with the valuable feedback only obtainable from those who use the bus service or are in some way impacted by its operations.

For more information or enquiries, the GO GEORGE Call Centre can be phoned on 0800 044 044.


GO GEORGE-opname om sosio-ekonomiese impak van busdiens te meet

‘n Passasierstevredenheidsopname onder die gesamentlike vaandel van die Wes-Kaapse departement van mobiliteit en die munisipaliteit van George sal binnekort van stapel gestuur word met die doel om die algehele sosio-ekonomiese impak van die implementering van die GO GEORGE-busdiens in George te bepaal en te meet.

Mikro-, vervoer- en sosio-ekonomiese impak gemeet

Die algehele impak sal op drie hoofgebiede gemeet word, naamlik makro-ekonomiese, vervoer-ekonomiese en sosio-ekonomiese impak. Verskeie opnames sal oor ‘n tydperk van ses weke gedoen word, met wegspring gedurende die week van 18 September en afhandeling teen die einde van Oktober 2023.

Inwoners van George sal deur middel van die volgende drie opnames vir terugvoer genader word:

Passasiersopnames, wat by GO GEORGE-bushaltes oor die roetenetwerk heen gedoen sal word;

Besigheidsopnames, byvoorbeeld algemene besighede, sowel as besighede en informele handelaars by oorklimpunte rondom die groter sakekern wat hoofsaaklik deur telefoniese en persoonlike onderhoude uitgevoer sal word;

Spesiale belangegroep-opnames (byvoorbeeld gebruikers met spesiale behoeftes en spesifieke belangegroepe), wat hoofsaaklik deur telefoniese en persoonlike onderhoude sowel as verspreiding van elektroniese vraelyste uitgevoer sal word.

Tydens ‘n onlangse besoek aan George is die terugvoerverslag van die 2022-opname aan die Wes-Kaapse minister van mobiliteit, LUR Ricardo Mackenzie, oorhandig.

“Ek is baie trots op GO GEORGE wat ‘n samewerking tussen provinsiale-, nasionale- en plaaslike regerings is wat pendelaars die wêreldklas vervoerdiens bied wat hulle verdien, hier in die Wes-Kaap,” het Mackenzie gesê. “Die resultate van die 2022-passasierstevredenheidsopname toon dat die lewering van veilige, betroubare en bekostigbare openbare vervoer moontlik is. Ek bedank al die passasiers wat waardevolle terugvoer gegee het oor hoe hulle GO GEORGE-dienste ervaar en ek moedig selfs groter deelname in die 2023-opname aan. Hierdie opnames is ‘n belangrike hulpmiddel om bedrywighede met ‘n bewysgebaseerde benadering te verbeter sodat mense veilig by die werk en skool kan uitkom.”

Navorsingsbeamptes maklik identifiseerbaar

Navorsingsbeamptes sal GO GEORGE-gemerkte identifikasiekaarte dra wat die persoon se foto en ID-nommer toon. ‘n Beroep word op die George-gemeenskap gedoen om 10 minute af te staan wanneer hulle genader word en om te help met die waardevolle terugvoer wat slegs verkry kan word van diegene wat die busdiens gebruik, of op een of ander manier deur sy bedrywighede geraak word.

Vir meer inligting of navrae kan die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 geskakel word.

George Municipality collection of blue and green bags and procedure with new service provider

The George Municipality has appointed a new interim service provider, HENQUE WASTE for the collection of blue and green bags.

Residents are requested to be patient to allow for a smooth takeover for the new service provider and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused during this takeover period. The blue and green bag collection service will continue as scheduled and we thank all residents who participate in the blue bag(recycling), and green bag (green waste) project.

Blue, Green and Black Bags
The supplier will supply 2 blue or clear bags for the purposes of recycling to each household. Wherever the participation of recycling is bigger, the service provider will supply more bags.
The supplier will supply each household with 4 green bags weekly.
BLUE bags are for non-soiled recyclable materials, including plastic, paper, cardboard, glass etc.
GREEN bags are for green waste, including organic kitchen waste such as fruit and vegetable peels, as well as garden waste, including grass cuttings, leaves etc. No soil is allowed in green bags.
BLACK bags are for ‘wet’ waste, and items that cannot be recycled.

