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Author: Debra Sauer

New business partner combatting illegal dumping with Municipality

George Municipality has a new business partner, Kathaka RAW Enterprises, on board to combat illegal dumping by providing skips in areas that still need these urgently and to educate communities on how to turn their refuse into money.

Kathaka RAW Enterprises started with a pilot project in Maraiskamp last week as a part of the social responsibility programme, where they used 20 community members and 25 EPWP workers from the Municipality to clean a dumping site on the corner of Kloof and Marlyn Streets. One of the five skips the company made available, was put up at this corner. The company paid each community a small incentive of R5 per bag they filled on the day with recyclables (this arrangement was ONLY for the one day to encourage people to recycle). The other four will be put up at hotspots in Pacaltsdorp, Thembalethu, Conville and Rosemoor.

According to Max Modise, Director of Kathaka RAW Enterprises (PTY)LTD, it was found that 70 % of all South African household waste is recyclable. “People throw money away by dumping electronic waste, plastics, paper, tin, glass bottles and milk cartons.”

Modise thanked the Municipality for agreeing to partner with his company in this endeavour. “As a corporate business citizen of George, we recognise that what we are attempting to do may have been done before, but we would like to do it slightly differently!”

Modise said they are hopeful that they can set the right example and educate the public but also recognise that they will not conquer the scourge of illegal dumping and be able to provide the right alternatives to the communities, if they do not do it as an inclusive partnership.

Executive Mayor of George, Ald Leon van Wyk, said Kathaka RAW is a company who is doing their corporate social responsibility in the communities they are doing business in. The Municipality have entered into a memorandum of understanding from 1 May 2021 for a six month period as part of a corporate social responsibility.

“We commend them for this initiative and encourage other companies to get into business with the Municipality,” Van Wyk said.
Mayor Van Wyk said the community involvement in this project encourages citizens to become active in contributing to making George a better place to live in.

Illegal dumping is still a crime!
What is illegal dumping?
Illegal dumping is anything you throw away in a place where it does not belong.
• If you know who is dumping illegally, report them to 044 801 6350 or or 044 801 6300 (a/h).
• Information that will help the case for a warning or fine: car description and/or registration number, address of alleged perpetrator, type of waste and address of where it was dumped. A cellphone photo of dumping in action will help, but is not essential.
• Report dumped waste for collection to 044 802 2900 or 044 801 6300 (a/h).
If you throw your junk just anywhere, it will eventually become your problem some way or another. It can make you sick or kill you.

Caption: Max Modise, Director of Kathaka Raw Enterprises, Executive Mayor of George Ald Leon van Wyk and Cllr Sean Snyman, Portfolio Councillor for Community Services during the cleanup at the illegal dumping site in Maraikamp.

Paulse officially new head of Community Services

Allen Paulse was officially appointed Director: Community Services as from 1 May 2021.
Paulse is a qualified attorney and practiced law during his earlier years. He studied at the University of the Western Cape. Paulse has vast experience in managing public institutions and is well known in local government circles for having a great strategic approach in the workplace. He has been Municipal Manager to Oudtshoorn Municipality, Bitou Municipality and Breede Valley Municipality from 2002 until October 2020. He acted in his current position from January 2021.

Georgians would be glad to hear that George is not at all alien to Paulse. He has worked at George Municipality between February 1999 to December 2001 as Deputy to the Town Clerk.

The Community Services Directorate includes Refuse Removal and Waste Management, Libraries, Parks and Recreation, Sport Development, Community Development (Social), Environmental Services and the Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) with a total of 235 staff members.

Paulse says he will be applying strategic functioning to the units and sections in the Directorate, without taking away from core functions of each unit. “My overall approach will be to re-align the directorate strategically along core principles relating to people management, financial management and more.
“I will be output driven by way of training motivating and directing my subordinates to optimise work place productivity.” Some of his financial management planning and planning towards quality outputs are already in use.

Paulse says one of his most important tasks will be to replace the culture of mediocracy and complacency with one of productivity and proudness to be part of the Community Services Directorate, through acknowledging and rewarding excellence.

On a personal note, Paulse is married to wife, Adré, and they have 4 children, Dino (deceased), Curnick, Adlen and Iviwe. He hails from Paarl.

Ten schools on board for George Municipality’s Poster Making Competition on Energy Sustainability

Ten schools, seven Primary Schools and three High Schools have confirmed the that they will be taking part in the George Municipality’s POSTER MAKING COMPETITION on the topic of Energy Sustainability. Primary and High Schools were invited to take part in the competition. The idea is for learners to reflect their understanding of Energy Sustainability in the poster.

Interns from the Electrotechnical Services Directorate, who are spearheading the campaign, delivered stationery for the purposes of making the posters to participating schools.
George Municipality is part of the Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management (EEDSM) programme funded by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. The Municipality received grant funding of R4.5 million for the solar pv project at the George Municipality Main Building parking area and part of the requirements is to spend 1% of that grant funding on creating an energy awareness campaign.

The rules of the competition are as follows, the poster should be accompanied by a half page paragraph of text, explaining the message conveyed by the poster. The maximum number of learners allowed to take part in making the poster is 10 learners per school with the aid of 2 teachers. Primary Schools will be competing with each other, as will the High Schools, for fairness. A non-response from a school will be interpreted as not interested.

The selection criteria for the winning poster is as follows: (a) does the message conveyed show the learners understanding of the topic, and is it factually correct? (b) is the poster neat, organised and well presented?

The finished poster can be dropped off at the George Municipality Electrotechnical Services Office in 16 Brick Road, George Industria, 6529. Alternatively, the schools can call the judges on the following numbers 044 801 9255 / 044 801 9221 and the poster entries will be collected. Please ensure that each poster is clearly marked on the back with the name of the school, name of the teacher, name of the pupil, age of the pupil and grade as well as the contact details for the school. Unmarked posters will unfortunately not be judged.
The closing date for the competition is the 21st of May 2021.

