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Author: Debra Sauer

Planned power outage 18 November 2021 – Portion of Thembalethu: Zone 6 & 7, Nelson Mandela Blvd, Asazani

Date Issued: 15\11\2021



NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on THURSDAY 18 NOVEMBER 2021 FROM 10H00 TO 16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on
FRIDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2021 FROM 10H00 TO 16H30.


Tel: 044 874 3917
Datum Uitgereik: 15\11\2021



KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op DONDERDAG 18 NOVEMBER 2021 VANAF 10H00 TOT 16H30 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op VRYDAG 19 NOVEMBER 2021 VANAF 10H00 TOT 16H30


Land Use Application Notice: Erven 662 and 663, George



Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 48 (2)(a) of the George Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015 that the undermentioned application has been received on Erven 662 & 663, Davidson Road, George by the George Local Municipality, Directorate: Planning and Development.

Any objection(s) and/or comment(s) with full reasons therefore and how their interests are affected, should be lodged in writing via e-mail to the responsible Administrative Officer Primrose Nako ( or, if no email facility is available, via SMS to the cellphone number of the said Official (only provided on request) and/or to the applicant, in terms of Section 50 of the George Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015, on/ or before 13 December 2021 quoting the application erf number, your property description, physical address and full contact details (email and telephone) of the person or body submitting the objection/ comment, without which the Municipality/applicant cannot correspond with said person/body.

Enquiries or requests for more information on the application may be directed to the Town Planning Department on Telephone: 044 801 9477 or e-mail to the responsible Administrative Officer: Primrose Nako ( or the Applicant (details below). The application will also be available, on the Municipal Website for 30 days. Any comments/objection received after the above-mentioned closing date may be disregarded.

Property Description: Erven 663 & 662, Davidson Road, George
Applicant Details: DELPLAN Consulting: Tel. 044 873 4566 / on behalf of J Mackenzie.

Nature of Application:
• Consolidation in terms of Section 15(2)(e) of the Land Use Planning By-Law for George Municipality, 2015 of Erf 662 and Erf 663 into one portion (Portion A).
• Amendment of condition in terms of Section 15 (2) (h) of condition 1. To allow for 7 Group housing units in lieu of 6 units.
• Subdivision in terms of Section 15(2)(d) of the Land Use Planning By-Law for George Municipality, 2015 of portion A into the following:
o Portion 1 (542m²)
o Portion 2 (541 m²)
o Portion 3 (586 m²)
o Portion 4 (728 m²)
o Portion 5 (654 m²)
o Portion 6 (1017 m²)
o Portion 7 (562 m²)
o Remainder (891m²)

•Departure in terms of Section 15(2)(b) of the Land Use Planning By-Law for George Municipality, 2015 for the relaxation of the following building lines:
o Northern rear building line of Portion 4 from 3m to 0.24 for the existing garage.
o Eastern side building line of Portion 5 from 3m to 1.25m for the existing outbuilding.
o Eastern side building line of Portion 6 from 3m to 1.05m for the existing outbuilding.
o Eastern side building line of Portion 6 from 3m to 0m for the existing garage and carport.
o Eastern side building line of Portion 7 from 3m to 2.09m for the existing house.
o Southern street building line of Portion 7 from 5m to 4.61m for the existing house.
• Approval of Hi-Lands Constitution in terms of Section 15(2)(l), of the Land Use Planning By-Law for George Municipality, 2015.

Reference Number: 2081532



Kragtens Artikel 48 (2)(a) van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 word hiermee kennis gegee dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is op Erwe 662 & 663, Davidsonweg, George deur die George Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Direktoraat Beplanning en Ontwikkeling.

Enige besware en/of kommentare, insluitend die volledige redes daarvoor en `n verduideliking van hoe die persoon se belange geraak word deur die aansoek, moet skriftelike ingedien word per e-pos by die relevante Administratiewe Beampte Primrose Nako (, of as geen e-pos fasiliteit beskikbaar is nie, per SMS na die selfoon nommer van genoemde Amptenaar (slegs beskikbaar op versoek) en / of by die applikant, in terme van Artikel 50 van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 op / of voor 13 Desember 2021 met verwysing na die eiendomsbeskrywing relevant tot die aansoek, eiendomsbeskrywing en fisiese adres en volledige kontak besonderhede (e-pos adres en telefoon nommer) van die persoon of liggaam wat die beswaar/kommentaar indien, waarsonder die Munisipaliteit nie kan korrespondeer met die persoon/liggaam wat die beswaar(e) en/of kommentaar ingedien het nie.

Navrae of verdere inligting ten opsigte van die aansoek kan gerig word aan die Stadsbeplannings Departement by Telefoon: 044 801 9477 of deur `n e-pos te rig aan die verantwoordelike Administratiewe Beampte Primrose Nako (, of deur die applikant te kontak (kontak besonderhede onderaan). Die aansoek sal ook beskikbaar wees op die Munisipale webtuiste vir 30 dae. Enige kommentare/ besware wat na die voorgemelde sluitings datum ontvang word, mag moontlik nie in ag geneem word nie.

Eiendomsbeskrywing: Erwe 662 & 663, Davidsonweg, George
Besonderhede van Applikant: DELPLAN Consulting: 044 873 4566 / namens J Mackenzie.
Aard van aansoek:
• Konsolidasie ingevolge Artikel 15(2)(e) van die Grondgebruikbeplanningsverordening vir George Munisipaliteit, 2015 van Erwe 662 en 663 om een gedeelte te vorm (Gedeelte A).
• Wysiging van voorwaarde ingevolge Artikel 15 (2) (h) van voorwaarde 1. Om voorsiening te maak vir 7 Groepbehuisingseenhede in plaas van 6 eenhede.

• Onderverdeling ingevolge Artikel 15(2)(d) van die Verordening op Grondgebruikbeplanning vir George Munisipaliteit, 2015 van gedeelte A in die volgende gedeeltes:
o Gedeelte 1 (542m²)
o Gedeelte 2 (541 m²)
o Gedeelte 3 (586 m²)
o Gedeelte 4 (728 m²)
o Gedeelte 5 (654 m²)
o Gedeelte 6 (1017 m²)
o Gedeelte 7 (562 m²)
o Restant (891m²)
• Afwyking ingevolge Artikel 15(2)(b) van die Verordening op Grondgebruikbeplanning vir George Munisipaliteit, 2015 vir die verslapping van die volgende boulyne:
o Noordelike agterste boulyn van Gedeelte 4 vanaf 3m na 0.24 vir die bestaande motorhuis.
o Oostelike syboulyn van Gedeelte 5 vanaf 3m na 1.25m vir die bestaande buitegebou.
o Oostelike syboulyn van Gedeelte 6 vanaf 3m na 1.05m vir die bestaande buitegebou.
o Oostelike syboulyn van Gedeelte 6 vanaf 3m na 0m vir die bestaande motorhuis en motorafdak.
o Oostelike syboulyn van Gedeelte 7 vanaf 3m na 2.09m vir die bestaande huis.
o Suidelike straatboulyn van Gedeelte 7 vanaf 5m na 4.61m vir die bestaande huis.
• Goedkeuring van Hi-Lands Konstitusie ingevolge Artikel 15(2)(l), van die Verordening op Grondgebruikbeplanning vir George Munisipaliteit, 2015.

Verwysingsnommer: 2081532

Land Use Application Notice: Erf 4245, George




Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 45 of the George Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015 that the undermentioned application with relation to Erf 4245, George was received by the George Local Municipality, Directorate: Planning and Development.

Any objection(s) and/or comment(s) with full reasons therefore and how their interests are affected, should be lodged in writing via e-mail to the responsible Administrative Officer (Marina Welman, E-mail:, Tel: 044 801 9171) or, if no email facility is available, via SMS to the cellphone number of the said Official (only provided on request) and/or to the applicant, in terms of Section 50 of the George Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015, on/ or before 15th December 2021 quoting the application erf number, your property description, physical address and full contact details (email and telephone) of the person or body submitting the objection/ comment, without which the Municipality/applicant cannot correspond with said person/body.