Garden Services
Garden services contracted in by the owner of a property, must remove garden refuse themselves to the landfill site.

Collection day
Residents must please only put blue/ green and black bags out, on their collection day.

For any complaints or queries regarding black bags ONLY please phone Jody Stuurman at Community Services, George Municipality on 044 802 2900.

For complaints or queries regarding blue or green bags please contact Henque Waste:
Contact Person Name: Douw Bezuidenhout
Contact Number Office: 064 905 8180 (also WhatsApp)
Complaints Number: 072 592 6212
General Contact Email Address:
Complaints Contact Email Address:
Factory Address: 27 Rand St, George Industria, George, 6536
Website Address:





NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on SUNDAY 17 SEPTEMBER 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed anytime within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work from being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on



KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op SONDAG 17 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op SONDAG 24 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30

Updated status on the BFI Water Projects for George – Components 7,8,9,10,11 and 12

George Municipality received a Budget Facility for Infrastructure Funding (BFI) grant to the value of R1.107 billion from National Treasury in the 2021/22 financial year and the BFI project with its various project components, has shown significant progress and expenditure in the 2022/23 financial years. George Municipality is actively working to keep our economy on the go, by ensuring adequate long-term planning and investment into our resources – that is water, sewerage and electricity.

The full BFI project is planned to be completed by 30 June 2025. George Municipality provides water services to over 243 996 residents from 67 787 households across 28 wards including the coastal areas of Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, Victoria Bay, Herold’s Bay and Gwaing in the city of George area. The objectives of the project are to ensure adequate potable water supply to meet the demand of the current population and to provide security for future development, both social and economic, and to reduce pollution of certain main water courses.

Updates on the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works components funded by BFI Grant
The project consists of 12 components, some of which will be executed in more than one construction phase.

Component 7
The rehabilitation of the Old Water Treatment Works, located at 9th Avenue Denneoord will allow for the refurbishment of the 20 Ml/ per day treatment plant.

Status: This component consists of four separate contracts and the tenders were awarded at the beginning of 2022. Construction is under way at the Old Water Treatment Works(Denneoord)  and some condition assessments of the existing infrastructure necessitated design changes at the start of the contract, causing unforeseen delays. The air extraction from the filter galleries was completed and the emergency chlorine scrubbers have been ordered. Both shipments of filter media arrived in 2022 and fence construction has reached completion, with only minor works still outstanding.

The Old Water Treatment Works  Module 1 upgrade has been  completed, with the exception of lamella pack installation. Module 2 is completed and Module 3 is partially completed.  A temporary package water treatment plant was installed and commissioned in mid-December 2022 to facilitate scheduled plant shutdowns to enable work to proceed uninterrupted. This temporary plant also increased the volume of potable water available to meet the peak holiday season demand in December 2022.

Component 8
Refurbishment of the Kaaimans River Pumpstation equipment will include the installation of six (6)  new submersible vortex impeller pumps in the sump, a strainer system and six  new high lift centrifugal pumps and includes the replacement of the electrical control equipment. The Kaaimans Pumpstation discharges into the Garden Route Dam and contributes significantly to the George raw water resource requirements.

Status: The project construction contract was awarded for an amount of R 16.5 million on 2 June 2023. The manufacturing and shipping of the twelve pumps and associated equipment will take several months, with delivery to site expected in January 2024. The planned commissioning date for the project is May 2024.

Component 9 and 10
The new 14,5 Ml Pacaltsdorp West Reservoir and Pumpstation; 3 Ml Pacaltsdorp East Reservoir, 300 kl Tower and pumpstation will address the inadequate emergency and balancing storage in this suburb.

Status: The detail designs are completed and procurement of a contractor for the construction of the works has commenced. The environmental and town planning processes are well advanced and aligned with the design and procurement timelines. It is planned that these projects will be commissioned in June 2025.

Component 11 and 12
A new pumpstation and control valves will be provided at the existing Thembalethu West Reservoir and Tower; an existing bulk supply pipeline will be upgraded, a new 8 Ml Thembalethu East Reservoir, 1000 kl Tower and Pumpstation will be provided to ensure adequate potable water storage and increase security of potable water supply to Thembalethu, as well as provide capacity to meet future development water demands.