George Municipality will retain the posters on completion of the competition. Enquiries about the competition can be send to Thabo Yiga on

The winning school will receive a prize to the value of R5 000, and the winning poster will be advertised in the George Herald Newspaper. All participating learners will receive goody bags as tokens of appreciation.

Sustainable energy is power which is able to be replenished within a human lifetime and so cause no long-term damage to the environment. Sustainable energy includes all renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, biomass, geothermal, wind, wave, tidal and solar energies.
The schools taking part in the competition are: Mzoxolo Primary School, Parkdene High School, Hibernia Primary School,
Holy Primary School, Dellville Park Primary School, McKinley Reid High School,Thembalethu Primary School, Kretzenshoop Primary School and
Outeniqua Primary School and Outeniqua High School.

Caption Mari Coetzee, teacher at Outeniqua High School receives stationery from Mphielo Ramotsamai (Electrotechnical Services Directorate: George Municipality).

Activities at George Libraries

Activities at George Libraries

1. World book day: Youngsters enjoyed a story hour at Conville Library on World Book Day on 23 April. With them are George Mayor, Leon van Wyk (in the grey jacket), who popped in after the session to meet and greet everyone and Cllr Sean Snyman, Portfolio Councillor for Community Services (in the white shirt). Some of the library staff members dressed up as book characters. The Mayor had a full programme with the youngsters and read to them himself.

2. Garelene Muller, Children’s Librarian at George Library, demonstrates and reads to children from the Association of Disabled People using a wordless picture book during the demonstration at the Conville Library.

3. George Library obtained a valuable set of reference material when bird enthusiast and author, Peter Ginn, donated his latest glossy, full colour double-volume guide for birding enthusiasts to the library. From left are Peter Ginn, Cllr Sean Snyman, Portfolio Councillor for Community Services and Malibongwe Luyenge, Senior Librarian at George Library, at the handover at Conville Library recently.

4. Staff members of George Library Service completed a Book sharing for Families week training during April 2021 at Pacaltsdorp Library. From left with their Certificates are Anneli Booysen (library assistant), Annidean Kramer (EPWP Worker), Sakhile Zungu (of Mikhulu Trust Foundation) and Petro Ruiters (George Library). At the back are Freddie Rheeder (George Library, library assistant) and the Facilitator of the Training, Rosslyn Damon of the Seven Passes Initiative.

Vandalised bus shelters repaired at huge cost


Repair work to vandalised GO GEORGE bus shelters is currently in process all over town after a budget provision of R1,3 million has been made available by the George Municipality for this purpose.
Of the 124 shelters already put up at bus stops, 92% have been damaged structurally by breaking the glass or laminate panels, while vinyl stickers with passenger information inside the shelters need to be replaced continuously when torn down or defaced by graffiti.

The glass side panel of the bus shelters seem to be targeted most by vandals. After extensive research and testing, an even stronger, shatterproof glass is now being used in replacements, as well as in new shelters being erected. The glass panels were chosen for safety reasons to ensure visibility of passengers inside the shelter, as well as passengers’ need to see oncoming buses.

If all goes according to plan, the current repair work will be completed before winter sets in, to provide shelter during cold and wet weather conditions. The budget does not make provision for new damage, which has to be discouraged and curbed at all cost.
Call for public’s help

GO GEORGE Manager, James Robb, says the community’s support is needed to help turn around the habit of destruction. “By vandalising and damaging these structures, the culprits deprive their own communities of the facilities. Investigation, putting out tenders and executing repair work on damaged shelters take time, and until this is concluded, passengers are the victims who are inconvenienced and exposed to the elements,” he said. “The same goes for the senseless stoning of GO GEORGE buses. Taking buses out of service for repairs reduces the level of service we are aiming to provide, when passengers have to wait longer for their bus to arrive or have to use a bus carrying more passengers than they feel safe to join.”

George Acting Municipal Manager, Dr Michelle Gratz, has spoken out strongly against this criminal conduct. “Three men have been arrested recently after being caught red-handed, breaking the rear window of a bus. The Municipality has a zero-tolerance approach to criminality, but we need the public to come forward if they have information that can help us bring these perpetrators to justice. Take a photo if you can, and please phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre at 0800 044 044 with information about what happened, where and when it happened, and who did it.”

The glass side panel of the bus shelters seem to be targeted most by vandals. Here, workers are replacing glass panels at a bus stop in Knysna Road. After extensive research and testing, a stronger, shatterproof glass is now being used in replacements, as well as in new shelters being erected.


Herstelwerk aan gevandaliseerde GO GEORGE-busskuilings is tans oral in die dorp aan die gang nadat ‘n begrotingsvoorsiening van R1,3 miljoen vir dié doel deur die George-munisipaliteit beskikbaar gestel is.
Van die 124 skuilings wat reeds by bushaltes opgerig is, is 92% struktureel beskadig deur die glas of gelamineerde panele te breek, terwyl vinielplakkers met passasiersinligting binne die skuilings voortdurend vervang moet word wanneer dit deur graffiti bederf of afgeskeur word.

Die glas-kantpaneel van die busskuilings blyk die meeste geteiken te word deur vandale. Ná uitgebreide navorsing en toetsing word ‘n nog sterker, breekvaste glas nou in vervangings gebruik, asook in nuwe skuilings wat opgerig word. Die glaspanele is om veiligheidsredes gekies om sigbaarheid van passasiers in die skuiling te verseker, asook om passasiers in staat te stel om aankomende busse te sien.

As alles volgens plan verloop, sal die huidige herstelwerk voltooi word voordat die winter begin om skuiling te verskaf tydens koue en nat weerstoestande. Die begroting maak nie voorsiening vir nuwe skade nie, wat ten alle koste ontmoedig en bekamp moet word.
Oproep vir publiek se hulp

GO GEORGE-bestuurder James Robb sê die gemeenskap se ondersteuning is nodig om te help om die gewoonte van vernietiging en vernielsug om te keer. “Deur hierdie strukture te vandaliseer en te beskadig, ontneem die skuldiges hul eie gemeenskappe van die fasiliteite. Om ondersoeke, die uitgee van tenders en herstelwerk aan beskadigde skuilings uit te voer, neem tyd, en totdat dit afgehandel is, is passasiers die slagoffers wat ongerief verduur en blootgestel word aan die elemente,” het hy gesê. “Dieselfde geld vir die sinnelose klipgooiery na GO GEORGE-busse. Om busse uit diens te neem vir herstelwerk verminder die vlak van diens wat ons poog om te voorsien wanneer passasiers langer moet wag vir hul bus om op te daag, of ‘n bus te moet gebruik wat meer passasiers dra as wat hulle veilig voel om mee saam te ry.”