Enquiries or requests for more information on the application may be directed to the Town Planning Department on Telephone: 044 801 9477 or emailed to the responsible Administrative Officer: (Marina Welman, E-mail:, Tel: 044 801 9171) or the Applicant (details provided below). The application will also be available, on the Municipal Website ( for 30 days. Any comments/ objection received after the above-mentioned closing date may be disregarded.

Property Description:
Erf 4245 (9 Cypress Avenue), George

Applicant Details:
Stéfan de Kock, Perception Planning, E-mail:, Tel: 0825684719)

Nature of Application:
• Subdivision in terms of Section 15(2)(d) of the George Municipality: Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015, for the creation of two new portions, namely a Portion A (± 919m² in extent) and Remainder of Erf 4245 (± 1,200m² in extent).
• Consent use, in terms of Section 15(2)(o) of the George Municipality: Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015, for a Second Dwelling (± 113m² in extent) on the proposed Remainder of Erf 4245, George;
• Departures in terms of Section 15(2)(b) of the George Municipality: Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015 for relaxation of building lines to accommodate existing structures as follow:
– Northern building line of proposed Portion A from 2m to 0m to accommodate the existing servant’s and store rooms;
– Southern building line of proposed Remainder from 3m to 2.1m and 2.44m, respectively to accommodate the existing dwelling house;
– Eastern building line of proposed Remainder from 3m to 1.74m to accommodate the existing building/ proposed second dwelling.

Reference Number: (2081805)

D Power: Deputy Director: Planning, George Municipality




Kragtens Artikel 45 van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 word hiermee kennis gegee dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is op Erf 4245, George deur die George Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Direktoraat Beplanning en Ontwikkeling.

Enige besware en/of kommentare, insluitend volledige redes daarvoor asook `n verduideliking van hoe die person se belange geraak word deur die aansoek, moet skriftelike ingedien word per e-pos by die relevante Administratiewe Beampte (Marina Welman, E-mail:, Tel: 044 801 9171), of as geen e-pos fasiliteit beskikbaar is nie, per SMS na die selfoon nommer van genoemde Amptenaar (slegs beskikbaar op versoek) en/of by die applikant, in terme van Artikel 50 van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 op/ of voor 15 Desember 2021 met verwysing na die eiendomsbeskrywing relevant tot die aansoek, eiendomsbeskrywing en fisiese adres en volledige kontak besonderhede (e-pos en telefoon) van die persoon of liggaam wat die beswaar/kommentaar indien, waarsonder die Munisipaliteit nie kan korrespondeer met die persoon/liggaam wat die beswaar(e) en/of kommentaar ingedien het nie.

Navrae of verdere inligting ten opsigte van die aansoek kan gerig word aan die Stadsbeplannings Departement by Telefoon: 044 801 9477 of deur `n e-pos te rig aan die verantwoordelike Administratiewe Beampte (Marina Welman, E-pos:, Tel: 044 801 9171) of deur die applikant te kontak (soos per kontak besonderhede onderaan). Die aansoek sal ook beskikbaar wees op die Munisipale webtuiste ( vir 30 dae. Enige kommentare/ besware wat na die voorgemelde sluitings datum ontvang word, mag moontlik nie in ag geneem word nie.

Eiendoms Beskrywing:
Erf 4245 (9 Cypress laan), George

Besonderhede van Applikant:
Stéfan de Kock, Perception Planning, E-pos:, Tel: 0825684719)

Aard van Aansoek:
• Onderverdeling in terme van Artikel 15(2)(d) van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 vir die skep van twee nuwe gedeeltes, naamlik Gedeelte A (± 919m² in grootte) en ‘n Restant (± 1,200m² in grootte);
• Vergunningsgebruik in terme van Artikel 15(2)(o) van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 vir ‘n Tweede Woning (±113m² in grootte) op die Restant van Erf 4245, George;
• Afwykings in terme van Artikel 15(2)(b) van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 vir die verslapping van die volgende boulyne ten einde die volgende bestaande strukture te akkommodeer:
– Noordelike boulyn van voorgestelde Gedeelte A van 2m na 0m ten einde die bestaande stoor- en bediendekamers te akkommodeer;
– Suidelike boulyne van voorgestelde Restant van 3m na 2.1m en 2.44m onderskeidelik, ten einde die bestaande woonhuis te akkommodeer;
– Oostelike boulyn van die voorgestelde Restant van 3m na 1.74m ten einde die bestaande gebou/ voorgestelde tweede woning te akkommodeer.

Verwysings nommer: (2081805)

D Power: Adjunk Direkteur: Beplanning, George Munisipaliteit

Disability sensitization in Touwsranten during Disability Month, November

Disability sensitization in Touwsranten during Disability Month, November
Issued by George Municipality, 16 November 2021

George Municipality Gender and Disability subsection and APD (Association for Persons with Disabilities) is using November, Disability Awareness Month, to raise awareness of what it means to be an inclusive society where the rights of persons with disabilities are upheld.
The Disability and Gender subsection personnel in the Community Development department held an outreach in Touwsranten to sensitize the community about the rights of people with disabilities.
November is celebrated globally as Disability Awareness Month. The international theme proclaimed by the United Nations for this year is: “Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all.”
Ejustley Boshoff, Coordinator of the Gender and Disability subsection for George Municipality, said the purpose of the outreach in Touwsranten was not only to raise awareness about the rights of people with disabilities, but also to collect data. “We assisted a mother who has a daughter who have a mental disability. She knew her child is not well but did not know where to go for help,” Boshoff said.
APD staff arranged for assistance for the mother and child to identify what type of disability the child has so that she can get the necessary help.
The group used the outreach to sensitize the children about disability matters, a positive self-image, sexuality and more.

Touws 2(1): Ejustley Boshoff speaks to young children about disability issues.

Touws2(2): Staff from George Municipality Gender and Disability subsection and APD speak to a disabled person in her home in Touwsranten.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Municipal Gate Access – Victoria and Progress Streets

PUBLIC NOTICE: Municipal Gate Access – Victoria and Progress Streets
Issued George Municipality, Monday 15 November 2021
George Municipality has installed gates at the entrances to the parking area for the main municipal building, at the Progress Street and Victoria Street intersections. Please note these are standard property entrances and not roads for public use.
The gates will remain open during the day, Monday to Friday and will be closed from 18h00 and reopen at 06h00.
Saturday and Sunday, Public Holidays the gates will remain closed – Issued by George Municipality

PUBLIEKE KENNISGEWING: Munisipale hektoegang – Victoria- en Progressstrate
Uitgereik George Munisipaliteit, Donderdag, 15 November 2021
George Munisipaliteit het hekke geïnstalleer by die ingange na die parkeerarea vir die hoof munisipale gebou, by die Progressstraat en Victoriastraat kruisings. Neem asseblief kennis dat dit standaard-eiendomingange is en nie paaie vir openbare gebruik nie.
Die hekke sal oop bly gedurende die dag, Maandag tot Vrydag en sal gesluit wees vanaf 18h00 en heropen om 06h00.
Saterdag en Sondag, Openbare Vakansiedae sal die hekke gesluit bly – Uitgereik deur George Munisipaliteit


What is universal access?
Issued 9 November 2021

“Universal access” (UA) is a familiar term in the sphere of disability and certainly a buzz word in the public transport industry, including the GO GEORGE bus service. If you don’t move in these circles, you might think that it refers to access to anywhere in the universe.

It is, however, important that every citizen should understand the term and how they fit into the picture and expectations for society to create and provide “universal access”.

Universal access refers to the ability of all people to have equal opportunity and access to a service or product from which they can benefit, regardless of their social class, ethnicity, ancestry as well as their age, gender and whether or not they have a disability. In this framework, the universal accessibility of public transport can be critical for different purposes such as commuting to work, joining in entertainment activities, or buying products and services.

Under South African law and in terms of international commitments that have been made, passengers with different ways of moving (children, young people, the elderly, people with disabilities, people carrying babies or shopping, pregnant women, etc.) must be able to use public transport services in comfort, safety, speed and capacity; in other words, with dignity.

