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Author: Debra Sauer

PUBLIC NOTICE: Gwaing and Touw River are now compliant for swimming and water sports

PUBLIC NOTICE: Gwaing and Touw River are now compliant for swimming and water sports
Issued George Municipality, 13 January @ 10h15
Test results received have indicated that Gwaiing River, River Mouth and Beach as well as Touw River, at Ebb and Flow area is now compliant for swimming and water sports. At Gwaiing swimming and water sports are allowed in the River, River Mouth and beach. For Touw River swimming and water sports are allowed upriver, at the river mouth and the lagoon.
George Municipality is together with SANparks finalizing the investigation of all private and business conservancy tanks in order to pinpoint the source of the non-compliance.

Update major power outage – repairs started

Update major power outage – Langenhoven substation affecting portion of Heather Park, Heatherlands Dormehlsdrift, Camphersdift, Denneoord, George CBD, Fernridge, Bo-Dorp and George South. Electricians investigating. Issued by George Mun 10 Jan 2022 at 16h23

Update major power outage – Langenhoven substation

Update major power outage – Langenhoven substation affecting portion of Heather Park, Heatherlands Dormehlsdrift, Camphersdift, Denneoord, George CBD, Fernridge, Bo-Dorp and George South. Electricians investigating. Issued by George Mun 10 Jan 2022 at 16h23

Planned power outage: Portion of Proefplaas, farms, portion of R102 (Airport line)

NOTIFICATION OF THE INTERRUPTION OF THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY. THE FOLLOWING AREAS WILL BE AFFECTED: PORTION OF PROEFPLAAS A.DE SWART FARMS, PORTION OF R102 ROAD AIRPORT LINE    NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on  TUESDAY 11 JANUARY  2022  FROM  09H00 TO 16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains.  Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.    Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on THURSDAY 13 JANUARY 2022 FROM  09H00 TO 16H30

Tel:  044 874 3917     
Date Issued:  07\01\2022

KENNISGEWING VAN  DIE ONDERBREKINGVAN DIE ELEKTRIESE TOEVOER. DIE VOLGENDE AREAS SAL GERAAK WORD:GEDEELTE VAN PROEFPLAASA.DE SWART FARMS, PORTION OF R102 WEG LUGHAWE LYNKENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op DINSDAG 11 JANUARIE  2022 VANAF  09H00 TOT 16H30 met  die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak.  Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.   Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan wordgedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op DONDERDAG 13 JANUARIE 2022 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30.
Tel:  044 874 3917
Datum Uitgereik: 07\01\2022


Urgent public notice: Gwaiing River closed

Urgent public notice: Gwaiing River including the River Mouth and beach area are closed currently due to an overflow at Proefplaas sewerage pump station. The overflow has occurred due to an electrical interruption. George Municipality will keep the public updated and apologise for this situation that is out of our control. Issued by George Municipality 10 January 2022

PUBLIC NOTICE: PLEASE Reduce Water Consumption

Issued George Municipality, 10 January 2022

George Municipality urgently appeal to the residents of George to USE WATER SPARINGLY and ONLY FOR BASIC NECESSITIES.  Average consumption has not reduced at all over the past 10 days and is closer to the highest averages measured in a normal month. The Annual Average Water Demand (AADD) during the year is 32 Megalitres per day. From the 15th of December 2021, the AADD was 36 Megalitres per day, but demand is currently hovering around 38 ML per day at the moment.

Without the assistance of everyone, water balancing will have to continue indeterminately until normal balance can be achieved. We plead with the public to limit their household water consumption during peak times. Peak times are between 07h00 – 09h00 in the morning, 12h00 to 14h00 and 17h00 to 20h00.

We thank those members of the public who understand the risk and who have been cooperating thus far, but without everyone’s help, the network will take even longer to stabilise and the George bulk water distribution and storage system is recovering too slowly with excessive high water usage.