George se waarnemende munisipale bestuurder, dr Michelle Gratz, het haar sterk uitgespreek teen hierdie kriminele gedrag. “Drie mans is onlangs in hegtenis geneem nadat hulle op heterdaad betrap is terwyl hulle die agterste venster van ‘n bus breek. Die munisipaliteit het ‘n zero-verdraagsaamheidsbeleid teenoor misdaad, maar ons het die publiek nodig om na vore te kom as hulle inligting het wat ons kan help om hierdie oortreders aan die pen te laat ry. Neem ‘n foto as jy kan, en skakel asseblief die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 met inligting oor wat gebeur het, waar en wanneer dit gebeur het, en wie het dit gedoen.”
Die glas-kantpaneel van die busskuilings blyk die meeste geteiken word deur vandale. Hier vervang werkers glaspanele by ‘n bushalte in Knysnaweg. Ná uitgebreide navorsing en toetsing word ‘n sterker, breekvaste glas nou in vervangings gebruik, asook in nuwe skuilings wat opgerig word.


Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 28 (2) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet no.56 van 2003) en Artikel 23 van die Munisipale Begrotings en Verslagdoening Regulasies 2008 onderskeidelik, dat die Aansuiweringsbegroting goedgekeur is tydens die Raadsvergadering van 22 April 2021.
Ingevolge Artikel 21A van die Munisipale Stelsels Wet, 2000 (Wet no. 32 van 2000), gee George Munisipaliteit hiermee kennis aan die plaaslike gemeenskap dat die raadsbeluit, en alle ander tersaaklike dokumentasie, beskikbaar is op die webwerf van die Munisipaliteit:
Navrae in hierdie verband kan gerig word aan die Direkteur: Finansiele Dienste by tel 044 801 9035
NOTICE: FIN015/2021
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (2) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act no.56 of 2003) and Section 23 of the Municipal Budgets and Reporting Regulations 2008 respectively, that the Adjustment Budget was approved during the Council meeting held on 22 April 2021.
In terms of Section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), George Municipality hereby notifies the local community that the Council Resolution, and all other relevant documentation will be available on the website of the Municipality:
Enquiries may be directed to the Director: Financial Services at 044 801 9035

Live Conferencing Webinar focuses on reigniting local Tourism

MEDIA STATEMENT: Live Conferencing Webinar focuses on reigniting local Tourism
Issued 19 April 2021

Over one hundred local entrepreneurs attended George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism’s first ever live conferencing webinar, aimed at rejuvenating local tourism. The conference took place on the 13th to the 15th of April. Attendees included hotel, guest house and restaurant owners, as well as activity providers and tour operators. Fourteen speakers representing local, national, and international travel brands delivered up-to-date research, designed to help local tourism operators boost their bookings. Delegates participated in the virtual conference on Zoom and were able to interact with an array of speakers from ATTA, Expedia, South African Tourism, George Municipality, Wesgro and Thompsons Holidays.

The host and moderator for the webinar was Dirk Wessels, the portfolio councillor for Strategic Services. Joan Shaw, Tourism Manager of George Municipality, opened the conference by encouraging local businesses to “take George into a new era, together”. She emphasised the need for collaboration and partnership between local businesses in making the region a strong travel destination.

On Wednesday the 14th of April, award-winning tour operator, Thompsons Holidays, indicated that they are currently looking for tourism product partners in George and Wilderness, affording a rare opportunity for products to go into the consideration pool with the wholesale giant. Trudie Jacobs, Senior Product and Operations Manager with Thompsons, went on to explain what qualities tour operators search for when looking to add local hotels and activities to their Garden Route portfolio. Jacobs provided a wealth of advice to tourism business owners on how to boost their businesses. She recommended collaboration with other local businesses to produce creative package deals that include accommodation and activities.

“Exceptional value-added packages can be created around special holidays, including Mother’s Day, youth packages for school holidays or Women’s Month,” said Jacobs. She further advised business owners to focus on domestic travellers by modifying their pricing and adopting flexible cancellation policies.

“International tourists are dreaming of their next holiday to South Africa,” according to Gillaume Massey, of the Expedia Group in UAE and Africa. The Senior Business Development Manager shared global market research insights to help George grab a larger share of the tourism market. Massey described evidence of a large increase in online searches for flights to South Africa. He further described the major international trend towards ‘last-minute travel’ and had good news for tourism when he revealed that international travellers are starting to trickle back to South Africa, currently booking for July 2021. He added that many travellers are now spending 3 to 4 times more on their international holidays than before lockdown.

Massey advised local tourism operators to inspire potential travellers; “Tourists are seeking rejuvenation,” he said, “there is a huge demand for holidays which offer rest, relaxation and a focus on mental health”. Gil Massey also advised local tourism providers to ensure that their marketing material provides strong reassurance to potential travellers of COVID safety protocols.

On Thursday the 15th of April, Monika Iuel, the new CMO at WESGRO, shared an overview of the Remote Working, Remote Living campaign’s results to date, as well as highlighting the website. Ilse van Schalkwyk described the Western Cape’s Tourism Blueprint 2030. The Chief Director of Economic Sector Support for the Department of Economic Development and Tourism said the ten-year strategy is designed to stimulate tourism throughout the region. She advised local tourism providers to focus on branding the Garden Route as an ‘active outdoor region’. Van Schalkwyk had welcome news when she announced that George has been identified as a secondary business hub for the Western Cape. It is set to benefit from a growing business events industry and attract investment for a large conference facility.

