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Author: Nadine Payle

GO GEORGE Focuses On Attitude Change During Disability Rights Awareness Month 2023

Abby Craft (7) is the youngest learner at Up With Down’s. She found Anna Lavin’s soft shoulder “just right” to cuddle against.

With November being Disability Rights Awareness Month, GO GEORGE once again collaborated with key stakeholders who take an interest in people with disabilities, to raise awareness and achieve greater efficiency towards an inclusive public transport service. The focus is on the attributes of GO GEORGE that make it accessible to all and empower the community to access work, economic, social and educational opportunities.

Persons with disabilities include those who have perceived or actual physical, psychosocial, intellectual, neurological and/or sensory impairments and who, as a result of various attitudinal, communication, physical or information barriers, are hindered from participating fully and effectively in society on an equal basis with others.

Attitude change

According to Morné Lakay, Acting GO GEORGE Manager, the bus service aims to empower frontline staff such as Call Centre agents, information officers and communication champions with skills to support persons with disabilities.

“We also want to assist with the process of attitude change among passengers. People’s intentions might be pure, but they might not know how to approach a person with a disability when offering assistance. We need to keep in mind that not all disabilities are visible when we interact with people in public and that many people might require different ways of interaction. People might refer to ‘wheelchair-bound’ people while the correct terminology is wheelchair users – that is the kind of mindset change we want to help bring about. Once we see passengers voluntarily getting up from a priority seat in the bus to offer it to a person with special needs, we’ll know that we’ve achieved our objective,” Lakay said.

The red-backed priority seats meant for passengers with disabilities and other special needs are clearly discernible on the lower floor of the bigger buses as well as on the minibus, and offer more leg space.

Awareness activities

A sensitisation workshop with GO GEORGE frontline staff is presented annually to empower communication champions and Call Centre agents to better understand and support persons with disabilities. Especially for new staff, this is an enlightening experience and conveys insight they are eager to share and apply.

GO GEORGE staff always enjoy their visits to the Up with Down’s Centre for children and adults with Down’s syndrome and other special needs. Latching on to the school’s current theme of safety during the holidays, they requested assistance to arrange an educational bus trip to empower young adults on the autism spectrum to use the bus service independently. The younger learners had their own joy ride.

Anyone with a disability who feels uncertain about using the GO GEORGE bus service is welcome to phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 to request personal guidance and assistance from passenger support staff.


Staff UA training: Universal Access specialist Colette Fransolet takes a group of GO GEORGE communication champions through an interactive training session regarding engagement with passengers with different disabilities.


Up with Downs young adults: An educational bus trip to empower young adults on the autism spectrum to use the bus service independently latched on to Up with Down’s current theme of safety during the holidays.

Theo Arries boarding bus: Theo Arries from Conville uses a wheelchair and although he can hear, he communicates through sign language. Theo uses the bus service daily, transfers from the community bus to the main route to the city centre all on his own and finds the service most convenient.


Passenger in priority seat DRAM: The red-backed priority seats meant for passengers with disabilities and other special needs are clearly discernible on the lower floor of the bigger buses as well as on the minibus, and offer more leg space.




GO GEORGE fokus op houdingsverandering onder busgebruikers

Aangesien November bewustheidsmaand vir die regte van persone met gestremdhede is, het GO GEORGE weer eens met sleutelbelanghebbendes saamgewerk om bewustheid te verhoog en groter doeltreffendheid vir ‘n inklusiewe openbare vervoerdiens te bewerkstellig. Die fokus is op die kenmerke van GO GEORGE wat dit vir almal toeganklik maak en die gemeenskap bemagtig om toegang tot werk-, ekonomiese, maatskaplike en opvoedkundige geleenthede te verkry.

Persone met gestremdhede sluit in diegene met fisiese, psigososiale, intellektuele, neurologiese en/of sensoriese gestremdhede en wat as gevolg van verskeie houdings-, kommunikasie-, fisiese of inligtingstruikelblokke verhinder word om ten volle en effektief en op gelyke basis in die samelewing deel te neem.


Volgens Morné Lakay, waarnemende GO GEORGE-bestuurder, het die busdiens ten doel om frontliniepersoneel soos inbelsentrumagente, inligtings- en passasiersdiensbeamptes te bemagtig met vaardighede om persone met gestremdhede te ondersteun.