As reported in November 2021, a Budget Facility for Infrastructure funding (“BFI) has been allocated to George Municipality through the Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant managed by the Department of Water and Sanitation. The potable Water Security and Remedial Works projects will extend the water treatment capacity and will be implemented in two phases over three years (2022 – 2025): Phase 1 and 2 is an additional 20 Mℓ/day extension to the New George WTW and Phase 3 is an additional 30 Mℓ raw water balancing dam at the New George WTW.

In the interim however it remains a fine balance and with our capacity limited excessive usage means that should a pipe burst on a potable line or there is loadshedding which affects our Water Treatment Works, there will be limited drinking water available. Residents should note that although the DAM LEVEL remains at 100%, this is RAW WATER storage and not POTABLE or DRINKING WATER supply. Raw water is treated at our treatment facilities prior to distribution. The current water demand is higher than the is higher than the treatment capacity.

Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Unauthorized use of the George Municipal Logo

The public, business and organisations are herewith advised that the George Municipal Logo and Crest are registered as the intellectual property of the George Municipality, and as such can only be used by the George Municipality for official purposes, unless otherwise authorised by Council.

The Office of the Municipal Manager has noted where several organisations and individuals have made use of the George Municipal logo for their own marketing purposes without the necessary approvals. No business, organisation and/or individual has the right to use the George Municipal logo in any social or printed media, and or including any marketing items such as caps, tshirts, banners, posters and flyers etc.

Where a business, organisation or individual is collaborating with a municipal department on a project, prior approval must always be requested before using the municipal logo in any format. This will be granted on condition that the project and/or event is endorsed by the municipality officially, and that the product or marketing material which is produced is in good taste, not offensive and adheres to the guidelines as set out by the George Municipal Corporate Identity Manual.

OPENBARE KENNISGEWING:Gebruik van die George Munisipale Kenteken

Die publiek, sakeondernemings en organisasies word hiermee in kennis gestel dat die George-munisipaliteit se Kenteken en Wapen as die intellektuele eiendom van die George-munisipaliteit geregistreer is, en as sodanig slegs deur die George-munisipaliteit vir amptelike doeleindes gebruik kan word, tensy die Raad anders magtig.

Die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder het opgemerk dat verskeie organisasies en individue die George Munisipale-kenteken vir hul eie bemarkingsdoeleindes gebruik, sonder die nodige goedkeurings. Geen besigheid, organisasie en/of individue het die reg om die George Munisipale-kenteken in sosiale of gedrukte media te gebruik nie, en/of enige bemarkingsitems soos pette, t-hemde, baniere, plakkate en strooibiljette ens.

Waar ‘n onderneming, organisasie of individu met ‘n munisipale departement saamwerk aan ‘n projek, moet vooraf goedkeuring gevra word voordat die munisipale kenteken in enige formaat gebruik word. Dit word toegestaan op voorwaarde dat die munisipaliteit die projek en/of die geleentheid amptelik onderskryf, en dat die produk of bemarkingsmateriaal wat geproduseer word in goeie smaak is, nie beledigend is nie en voldoen aan die riglyne soos uiteengesit deur die George Munisipale Korporatiewe Identiteitshandleiding.


uLuNtu, amashishini kunye nemibutho bayaziswa ngale ncwadi ukuba uphawu lorhwebo lukaMasipala waseGeorge kunye nendwe zibhaliswe njengophawu lukaMasipala waseGeorge, kwaye ngenxa yoko lunokusetyenziswa kuphela nguMasipala waseGeorge ngeenjongo ezisemthethweni, ngaphandle kokuba kugunyaziswa ngenye indlela liBhunga. i-Ofisi yoMphathi kaMasipala iqaphele apho imibutho eyahlukeneyo kunye nabantu basebenzisa uphawu lorhwebo lukaMasipala ngeenjongo zabo zokuthengisa ngaphandle kweemvume eziyimfuneko.

Akukho shishini, mbutho kunye/okanye mntu unelungelo lokusebenzisa uphawu lorhwebo lukaMasipala waseGeorge kuzo naziphi na izinto zokusasaza iindaba zoluNtu okanye ezishicelelweyo, kunye okanye kuquka naziphina izinto zorhwebo ezinje ngeekepusi, izikipa, izibhengezo ezibhaliweyo kunye neeflaya njl njl.