How is GO GEORGE implementing UA?
According to James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, being universally accessible is about much more than being able to get on the bus. “Most people know that we provide accessible boarding through the ramps and hoists on our buses, and that priority seats are reserved for passengers with special needs. However, we also need to consider the condition of the sidewalks that people have to use to get to the bus, the placing of shelters on narrow sidewalks and the space left for people using mobility devices.

“We have to consider the legibility of the bus stop sign and as a matter of fact, all our communication products, such as the font types, colour contrasts and descriptors of visual material on our website. Tactile paving at the bus stop communicates to passengers who are blind where to wait, at the same time not causing obstruction.

“We have to take into account the proximity of bus stops to pedestrian crossings, and in the future, we must look at the planning of our city to make sure people can easily access their destinations. We have to consider making public space safe, easy and pleasant to use, including contrasting colours on what we call ‘street furniture’ and wayfinding signage, to maximise visibility.

“Finally, we have to sensitise our service providers to be responsive and considerate. We have a very committed driver and customer care team due to an innovative training approach. Passengers must be able to experience improvements in the service and know that we will respond where we have got it wrong. Behind the scenes, we are continually striving to adapt the way professional teams deliver services so that they implement improvements in a coordinated fashion, using universal design.

“Universal access is more complex than many people think, but it is a challenge that GO GEORGE gladly accepts and tackles with enthusiasm.”

Anyone interested to know more about universal access and how it is applied within the public transport industry, is welcome to contact GO GEORGE by phoning the Call Centre on 0800 044 044 or sending an email to

Dropped kerb:
George sidewalks are progressively being upgraded to be more accessible. Pedestrian crossings have kerb drops which are accessible to people with mobility impairments.
Accessing standard bus:
On the larger buses, an electronic ramp is deployed to the elevated bus stop to provide access to passengers using wheelchairs or other mobility devices.
Minibus hoist:
The minibus has been equipped with a hydraulic hoist giving access to passengers with mobility impairment.

Wat is universele toegang?
Uitgereik 9 November 2021

“Universele toegang” (Universal Access of UA) is ‘n bekende term in die sfeer van gestremdheid en beslis ‘n gonswoord in die openbare vervoerbedryf, insluitend die GO GEORGE-busdiens. As jy nie in hierdie kringe beweeg nie, kan jy dink dat dit bloot verwys na toegang tot enige plek in die heelal.

Dit is egter belangrik dat elke burger die term moet verstaan en hoe hulle inpas by die prentjie en verwagtinge vir die samelewing om “universele toegang” te skep en te verskaf.
Universele toegang verwys na die vermoë van alle mense om gelyke geleenthede en toegang tot ‘n diens of produk te hê waaruit hulle kan baat vind, ongeag hul sosiale klas, etnisiteit, afkoms sowel as hul ouderdom, geslag en of hulle ‘n gestremdheid het of nie. In hierdie raamwerk kan die universele toeganklikheid van openbare vervoer van kritieke belang wees vir verskillende doeleindes soos pendel om by die te werk te kom, by vermaaklikheidsaktiwiteite in te skakel of produkte en dienste te koop.

Ingevolge die Suid-Afrikaanse reg en in terme van internasionale verbintenisse wat aangegaan is, moet passasiers met verskillende maniere van beweging (kinders, jongmense, bejaardes, mense met gestremdhede, mense wat babas by hulle het of inkopiesakke dra, swanger vroue, ens.) openbare vervoerdienste met gemak, veiligheid, spoed en kapasiteit kan gebruik; met ander woorde, met waardigheid.

Hoe pas GO GEORGE universele toegang toe?
Volgens James Robb, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, gaan universele toegang oor baie meer as om op die bus te kan klim. “Die meeste mense weet dat ons toeganklike opklim op die bus deur die skuins opritte en hystoestelle op ons busse verskaf, en dat prioriteitsitplekke gereserveer word vir passasiers met spesiale behoeftes. Ons moet egter ook die toestand van die sypaadjies oorweeg wat mense moet gebruik om by die bus uit te kom, die plasing van skuilings op smal sypaadjies en die ruimte wat oorbly vir mense wat mobiliteitstoestelle gebruik.

“Ons moet die leesbaarheid van die bushalteteken in gedagte hou, asook die toeganklikheid van al ons kommunikasieprodukte, met byvoorbeeld die lettertipes en kleurkontraste wat gebruik word, en beskrywings van visuele materiaal op ons webwerf. Voelbare plaveisel by die bushalte kommunikeer aan passasiers wat blind is waar om te wag en terselfdertyd nie obstruksie te veroorsaak nie.
“Ons moet die nabyheid van bushaltes vir voetgangeroorgange in ag neem, en in die toekoms moet ons kyk na die beplanning van ons stad om seker te maak mense kan maklik toegang tot hul bestemmings kry. Ons moet daaraan werk om openbare ruimte veilig, maklik en aangenaam te maak om te gebruik. Dit sal kontrasterende kleure beteken op wat ons ‘straatmeubels’ en rigtingaanwysingsborde noem, om sigbaarheid te maksimaliseer.

“Ten slotte moet ons ons diensverskaffers sensitiseer om bedagsaam te wees en te reageer wanneer nodig. Ons het ‘n baie toegewyde busdrywer- en kliëntediensspan te danke aan ‘n innoverende opleidingsbenadering. Passasiers moet verbeterings in die diens kan ervaar en weet dat ons sal reageer waar ons verkeerd was. Agter die skerms streef ons voortdurend daarna om die manier waarop professionele spanne dienste lewer aan te pas sodat hulle verbeterings op ‘n gekoördineerde wyse implementeer deur universele ontwerp te gebruik.
“Universele toegang is meer ingewikkeld as wat baie mense dink, maar dit is ‘n uitdaging wat GO GEORGE met graagte aanvaar en met entoesiasme aanpak.”

Enigiemand wat belangstel om meer te weet oor universele toegang en hoe dit in die openbare vervoerbedryf toegepas word, is welkom om GO GEORGE te kontak deur die Inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel of ‘n e-pos na te stuur.

Dropped kerb:
George se sypaadjies word stelselmatig opgegradeer om meer toeganklik te wees. Voetgangeroorgange het ‘n verlaging van die randsteen wat toeganklikheid verseker vir mense met mobiliteitsgestremdhede.
Accessing standard bus:
Op die groter busse word ‘n elektroniese, skuins loopvlak na die opgeboude bushalte ontplooi om toegang te bied aan passasiers wat rolstoele of ander beweeglikheidstoestelle gebruik.
Minibus hoist:
Die minibus is toegerus met ‘n hidrouliese hyser wat toegang verleen aan passasiers met beweeglikheidsgestremdhede.



A main fibre line has been damaged by vandals during ESKOM Loadshedding this morning (02h00 – 14h30). The fibre line is vital to the Electro-technical communications network. The damaged line will affect the switching ON and OFF of streetlights in a large portion of GEORGE / THEMBALETHU AND PACALTSDORP.

The estimated time of repair for the fibre line could be up to 48 hours. The technical team will however be able to send Manual Signals to the affected substations until the repairs have been completed. PLEASE note this means that the switching on and off of streetlights will be delayed by up to an hour either way.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and again remind our residents that George Municipality will pay a reward of R2500 to any person who offers information on vandalism and theft incidents, and which information leads to the successful conviction of the perpetrator in a court of law.

The paying of a reward is legal in terms of the MFMA (Municipal Finance Management Act) and is seen as a necessary step to combat the expenditure on the repair of vandalized and stolen infrastructure. These assets are managed by the municipality on behalf of the public and it is George Municipality’s request to all of our residents to assist us in looking after and protecting these assets.

The public can contact the Anti-fraud toll free number 0860 044 044 or report vandalism and theft verbally, by email or to any of the municipal or SAPS telephone numbers. The member of public reporting will have to supply their name and contact details as their testimony may be required for the successful conviction of the perpetrators. The identity of those providing assistance will be protected.