“Ons wil ook help met die proses van houdingsverandering onder passasiers. Mense se bedoelings kan suiwer wees, maar hulle weet dalk nie hoe om ‘n persoon met ‘n gestremdheid te benader wanneer hulle hulp aanbied nie. Ons moet in gedagte hou dat nie alle gestremdhede sigbaar is wanneer ons met mense in die openbaar omgaan nie en dat baie mense verskillende maniere van interaksie benodig. Mense kan na ‘rolstoelgebonde’ mense verwys, terwyl die korrekte terminologie rolstoelgebruikers is – dit is die soort ingesteldheidsverandering wat ons wil help bewerkstellig. Sodra ons sien hoe passasiers vrywillig van ‘n prioriteitsitplek in die bus opstaan om dit aan ‘n persoon met spesiale behoeftes te bied, sal ons weet dat ons ons doelwit bereik het,” het Lakay gesê.

Die prioriteitsitplekke met rooi rugleunings wat vir passasiers met gestremdhede en ander spesiale behoeftes bedoel is, is duidelik onderskeibaar op die laer vloer van die groter busse sowel as op die minibus, en bied meer beenruimte.


‘n Sensitiseringswerkswinkel met GO GEORGE-frontliniepersoneel word jaarliks aangebied om passsiersdiensbeamptes en inbelsentrumagente te bemagtig om persone met gestremdhede beter te verstaan en te ondersteun. Veral vir nuwe personeel is dit ‘n leersame ervaring en dra dit insig oor wat hulle gretig is om te deel en toe te pas.

GO GEORGE-personeel geniet altyd hul besoeke aan die Up with Down’s-sentrum vir kinders en volwassenes met Down-sindroom en ander spesiale behoeftes. In aansluiting by Up with Down’s se huidige tema van veiligheid gedurende die vakansie het die personeel ‘n opvoedkundige busrit gereël om jong volwassenes op die outismespektrum te bemagtig om die busdiens onafhanklik te gebruik

onafhanklik te gebruik en aan te sluit by die skool se huidige tema van veiligheid gedurende die vakansie. Die jonger leerders het hul eie plesierrit onderneem.

Enigiemand met ‘n gestremdheid wat onseker voel oor die gebruik van die GO GEORGE-busdiens, is welkom om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel om persoonlike leiding en hulp van passasiersdiensbeamptes aan te vra.


GO GEORGE schedules and hours during the holiday season

CAPTION: Workers who work later hours during December welcome the delayed trips at the end of their work day.

All GO GEORGE services will continue throughout the holidays, with special provisions for shoppers and employees at the Garden Route Mall and Eden Meander shopping centers where extended business hours will be implemented.
Later buses to accommodate longer business hours

On weekdays, the following changes will apply from 15 to 31 Dec 2023:
Departing from the Garden Route Mall:
Route 12 to Pacaltsdorp: 19:00 trip to depart 19:20; 19:30 trip to depart 19:40
Route 16 to Parkdene: 19:08 trip to depart 19:20; 19:33 trip to depart 19:40
Route 53 via Rosemoor to CBD: 19:00 trip to depart 19:20
Route 7 to CBD: 19:10 trip to depart 19:21; 19:40 trip to depart 19:51

Departing from the CBD:
Route 2 to Blanco: 19:30 trip to depart 19:40
Public holidays
Buses will be running according to the Saturday schedule on 15, 16 and 26 December and 1 January. The Sunday schedule will be followed on Christmas Day, 25 December.
Anyone needing assistance with trip planning can phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 – the agents take calls from 05:00 until 20:00, seven days a week, throughout the holiday season as well.


GO GEORGE-ure en -skedules gedurende vakansieseisoen

Alle GO GEORGE-dienste sal regdeur die vakansie voortgaan, met spesiale voorsiening vir kliënte en werknemers by die Garden Route Mall en Eden Meander-winkelsentrums waar verlengde besigheidsure geïmplementeer sal word.

Later busse vir langer besigheidsure
Op weeksdae, van 15 tot 31 Desember 2023, sal die volgende veranderings geld:

Vertrekpunt by Garden Route Mall:
Roete 12 na Pacaltsdorp: 19:00 rit vertrek 19:20; 19:30 rit vertrek 19:40
Roete 16 na Parkdene: 19:08 rit vertrek 19:20; 19:33 rit vertrek 19:40
Roete 53 via Rosemoor na middedorp: 19:00 rit vertrek 19:20
Roete 7 na middedorp: 19:10 rit vertrek 19:21; 19:40 rit vertrek 19:51

Vertrek uit middedorp:
Roete 2 na Blanco: 19:30 rit vertrek 19:40

Openbare vakansiedae
Busse sal op 15, 16 en 26 Desember and 1 Januarie.die Saterdagskedule volg terwyl die Sondagskedule op Kersdag, 25 Desember sal geld.

Enigiemand wat hulp benodig met ritbeplanning is welkom om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel – die agente neem oproepe van 05:00 tot 20:00, sewe dae per week, regdeur die vakansieseisoen.