Apho ishishini, umbutho okanye umntu esebenzisana nesebe likaMasipala kwiprojekthi, imvume yangaphambili kumele icelwe ngalo lonke ixesha phambi kokusetyenziswa kophawu lorhwebo lukaMasipala ngalo naluphi na uhlobo. Oku kuya kuvunyelwa phantsi kwemiqathango yokuba iprojekthi kunye/okanye umsitho uvunyelwe nguMasipala ngokusemthethweni, kunye nokuba imveliso okanye izinto zentengiso ezivelisiweyo ziyakholisa, azicaphukisi kwaye zibambelela kwizikhokelo njengoko zibekiwe yiNcwadi yeSazisi seQumrhu kaMasipala waseGeorge.

George Municipality wishes citizens and visitors a safe and happy festive season

George Municipality wishes citizens and visitors a safe and happy festive season

Issued by George Municipality 24 December 2021

Remember to adhere to all By-laws and rules to make this Festive Season an enjoyable one for you and others. Please familiarise yourself with all signage and notices put up especially at our beaches.

•             George Municipality has a ZERO TOLERANCE OF LIQUOR on all our beaches. Alcohol is strictly prohibited on all beach areas under the control of the George Municipality which include Herold’s Bay, Gwaiing River Mouth, Victoria Bay, Wilderness, and Leentjiesklip areas. NO DRINKING is allowed at beaches, any open space, car parks, in or outside vehicles at these places. Law Enforcement has NO TOLERANCE for any person who wants to enter the beach areas under the influence of alcohol, try to enter the beaches with liquor, or drink alcohol at beaches. We will not hesitate to prosecute people and or confiscate their liquor if they do not comply with the municipal by-laws. We encourage all beachgoers to assist our officials in ensuring that their day at the beach is a safe and pleasant experience.

•             George Municipality is once again urgently appealing to motorists at the beach areas to please adhere to all traffic laws and avoid putting themselves and other road users in danger.

George Traffic appeals to motorists to please park considerately and not to cause any traffic obstructions. If any vehicle is found to be contravening traffic law and causing a disruption to traffic flow, either through parking, blocking entrances or any other violation, they will be prosecuted. VEHICLES WILL BE TOWED away if they are causing a traffic hazard. Traffic Controllers are assisting at the beaches and at some beaches drop and go parking bays are available for easy and safe accessing and exiting of the beach areas.

Point duty officers are also posted at all busy intersections in town to allow for the safe flow of traffic.

•             George Municipality wishes to again remind all dog owners that NO dogs are allowed on any of George’s beaches (SAND areas) at any time as per the Municipal By-Law (Keeping of Dogs, cats and animals). The municipality has attained Blue Flag status as well as Pilot Blue Flag status for Wilderness Beach, Victoria Bay and Herold’s Bay and to adhere to the Blue Flag international standards we are strictly enforcing this regulation this festive season. Dog excrement can contaminate the water and jeopardise the Blue Flag status of our beaches, even if the dog poop is picked up. Dog owners are therefore urged to keep dogs on a leash and off the sandy areas at the beaches. Law Enforcement officers will not hesitate to act against those that do not adhere to this regulation which is clearly visible on our regulation signage boards located at each beach area.

•             Lifeguards are on duty at Gwaing Beach, Herold’s Bay, Victoria Bay, Wilderness Leentjiesklip and Wilderness Salina’s on a full-time daily basis until 31 January 2021.  They are at beaches in the George municipal area from 7 am-7 pm every day, including weekends and public holidays. Public swimming pools in Conville and Uniondale remain closed as a Covid-19 precaution. PLEASE SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS AT BEACHES AND OBEY LIFEGUARD INSTRUCTIONS.

•             FIREWORKS

Due to the high fire risk, there is a general ban on the setting off, selling and possession of fireworks, firecrackers, flares, paper lanterns and other such paraphernalia in the George municipal area. Fines will be imposed and all fireworks will be confiscated. Report Fireworks to Law Enforcement on 044 801 6350/6300 and Fires to 044 801 6311.