George Municipality calls on the community to please assist us in eradicating theft and vandalism, to allow the municipality to improve service delivery levels and continue to improve the quality of peoples lives.

Issued George MUN

Land Use Application Notice: Erf 13414, George



Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 48 (2)(a) of the George Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015 that the undermentioned application has been received on Erf 13414, 4 Sandy McGregor Street, George by the George Local Municipality, Directorate: Planning and Development.

Any objection(s) and/or comment(s) with full reasons therefore and how their interests are affected, should be lodged in writing via e-mail to the responsible Administrative Officer Primrose Nako ( or, if no email facility is available, via SMS to the cellphone number of the said Official (only provided on request) and/or to the applicant, in terms of Section 50 of the George Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015, on/ or before 13 December 2021 quoting the application erf number, your property description, physical address and full contact details (email and telephone) of the person or body submitting the objection/ comment, without which the Municipality/applicant cannot correspond with said person/body.

Enquiries or requests for more information on the application may be directed to the Town Planning Department on Telephone: 044 801 9477 or e-mail to the responsible Administrative Officer: Primrose Nako ( or the Applicant (details below). The application will also be available, on the Municipal Website for 30 days. Any comments/objections received after the above-mentioned closing date may be disregarded.

Property Description: Erf 13414, 4 Sandy McGregor Street, George
Applicant Details: DELPLAN Consulting: Tel. 044 873 4566 / on behalf of JH Smuts Trust.
Nature of Application: Deletion of Approval Condition (b) 2 in terms of Section 15(2) (h) of the George Municipality: Land Use

Planning By-Law, 2015 for the existing guest house on the subject property to be notarially tied to guest house on Erf 13415 George.

Permanent Departure in terms of Section 15 (2) (b) of the George Municipality: Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015 for 2 carriageway crossings on Erf 13414, George.

Reference Number: 2080363



Kragtens Artikel 48 (2)(a) van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 word hiermee kennis gegee dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is op Erf 13414, Sandy McGregorstraat 4, George deur die George Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Direktoraat Beplanning en Ontwikkeling.

Enige besware en/of kommentare, insluitend die volledige redes daarvoor en `n verduideliking van hoe die persoon se belange geraak word deur die aansoek, moet skriftelike ingedien word per e-pos by die relevante Administratiewe Beampte Primrose Nako (, of as geen e-pos fasiliteit beskikbaar is nie, per SMS na die selfoon nommer van genoemde Amptenaar (slegs beskikbaar op versoek) en/of by die applikant, in terme van Artikel 50 van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 op / of voor 13 December 2021 met verwysing na die eiendomsbeskrywing relevant tot die aansoek, eiendomsbeskrywing en fisiese adres en volledige kontak besonderhede (e-pos adres en telefoon nommer) van die persoon of liggaam wat die beswaar/kommentaar indien, waarsonder die Munisipaliteit nie kan korrespondeer met die persoon/liggaam wat die beswaar(e) en/of kommentaar ingedien het nie.

Navrae of verdere inligting ten opsigte van die aansoek kan gerig word aan die Stadsbeplannings Departement by Telefoon: 044 801 9477 of deur `n e-pos te rig aan die verantwoordelike Administratiewe Beampte Primrose Nako (, of deur die applikant te kontak (kontak besonderhede onderaan). Die aansoek sal ook beskikbaar wees op die Munisipale webtuiste vir 30 dae. Enige kommentare/ besware wat na die voorgemelde sluitings datum ontvang word, mag moontlik nie in ag geneem word nie.

Eiendomsbeskrywing: Erf 13414, Sandy McGregorstraat 4, George
Besonderhede van Applikant: DELPLAN Consulting: 044 873 4566 / namens JH Smuts Trust.
Aard van aansoek: Skrap van goedkeuringsvoorwaarde (b) 2 ingevolge Artikel 15(2) (h) van die George Munisipaliteit: Verordening op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 2015 vir die bestaande gastehuis op die onderhewig aan eiendom wat notarieel gekoppel moet word aan gastehuis op Erf 13415, George.

Permanente Afwyking ingevolge Artikel 15 (2) (b) van die George Munisipaliteit: Verordening op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 2015 vir 2 rybaan kruisings op Erf 13414, George.

Verwysingsnommer: 2080363

Land Use Application Notice: Erf 6252 George




(On the corner of Tulip Street, Witfontein Road and Pine Road, Heatherpark, George)

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 45 of the George Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015 that the under-mentioned application has been received on the Erf 6252 George by the George Municipality, Directorate: Planning and Development.

Any objection(s) and/or comment(s) with full reasons therefore and how their interests are affected, should be lodged in writing via email to the responsible Administrative Officer (Primrose Nako – or if no email facility is available, via SMS to the cellphone number of the said Official (only provided on request) and/or to the applicant, in terms of Section 50 of the George Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015, on or before 15 December 2021, quoting the application erf number, your property description, physical address and full contact details (email and telephone) of the person or body submitting the objection/comment, without which the Municipality/applicant cannot correspond with the said person/body.

Enquiries or requests for more information on the application may be directed to the Town Planning Department on Telephone: 044 801 9416 or emailed the responsible Administrative Officer (Primrose Nako – or the applicant (details below). The application will also be available, on the Municipal Website ( for 30 days. Any comments received after the aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.

Property Description

Erf 6252 George, on the corner of Tulip Street, Witfontein Road and Pine Road, Heatherpark, George


Jan Vrolijk Town Planner / Stadsbeplanner, 082 464 7871 or 044 873 3011,,

Municipal reference number – 2079716

Nature of application

Application is made in terms of Section 15(2)(a) of the Land Use Planning By-Law for the George Municipality, 2015 for the rezoning of Erf 6252 George from Single Residential Zone I to Business Zone IV.




(Op die hoek van Tulipstraat, Witfonteinweg en Pineweg, Heatherpark, George)

Kragtens Artikel 45 van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 word hiermee kennis gegee dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is op die Erf 6252 George deur die George Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Direktoraat Beplanning en Ontwikkeling.

Enige besware en/of kommentare, insluitend die volledige redes daarvoor en ‘n verduideliking van hoe die persoon se belange geraak word deur die aansoek, moet skriftelik ingedien word per e-pos by die relevante Administratiewe Beampte (Primrose Nako –, of as geen e-pos fasiliteit beskikbaar is nie, per SMS na die selfoon nommer van die genoemde Amptenaar (slegs beskikbaar op versoek) en/of by die applikant, in terme van Artikel 50 van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning, 2015 op/of voor 15 Desember 2021 met verwysing na die eiendomsbeskrywing relevant tot die aansoek, eiendomsbeskrywing en fisiese adres en volledige kontak besonderhede (e-pos adres en telefoon nommer) van die persoon of liggaam wat die beswaar/kommentaar indien, waarsonder die Munisipaliteit nie kan korrespondeer met die persoon/liggaam wat die beswaar(e) en/of kommentaar ingedien het nie.

Navrae of verdere inligting ten opsigte van die aansoek kan gerig word aan die Stadsbeplannings Departement by Telefoon: 044 801 9416 of deur ‘n e-pos te rig aan die verantwoordelike Administratiewe Beampte (Primrose Nako – of deur die applikant te kontak (kontak besonderhede onderaan). Die aansoek sal ook beskikbaar wees op die Munisipale webtuiste ( vir 30 dae. Enige kommentaar wat na die voorgemelde sluitingsdatum ontvang word, mag moontlik nie in ag geneem word nie.


Erf 6252 George, op die hoek van Tulipstraat, Witfonteinweg en Pineweg, Heatherpark, George


Jan Vrolijk Town Planner / Stadsbeplanner, 082 464 7871 of 044 873 3011,

Munisipale verwysingsnommer – 2079716

Aard van aansoek

Aansoek word in terme van artikel 15(2)(a) van die Verordening op Grondgebruikbeplanning vir George Munisipaliteit, 2015 gedoen vir die hersonering van Erf 6252 George vanaf Enkel Residensiële Sone I na Sakesone IV.