Thembalethu West Bulk Supply Pipeline Upgrade – The procurement of a contractor has commenced. The planned completion date is June 2024.
Thembalethu West Pumpstation: The detail designs are completed and procurement of a contractor for the construction of the works will commence in due course.
Thembalethu East Reservoir, Tower and Pumpstation: The design of the works is in progress and procurement of a contractor for the construction of the works will commence mid September2023. It is planned that these projects will be commissioned in June 2025.

All you need to know about the George Mapping Portal

The George Municipal mapping portal is your gateway to intelligent maps, focused applications and other geoinformation for the City of George. Answering the “where” question for any project, initiative or important decision is now easy for everyone!

The George Municipal GIS Public viewer contains valuable public information such as Property Information (Registered and Surveyed Properties), Demarcation boundaries (Wards) Integrated Zoning Scheme, Urban Edge, Property Valuation and Elevation (1-meter Contours). This information can be accessed on the Municipal Website by clicking on the mapping icon, alternatively follow this link:

In addition, the Surveyor-General Website and Google maps are available for your convenience. Available applications include George in 3D and ready-to-print maps. The public will also be able to download publicly available data.
For more information, please contact Corlize Bester

Geographic Information System (GIS) VIEWER
This viewer contains publicly available spatial data curated by the IT/GIS Department of George Municipality. This online mapping tool which can be viewed on multiple platforms, is freely available and designed to assist with spatial information queries to the general public of City of George. The viewer offers several functionalities, enabling you to:
• Explore and query spatial layers available in the George Municipality spatial database.
• Perform searches within the farm and erven cadastre database.
• Utilize drawing and measurement tools for features on the map.
• Import and view geographical data to enhance your mapping experience.

Click here:


Planned Interruption of the Electricity Supply: Portion of Wilderness Heights




NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on SATURDAY 16 SEPTEMBER 2023 FROM 09H00 to 16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed anytime within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work from being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on




KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op SATERDAG 16 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op SATERDAG 23 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30

George Municipality Supports our Boys in Green and Gold 🇿🇦

Back: Henko Lourens, Monique Isaks, Shane Horne, Keith Meyer, Sinazo Moshani
Eddie Koeberg , Ronel Valla, Lindelwa Allam Front: Martin Botha, Peter-Jon du Plessis, Josephine Mpembe , Amanda Joubert
(Human Settlements, Planning & Development & Property Management Department & Finance Department)

It is that time again when South Africans stand fully behind our boys as they go and defend their title as the World Champions in this year’s 2023 Rugby World Cup Game.

The first game of the Rugby World Cup kicks off tonight and our very own Officials at the George Municipality showed their support to the Springboks today by wearing green and Gold! The Springboks will be playing against Scotland on Sunday @17:45

Picture 2:
Lauren Louw and Angelo Prins
(Community Services Department)

Picture 3: 
Back: Veronica Badenhorst, Zimaza Bulo, Klopper Mabunda, Jennifer Schoeman, Xolisile Sothushe
Front: Nadine Payle, Bongiwe Mgwali, Jomeila Apollis, Heybrè Ellis, Anga Gxoyiya 
(Office of The Municipal Mayor & Corporate Services Department)
Picture 4: 
Back: Gerard Goliath Renaldo Coetzee, Riaan du Plessis, Magda Meyer, Hein Diemont 
Front: Elrina Bothma, Elaine Diemont 
(Finance Department)

Updated status on the BFI Water Projects for George – Component 3, 4, 5 and 6

George Municipality received a Budget Facility for Infrastructure Funding (BFI) grant to the value of R1.107 billion from National Treasury in the 2021/22 financial year and the BFI project with its various project components, has shown significant progress and expenditure in the 2022/23 financial years. George Municipality is actively working to keep our economy on the go, by ensuring adequate long-term planning and investment into our resources – that is water, sewerage and electricity.  The full BFI project is planned to be completed by 30 June 2025.