Refuse Collection black, blue and green bags will continue throughout the festive season including public holidays. The CBD cleaning crews will work throughout with an extension of their hours as and when required.

Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status

Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status
Reissued by George Municipality 22 December 2021

George Municipality wishes to again remind all dog owners that NO dogs are allowed on any of George beaches (SAND Areas) at any time as per the Municipal By-Law (Keeping of Dogs, cats and animals). The municipality has attained Blue Flag status as well as Pilot Blue Flag status for Wilderness Beach, Victoria Bay and Herolds Bay and in order to adhere to the Blue Flag international standards we are strictly enforcing this regulation this festive season.

Dog excrement can contaminate the water and jeopardise the Blue Flag status of our beaches, even if the dog poop is picked up. Dog owners are therefore warned to keep dogs on a leash and off the sandy areas at the beaches. Law Enforcement officers will not hesitate to act against those that do not adhere to this regulation which is clearly identified on our regulation signage boards located at each beach area.

Further to this By-Law no dog or other animal may be in any public street or public space (any open public space the public has access to which falls under the George Municipal jurisdiction for example beachfronts, parks, sport fields and sidewalks) except on a leash and under control. This is unless the animal is in an area designated by the George Municipality as a free-running area. A person is not allowed to walk a dog other than a guide dog, ON A BEACHFRONT i.e not on the sand, a public street, public place, without carrying enough plastic or paper bags or wrappers, to place the excrement of the dog into, in the event of the dog defecating.

Please note that dogs are allowed on the sidewalk areas, (tarred, brick-paved etc.) of beachfronts, if these conditions are adhered to. The beach areas under the control of the George Municipality include Herold’s Bay, Gwaiing River Mouth, Victoria Bay and the Leentjiesklip areas.

The public must also note that By-laws relating to dogs on a street or public place relate to the George Municipal jurisdiction and it might differ from other municipalities. The public is also requested to humanely muzzle and keep dogs under control, which could be considered dangerous, vicious or ferocious. No animals should be left in an unattended and or a closed vehicle or open bakkie in any public street or space. If this by-law is not adhered to, a fine of R1000 will be imposed.

We ask dog owners to familiarise themselves with the Sanparks infographic attached, to see where dogs are allowed on Wilderness Beach.

Public Notice: Early closure of George Municipal offices on 24 and 31 December 2021

Public Notice: Early closure of George Municipal offices on 24 and 31 December 2021
Issued by George Municipality 22 December 2021

All George Municipality offices will close at 13h00 on 24 and 31 December 2021 with the exception of the Traffic Department, Vehicle Testing Station and Motor Vehicle Registration offices that will close at 12h00. Emergency and other essential services will continue during these periods.

EARLY CLOSURE @ 12H00 for 24 and 31 December (all customers within gates will be assisted)

  • Traffic Department Offices, Driving and Learners Licences:
    Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp 044 878 2400
  • Vehicle Testing Station
    Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9312
  • Motor Vehicle Registration and Licencing
    Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9310

All after-hours George Municipality (including Uniondale and Haarlem)emergencies: 044 801 6300
Fire Emergencies: 044 801 6311
General public email for all matters:
Garden Route District Municipality Disaster Management emergencies: 044 805 5071 (all hours)

Ratepayers are requested to use one of the below-mentioned methods to make payments:

Accounts can be paid via electronic transfer (EFT – see details below), via pay@ mobile applications (see details below) and at Pick n Pay, Checkers, Shoprite, USave and SPAR. Please take your most recent available account statement with you so that the shop can access the bar code that connects your payment to your GRG account number.

Meter readings
Online submissions of water meter readings are welcomed and can be provided via the below email address along with the accountholder’s name, contact details and GRG account number.

Consumers must please note the change in email address to
Account related enquiries:

Bank Details for electronic payment (please note bank details changed 1 December 2020)

First National Bank (FNB)
Account Type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Account Name: George Municipality
Account Number: 62869623150
Branch Code: 210554
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Reference: your GRG account number (please enter your account number without the GRG in front and without any spaces in-between)
Proof of payment to be sent to

pay@ mobile applications
Download Masterpass, Snapscan or Zapper application on your mobile phone and complete your profile.