Tourism establishments interested in partnering with Thompsons should email George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism to get in touch with Trudie Jacobs, the Senior Product and Operations Manager:

George Libraries will be celebrating World Book Day on April 23rd with a book read by local author

George Libraries will celebrate World Book Day, Friday, 23rd April 2021, a symbolic day for the Literature society as they celebrate the enjoyment of books and reading, with a recorded read by local author Michelle Benjamin of her latest book, Its My Horn.

Benjamin is no stranger to the reading society and the recording of her reading her children’s publication will be uploaded to the George Municipality Youtube account and the link will be shared on the George Municipality Facebook page, George Municipal App, George Municipal website, as well as on the George Municipality Twitter account. The recording is for the enjoyment of the public on the day and will be available from early 08h00 on the day.

Benjamin lives in George and is a digital artist, and owner of Lime E-publishing. She has made a number of donations (books and cushions for children to be used during story hour) and made donations of her latest book to the George libraries as well.

According to Rachel Williams, Manager of George Libraries, the said book is an amazing children’s book set in the Kruger National Park and deals with rhino conservation.

Caption: Cover of the children’s book It’s My Horn.

No free bus trips when top-up vendors are offline

No free bus trips when top-up vendors are offline
Issued 20 April 2021

The GO GEORGE Smart Card system allows passengers to manage their travel expenditure and save even more on the already affordable cost of travelling by bus. With good planning, this cashless way of boarding the bus is convenient and in line with Covid-19 safety precautions.

As with any other online business systems such as credit or debit card purchases, technical glitches between the business and the bank do pop up from time to time. GO GEORGE does not have any control over this and strongly advises passengers to top up their cards while they still have trips left. Passengers will not be allowed to board a bus for free only because they could not top up on their way to the bus.

Abuse of system will not be allowed
According to James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, the initial issue of Pacaltsdorp vendors repeatedly being offline has been addressed through various interventions. “This was a major concern, but we are satisfied that the technical shortcomings brought to our attention have been rectified. Unfortunately, some passengers are now abusing the concessions made at the time, by demanding free trips when they have not topped up in time. The only time when free trips might be considered is when all vendors are offline, and only after verification,” Robb said.

Top up before you run out of trips
For passengers’ convenience and as a way of creating business opportunities, independent businesses are being signed up all over town and in residential areas, acting as Smart Card top-up agents in addition to their main business. Passengers are encouraged to support these local businesses, but they can also top up their cards at any of the fixed or mobile GO GEORGE Smart Card kiosks.

Cheaper the more you buy
Smart Card trips bought in bundles of 10 or more cost R10 per trip, bundles of two to eight trips cost R11 per trip and single trips cost R12. A passenger who uses the bus five days per week, could save up to R88 per month by buying bundles of 10 trips and more, instead of loading one trip at a time.
Trips on the Smart Card never expire, so there is no risk of losing trips, even if you don’t travel by bus regularly.
For more information about the bus service, your nearest top-up vendor or the mobile kiosk schedule, please phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044.

Pacaltsdorp has the highest concentration of top-up vendors with numerous alternatives for passengers wanting to top up when a chosen vendor is offline.

Geen gratis busritte wanneer herlaaipunte van lyn af is nie
Uitgereik 20 April 2021

Die GO GEORGE Slimkaartstelsel laat passasiers toe om hul vervoeruitgawes te bestuur en selfs nog meer te bespaar op die reeds bekostigbare koste om per bus te reis. Met goeie beplanning is hierdie kontantlose manier om op die bus te klim gerieflik én in ooreenstemming met Covid-19-veiligheidsvoorsorgmaatreëls.
Soos met enige ander aanlyn-besigheidstelsels soos krediet- of debietkaartaankope, kom tegniese foute tussen die onderneming en die bank wel van tyd tot tyd voor. GO GEORGE het geen beheer hieroor nie en raai passasiers sterk aan om hul kaarte te herlaai voordat alle ritte opgebruik is. Passasiers sal nie toegelaat word om gratis op ‘n bus te klim net omdat hulle nie op pad na die bus kon herlaai nie.

Misbruik van stelsel sal nie toegelaat word nie
Volgens James Robb, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, is die aanvanklike probleem van herlaaipunte in Pacaltsdorp wat herhaaldelik van lyn af was, aangespreek deur verskeie ingrypings. “Dit was ‘n groot bron van kommer, maar ons is tevrede dat die tegniese tekortkominge wat onder ons aandag gebring is, reggestel is. Ongelukkig misbruik sommige passasiers nou die toegewings wat destyds gemaak is deur gratis ritte te eis wanneer hulle nie betyds herlaai het nie. Die enigste keer wanneer gratis ritte oorweeg mag word, is wanneer alle verkopers van lyn af is, en eers ná verifikasie,” het Robb gesê.

Herlaai voordat jou ritte op is
Vir passasiers se gerief en as ‘n manier om sakegeleenthede te skep, word onafhanklike besighede regoor die dorp en in woongebiede geregistreer om as Slimkaartherlaai-agente op te tree, bykomend tot hul hoofbesigheid. Passasiers word aangemoedig om hierdie plaaslike besighede te ondersteun, maar hulle kan ook hul kaarte by enige van die vaste of mobile

GO GEORGE Slimkaartkiosks herlaai.
Goedkoper hoe meer jy koop
Slimkaartritte wat in bondels van 10 of meer gekoop word, kos R10 per rit, bondels van twee tot agt ritte kos R11 per rit en enkelritte kos R12. ‘n Passasier wat die bus vyf dae per week gebruik, kan tot R88 per maand bespaar deur bondels van 10 ritte en meer te koop, in plaas daarvan om een rit op ‘n slag te laai.
Ritte op die Slimkaart verval nooit nie, so daar is geen risiko om ritte te verloor nie, selfs al ry jy nie gereeld bus nie.
Vir meer inligting oor die busdiens, jou naaste herlaaipunt of die mobiele kiosk se skedule, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044.