Land Use Application Notice: Remainder Erf 150 Wildernes


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 45 of the George Municipality’s By-Law on Municipal Land Use Planning (2015) that the undermentioned application has been received on Remainder Erf 150 Wilderness by the George Municipality, Directorate: Planning & Development.

Any comments and/or objections with full reasons therefore and how their interest are affected, should be lodged in writing via e-mail to the responsible Administrative Officer (Primrose Nako, or, if no e-mail facility is available, via SMS to the cell phone number of the said Official (only provided on request) and/or to the applicant, in terms of Section 50 of the said by-law on / or before Tuesday, 14 December 2021, quoting the application erf numbers, your property description, physical address and full contact details (e-mail and telephone number) of the person or body submitting the objection/comment, without which the Municipality/ applicant cannot correspond with said person/body.

Enquiries or requests, for more information on the application may be directed to the Town Planning Department on Telephone 044 801 9477 or e-mailed to the responsible Administrative Officer (Primrose Nako, or the applicant (details below). The application will also be available on the municipal website ( for 30 days. Any comments/objection received after the abovementioned closing date may be disregarded.

Property description: Remainder Erf 150 Wildernes
Applicant: Marlize de Bruyn Planning,, 0766 340 150

Nature of application:
• Departure in terms of Section 15(2)(b) of the George Municipality: Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015 for the relaxation of the following:
northern street building line from 4.0m to 0.0m for a footbridge linking the dwelling with Sands Road;
western side boundary building line from 2.0m to 1.0m for new stairs.
(Reference number: 2080453)

D Power: Deputy Director: Planning, George Municipality


Kragtens Artikel 45 van die George Munisipaliteit se Verordening op Munisipale Grondgebruiksbeplanning (2015) word hiermee kennis gegee dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is op Restant Erf 150 Wilderness deur die George Munisipaliteit, Direktoraat: Beplanning & Ontwikkeling.

Enige kommentare en / of besware insluitend volledige redes daarvoor en ‘n verduideliking van hoe die persoon se belange geraak word deur die aansoek, moet skriftelik ingedien word per e-pos by die relevante Administratiewe Beampte (Primrose Nako,, of as geen e-pos fasiliteit beskikbaar is nie, per SMS na die selfoonnommer van die genoemde amptenaar (slegs op versoek beskikbaar) en / of by die applikant, in terme van Artikel 50 van genoemde Verordening op of voor Dinsdag, 14 Desember 2021, met verwysing na die eiendomsbeskrywing van die aansoek, eiendomsbeskrywing en fisiese adres en volledige kontakbesonderhede (e-pos adres en telefoonnommer) van die persoon of liggaam wat die beswaar / kommentaar indien, waarsonder die Munisipaliteit nie kan korrespondeer met die persoon / liggaam wat die beswaar en / of kommentaar ingedien het nie.

Navrae of verdere inligting ten opsigte van die aansoek kan gerig word aan die Stadsbeplanningsdepartement by Telefoon 044 801 9477 of deur ‘n e-pos te rig aan die verantwoordelike Administratiewe Beampte (Primrose Nako, of deur die applikant te kontak (kontakbesonderhede onderaan). Die aansoek sal ook beskikbaar wees op die munisipale webtuiste ( vir 30 dae. Enige kommentare / besware wat na die voorgemelde sluitingsdatum ontvang word, mag moontlik nie in ag geneem word nie.

Eiendomsbeskrywing: Restant Erf 150 Wilderness
Aansoeker: Marlize de Bruyn Planning,, 0766 340 150

Aard van aansoek:
• Afwyking in terme van Artikel 15(2)(b) van die George Munisipaliteit: Verordening op Grondgebruiksbeplanning (2015) vir die verslapping van die volgende boulyne:
Noordelike straatboullyn van 4.0m na 0.0m vir ‘n voetbrug wat die woonhuis verbind met Sandsweg;
Westelike kantgrensboulyn van 2.0m na 1.0m vir nuwe trappe.
(Verwysingsnommer: 2080453)

D Power: Adjunk-Direkteur: Beplanning, George Munisipaliteit

GO GEORGE draws attention to disability rights

GO GEORGE draws attention to disability rights
Issued 9 Nov 2021

The month of November is dedicated to creating awareness of disability rights. The GO GEORGE bus service annually joins Government’s national campaign to increase awareness through a special programme of activities in the community and the media.

According to James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, the bus service constantly focuses on acessibility and ways to improve the passenger journey and experience of all passengers, including those with disabilities and other special needs. “The month-long campaign once a year just serves as an extra opportunity to draw the entire community’s attention to the rights of those with disabilities, and to spark interest in ways everyone can contribute to an inclusive society,” he said.

Variety of awareness activities
In addition to educational information on media platforms such as newspapers, radio and social media, more personal engagements with stakeholders will take place this year than last year, but strictly in line with Covid-19 safety measures.

One of the highlights of the programme will be a special day of activities at the George Link bus depot, home of the GO GEORGE bus service, where persons with disabilities will get the opportunity to have a closer look at the features and facilities offered by the bus service to bring about accessibility for all passengers.

As part of a continuous sensitising and awareness programme, a workshop will be presented for communication champions and frontline staff who have direct contact with people with disabilities or other special needs. This will include the topic of universal access and the appropriate approach when offering assistance to persons using wheelchairs and mobility aids, the Deaf, and people with visual impairments or other invisible challenges who require support.

The GO GEORGE communications team will visit several schools, homes and care centres for people with disabilities and other special needs, with an educational yet entertaining programme. Activities will include an information session with carers and parents, exchanging thoughts and suggestions on the use of the public bus service by people with disabilities.

Any stakeholders in the disability sphere who would like to engage with GO GEORGE are welcome to send an email to, phone the Call Centre on 0800 044 044, or leave a request on Facebook.

The GO GEORGE mascot Georgie is always a firm favourite during engagements with children, as can be seen here during a visit to the George Association for People with Disabilities (APD) last year during Disability Rights Awareness Month.

GO GEORGE vestig die aandag op die regte van persone met gestremdhede
Uitgereik 9 Nov 2021

Novembermaand word gewy aan die skep van bewustheid van die regte van mense met gestremdhede. Die GO GEORGE-busdiens skakel jaarliks by die regering se nasionale veldtog in om bewustheid te verhoog deur ‘n spesiale program van aktiwiteite in die gemeenskap en die media.
Volgens James Robb, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, fokus die busdiens voortdurend op toeganklikheid en maniere om die reis en ervaring van alle passasiers te verbeter, insluitend dié met gestremdhede en ander spesiale behoeftes. “Die maandlange veldtog een keer per jaar dien net as ‘n ekstra geleentheid om die hele gemeenskap se aandag te vestig op die regte van diegene met gestremdhede, en om belangstelling te wek op maniere wat tot ‘n inklusiewe samelewing kan bydra,” het hy gesê.

Verskeidenheid bewusmakingsaktiwiteite
Benewens opvoedkundige inligting op mediaplatforms soos koerante, radio en sosiale media, sal meer persoonlike skakeling met belanghebbendes vanjaar plaasvind as verlede jaar, maar steeds streng in ooreenstemming met Covid-19-veiligheidsmaatreëls.

Een van die hoogtepunte van die program is ‘n spesiale dag van aktiwiteite by die George Link-busdepot, die tuiste van die GO GEORGE-busdiens, waar persone met gestremdhede die geleentheid sal kry om die funksies en fasiliteite wat deur die busdiens aangebied word om toeganklikheid vir alle passasiers te bewerkstellig, van naderby te bekyk.
As deel van ‘n deurlopende sensitiserings- en bewusmakingsprogram sal ‘n werksessie aangebied word vir passasiersdiensbeamptes en voorsteliniepersoneel wat direkte kontak het met mense met gestremdhede of ander spesiale behoeftes. Dit sal die tema van universele toegang insluit, asook die toepaslike benadering wanneer hulle hulp aanbied aan persone wat rolstoele en beweeglikheidshulpmiddels gebruik, mense met visuele en gehoorgestremdhede of ander onsigbare uitdagings wat ondersteuning benodig.