You can also use the following link for payment of your account:

Prepaid electricity purchases

Pre-paid electricity queries to Itron/Ontec: 044 873 5474
Emergency credit control queries (063 699 5998)

Water restored to the bigger part of Rosedale after and air valve was stolen

George Municipality’s request is to all of our residents to assist us in looking after and protecting these assets that belong to the community.

The public can contact the Anti-fraud toll free number 0860 044 044 or report vandalism and theft verbally, by email or to any of the municipal or SAPS telephone numbers. The member of public reporting will have to supply their name and contact details as their testimony may be required for the successful conviction of the perpetrators. The identity of those aiding will be protected.

Issued by George Municipality 21 Dec 2021 at 12h21

George Municipality Law Enforcement sends stern warning to beachgoers by showing them away from beach areas with liquor to the value of R10 000 in one day

Issued by George Municipality 20 December 2021 for immediate release

Captions: Some of the liquor that beachgoers tried to smuggle onto the beach areas.

George Municipality has sent a stern warning to beachgoers yesterday by sending them away from beach areas with liquor to the value of more than R10 000, which people still tried to bring onto beaches, despite the ZERO TOLERANCE OF ALCOHOL ON OUR BEACHES.

According to Richard von Willingh, Law Enforcement Chief, people tried to bring a total of 332.3 litres of various kinds of liquor to the approximate value of R10 129 onto the beaches yesterday, Sunday, 19 December 2021. Alcohol would have been confiscated if the offenders did not leave the beach area.

Beachgoers should take note that NO DRINKING is allowed at beaches, any open space, car parks, in or outside vehicles at these places. Law Enforcement has NO TOLERANCE for any person who wants to enter the beach areas under the influence of alcohol, try to enter the beaches with liquor, or use alcohol at beaches.

Von Willingh said, “We will not hesitate to prosecute people and or confiscate their liquor if they do not comply with the municipal by-laws.”

George Municipality will strictly enforce its no alcohol allowed on our beaches policy. The Municipality appointed 30 Beach Monitors to assist with beach patrols and bag searches.

We encourage all beachgoers to assist our officials in ensuring that their day at the beach is a safe and pleasant experience. Neighbourhood Watches, Community Police Forums, George Traffic Services, Provincial Traffic Services as well as SAPS also work closely with the Municipality with regards to Community Safety.

Alcohol is strictly prohibited on all beach areas under the control of the George Municipality which include Herold’s Bay, Gwaiing River Mouth, Victoria Bay, Wilderness, and Leentjiesklip areas.

Beachgoers should take note that NO DRINKING is allowed at beaches, any open space, car parks, in or outside vehicles at these places. Law Enforcement has NO TOLERANCE for any person who wants to enter the beach areas under the influence of alcohol, try to enter the beaches with liquor, or use alcohol at beaches.

Von Willingh said, “We will not hesitate to prosecute people and or confiscate their liquor if they do not comply with the municipal by-laws.”

George Municipality will strictly enforce its no alcohol allowed on our beaches policy. The Municipality appointed 30 Beach Monitors to assist with beach patrols and bag searches.

We encourage all beachgoers to assist our officials in ensuring that their day at the beach is a safe and pleasant experience. Neighbourhood Watches, Community Police Forums, George Traffic Services, Provincial Traffic Services as well as SAPS also work closely with the Municipality with regards to Community Safety.

Alcohol is strictly prohibited on all beach areas under the control of the George Municipality which include Herold’s Bay, Gwaiing River Mouth, Victoria Bay, Wilderness, and Leentjiesklip areas.

Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status

Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status
Issued by George Municipality 20 December 2021
George Municipality wishes to inform all dog owners that for us to adhere to the Blue Flag international standards at all our beaches, it is imperative to enforce strict rules of NO DOGS ON BEACHES (SAND AREAS) that is in line with the Municipality’s By-law, Keeping of dogs, cats and animals.