ONDERSKRIF: Werkers wat later ure werk gedurende Desember verwelkom die later busritte aan die einde van hul werksdag.

Eskom Load shedding schedule update: 10 December 2023 at 17:56

Due to improved generation capacity availability and adequate emergency reserves, loadshedding will continue to be suspended until 05:00 on Monday. From Monday to Thursday, Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented from 05:00 until 16:00 and Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 until 05:00. This is due to the normal expected increase in demand of electricity during the week and an increase in planned maintenance. Eskom will communicate should any significant changes occur.

George will be affected as follows:

Sunday 10/12/2023

Monday 11/12/2023
18:00 – 20:30

Tuesday 12/12/2023
02:00 – 04:30
10:00 – 12:30
18:00 – 20:30

Wednesday 13/12/2023
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 18:30

Thursday 14/12/2023
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 18:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:

Sunday 10/12/2023

Monday 11/12/2023
05:00 – 07:30
21:00 – 23:30

Tuesday 12/12/2023
05:00 – 07:30
13:00 – 15:30
21:00 – 23:30

Wednesday 13/12/2023
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 21:30

Thursday 14/12/2023
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 21:30

ROTATIONAL SWITCH ON AFTER LOADSHEDDING – reduce power to avoid network tripping

Consumers are reminded to PLEASE use electricity sparingly after power returns. Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Load shedding.

Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding is scheduled to return. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the after-hours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on i.e. areas are switched on one by one and not all at the same time to avoid overloading the system. Please wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The Electrotechnical Directorate will be aware of a possible substation trip that needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at

Setting off marine flares for fun wastes resources

George Municipality and NSRI were put on high alert last night, Thursday 7 December when a marine parachute flare was set off in Wilderness around 20h25. Resources were mobilized at great cost to check entry points for boats and kayaks, local skiboat clubs were contacted and volunteers were activated. Viewing photographs taken it was established that the flare was illegally set off from land and then floated over the sea.

Fire Chief for George, Neels Barnard stressed today how dangerous and irresponsible it is to set off marine rocket flares for fun. The NSRI is compelled to log and investigate each and every incident in case it is a real emergency which of course takes up their time and valuable resources and, most seriously, could detract from genuine flare sightings. It is also hugely dangerous for those setting off the flares, which, as they are quite costly, we suspect are also probably out of date. Marine guidance notes explain that all old flares need to be disposed of correctly. Rocket flares degrade with time and there have been cases where the rocket propellant separates from the parachute and you are left with an uncontrolled flare which then comes back down and hits the person who has fired it off.

This incident is viewed in a serious light and is regarded as a prosecutable offence in terms of Chapter 10 of the Bylaw relating to Community Fire Safety. The public is requested to notify our Disaster Services Centre on 044 801 6300 they have any information around the incident of last night.

George Municipality will continue to firmly enforce the applicable by-laws and our Law Enforcement officials are deployed at various areas and beaches throughout the season to attend to similar complaints.

Please report the illegal setting off of fireworks to 044 801 6350 or after hours at 044 801 6300.
Please report the illegal trade in fireworks to 044 801 6350 or after hours at 044 801 6300.

FIRE EMERGENCIES: 044 801 6311

Municipal Office Hours – Early Closure and Full Closure for Public Holidays

Residents must please take note that the George Municipal offices will close early at 12h00 on Friday the 22 December and Friday 29 December 2023.
The George Municipality will close for the full day on the Public Holidays – 15, 25, 26 December 2023 and 1 January 2024.

All Emergency personnel and other essential services will be on standby during the half and public holidays and the Municipality will be operational during the festive season on all other working days.

Municipal Switchboard 044 801 9111
Toll-Free George Disaster Centre Number: 087 152 9999
Fire Emergencies: 044 801 6311

All after-hours George Municipality (including Uniondale and Haarlem) are as follows:
After-Hours and Emergencies: 044 801 6300

General public email for all matters:
Garden Route District Municipality Disaster Management emergencies: 044 805 5071 (all hours).

Ratepayers are requested to use one of the below-mentioned methods to make payments:
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT )
Bank Details for electronic payment
First National Bank (FNB)
Account Type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Account Name: George Municipality
Account Number: 62869623150
Branch Code: 210554
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference: your GRG account number (please enter your account number without the GRG in front and without any spaces in between)
Proof of payment to be sent to

View and pay accounts by clicking on the Unipay link or by scanning the QR code on their account.