Die GO GEORGE-kommunikasiespan sal verskeie skole, huise en sorgsentrums vir mense met gestremdhede en ander spesiale behoeftes besoek met ‘n opvoedkundige, maar vermaaklike program. Aktiwiteite sal ‘n inligtingsessie met versorgers en ouers insluit waar gedagtes en voorstelle oor die gebruik van die openbare busdiens deur mense met gestremdhede uitgeruil sal word.

Enige belanghebbendes in die gestremdheidsfeer wat met GO GEORGE wil skakel, is welkom om ‘n e-pos aan te stuur, die Inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel of ‘n versoek op Facebook te laat.

Die GO GEORGE-gelukbringer Georgie is altyd ‘n groot gunsteling tydens interaksie met kinders, soos hier gesien kan word tydens ‘n besoek aan die George Vereniging vir Mense met Gestremdhede verlede jaar tydens die bewusmakingsmaand.

Eskom Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented from 14:00 on Friday

Eskom Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented from 14:00 on Friday until 05:00 on Saturday; thereafter Stage 2 loadshedding will continue until 05:00 on Monday, 8 November 2021.

George will be affected as follows:
Friday 05/11/2021
12:00 to 14:30
20:00 to 22:30

Saturday 06/11/2021
04:00 to 05:00
20:00 to 22:30

Sunday 07/11/2021
04:00 to 06:30

Monday 08/11/2021
04:00 to 05:00

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Friday 05/11/2021
15:00 to 17:30
23:00 to 01:30

Saturday 06/11/2021
23:00 to 01:30

Sunday 07/11/2021
07:00 to 09:30

Monday 08/11/2021

Issued by George Municipality on 5 November 2021 at 13:40.

Pacaltsdorp Library takes action against Illegal Dumping

Pacaltsdorp Library takes action against Illegal Dumping

Pacaltsdorp Library had a full book display set up recently on Illegal dumping to teach the public especially youngsters about the ills of illegal dumping.
Library Assistant Eurogene Carolus was in charge of the project.
All books on display were issued as block loans to schools and crèches in Pacaltsdorp to make a concerted effort to rid the community of this criminal activity.
Schools that took part in the project were Pacaltsdorp Primary School, New Dawn Park Primary School, Soete Uurtjies creche, Rooibootjie creche in Syferfontein, Vuurvliegies creche in Rosedale, Rosedale Early Childhood Development and Julios Early Childhood Development.

Lib 1: Teachers at Soete Uurtjies creche with some of the books on illegal dumping that was on loan to the creche.

Lib 2: Illegal dumping display by Library Assistant Eurogene Carolus at Pacaltsdorp Library. All books on display were issued as block loans to schools and crèches in Pacaltsdorp.

Lib3: Books available at the libraries deal with illegal dumping and waste disposal as well as recycling.

Youth Development programmes held in George Municipal areas

Youth Development programmes held in George Municipal areas

George Municipality Youth Development subsection in conjunction with other stakeholders recently had training sessions in George area to benefit the youth.
A Community Awareness session, with the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Youth Ambassadors from the Municipality was held in New Dawn Park, about the role of civil society in combatting and addressing crime.
Information around job opportunities, as well as health related and human rights matters was also provided by the Youth Office, HIV Office, as well as the Social Health Empowerment Organisation in New Dawn Park.
According to Jonel Kerspuy, Coordinator in the Youth Development Officer, some of the programmes were held during the month of October but job readiness sessions and leadership and lifeskills training happens on a weekly basis at different venues.
A Job Readiness Session was held in October at the Inkcubeko Youth and Science Centre in Thembalethu, with the aim of registering jobseekers on the unemployment database of the Department of Labour and Expanded Public Works Programme. The outreach assisted the youth to apply for available opportunities and an information session on CV and Application letter compilation was held.

A Leadership and lifeskills session were held on invitation with Bricklaying students from the Expanded Public Works programme. The training session focused on responsible citizenship through leadership, vision creation and stimulating public participation by the youth.

Seven Passes Initiative held a training session recently in Pacaltsdorp for young mothers, with children between the ages of 2 – 9 years old from Pacaltsdorp and Parents of youth did an online information session led by a Career Guidance Counsellor from the Department of Labour. The information session was held to capacitate parents on the services that the Department offer for parents of youth in and out of school.
The Municipality arranged for an Afterschool Tennis programme for learners from Pacaltsdorp Primary School on
13 October 2021.

A Substance Abuse Awareness Programme was held with the Haarlem community between 12 and 13 October 2021. The programme was facilitated by 4iR/ED Solutions (Pty)Ltd in partnership with the Department of Social Development and the Department of Agriculture. The need for the programme was identified through a Census survey where Haarlem was highlighted as a hot spot for drug abuse by the Department of Agriculture. The aim of the Programme was to create awareness around the following topics, Substance Abuse, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Planning an Awareness Programme, Gender Based Violence Awareness and to form a support group. Different members of the community attended the programme, including former drug abusers and current drug abusers.

An Absa Consumer Financial Education Training programme was facilitated in Haarlem at the “Help Mekaar Hall” on the 13th of October 2021.The aim of the programme was to share useful information skills on finances.
On the 14th of October 2021 a motivational session was held with the Grade12 class at Uniondale High School. One of the speakers was local hero De Walt Human, from SA 7’s rugby. It was held in conjunction with the Department of Social Development. Each learner received a stationary pack from the Municipality.

youthunion2: Parent Programme with Young Mothers by Seven Passes Initiative
youthunion3: Jonel Kerspuy from the Youth Development Office, gives active citizenship training to learners from from the Department of Transport and Public Works at the Eagles Nest Ministries building.

Youthunion4: Afterschool tennis training at Pacaltsdorp Primary School.

Youthunion5: Substance Abuse Awareness Training and Community Engagement at Haarlem Community Hall.

GO GEORGE surveyors spreading out to neighbourhoods

PRESS RELEASE: GO GEORGE surveyors spreading out to neighbourhoods
Issued 2 November 2021

The 2021 George Integrated Public Transport Network (GIPTN) Macro-, Transport- and Socio-Economic Study is well under way with surveyors also spreading out to individual households across various suburbs in George, Wilderness and surrounding areas from this week.

Passenger travel surveys at GO GEORGE bus stops, business surveys and special interest group surveys are being carried out primarily through telephonic and personal interviews as well as distribution of electronic questionnaires.

Safe access to surveyors
Surveyors will be wearing GO GEORGE-branded identification cards showing the person’s photo and ID number. An appeal is made to residents to allow certified surveyors safe access to their property and to assist with the valuable feedback needed to continuously assess and improve the bus service.

For more information or enquiries, the GO GEORGE Call Centre can be phoned on 0800 044 044.

Surveyors approaching individuals or visiting households in the George area are carrying GO GEORGE-branded identification cards. Algerchen Hendricks (left) from Conville was happy to give a few minutes of his time to answer surveyor Mauchan Koelman’s questions.

PERSVERKLARING: GO GEORGE-navorsingsbeamptes versprei na woonbuurte
Uitgereik 2 November 2021

Die 2021 makro-, vervoer- en sosio-ekonomiese studie van die George Geïntegreerde Openbare Vervoernetwerk (GIPTN) is goed op dreef met navorsingsbeamptes wat ook vanaf hierdie week individuele huishoudings in verskeie woonbuurte in George, Wildernis en omliggende gebiede sal besoek.

Passasiersopnames by GO GEORGE-bushaltes, besigheidsopnames en spesiale belangegroep-opnames word hoofsaaklik uitgevoer deur telefoniese en persoonlike onderhoude asook die verspreiding van elektroniese vraelyste.

Veilige toegang vir beamptes
Navorsingsbeamptes sal GO GEORGE- identifikasiekaarte met die persoon se foto- en ID-nommer dra. ‘n Beroep word op inwoners gedoen om gesertifiseerde beamptes veilige toegang tot hul eiendom te gee en om te help met die waardevolle terugvoer wat nodig is om die busdiens deurlopend te assesseer en te verbeter.