Pacaltsdorp het die hoogste konsentrasie herlaaipunte met talle alternatiewe vir passasiers wat wil herlaai wanneer ‘n gekose onderneming van lyn af is.

Mayoral letter 7 – April 2021

Mayor’s Newsletter: Written 19 April 2021

On 31 March 2021, the Municipality’s draft budget for 2021/22 to 2023/24 was tabled in Council. In an earlier newsletter, I commented on the structuring of electricity tariffs as they form an integral part of municipal budgets.

Over the past decade, high electricity tariff increases have dominated the basket of services provided by municipalities to the extent of limiting realistic tariff increases required for water, sewerage, refuse and property rates to make overall increases to residential and business customers affordable.

Municipalities are “price-takers” for increases granted to Eskom by Nersa for the bulk electricity purchases as well as nationally negotiated salary increases for municipal employees. These two expense categories comprise 50% (R1249m) of our Operational Expenditure budget of R2496m. Contracted services which include the operational expenditure on Housing projects and GIPTN amount to R599m (24%). The remaining expenditure of R648m covers all the other categories.
For the Operational Budget to balance, Revenue needs to exceed the Expenditure. The increases for Employee Related Costs and

Bulk Purchases, therefore, result in other tariffs being much lower to ensure that affordable tariffs are levied to our customers.

Core Services Revenue is budgeted at R1619m (or 62%) out of Total Revenue of R2628m with Grants Received amounting to R707m (27%). The balance comprises Sundry Revenue of R302m (11%) which includes bus fares of R86m. Electricity contributes R875m or 54% of our Core Services Revenue.

In summary, the administered prices have squeezed the flexibility in levying above inflation tariffs on other services that would realistically provide for sufficient funding for the refurbishment of water, sewerage, roads and storm water infrastructure. The poor management at Eskom has therefore resulted in pressures on municipalities who should have been spending more to maintain and upgrade infrastructure that has served us for the past 40-50 years. In the coming years, the next challenge will be to increase expenditure on maintenance and refurbishment.

We have already embarked on a programme of improving productivity in spending less in certain areas to make more money available for upgrades in infrastructure.

As active citizens we all need to be mindful of our environmental footprint to assist in ensuring that our spending is productive. The Clean George campaign that has recently been launched is targeted to spend approximately R1 000 000 per month employing temporary workers to clean up litter, get streets and verges clean, etc. While providing necessary employment in austere times, these funds could be spent more productively to provide greater value to our communities, e.g. facilitating economic activity. By using the available refuse collection channels and stopping littering, our citizens could therefore help in improving the services of the municipality.
We all need to work together.

GO GEORGE schedules on Public Holidays

With two public holidays coming up, GO GEORGE calls on passengers to take note of the schedules that will be followed on these days.
On both Freedom Day (Tuesday 27 April) and Workers’ Day (Saturday 1 May), the Saturday schedule will apply on all routes.
For any enquiries or assistance with trip planning, phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044, or visit the GO GEORGE Facebook page for the latest news.

Met twee openbare vakansiedae voor die deur, vestig GO GEORGE passasiers se aandag op die skedules wat op hierdie dae gevolg sal word.
Op Vryheidsdag (Dinsdag 27 April) sowel as Werkersdag (Saterdag 1 Mei) sal die Saterdagskedule geld op alle roetes.
Vir enige navrae of hulp met ritbeplanning, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelkantoor by 0800 044 044, of besoek die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad vir die jongste nuus.

Local author launch his book in celebrating World Book day

Local author launch his book in celebrating World Book day

A local blind author, Richard Albertse, will be launching his book “Vision: The story of a seeing blind man” on the 8th of May at George Library as part of World Book Day that is celebrated officially on the 23rd of April. The launch will start at 10h00. The book was recently published by the National Library of South Africa’s Centre for the Book.

According to Rachel Williams, Manager: George Libraries, is the book a novel packed with adventure, comedy, romance and drama. It depicts the life of a person who had to cope with the reality of slowly losing his eyesight. Albertse said about the book, “the reader will discover in the pages of this book inspiration and courage to tackle and better overcome life’s more difficult challenges. The book is a relaxing read. It also makes a fine gift.”

Albertse is a blind and a long-time standing member of the SA Library for the Blind in Grahamstown. “I so enjoy reading books. If I say read, of course I mean listen to. The Grahamstown library has volunteers who read books that are captured in audio on compact disk. The library then lends out these “books” to their members – members that consist of people who cannot read normal print.”

“After winning the follow-up prize in a short story writing competition (Sunbeam in Voices of Disability) in 2015, I embarked on writing a short novel depicting the story of my life (a person who had to learn to cope with gradually losing his sight), he says.

After completing the book, he came to hear of a competition by the National Library of South Africa’s Centre of the Book where one author a year stands a chance of winning a grant to have his/her book published by them. So three years ago he submitted his work and won the grant. First there was a budget problem, then there were the restrictions of Covid-19, but finally his book was published early this year.

Albertse and his wife Riana, moved to George in 1988. He and his wife are both blind and they have a son, a daughter-in-law, and a beautiful granddaughter. He tells of how he and his wife met in school, fell in love and got married in 1981.

Albertse is a telephone switchboard operator at ABSA. “Lord-willing, this year October I will be 40 years at the bank. On my desk at work are 3 computers that are furbished with screen readers. I manage 16 branches’ calls,” explains Albertse. He says his wife cooks, bakes, cleans the house, does the washing, iron and mend clothing. She knits jerseys and looks after their two dogs and three pet birds. Albertse says he keeps the paving clean, he enjoys doing gardening and carpentry, and can fix almost anything. They love to listen to music and they both play different musical instruments. He says they make use of the latest technology to their advantage – technology that’s affordable to them.

If the public wants to attend please RSVP to before 23 April 2021 or contact Elmine Vorster at George Library on for more information.

Photo: Richard Albertse

George Municipality’s Poster Making Competition for schools – Deadline extended

George Municipality’s Poster Making Competition for schools on Energy Sustainability – Deadline for application extended

George Municipality has decided to extend the deadline for application for the POSTER MAKING COMPETITION on the topic of Energy Sustainability with schools, to 23 April. Primary and High Schools are invited to take part in the competition. The idea is for learners to reflect their understanding of Energy Sustainability in the poster.