Pay Your Account via Website
George Municipality has installed a Pay Your Account button on the municipal website – pay your account with one click!
Go to our website on

My Smart City App
Ratepayers can register, view and pay their accounts on the MY SMART CITY George Municipal App. Download the NEW My Smart City – George APP via the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store or via the My Smart City website or Scan the QR Code which can also be found on your current municipal statement! Should you have any issues with registering please contact

Pay at the following retail outlets.
• Pick and Pay, Woolworths, BOXER, GAME, SPAR and PEP.
Please take your most recent available account statement with you so that the shop can access the bar code that connects your payment to your GRG account number.
If you do not have a printed account, ensure that you have the 20-digit number written down to provide the teller with.
• Ratepayers in Uniondale can get hard copies of their accounts and pay at the Uniondale Post Office, Pep Stores and Uniondale Municipal Office, 39 Voortrekker Steet. To register you can email
or phone 044 752 1024 for more information.
• Haarlem ratepayers can get hard copies and pay their accounts at the Haarlem Municipal Office, 99 Berg Street, to register you can email or phone 044 763 1013.

Meter readings
Residents who have not had a SMART Water Meter installed yet will have their meter read every month, or can submit a reading via email or via the My Smart City – George App.
Submit your meter reading by email to
Include the accountholder’s name, contact details and George Municipal account number, date of reading and attach photo of meter. Please note that meter readings are done per area at different times of the month, and it is important that your meter reading email is submitted around the same time as your area’s reading time. Please check the date of the previous reading at the bottom of your account to determine your meter reading slot.

Prepaid electricity purchases
Purchase via your online banking
or via George Municipal Website
Or accredited service providers or or
Pre-paid electricity queries to Ontec: 044 873 5474

If your pre-paid meter is broken, please report to 044 801 9222 or 044 803 9222 during office hours.
Emergency credit control queries: (063 699 5998)


Dog Excrement In Town and Other Public Spaces

The George municipality has in recent weeks received a number of complaints that the forest, mountain paths, Garden Route dam area as well as public parks are littered with dog excrement, which is unsightly and smelly. George Municipality has put strict laws in place to ensure that all dog owners and persons in control of dogs are responsible for the removal of the animal’s faeces in any public space at any point in time.

All persons in control of a dog in a public area within the George Municipal District, are required to remove the animal excrement and place it in a plastic or paper bag or wrapper in terms of Regulation 4.11(a) & (b) of the By-law relating to the Regulations of The Keeping of Dogs and Cats and Other Animals.

(a) If any dog defecates in any public street, public place, or public road, any person in control of such dog, excluding a person assisted by a guide dog, shall forthwith remove the excrement, place it in a plastic or paper bag or wrapper and dispose of it in a receptacle provided for the deposit of litter or refuse.
(b) No person shall walk a dog, other than a guide dog, in a public street, public place or public road, without carrying enough plastic or paper bags or wrappers, within which to place the excrement of the dog, in the event of the dog defecating.

Members of the public must note that fines are applicable if contravening above.
We encourage all residents and visitors to clean up after their pets to improve the nature and clean town experience for everyone.

A reminder that no alcohol is allowed at beaches and public areas

The fantastic weather has meant that our festive season has most certainly started already this year, and George Law Enforcement officials and beach monitors had their hands full over the weekend with the confiscation of alcohol at the various beaches as well as the removal of intoxicated individuals who were disturbing the peace for other beachgoers.

Beachgoers attempted to smuggle in bottles of alcohol as well as premixed in cooldrink bottles. The municipality has a NO ALCOHOL policy applicable to Beaches and other Public areas to ensure safe beaches for everyone.

The control, searching of vehicles and bags access at municipal beaches is implemented under “The access to public premises and access of vehicles Act (53 1985)”. Members of the Public are warned that prohibited substances, weapons, alcohol, fireworks etc. will be confiscated and that fines can be issued. All confiscated items or goods will be handed over to the South African Police Service (SAPS) for disposal.
George Municipality encourages all beachgoers to co-operate with our officials to ensure their visit to the beach is a safe and enjoyable experience.

Neighbourhood Watch, Community Police Forums, George and Provincial Traffic Services, SANPARKS, National Sea Rescue Institute, Private Security Companies, the South African Police Service (SAPD) including Business Owners also assist the Municipality to ensure a safe festival season.

The beach areas under the control of the George Municipality include Wilderness Main Beach, Wilderness Lagoon, Wilderness Steps, Wilderness Lientjiesklip, Victoria Bay Beach, Gwaing River Mouth Beach and Day Camp and Herold’s Bay Beach and Tidal pool.

For any further information on complaints please contact the Law Enforcement office on 044 801 6350 (07h45 – 16h30)
or 044 801 6300 (A/h Assistance team only for bylaw-related offences and emergencies).
The public can also send e-mails to with complaints of related matters.
Law Enforcement Office – 25B Cathedral Street.