George Municipality provides water services to over 243 996 residents from 67 787 households across 28 wards including the coastal areas of Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, Victoria Bay, Herold’s Bay and Gwaing in the city of George area. The objectives of the project are to ensure adequate potable water supply to meet the demand of the current population and to provide security for future development, both social and economic, and to reduce pollution of certain main water courses.

Updates on the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works components funded by BFI Grant
The project consists of 12 components, some of which will be executed in more than one construction phase.

Component 3
The refurbishment of the existing Sludge Discharge System Phase 1 and 2 at the Eden, Meul and Schaapkop Pumpstations will improve the reliability of the aged pump stations.

Status: Construction of the first phase has reached completion at the Meul and Eden Pump Stations

Phase 1: The first phase of the upgrading and refurbishment of the Meul Sewage Pumpstation was completed in June 2023, including a new standby generator and motor control centre. This is also the case for the new motor control centre at the Eden Sewage Pumpstation.  The Schaapkop Sewage Pumpstation implementation was delayed and the tender for the Phase 1 implementation had to be cancelled.
Phase 2: Civil engineering construction on the Meul Sewage Pumpstation Phase 2 as well as the Eden Pump Station are currently in  the tender stage.  The design process is under way for Schaapkop Pump Station, incorporating both Phases 1 and 2 to be implemented as a single project.

Component 4
The upgrading of the Garden Route Dam Outlet and Supply project includes the replacement of the existing 600 mm diameter raw water pipeline from the intake tower at the Garden Route Dam to the raw water pumpstations, with a new 800 mm diameter stainless steel pipeline to accommodate a higher flowrate in accordance with the future raw water flow requirements.

Status: The project construction contract was awarded for an amount of R 34.2 million on 26 May 2023. The 800mm diameter Stainless Steel pipes are being manufactured in China and will arrive in SA in December 2023, whereafter the on-site installation will commence in early 2024. The estimated completion date for the project is July 2024.

Component 5
2 x 1250 kVA generators have been installed at the Garden Route Dam raw water pumpstation.  These generators will ensure that during loadshedding or any other power outage, raw water can continue to be pumped uninterrupted to the Water Treatment Works for processing for drinking water supply.
Construction and installation have been completed and the project has been commissioned. The generators automatically start and operate during load-shedding.

Component 6
An additional 40 million litre raw water storage and balancing dam will be constructed, as well as a 340m long 800mm diameter raw water outlet pipeline and an 800mm diameter raw water pump main extension, to secure sufficient raw water storage capacity to supply the 20Ml/day extension to the Water Treatment Works and the existing two treatment plants. The new raw water dam will supplement the existing storage dams that provide raw water to the two water treatment plants.

Status: The preliminary design process considered two alternative positions in order to select the most cost-effective solution. Final designs of the selected position have been completed and procurement of a Contractor to construct the works has commenced. It is planned that this new raw water storage dam will be commissioned in June 2025.

Follow link for update on Components 1 and 2



UPDATE: Planned Interruption of the Electricity Supply: Portion of Levallia

UPDATE: Planned Interruption of the Electricity Supply: Portion of Levallia
Kindly note that the planned power outage that was scheduled for 9 September 2023 has been postponed. A new date will be issued shortly.

NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on SATURDAY 09 SEPTEMBER 2023 FROM 08H00 TO 18H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on SUNDAY 10

SEPTEMBER 2023 FROM 08H00 TO 18H00.
Issued by George Municipality
1 September 2023
Beplande Onderbreking van die Elektriese Toevoer: Gedeelte van Levallia


KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op SATERDAG 09 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 08H00 TOT 18H00 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.
Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op SONDAG 10 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 08H00 TOT 18H00.

Uitgereik deur George Munisipaliteit
1 September 2023


Please note there are sections on the N2 where streetlighting falls under the control of the South African National Roads Agency Ltd (SANRAL) and lights are therefore NOT serviced by George Municipality Electrotechnical Services.

These areas are:

Kraaibosch area – SANRAL lighting extends from the Knysna Road/N2 turn-off intersection near the Garden Route Mall to 250 metres east of the road entrance to Victoria Bay.

Wilderness Central – SANRAL lighting extends from the George Road/N2 intersection to 150 metres east of the South Road intersection near the NSRI.