According to Thabo Yiga from the Electrotechnical Services Directorate, who is spearheading the campaign with other interns in the Directorate, they have received interest from schools, during the past week. Although, most schools still needed more time to get ready for the competition, since public schools were busy with exams and other schools have been on an Easter holiday break.

George Municipality is part of the Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management (EEDSM) programme funded by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. The Municipality received grant funding of R4.5 million for the solar pv project at the George Municipality Main Building parking area and part of the requirements is to spend 1% of that grant funding on creating an energy awareness campaign.

The rules of the competition are as follows, the poster should be accompanied by a half page paragraph of text, explaining the message conveyed by the poster. The maximum number of learners allowed to take part in making the poster is 10 learners per school with the aid of 2 teachers. Primary Schools will be competing with each other, as will the High Schools, for fairness. For planning purposes, all schools wishing to participate must please reply by 23 April 2021. A non-response from a school will be interpreted as not interested.

The selection criteria for the winning poster is as follows: (a) does the message conveyed show the learners understanding of the topic, and is it factually correct? (b) is the poster neat, organised and well presented?

The finished poster can be dropped off at the George Municipality Electrotechnical Services Office in 16 Brick Road, George Industria, 6529. Alternatively, the schools can call the judges on the following numbers 044 801 9255 / 044 801 9221 and the poster entries will be collected. Please ensure that each poster is clearly marked on the back with the name of the school, name of the teacher, name of the pupil, age of the pupil and grade as well as the contact details for the school. Unmarked posters will unfortunately not be judged.
The closing date for the competition is the 21st of May 2021.

George Municipality will retain the posters on completion of the competition. Enquiries about the competition can be send to Thabo Yiga on

The Electrotechnical Directorate will provide basic poster making materials to those schools that require it. This will be A3 poster papers, coloured pens and pencils and glues. Schools who already have the materials or want to use any other materials are allowed to do that. The winning school will receive a prize to the value of R5 000, and the winning poster will be advertised in the George Herald Newspaper. All participating learners will receive goody bags as tokens of appreciation.

Sustainable energy is power which is able to be replenished within a human lifetime and so cause no long-term damage to the environment. Sustainable energy includes all renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, biomass, geothermal, wind, wave, tidal and solar energies.

George Municipality’s Poster Making Competition for schools on Energy Sustainability

George Municipality invites schools to participate in a POSTER MAKING COMPETITION on the topic of Energy Sustainability.The idea is for learners to reflect their understanding of Energy Sustainability in the poster.

Sustainable energy is power which is able to be replenished within a human lifetime and so cause no long-term damage to the environment. Sustainable energy includes all renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, biomass, geothermal, wind, wave, tidal and solar energies.

George Municipality is part of the Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management (EEDSM) programme funded by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. The Municipality received grant funding of R4.5 million for the solar pv project at the George Municipality Main Building parking area and part of the requirements is to spend 1% of that grant funding on creating an energy awareness campaign.

According to Thabo Yiga from the Electrotechnical Services Directorate, who is spearheading the campaign, the poster should be accompanied by a half page paragraph of text, explaining the message conveyed by the poster. The maximum number of learners allowed to take part in making the poster is 10 learners per school with the aid of 2 teachers.

The Electrotechnical Directorate will provide basic poster making materials to those schools that require it. This will be A3 poster papers, coloured pens and pencils and glues. Schools who already have the materials or want to use any other materials are allowed to do that. The winning school will receive a prize to the value of R5 000, and the winning poster will be advertised in the George Herald Newspaper. All participating learners will receive goody bags as tokens of appreciation.

According to Yiga, Primary Schools will be competing with each other, as will the High Schools, for fairness. For planning purposes, all schools wishing to participate must please reply within a week from 9 April 2021. A non-response from a school will be interpreted as not interested.

The selection criteria for the winning poster is as follows: (a) does the message conveyed show the learners understanding of the topic, and is it factually correct? (b) is the poster neat, organised and well presented?
The finished poster can be dropped off at the George Municipality Electrotechnical Services Office in 16 Brick Road, George Industria, 6529. Alternatively, the schools can call the judges on the following numbers 044 801 9255 / 044 801 9221 and the poster entries will be collected. Please ensure that each poster is clearly marked on the back with the name of the school, name of the teacher, name of the pupil, age of the pupil and grade as well as the contact details for the school. Unmarked posters will unfortunately not be judged.

The closing date for the competition is the 21st of May 2021.
George Municipality will retain the posters on completion of the competition. Enquiries about the competition can be send to Thabo Yiga on

Mayoral letter 6 – April 2021

Die konsep begroting vir die 2021/22 finansiële jaar is verlede week ter tafel gelê en het die nuwe tariewe vir elektrisiteit ingesluit. Ek verduidelik hieronder hoe hierdie tariewe bepaal word.

Nersa (“National Energy Regulator of South Africa”) bepaal die verhoging van elektrisiteitspryse wat Eskom aan verbruikers mag deurgee. Die prys waarteen elektrisiteit aan Munisipaliteite (“Muns”) verkoop styg met 17,8%. ‘n Formule word deur Nersa gebruik om die prysstyging wat Muns aan verbruikers kan deurgee, te bepaal. Bedrae vir onderhoud, salarisse en die netto toelaatbare marges op elektrisiteit word in hierdie jaar se verkoopsprys-styging van 14,59% ingereken.

Eskom verskaf dus elektrisiteit aan Muns teen die grootmaat-prys. Muns is dan verantwoordelik om hul eie verspreidingsnetwerk en substasies in stand te hou om hulle huishoudelike- en besigheids- verbruikers van krag te verskaf. Die kostes om elektrisiteit te versprei sluit onder andere die volgende in: onderhoud op kraglyne, transformators, substasies, onderhoudspanne, waardevermindering op toerusting, asook die interne gebruik van krag (vir pompstasies, straatligte, geboue) en behels ongeveer 30% van die totale aankope.