Motor Vehicle Registration & Vehicle Testing Station: Early Closure

Please take note that the Blanco Motor Vehicle Registration (MVR), the Hibernia Street (MVR), and the Vehicle Testing Station (VTS) will be closing at 13H00 on Friday 8 December 2023.

Please be assured that members of the public who are present before 13H00 will be assisted before closure.

All services will resume their operations as usual on Monday 11 December 2023.

Kindly note that the Hibernia offices will be open for Motor Vehicle Licence Renewal Only,
on Saturday 9 December 2023 from 08H00- 12H00.

Posters and Banners, the do’s and don’ts of putting them up in George

George Municipality has in the past week removed a number of unauthorised banners randomly attached throughout George, as well as a number of illegal lamp pole posters.

We remind all organisations and individuals who wish to put up posters and/or banners prior to the festive season that it is illegal in terms of our Standard Bylaw regarding Streets (PK 565/1987) to do so without prior permission of the Municipality. Organisations and individuals alike should further take note that there is an application process and deposits, and fees are payable. All requirements in the Bylaw need to be met and will be strictly enforced.

Permission for the erection of posters on lamp posts is granted, in accordance with the Regulation regarding Advertisement Signs and the Defacement of the Façade on the Forefront of Streets (PK 565/1958) and the Standard Bylaw regarding Streets (PK 565/1987) to: Individuals erecting posters for municipal and/or parliamentary elections and meetings; Political parties as well as the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to erect posters during the official IEC voter registration week/weekends; An institution which holds sports events on a provincial, national or international level; An institution that organises festivals which receive financial support from Council.

1. Only one poster per event may be displayed on a lamp post with the understanding that two posters may be positioned back-to-back.           These posters may be positioned two weeks before an event and may only be fixed to the lamp posts by means of using rope or a similar     material. No adhesive material may be used for this purpose. A maximum of 100 posters may be displayed in instances where sports     events and festivals are taking place.
2. Posters must be removed on or before the fourth weekday after the event.
3. Wording of the poster must be factual and may not offend any person, race or belief. The municipality also retains the right to remove   any poster without providing explanation, where such poster hinders the visibility of any traffic sign or if management deems it ineligible   for a poster to be displayed at a specific location.
4. Should an individual/organisation neglect to remove all posters that they have displayed, they will forfeit the deposit or a part thereof,   depending on the costs involved in the removal of said posters. The Poster or the artwork must be submitted via the Tourism Department   for approval within a reasonable timeframe before it is displayed or erected.
5. The official stamp must be affixed on each of the approved posters once the applicable fees are paid.

Banners can only be applied at five (5) specific municipal sites namely, York Street (from Pacaltsdorp before train bridge and on left side); Langenhoven Road, Knysna Road, Sandkraal Road (from Thembalethu in front of SANTA fence) and Unity Park in York Street.

1. The banners sites must be pre-booked with a deposit paid.
2. They may only be a maximum size of 3.5 m x 1m, and no political, liquor or cigarette advertisement with offensive wording on banners will be allowed.
3. Banners may only be up for a period of two weeks and must be removed by the applicant.

Contact for Posters and Banners
Heloine America ● +27 44 801 9295 ●

GO GEORGE celebrates nine years of service to the community

The Rosemoor route was one of the first to roll out in December 2014. Today, 34 bus routes serve communities all over town over a distance of 145 km.

Celebrating nine years of service to the community of George, there is an extra bounce in the step of all GO GEORGE stakeholders this year, sparked by the long-awaited addition of Thembalethu to the list of communities that can enjoy the service.

Nine years ago on 8 December 2014, the bus service rolled out four routes with 14 beautiful buses that caught the eye and made residents’ hearts beat proudly as the long, shiny bodies drove down the streets of George. Eight months later, 35 minibuses with hydraulic hoists for wheelchairs were added to the fleet. The minibuses were designed and built especially for GO GEORGE and remain the only public service minibuses in South Africa that have this feature.

Today the bus service is operated over 145 km on 34 routes with 54 standard buses, 33 midibuses and 35 minibuses traversing the streets of George and enabling residents to travel to work and school as well as to medical and community services and shops throughout town. A total of 97 buses are operational during peak hours, with a specified number of backup buses and buses undergoing routine maintenance or repairs at the depot.

Gradual roll-out to Thembalethu
The service to Thembalethu is being rolled out gradually to accommodate the traffic challenges on the Thembalethu/N2 bridge. The first route, between Thembalethu and Blanco, was introduced on 5 November and was welcomed with great excitement and gratitude by the residents of Thembalethu. Altogether 30 028 trips were undertaken on this route in November alone.
Announcements about which routes come next will be made when the construction work on the bridge and other factors allow.
“We are very proud of everything we have achieved thus far,” says GO GEORGE Acting Manager, Morné Lakay. “But this year, we are mostly grateful to have rolled out to Thembalethu. Even though we activated only one route, the Thembalethu residents now believe that we are determined to include them in the benefits offered by this affordable, scheduled transport service.”