Dog excrement can contaminate the water and jeopardise the Blue Flag status of our beaches-even if the dog poop is picked up.
Dog owners are therefore warned to keep dogs on a leash and off the sandy areas at the beaches. Law Enforcement officers will not hesitate to act against those that do not adhere to the By-law.

Wilderness Beach has full Blue Flag status and Victoria Bay and Herold’s Bay both gained Pilot status. Blue Flag is an international coastal management programme that accredits beaches that meet standards of excellence in water quality, environmental management, environmental education and information as well as safety and services. In South Africa the programme is implemented by the Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA).

Blue Flag beaches promote tourism which stimulates the economy and assist with job creation. The status offers many benefits including improved tourism facilities, enhanced management of coastal ecosystems, increased awareness of the coast and capacity building of coastal municipalities as well as carrying significant international merit.

Further to this By-Law no dog or other animal may be in any public street or public space (any open public space the public has access to which falls under the George Municipal jurisdiction for example beachfronts, parks, sport fields and sidewalks) except on a leash and under control. This is unless the animal is in an area designated by the George Municipality as a free-running area. A person is not allowed to walk a dog other than a guide dog, ON A BEACHFRONT, a public street, public place, without carrying enough plastic or paper bags or wrappers, to place the excrement of the dog into, in the event of the dog defecating.

Please note that dogs are allowed on the sidewalk areas, (tarred, brick-paved etc.) of beachfronts, if these conditions are adhered to. The beach areas under the control of the George Municipality includes Herold’s Bay, Gwaiing River Mouth, Victoria Bay and the Leentjiesklip areas.

The public must also note that By-laws relating to dogs on a street or public place relate to the George Municipal jurisdiction and it might differ from other municipalities. The public is also requested to humanely muzzle and keep dogs under control, which could be considered dangerous, vicious or ferocious. No animals should be left in an unattended and or a closed vehicle or open bakkie in any public street or space. If this by-law is not adhered to, a fine of R1000 will be imposed.

Mr Richard von Willingh, Manager Law Enforcement at George Municipality, requests that animal owners leaving on vacation have their animals cared for by a reliable person or at an animal boarding facility such as kennels or catteries.

We ask dog owners to familiarise themselves with a map of Sanparks attached, to see where dogs are allowed on beaches and where not.

Urgent Public Notice: Some Beachgoers causing dangerous traffic situations at beach areas

George Municipality is once again urgently appealing to motorists at the beach areas to please adhere to all traffic laws and avoid putting themselves and other road users in danger.

Motorists are currently causing dangerous traffic situations at especially Herold’s Bay beach area and are plainly ignoring the warnings of traffic officers. This is dangerous to motorists and other road users and their families. VEHICLES WILL BE TOWED away if they are causing a traffic hazard.

George Traffic appeals to motorists to please park considerately and not to cause any traffic obstructions. If any vehicle is found to be contravening traffic law and causing a disruption to traffic flow, either through parking, blocking entrances or any other violation, they will be prosecuted.

The Municipality has done everything in its power to address the shortage of parking at Herold’s Bay by adding three drop and go parking bays right next to the caravan food stalls for the Festive Season. A Traffic Controller is assisting motorists at the drop and go area.

Traffic controllers are also assisting with general parking at Herold’s Bay. Motorists are also allowed to park on the verges of the R404 Road entering the beach area provided they are completely off the road and not causing any obstruction.


Issued by George Municipality 17 December 2021 for immediate release

George Municipality is allowing restaurants to apply for ‘pavement permits’ over the festive season, to assist restaurants to inch closer to their original capacities as they have to implement social distancing measures due to COVID-19.

A ‘pavement permit’ will provide restaurants with additional floor space to place their tables, taking Covid-19 amended level 1 regulations into account. These permits will be applicable until 16 January 2022.

If your establishment would like to apply for this permit, download the application form here and submit it together with the required documents to Lauren Waring, Director of Planning and Development:  Any additional queries can be directed to the same email address.