Vir meer inligting of navrae kan die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 044 gebel word.

Navorsingsbeamptes wat individue nader of huishoudings in die George-gebied besoek, dra GO GEORGE-identifikasiekaarte. Algerchen Hendricks (links) van Conville het met graagte ‘n paar minute van sy tyd afgestaan om Mauchan Koelman se vrae te beantwoord.

PERSVERKLARING: GO GEORGE-navorsingstudie om ekonomiese impak van busdiens te meet
Uitgereik 11 Oktober 2021

‘n Onafhanklike studie onder die gesamentlike vaandel van die Wes-Kaapse departement van vervoer en openbare werke en die George-munisipaliteit sal volgende week van stapel gestuur word met die doel om die algehele ekonomiese impak van die implementering van die GO GEORGE-busdiens in George te bepaal en te meet.

Die 2021 makro-, vervoer- en sosio-ekonomiese studie van die George Geïntegreerde Openbare Vervoernetwerk (GIPTN) sal van Oktober 2021 tot Mei 2022 in George uitgevoer word.

Makro-, vervoer- en sosio-ekonomiese impak gemeet
Die algehele impak sal gemeet word in drie hoofareas, naamlik makro-ekonomiese, vervoer-ekonomiese en sosio-ekonomiese impak. Verskeie opnames sal oor ‘n tydperk van twee maande gedoen word, van 18 Oktober 2021 tot middel Desember 2021.

George-inwoners sal genader word vir terugvoer deur middel van die volgende vier opnames:
• Passasiersopnames wat by GO GEORGE-bushaltes oor die netwerk van roetes uitgevoer sal word;
• Huishoudelike opnames, wat deur-tot-deur by individuele huishoudings oor verskeie voorstede in George, Wildernis en omliggende gebiede uitgevoer sal word;
• Besigheidsopnames (bv. algemene besighede, GIPTN-diensverskaffers sowel as besighede by oorklimplekke rondom die groter besigheidskern) wat hoofsaaklik deur telefoniese en persoonlike onderhoude uitgevoer sal word;
• Spesiale belangegroep-opnames (bv. gebruikers met spesiale behoeftes en spesifieke belangegroepe), wat hoofsaaklik uitgevoer sal word deur telefoniese en persoonlike onderhoude asook die verspreiding van elektroniese vraelyste.

Navorsingsbeamptes maklik om te identifiseer
Navorsingsbeamptes sal GO GEORGE- identifikasiekaarte met die persoon se foto- en ID-nommer dra. ‘n Beroep word op die George-gemeenskap gedoen om vyf minute af te staan wanneer hulle genader word en te help met die waardevolle terugvoer wat slegs bekombaar is van diegene wat die busdiens gebruik, of op een of ander manier deur die busdiens se bedrywighede geraak word.

Data wat deur die studie verkry word, sal opgeteken en ontleed word vanaf middel November 2021 tot April 2022, met finale resultate, gevolgtrekkings en verslae wat aan die einde van Mei 2022 voltooi moet word.

Vir meer inligting of navrae kan die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 044 gebel word.

Navorsingsbeamptes wat individue nader of huishoudings in die George-omgewing besoek, sal identifikasiekaarte dra. Hier werk Siphiwo Mathys deur ‘n vraelys met Patience Tisani, ‘n passasier wat in Thembalethu woon.

Recycling training for Municipal creches and Food garden coordinators

Recycling training for Municipal creches and Food garden coordinators
Issued by George Municipality, 29 October 2021

The Community Development Food Gardens and Creches subsection, in partnership with Landmark Foundation and LGE Waste provided recycling training to ten municipal creche employees and ten Food Garden Co-ordinators recently. The two training sessions were recently held at the Illingulethu creche in Thembalethu and at Rosedale Educare
According to Allen Paulse, Director: Community Services, during the training, creche employees were taught alternative ways to manage their refuse. Notes were provided on what can be recycled and what not. All the creches that participated were registered in the Landmark Foundation’s Creches Recycling programme and also received resources which they can use to assist them on their recycling journey. All staff were also encouraged to involve the learners in the process as much as possible.
Once the creches have begun their recycling programme successfully, further training with regards to Food Gardens will also take place. Landmark foundation will conduct the gardening training as well.

Photo 1 – 121813: Representatives from Landmark Foundation and LGE Waste, George Municipality, staff from Kwakhanya, Mzomhle, Masibambane, Illingelethu and Isiseko Creches.

Photo 2- 124012: Representatives from Landmark Foundation, George Municipality and principals from Golden Valley, Kekkel en Kraai, Pophuis, Rosedale Nursery and Rosedale Educare.

New George Junior City Council announced and “Tannie Liza” says goodbye

The 2021 George Junior City Council (JCC) held its last official event Wednesday, 27 October with the Executive Mayor of George, Ald Leon van Wyk and Cllr Liza Stroebel in attendance and announcing the new executive committee of the JCC for 2022.

The function was held at the George Methodist Church Hall and was attended by the parents of the Junior City Councillors.
Ald Van Wyk said in his address, he has been enormously impressed with the leadership qualities the junior council has shown during their tenor in council the last year. “I inherited a substantial challenge to lead the turnaround of our municipality and to restore a high standard of service delivery to our ratepayers. I want to thank my colleague, Cllr Stroebel, for the role she has undertaken on behalf of our George Council in mentoring you,” Ald Van Wyk said.

He said we live in a country that faces enormous challenges – we live in crisis – in an environment where the government has seemingly lost its way through lack of leadership. He said the members of the JCC are some of the young leaders that will have to craft philosophies and skills that will enable them to tackle the changes, challenges, and adversity and the opportunities that will result.

He thanked the JCC for outstanding leadership roles displayed and for becoming involved and making a difference in civic duties. He also thanked the parents and teachers of the youngsters for their encouragement.
Cllr Liza Stroebel, (affectionately known by the JCC members as “Tannie Liza”) the Mayoral Representative who oversees the Junior City Council on behalf of the Mayor of George, has served her last term in Council and said this moment is bittersweet.
She said the leadership qualities of the JCC members displayed the past few years, gives her tremendous hope for our youth. She honoured God for His grace in allowing her this opportunity. She said she will never forget all the greatness that was achieved through and by the JCC. She said God shared with her a message when she started out in her overseeing role saying to her, “learn, love, serve.”
She asked the audience to take these words with them. “Learn as much as you can … to show yourself approved,
Love as much as you can…to gain love in return,
And Serve as much as you can… to reap your harvest.
Ludolph Pedro and McKaya Kroon both made magnificent speeches about their tenor in the JCC about how they grew as human beings, how being involved in helping with civic issues groomed them for the future and how the JCC members became a family and friends for life.

JCC3: The old and the new Executive Committee of the George Junior Council with Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk and Cllr Liza Stroebel. In front from left are: Carla Kruger (Outeniqua High School – Deputy Mayor 2022), Mayor Van Wyk, Cllr Liza Stroebel, Ruan Coetzee (Outeniqua High School – JCC Mayor 2022).
At the back are: Aine Ferreira – (Outeniqua High School – Deputy Mayor 2021), Inga Jijingubo (York High School – JCC Municipal Manager 2022), Clara Campbell (Glenwood House -Deputy Speaker 2022), Lindy Prinsloo (Glenwood House- Deputy Speaker 2021), McKaya Kroon (York High School – Speaker 2021), Jordan Meyer (York High School – Speaker 2022) and Ludolph Pedro (York High School- Mayor 2021). Absent: Brenco de Kock (George High School – Municipal Manager 2021).

Jcc2: Ludolph Pedro (York High School- Mayor 2021) drapes the ceremonial mayoral chain around Ruan Coetzee (Outeniqua High School – JCC Mayor 2022).