More people travel by bus
Aside from the expansion to Thembalethu, it is clear that people increasingly choose the bus service as their means of transport.
Last year, GO GEORGE carried 41 581 passengers during Black Friday weekend. This year, the weekend saw 43 998 boardings. The average weekday trips have also increased over the past year, from 17 635 in November 2022 to 19 979 last month – an increase of more than 2 000 trips per day.

“This trend is gratifying since, besides offering benefits to our passengers, public transport also aims to alleviate the impact of toxic exhaust fumes on the environment. When we encourage George residents to make use of the bus service – even if they own a car – we explain this as the environmentally friendly choice,” Lakay said.
For more information about the bus service, the GO GEORGE Call Centre is operational from 05:00 until 20:00, seven days a week, and can be called toll-free on 0800 044 044.

GO GEORGE vier nege jaar diens aan die gemeenskap 

Met die viering van nege jaar se diens aan die gemeenskap van George is daar vanjaar ‘n ekstra huppel in die stap van alle belanghebbendes by GO GEORGE, aangevuur deur die langverwagte byvoeging van Thembalethu op die lys van gemeenskappe wat die voordeel van die busdiens kan geniet.
Nege jaar gelede op 8 Desember 2014 het die busdiens vier roetes uitgerol met 14 pragtige busse wat oë laat rek en harte trots laat klop het wanneer die lang, blink lywe in die strate van George afry. Agt maande later is 35 minibusse met hidrouliese hystoestelle vir rolstoele by die vloot gevoeg. Die minibusse is spesiaal vir GO GEORGE ontwerp en gebou en is steeds die enigste minibusse in openbare diens in Suid-Afrika wat oor hierdie fasiliteit beskik.
Vandag word die busdiens oor 145 km op 34 roetes bedryf met 54 standaardbusse, 33 midibusse en 35 minibusse wat die strate van George deurkruis en inwoners in staat stel om werk en skool toe as ook na mediese- en gemeenskapsdienste en winkels oral in die dorp te ry. Altesame 97 busse is in bedryf tydens spitstye, met ’n bepaalde aantal rugsteunbusse en busse wat roetine-onderhoud of herstelwerk ondergaan in die depot.

Geleidelike uitrol na Thembalethu
Die diens na Thembalethu word geleidelik uitgerol om die verkeersuitdagings op die Thembalethu/N2-brug te akkommodeer. Die eerste roete, tussen Thembalethu en Blanco, is op 5 November geaktiveer en is met groot opgewondenheid en dankbaarheid deur die inwoners van Thembalethu verwelkom. Altesaam 30 028 ritte is net in November op dié roete onderneem.
Aankondigings oor watter roete(s) volgende aan die beurt kom, sal gemaak word wanneer die konstruksiewerk op die brug en ander faktore dit toelaat.

“Ons is baie trots op alles wat ons tot dusver bereik het,” sê GO GEORGE se waarnemende bestuurder, Morné Lakay. “Maar vanjaar is ons grotendeels dankbaar dat ons na Thembalethu kon uitrol. Al het ons net een roete geaktiveer, glo die Thembalethu-inwoners nou dat ons vasbeslote is om hulle in te sluit by die voordele wat hierdie bekostigbare, geskeduleerde vervoerdiens bied.”

Al hoe meer mense ry bus
Afgesien van die uitbreiding na Thembalethu, is dit duidelik dat mense toenemend die busdiens as hul vervoermiddel kies.
Verlede jaar het GO GEORGE 41 581 passasiers tydens Swart Vrydag-naweek vervoer. Vanjaar is daar oor dié naweek 43 998 ritte onderneem. Die gemiddelde ritte per weeksdag het ook die afgelope jaar toegeneem, van 17 635 in November 2022 tot 19 979 verlede maand – ‘n toename van meer as 2 000 ritte per dag.

“Hierdie tendens is verblydend aangesien openbare vervoer – tesame met die voordele aan ons passasiers – ook daarop gemik is om die impak van giftige uitlaatgasse op die omgewing te verlig. Wanneer ons inwoners van George aanmoedig om van die busdiens gebruik te maak – selfs al besit hulle ‘n motor – verduidelik ons dit as die omgewingsvriendelike keuse,” het Lakay gesê.
Vir meer inligting oor die busdiens kan die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum tolvry geskakel word op 0800 044 044, met agente aan diens van 05:00 tot 20:00, sewe dae per week.

Die Rosemoor-roete was een van die eerstes wat in Desember 2014 uitgerol is. Vandag is daar 34 busroetes wat gemeenskappe regoor die dorp oor ’n afstand van 145 km bedien.