Daar is verskillende tariewe waarteen Eskom krag aan Muns verkoop afhangende van “piek” of “nie-piek” tye vir “winter” en “somer”. Die totale bedrag vir aankope vir die jaar is dus die kilowatt-ure teen die verskillende tariewe. Die Muns moet gevolglik daagliks statistiek hou van hulle aankope en verkope teenoor die verskillende tariewe en wie die verbruikers is.
Om die verkoopspryse te bepaal moet elke Mun die verbruikspatroon ontleed. Nywerhede word teen “time of use” tariewe gehef; “piek”-tariewe is dus baie duurder as ander tye. Die tarief vir verkope aan huishoudings word teen ‘n gemiddelde prys vir die jaar bepaal wat laer is as die hoë “winter-piek” pryse (maw die Mun verkoop teen ‘n verlies) maar wat ook die laer “somer”- en “nie-piek” tye in ag neem.

Ons Mun gebruik tans (2020/21) nog ‘n eenmalige tarief van 206,4 sent per kilowatt-uur sonder BTW (237,3 sent BTW ingesluit) vir alle verkope aan huishoudelike verbruikers (deernis-gevalle betaal minder vir ‘n getal eenhede). Sommige van ons naburige Muns het alreeds ‘n basiese beskikbaarheids-heffing begin toepas waar huishoudings ‘n bedrag van byvoorbeeld R50 (of R100) per maand betaal voordat hulle kilowatt-uur eenhede aankoop. Die aanvanklike blok eenhede wat aangekoop word sal dan goedkoper wees as die eenmalige tarief wat George hef maar daarna styg die tarief soos addisionele blokke aangekoop word. Hierdie stelsel word ook die “inclining block tariff” stelsel genoem. George moet nog die besluit neem of die laasgenoemde stelsel in die toekoms ingestel gaan word.

Die verkope van elektrisitiet vir 2021/22 word op R875m beraam (teenoor aankope van R616m) wat 54% van George se inkomste uit kerndienste en belasting verteenwoordig. Hierdie inkomstebron is dus uiters belangrik vir ons hele samelewing.



The draft budget for the 2021/22 financial year was tabled last week and included the new tariffs for electricity. The Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk, explains below how these rates are determined.

Nersa (National Energy Regulator of South Africa) stipulates the increase in electricity prices that Eskom may pass on to consumers. The price at which electricity is sold to Municipalities (“Muns”) increases by 17.8%. A formula is used by Nersa to determine the price increase that Muns can pass on to consumers. Amounts for maintenance, salaries and the net allowable margins on electricity are included in this year’s sales price increase of 14.59%.

Eskom therefore supplies electricity to Muns at the bulk price. Muns is then responsible for maintaining their own distribution network and substations to power their domestic and business consumers. The costs of distributing electricity include the following: maintenance on power lines, transformers, substations, maintenance teams, depreciation on equipment, as well as the internal use of power (for pump stations, street lights, buildings) and comprises approximately 30% of total purchases .

There are different rates at which Eskom sells power to Muns depending on “peak” or “non-peak” times for “winter” and “summer”. The total amount for purchases for the year is therefore the kilowatt hours at the different rates. The Muns must therefore keep daily statistics of their purchases and sales against the different tariffs and who the consumers are.

To determine the selling prices, each Mun must analyse the consumption pattern. Industries are charged at time of use rates; “Peak” rates are therefore much more expensive than other times. The tariff for sales to households is determined at an average price for the year which is lower than the high “winter-peak” prices (ie the Mun sells at a loss) but which also includes the lower “summer” – and “not peak ”times.

Our Mun currently uses (2020/21) another one-off rate of 206.4 cents per kilowatt hour without VAT (237.3 cents VAT included) for all sales to domestic consumers (indigent consumers pay less for a number of units). Some of our neighbouring Muns have already started applying a basic availability levy where households pay an amount of, for example, R50 (or R100) per month before purchasing kilowatt-hour units. The initial block of units purchased will then be cheaper than the one-time rate charged by George but thereafter the rate will increase as additional blocks are purchased. This system is also called the “inclining block tariff” system. George has yet to decide whether the latter system will be introduced in the future.

Sales of electricity for 2021/22 are estimated at R875m (compared to purchases of R616m) which represents 54% of George’s revenue from core services and taxes. This source of income is therefore extremely important for our entire society.

George Municipality achieves Unqualified audit opinion for 2019/20 Audit Outcome

George Municipality confirms that it received an unqualified audit opinion, with one matter raised. The financial statements present fairly, in all material respects for the financial position as at 30 June 2020, and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the South African Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (SA Standards of GRAP) and the requirements of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 (MFMA) and the Division of Revenue Act 16 of 2019 (Dora). An Unqualified opinion is defined as an auditor’s opinion that the financials are fairly presented in all material respects.

The matter raised refers to the accuracy of the Indigent Database. It must be noted that George Municipality runs annual awareness campaigns around the registration of Indigents on the database as well as auditing of the older applications. The implementation of the standard annual actions for 2020 was however hindered by challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. The Financial Services Directorate ran an awareness campaign in February of this year around Indigent Registration and the importance of updating information with the department and will continue to put in place internal control measures to ensure that the database is accurate.

George Municipality remains committed to the principles of good governance and continues to practice the principles and procedures required to maintain our fiscal discipline and stability. Our officials remain committed to delivering services of a high quality, continued good governance and compliance with legislation.

1. AFS – Audited Financial Statements
2. Qualified Opinion – The financial statements contain material misstatements in specific amounts, or there is insufficient evidence for us to conclude that specific amounts included in the financial statements are not materially misstated.
3. Unqualified Opinion The financial statements contain no material misstatements. Unless the Auditor-General expresses a “clean audit outcome”, findings have been raised on either reporting on predetermined objectives or non-compliance with legislation, or both these aspects.
4. Clean Audit – The financial statements are free from material misstatements (in other words, a financially unqualified audit opinion) and there are no material findings on reporting on performance objectives or non-compliance with legislation.