Jcc5: The new JCC executive committee are in front from left: Carla Kruger (Outeniqua High School – Deputy Mayor 2022), Mayor Van Wyk, Cllr Liza Stroebel, Ruan Coetzee (Outeniqua High School – JCC Mayor 2022).
At the back are Clara Campbell (Glenwood House -Deputy Speaker 2022) Inga Jijingubo (York High School – Municipal Manager and Jordan Meyer (York High School – Speaker 2022).

Khomanani Day held in Waboomskraal

Khomanani Day held in Waboomskraal
Issued George Municipality, 28 October 2021

Caption: Willbedine Jordaan (left) from the HIV subsection, George Municipality at the Khomanani Day event in Waboomskraal and Rose Josephs, Maria Khumalo,Katy Plaatjies, Getruida Camper and Dolfien Daniels and Sister Katrina Maritz.

The Community Development HIV subsection celebrated Khomanani Day in Waboomskraal by hosting a wellness programme with the focus on cancer awareness and HIV on Tuesday at Waboomskraal Community Hall. Cllr Sean Snyman, Portfolio Councillor for Community Services addressed the attendees and represented the Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk.
Cllr Snyman said viruses do not only come in the form of diseases but social issues are like a cancer in society. “If we do not have the discipline to take action against gangsterism, crime or even poverty or any other social ill while it can still be cured, the “cancer” can eat away at our society. He said it is like the illness, if you treat it in time you have a better chance of beating the disease.

The councillor thanked all of the participants who had stalls at the event, inlcuding subsections of the Municipality’s Community Services and the Department of Health, Cansa and Bethesda, a frail care organisation. Food hampers were given to members of the community to help them in a time of need. Inspirational talks and health screenings for HIV testing, breast examinations, pap smears and vaccinations were given during the event.

Khomanani Day is a national social mobilization campaign focusing on the impact of HIV and AIDS in society and promoting community action, partnership and awareness against the disease.

George Municipality takes services to the people

George Municipality takes services to the people

George Municipality held a Jamboree (a gathering of all the services of the George Municipality at one venue) at the Rosedale Community Centre/Area Office last Friday (15 October) to bring services closer to the people of Rosedale.

The departments from George Municipality represented were Human Settlements, Community Development, Cleansing, Libraries, Civil Engineering (water, sewage and roads), Finance, Electrotechnical Services and GO GEORGE. They had tables or stalls at the venue where they answered the public’s questions, gave information and helped with complaints.

According to Ms Lauren Waring, Acting Director Human Settlements, the directorates pulled together to arrange the jamboree. “The Rosedale area was chosen for this jamboree because there is a new housing development, which usually generates many challenges, so we decided instead of everyone having to come to town, let’s take the services to the people.

“It was a great success. We will initially have these jamborees at new housing developments across the municipal area and then arrange jamborees in other areas.”

Waring said the municipality did consumer education with people moving into new houses, but people still had questions or challenges afterwards. “Once you are in a new home, it comes with responsibilities like electricity and other services. People must know how to deal with their accounts, what is the owner’s responsibility and what is the municipality’s responsibility.

Human Settlement officials assisted the community with mostly water and roof leakages, general housing faults, ownership queries, waiting list applications and more.

Electrotechnical Services assisted with electrical complaints while Finance assisted with Indigent applications, and more. Cleansing informed the public about the dangers of illegal dumping and how to deal with hazardous waste.
Rachel Williams, Manager George Library, said she and her team promoted reading that made people relax. “In October we focus on mental health and encourage adults and children alike to read fiction if they struggle with any mental related issues, insomnia. Covid-19 has a negative emotional effect on most people and this is how the libraries can assist our communities.”

Jam1: Mayor Leon van Wyk visited the Jamboree. Here he holds a healthy cabbage from one of the food gardens that is now under the guidance of the Community Development section of the Municipality. From left are Lizel Arnold, Food Garden coordinator: Rosedale, Janine Adams, Community Development, Bernedene Afrika, Food Garden Coordinator: Conville and Willbedine Jordaan, Community Development.
Jam2: On the other side of the Community Development stall information was distributed on gender and health related issues. From left are John Pato with some information pamphlets, Mayor Leon van Wyk, Diena Esau with information, Ejustley Boshoff (Community Development) Cllr Marlene Barnardt and Nozipho Stone (Community Development).
Jam3: Explaining the new routes in Rosedale at the GO GEORGE stall are in front Khadija Luangula (Communication champion) and Janel Gelant (Communications Champion and next to her Cllr Marlene Barnardt. Standing are Mayor Leon van Wyk (left) and James Robb from GO GEORGE (far right) holding onto a life-size backdrop of the inside of a GO GEORGE bus.
Jam4: Mayor Leon van Wyk have a look at how Human Settlements officials, Yandisa Malgas and Lizelle Petersen assist members of the public with human settlement queries. At the back are from left Channold Duitsjan, Cllr Melvin Roelfse, Ward Councillor in Rosedale area, Alfred Posula and Roger Ramage.
Jam5: Providing the community with much needed information regarding illegal dumping are from left, Ethan Stoffels (Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries), Lorenze Gelderblom and Shaun Kemsley from LGE Waste, Karin Stoffels (Environmental Services) and Mayor Leon van Wyk.

Jam6: Jackie Pyler (left) and Shimoné Smith from Civil Engineering Services with informative pamphlets they handed out to the community – not to throw junk down toilets and drains and how it could have a bad ripple effect on the whole City’s sewage system. Mayor Leon van Wyk in the middle with one of the pamphlets.

Jam7: Juanita Dudley from Rosedale (in blue top) is assisted by Sphiwo Mlotha (left) and Lenie File from the Finance Directorate. With them is Cllr Dirk Wessels, Portfolio Councillor for Finance.

Jam8: Rachel Williams and Malibongwe Luyenge from George Library Services with Libby, (green mascot) a free app where you can borrow eBooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines from your public library. You can stream titles with Wi-Fi or mobile data, or download them for offline use and read anytime, anywhere. All you need to get started is a library card. In front are Sandy Claassen (14) from Pacaltsdorp High School, Elmar Heyens (4) and Sihle Papali (13) from Pacaltsdorp Primary School interested what the Library stall had to offer.

Jam9: Some of the George Municipality officials, Councillors and Mayor Leon van Wyk in attendance at the jamboree.
Jam 10: At the Electrotechnical stall are from left Yandiswa Ngxwani (electrical complaints/ reception), Mayor Leon van Wyk, Nomakhaya Nqumse (Client Services) and Debby Goosen (Electrical Assistant).

Mayor engages with Ward Committee about Palisade Fencing at Thembalethu Cemetery

Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk was recently met by Ward Councillor Ntombi James and members of the ward committee in Thembalethu Ward 21 to see how far the work had progressed with the new palisade fencing that is being put up to enclose Thembalethu Cemetery.
The cemetery is already closed off by palisade fencing (approximately 500m in length) and about 1.4m in height thus far. This project is anticipated to reach completion by mid-November this year. The sides of the cemetery will not be fenced at this stage as it is surrounded by houses. Steel gates will be installed at the front and back of the cemetery.
Mayor van Wyk said this is an area in the community that should be, and deserves to be respected. “It is only fitting that the area is secured,” he said. While engaging with the Councillor and Ward committee, the mayor was asked to ensure that the graveyard is cleaned regularly and maintained. Hilton Spies, Community Services official confirmed that his team is on a schedule to attend to these duties and will be working every Saturday for the month of October to handle the backlog of the cleaning of cemeteries.
“We need our residents to be involved in what we do in Council. Public participation, such as this engagement with this ward committee, is needed so all of your questions and queries receive the necessary attention and answers. I am glad that we can at least do something, even if it is just starting with the front section for now, but we need to improve all these facilities for everyone, “ said Ald Van Wyk.
Mayor van Wyk said it is important that Ward Committees must look out for their own areas and the services they need, and to prioritise projects. This way, it is easier for the municipality to make decisions when budgets are considered and funds need to be allocated.

Caption: Mayor Leon van Wyk, Cllr Ntombi James, Ward Committee members and officials from George Municipality at the new palisade fencing at Thembalethu cemetery in Ward 21.