George CBD has been experiencing low pressure and/or no water this morning. Municipal teams are still in the field and working to restore water. The teams are checking zone valves to ensure that each area has water and pressure.

Water tankers will be stationed at the following locations: Water tankers are en route to stand at the following positions:

Kerk Street

Outeniqua Primary Meade Street entrance

York Street Spur

Wellington Street Spar

Unroadworthy vehicles not allowed on public roads

George Municipality advises that the following vehicles are not to be driven on a public road: “A quadricycle and a golfcart”.

A “motor quadricycle” means a motor vehicle, other than a tractor, which has four wheels, and which is designed to be driven by the type of controls usually fitted to a motorcycle; a vehicle having pedals and an engine or an electric motor as an integral part thereof or attached thereto and which is designed or adapted to be propelled by means of such pedals, engine or motor, or both such pedals and engine or motor, but does not include-
(i) any vehicle propelled by electrical power derived from storage batteries and which is controlled by a pedestrian; or
(ii) any vehicle with a mass not exceeding 230 kilograms and specially designed and constructed, and not merely adapted, for the use of any person suffering from some physical defect or disability and used solely by such person.

Due to the manner in which a quadricycle and a golfcart is propelled, these vehicles cannot be registered and licensed, are therefore unroadworthy and not to be used on a public road.

Section 42(1) of the National Road Traffic Act prohibits driving an unroadworthy vehicle on a public road.
If any member of public is caught driving such vehicles on public roads, a fine with the amount of R3000,00 will be issued and vehicle impounded. Offenders will further be liable for impoundment and storage costs.

Herold’s Bay receives Danish seal of approval

Accompanied by members of his MAYCO from left back, Cllr Nosicelo Mbete, Cllr Brendan Adams, Mr Bent Nicolajsen (Danish Liberal Democracy Programme), Cllr Johan Stander, Cllr Christiaan Neethling and Cllr Johan Du Toit. Front row Chief Whip Marlene Viljoen, Rebecca Carter Smith, NSRI Lifeguard Operations Manager and Adam Helling, NSRI Lifeguard Area Manager, Ald Van Wyk hoisted the blue flag to cheers.

The Executive Mayor for George, Leon Van Wyk made a quick stop in Herold’s Bay on Friday 1 December to officially hoist the first Blue flag of the season assisted by Bent Nicolajsen, from the Danish Liberal Democracy Programme.

Ald Van Wyk had just finished with a site visit to the George 1 MW Solar Plant and the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works with Mr Nicolajsen. After a pleasant stop in the sunshine at Herold’s Bay, the itinerary continued with a visit to the Denneoord Water Treatment Works and the George Fire Station and Control Room.

The day ended with a visit to Redberry Farm. Mr Bent Nicolajsen is the project manager for the Danish Liberal Democracy Programme, a programme funded by the Danish Government that promotes democracy and coalitions. Mr Nicolajsen made a short visit to George to view some of our infrastructure and to gain a better understanding of George as intermediate city. The Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk was a participant on a recent study tour to Denmark which focussed on energy and coalitions and was led by Mr Nicolajsen.


Three Clean Audits in a Row for George!

George Municipality is proud to have received our third consecutive Clean Audit for 2022/23 financial year. Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz noted that a clean audit is based on 3 pillars, namely compliance with legislation, performance outcomes and financial processes. “All of our municipal officials therefore play a role in ensuring that all three aspects are performed to the satisfaction of the Auditor-General.  A special thanks to the CFO and his team and all of our officials for this great team effort. This is George’s 3rd consecutive clean audit, and we strive to maintain this standard going forward”.

Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk extended his congratulations to the Municipal Manager, chief financial officer and the entire team involved in once again achieving the clean audit on behalf of Council. “ We are very proud of the perseverance and tenacity of our team as the accounting treatment and technical interpretations and requirements have become more complex over the past decade, especially so for large municipalities.”

Qualified Opinion – An isolated account/s balance/s or disclosure note may contain material misstatements as indicated in the audit report, but except for the qualification areas highlighted, the financial statements present fairly, or give a true and fair view, of the financial affairs of the municipality.

Unqualified Opinion– Is also known is an unmodified opinion. Unmodified opinions are expressed by the auditor when the auditor concludes that the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. Therefore, the financial statements contain no material misstatements, but some findings may have been raised on either reporting on predetermined objectives or non-compliance with legislation, or both.

Clean Audit – The financial statements are free from material misstatements (in other words, a financially unqualified audit opinion) and there are no material findings on reporting on performance objectives or non-compliance with legislation.