24 new flush toilets handed over to Kleinkrantz Informal Settlement

The Executive Mayor of George, Ald Leon van Wyk and senior Councillors from George Municipality were delighted to officially hand over 24 new flush toilets to residents of the Kleinkrantz Informal Settlement on Wednesday, 10 March.
Ald van Wyk noted that this was an important project where the municipality installed concrete slabs for the toilets, and the flush toilets were connected the existing water pipeline providing a positive change for residents who have used chemical toilets for many years.
Claudine van Staden and her husband, William, have been living in the Kleinkrantz Informal settlement for 26 years. Claudine, who runs a soup kitchen in the settlement says the flush toilets are more hygienic for her family and the rest of the residents.
Jonathan Miggels was so excited with his new ‘throne’ that he almost immediately painted it. “I am proud of the new facility and will keep it clean and maintain it. I’ve been a resident for 26 years in the settlement and this new toilet is definitely more convenient than the chemical toilets they used previously.”
Cllr Raybin Figland, Portfolio Councillor of Housing Settlements, says he is proud of the upgrade to a better facility and that this was a step in the right direction, to restoring the dignity of residents. Cllr Marlene Barnardt, Ward Councillor for Kleinkrantz, says she and the residents can hardly contain their excitement with the new facilities and together with the residents, she has many plans to make the toilet facilities even more attractive.
Edwin Herandien, Deputy Director: Human Settlements confirmed plastic doors have been used for the facilities to deter vandals from breaking the doors.
There are 66 families residing in the settlement. During the roll-out of the Informal Settlements’ masterplan, a total of 24 chemical toilets and 8 taps were provided to the inhabitants residing in this settlement. The toilets were provided from grant funding on a ratio of 1 sanitation facility for every 5 structures and 1 tap for every 25 structures as per the norm prescribed by the National Department of Human Settlements. The area where the settlement is situated is not level and the Municipality had to move toilets closer to structures where the elderly or disabled people live.
The George Municipality made funding available on the budget for the upgrading of informal settlements and this settlement was chosen due to the fact that water-borne toilets could easily be connected to the sewer system at a minimal cost. Existing toilet structures, harvested from another project, were upgraded (new toilet pots and cisterns installed) and utilised for this project which further reduced the cost. An additional 12 taps were also provided to the settlement.
Herandien said the service of 24 chemical toilets cost the Municipality an astronomical amount of around R18 000 per month. The project commenced at the end of January 2021 and the completion date of the project was February 2021.
Hendriena Terblanche (50) has been living in the settlement for more than 30 years. Here she is with her grandchild, Lee-Ché Terblanche at one of the new toilets. At the back are Mayor Leon van Wyk and to the right is Cllr Raybin Figland.
Short Clip:
Jonathan Miggels was so excited with his new ‘throne’ that he almost immediately painted it. Miggels has been a resident for 26 years in the settlement. He is here with Mayor Van Wyk who officially handed over the facilities. –

George Libraries celebrating Library Week from 15 – 20 March and World Poetry day

George Libraries celebrating Library Week from 15 – 20 March and World Poetry day

Issued by George Municipality on 15 March 2021 for immediate release


This year Water Week (15 to 22 March) and Human Rights Month will form part of Library Week and the George library will make water and human rights information part of its displays.


The Thembalethu Library will arrange an online story reading for the age group that still may not enter the library and will hold a poetry reading tomorrow, 16 March with local poet, Nkosinathi Meziwa, that launched his poetry book, Lolani izikrwege, at the Thembalethu Library recently. The eclectic poetry book which has a bit of everything is in English and isiXhosa.
Archie Swanson, a local author, will record a discussion on poems from his latest anthology and a podcast of a radio programme and poem readings will be part of a poetry evening tomorrow, Tuesday 16 March  at 18h00.

National Poetry Day on the 21st of March falls on a weekend this year and activities at the libraries will be held earlier.

Biographical information of local authors in George will be displayed at the George Library in honour of Kippie van Straaten, a senior librarian of George Library, who started the files and who passed away during 2020. The library will have an outreach to the Up with Downs organisation and  have a virtual storytelling of Dr. Seuss.


Blanco Library will be distributing bookmarks and library bags and posters at different community points during the week. The library will be donating books to the friends of the library and focus on promoting the importance of reading as a key to human wellbeing. On the 19th of March they will be visiting local schools in celebration of Library Week.


At Haarlem Library they will have a digital show and tell activity to make animals out of recycled material for children. The show will be pre-recorded on video and loaded on the George Municipality YouTube channel during the Week.


Pacaltsdorp Librarians will be visiting different institutions to speak about Library Week.

Caption: Annette Kortman of Thembalethu Library.


GO GEORGE schedules on upcoming Public Holidays


Issued Monday 15 March 2021


With several public holidays coming up, GO GEORGE calls on passengers to take note of the schedules that will be followed on these days.

With Human Rights Day (21 March) falling on a Sunday this year, Monday the 22nd of March will be a public holiday with the buses operating according to the Saturday schedule.

Over the Easter weekend, Friday the 2nd of April will see the buses run according to the Sunday schedule, and on Monday the 5th of April, the Saturday schedule will apply on all routes.

For any enquiries or assistance with trip planning, phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044, or visit the GO GEORGE Facebook page for the latest news.



Uitgereik Maandag 15 Maart 2021


Met verskeie openbare vakansiedae voor die deur, vestig GO GEORGE passasiers se aandag op die skedules wat op hierdie dae gevolg sal word.

Met Menseregtedag (21 Maart) wat hierdie jaar op ‘n Sondag val, is Maandag 22 Maart ‘n openbare vakansiedag en sal die busse volgens die Saterdagskedule ry.

Oor die Paasnaweek sal die Sondagskedule gevolg word op Vrydag 2 April, en Maandag 5 April sal die Saterdagskedule op alle roetes geld.

Vir enige navrae of hulp met ritbeplanning, skakel die GO GEORGE-inbelkantoor by 0800 044 044, of besoek die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad vir die jongste nuus.