George Municipality appeals to businesses and the public – ONLY PUT OUT REFUSE ON COLLECTION DAYS

Urgent Public Notice: George Municipality appeals to businesses and the public, in general, to ONLY PUT OUT REFUSE ON COLLECTION DAYS FOR THAT SPECIFIC AREA.

Businesses must only put out refuse on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and NOT on any other day. The businesses, especially the George CBD, should please not put refuse bags out on the sidewalks. Our cleaning teams remove the refuse from the designated spots.

REFUSE REMOVAL: GENERAL• All refuse bags, black, green and blue, must be put out by 07:00 am on the removal day ONLY.• Only 4 green bags are allowed, and unlimited blue bags.• All black bags will be collected over season time (1 Dec 21 – 07 Jan 22) and can also be substituted or combined with bundles of branches/ garden waste. Bundles must not be too big for one person to pick up OR more than 1m in length.• Broken glass should be wrapped in newspaper when thrown into bags to prevent injuries to workers.• Bulky waste must be disposed of at the Gwaiing Landfill Site on R102. The Gwaiing landfill site will be open Monday to Friday at 7:00 until 19:00, Saturdays and Public Holidays from 7:00 until 15:00 (except Christmas Day).

COLLECTION DATES WITH REGARDS TO UPCOMING FESTIVE PUBLIC HOLIDAYSRefuse (black, green and blue bags) will be collected as per normal on 27 December (Monday) 2021.
Affected areas:27 December 2021 – Blanco, Riverlea, Heatherpark, Heatherlands, Glen Barrie, Kraaibosch, Groenkloof, Blue Mountain Village, Herold’s Bay, Victoria Bay, Rondevlei area (George side) and businesses.
CONTACTGeorge Municipality Environmental Services82 Meade Street, George. Phone 044 802 2900Black bag-related enquiries: 044 802 2900Blue and green bag enquiries: LGE Waste, 044 878 0688/lgewaste@gmail.com10 Extension Road, Pacaltsdorp Industrial Area


Public Notice: Gwaiing Beach is open for SWIMMING

Issued by George Municipality – 17 December 2021 at 10h30

Gwaiing Beach is open for SWIMMING again from today, 17 December 2021 as confirmed by Chief Fire Officer and Emergency Services for George, Neels Barnard.

The beach had to be closed for swimming on Tuesday, 7 December 2021 due to large pieces of debris and logs in the river mouth after heavy rainfall the previous day as well as dangerous sea conditions. Water conditions have improved and are monitored closely by lifeguards and officials.

Lifeguards are on duty at Gwaiing beach and at all other swimming beaches in the George municipal area daily from 7 am to 7 pm until the end of the school holidays in January 2022. This includes weekends and public holidays. Public swimming pools in Conville and Uniondale remain closed as a Covid-19 precaution.

Appreciation Service held for representatives of Nutritional Centres

Issued by George Municipality on 15 December 2021 for immediate release

The George Municipality Community Development Section hosted an Appreciation Service dedicated to the Nutritional Centre representatives on Tuesday, 14 December.

There are currently 125 active centres across the George Municipal area.

The ceremony took on a formal programme and certificates of appreciation were handed over to all the representatives of the nutritional centres. Candles were lit during the programme in memorium of those who lost their lives in the past two years. The Executive Deputy Mayor of George, Cllr Raybin Figland, did the official address at the event and thanked all the good Samaritans from the centres for all their hard work and dedication to their communities.

Apostle Charlotte Roberts, the Guest Speaker at the event, shared a powerful motivational message with the attendees. After the formalities, the ladies and gents were treated to a cooked meal with dessert. The meals were sponsored by EBK Distributors who regards this as their part in giving back to the community that they are a part of. The function was well attended and appreciated by all who were present.

The newly appointed Portfolio Councillor for Community Development, Cllr Brendon Adams, did the official opening and welcoming at the event.

Nutrition 1 and 2: The representatives from the 125 Nutritional Centres across George attended an Appreciation Service at Lawaaikamp Community Hall. Here they are proudly showing off their appreciation certificates for a job well done.