George Municipality assists fellow municipalities

George Municipality has in the past two weeks assisted Hessequa Municipality as well as Knysna Municipality with water-related issues. George Fire Brigade sent our 35,000-liter stainless steel water tanker to Heidelberg last week after they experienced issues with a reservoir that ran dry.

Seen here before departing the Civils Depot are Water Tanker 1 with from left Neville Olyn, Cebisa Mabophe (EPWP) and Simthanda Mjucu

Water was moved from Riversdale to Heidelberg by Fire Officials Johan Troskie and Wilton Oktober who worked throughout the night to finish filling the reservoir. The tanker is fitted with a pump that can extract water from sources and can deliver 2200 litres per minute at 10 Bar. On the road the 18-metre (13-metre tanker pulled by a five-metre truck), 22-wheeler vehicle is an impressive site and requires an advanced EC-driver’s licence for articulated vehicles.

This weekend the fire tanker again managed by Fire Officials Johan Troskie and Wilton Oktober assisted in Knysna following the decommissioning of the Khayalethu Dam which underwent a cleaning operation. Our Civil Engineering Department sent two teams with two water trucks through to assist as well with delivering of water to Knysna communities during the cleaning process.

Tanker 2 manned by from left Shando Abrahams, Lifa Duks (EPWP) and Nonzukiso Ntutela. The two EPWP employees assisted with filling of the tankers but did not go with to Knysna. Regretably all of the George vehicles including the Fire tanker had to withdraw following threats of violence from the Knysna local communities.

George Municipality thanks all of our officials for always going the extra mile when called upon.


Notice is hereby given that a public open day and a community meeting will be held at the following venues where the proposals on the abovementioned Overlay Zones will be presented and officials will be available to address any queries in this regard.

Haarlem Community Hall on Thursday, 7 December 2023
-Open day: 12h00-16h00
– Community meeting : 18h00-20h00

Enquiries in this regard can be directed to the Directorate: Human Settlements, Planning and Development at 044-801 9477.

Civic Centre
York Street


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat’n publieke ope-dag en ’n gemeenskapsvergadering by die volgende plekke gehou sal word, waar die voorstelle op die bogenoemde Oorleg Sones aangebied sal word en amptenare beskikbaar sal wees om vrae in die verband te beantwoord.

1. Haarlem Gemeenskapsaal op Donderdag, 7 Desember 2023;
– Ope-dag : 12h00-16h00
– Gemeenskapsvergadering : 18h00-20h00

Navrae in die verband kan gerig word aan die Direktoraat: Menslike Nedersettings, Beplanning en Ontwikkeling by 044-801 9477.



ESKOM LOADSHEDDING UPDATE:Thursday, 01 December 2023 @ 10:28

Due to the sustained improvement of the generation capacity with unplanned outages at 13 542MW, loadshedding will be reduced to Stage 2 from 10:00 today until 16:00.

Thereafter, Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 until 05:00 on Sunday when loadshedding will be suspended from 05:00 until 16:00. On Sunday, Stage 3 loadshedding will resume from 16:00 until 05:00 on Monday. Eskom will communicate the update on the week ahead on Sunday afternoon.

George will be affected as follows:

Friday 01/12/2023
14:00 – 16:30
22:00 – 00:30

Saturday 02/12/2023
14:00 – 16:30
22:00 – 00:30

Sunday 03/12/2023
22:00 – 00:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:

Friday 01/12/2023
17:00 – 19:30

Saturday 02/12/2023
01:00 – 03:30
17:00 – 19:30

Sunday 03/12/2023
01:00 – 03:30

Consumers are reminded to PLEASE use electricity sparingly after power returns. Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Load shedding.

Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding is scheduled to return. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the after-hours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on i.e. areas are switched on one by one and not all at the same time to avoid overloading the system. Please wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The Electrotechnical Directorate will be aware of a possible substation trip that needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at

Replacement of blue and green bags, Wednesday 29 November 2023

The public is notified that blue and green bag collection continues as per schedule for this week but regrettably

the service provider has been unable to obtain stocks to provide replacement blue and green bags.

This is a short term problem and replacement bags will be distributed to all houses/areas that have not received any this week, on Friday 1 December and Saturday 2 December 2023. Bags will be distributed by a pack of 20 blue and 20 green per household for the month of December 2023.

We apologize for the inconvenience and request your patience and consideration in this matter. We remain committed to recycling and thank all of our residents who participate.

Blue/Clear and green bag enquiries:Contact Person Name: Douw Bezuidenhout
Contact Number Office: 064 905 8180 (also WhatsApp)
Complaints Number: 072 592 6212
General Contact Email Address:
Complaints Contact Email Address:
Factory Address: 27 Rand St, George Industria, George, 6536
Website Address:

Issued George Municipality