Wilderness East – SANRAL lighting extends from the Dumbleton Street/Buxton Road/N2 intersection to 1km east of the Second Avenue intersection at Caltex Garage.

While George Municipality engages with SANRAL when streetlight issues arise in these sections, George Electrotechnical Services are not responsible for the maintenance or management thereof. Please contact SANRAL on 041 398 3200 to report any streetlighting issues on the N2.



Date: 14 September 2023
Time: 06:00 to 18:00


• Wilderness town,

Enquiries: 08600 37566



Datum: 14 September 2023
Tyd: 06:00 to 18:00


• Wilderness dorp

Navrae: 08600 37566

Updated status on on the BFI Water Projects for George – Component 1 and 2

George Municipality received a Budget Facility for Infrastructure Funding (BFI) grant to the value of R1.107 billion from National Treasury in the 2021/22 financial year and the BFI project with its various project components, has shown significant progress and expenditure in the 2022/23 financial years.

George Municipality is actively working to keep our economy on the go, by ensuring adequate long-term planning and investment into our resources – that is water, sewerage and electricity. The full BFI project is planned to be completed by 30 June 2025.

George Municipality provides water services to over 243 996 residents from 67 787 households across 28 wards including the coastal areas of Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, Victoria Bay, Herold’s Bay and Gwaing in the city of George area. The objectives of the project are to ensure adequate potable water supply to meet the demand of the current population and to provide security for future development, both social and economic, and to reduce pollution of certain main water courses.

Updates on the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works components funded by BFI Grant
The project consists of 12 components, some of which will be executed in more than one construction phase.

Component 1 and 2
The 20 Ml/d extension to the New Water Treatment Works (New WTW) is component 2 of the 12. Component 1 adds the Water Treatment Works residuals treatment facility to the project.

Status: The first contract, valued at R263 million, was awarded for the civil engineering works and construction is continuing on site. The tender for the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation (MEI) works was awarded for R217 million. Component 1and 2 form the largest sub-projects of the overall BFI project.
• Placing of concrete is progressing well and the concrete structures are progressing above ground level. The civil engineering works on the main component currently stands at 54% complete and the most difficult parts of the construction has been completed.
• The construction on the 600m long, 900mm diameter, clear water HDPE pipeline started in late 2022, is currently at 70% completion. The river crossing is ready to commence plus the two tie-ins at the start and end of the pipeline, which will require shut downs of the clear water feed pipeline to the reservoirs.
• The concrete for the three tanks of the dewatering facility for the water treatment residuals process, are complete. This forms part of Component 2 of the BFI project and will reduce the load on the sewage conveyance system and pumpstations, as well as reduce the load on the wastewater treatment processes and the main sludge dewatering facility.
• A number of plant shutdowns are required at the new Water Treatment Works to enable tie-ins on the raw water feed to the plant, the clear water feed from the plant to the reservoirs, valve chamber construction, injection chamber construction and some refurbishment of pipework in the existing new Water Treatment Works. These shutdowns have to be carefully co-ordinated to avoid unnecessary downtime or reduction in water supply to George and also contributes to the reasoning for extended water restrictions due to the inability to supply treated water in larger quantities.
• The civil engineering construction is scheduled for completion at the end of February 2024 and the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation by December 2024


Notice is hereby given, in terms of the George Municipality’s Air Quality Management Plan and the Bylaw relating to Air Quality Management, that all the below-mentioned industries must provide the George Municipality with their general facility information for Air Quality Purposes.The purpose is to have all the below-mentioned industries on a database which can be included in our inventory.

Industries required to provide their information are as follows:
• Dry Cleaners
• Landfill Areas
• Wood drying
• Spray painters
• Waste Water treatment works
• Medical Waste incineration
• Fuel stations
• Crematoriums
• Charcoal Production
• Clay brick
• Creosote pole treatment
• Boilers – HFO (Oil), LPG (Gas), paraffin and wood
• Asphalt PlantsA questionnaire which is compulsory to complete is available at the Environmental Services Section at 82 Meade Street or via email on request.

Enquiries: Ms Janine Fernold
Manager: Environmental Health Practitioner / Air Quality Officer
82 Meade Street, 044 802 2900