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Author: Debra Sauer



Issued George Mun, 11 April 2022 at 08h35


Please take note that all the eye test machines at the George Traffic Department in Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp are FULLY OPERATIONAL AGAIN. All services at the Traffic Department like driving licence renewals, booking tests for learner’s and driving licences, card collections and more can go ahead.


The MVR and Vehicle Testing station in Hibernia Street (next to the train station) are fully operational.


For any queries please contact the department on 044 878 2400 or visit the offices in Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp.


Issued George Mun, 8 April 2022 at 08h15
Please take note that all the eye test machines at the George Traffic Department in Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp are STILL offline due to a national problem. The driving license renewal section is currently closed for eye testing and no new testing is therefore able to take place.
We are however open for card collections, booked tests for learners and driver’s licenses can go ahead.
The MVR and Vehicle Testing station in Hibernia Street (next to the train station) are fully operational.
We apologise for the inconvenience and regret the situation which is out of our control. For any queries please contact the department on 044 878 2400 or visit the offices in Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp.



With several public holidays coming up, GO GEORGE calls on passengers to take note of the schedules that will be followed on these days.

Over the Easter weekend, Friday the 15th of April will see the buses running according to the Sunday schedule, and on Monday the 18th of April, the Saturday schedule will apply on all routes.

On both Freedom Day (Wednesday 27 April) and Workers’ Day (observed on Monday 2 May), the Saturday schedule will be followed.

For any enquiries or assistance with trip planning, phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044, or visit the GO GEORGE Facebook page for the latest news.



Met verskeie openbare vakansiedae voor die deur, vestig GO GEORGE passasiers se aandag op die skedules wat op hierdie dae gevolg sal word.

Oor die Paasnaweek sal die busse op Vrydag 15 April volgens die Sondagskedule loop, en op Maandag 18 April sal die Saterdagskedule op alle roetes van toepassing wees.

Op Vryheidsdag (Woensdag 27 April) sowel as Werkersdag (wat op Maandag 2 Mei herdenk word) sal die Saterdagskedule gevolg word.

Vir enige navrae of hulp met ritbeplanning, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelkantoor by 0800 044 044, of besoek die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad vir die jongste nuus.



Issued George Mun, 7 April 2022 at 08h48


Please take note that all the eye test machines at the George Traffic Department in Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp are offline due to a national problem. The driving license renewal section is currently closed for eye testing and no new testing is therefore able to take place.


We are however open for card collections, applications for learners and driver’s license appointments and normal driving testing can go ahead.


The MVR and Vehicle Testing station in Hibernia Street (next to the train station) are fully operational.


We apologise for the inconvenience and regret the situation which is out of our control. For any queries please contact the department on 044 878 2400 or visit the offices in Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Donation appeal for informal dwelling fire victims

PUBLIC NOTICE: Donation appeal for informal dwelling fire victims
Issued George Municipality, 30 March 2022

Following a fire last night, 29 March 2022 which destroyed 4 informal dwellings and seriously damaged a fifth. Eight adults and two children have been left destitute and without shelter. George Municipality will assist as far as possible and prioritize the households with children.

We appeal to the public to kindly assist with donations of any the following items:
Doors, window frames, nails, safetop screws, furniture, towels, blankets, bedding, toiletries, pots and pans, cleaning products, clothing items and non-perishable food items will be welcome.
All donations can be dropped at the Community Development Service office on the corner of Varing and St. John’s Streets at the back of the George Post Office for attention Janine Edwards between 08h00 – 16h00 Monday – Friday.

For queries please phone 044 802 2000.

Upgrading of Stormwater and associated Streets: Thembalethu Zone 9 including Dick Street

The upgrade of stormwater infrastructure and associated residential streets servicing the Dick Street Area in Thembalethu: Zone 9 including: Dick, Sipotose, Qhawa, Magqazana, Mehlo, Mogwaja, Sampisi and a section of Mngoma Street, will have an impact on residents and road users for the period from 1 March 2022 to 15 December 2022.
The existing stormwater infrastructure and associated streets servicing Thembalethu
Zone 9 (Dick Street Area) including sections of Dick, Sipotose, Qhawa, Magqazana,
Mehlo, Mogwaja, Sampisi and Mngoma Streets will be affected.
1 March 2022 to 15 December 2022
Municipal services may be disrupted during construction. Advance notification of
planned temporary disruptions will be sent out via social media.
Working hours will be from 07h00 – 18h00 Mondays to Fridays and 07h00 – 14h00 on
Saturdays, as may be needed from time to time.
Caution needs to be exercised by residents, road users and pedestrians throughout the
duration of the construction period. Adherence to flag persons, temporary road signage
and markings will be required.
Access to the site will be strictly controlled. Any member of the public who enters the
site will have to comply with the relevant requirements in terms of the Health and Safety
Act and National State of Disaster: COVID-19 Regulations.
PROJECT ENQUIRIES: – WJVN Civils (Pty) Ltd attention
Mr. Wouter van Niekerk on 044 873 5798.
The George Municipality apologises for any inconvenience and appeals to all residents to be patient and exercise caution during the upgrade.
Please look out for and adhere to temporary road signage and roadworks personnel.

Urgent public notice: Waterflow will be affected to the whole of Lawaaikamp

Urgent public notice: Waterflow will be affected to the whole of Lawaaikamp after a contractor damaged a water pipe in the area. The water flow needs to be turned off to repair the damaged pipe. Civil Engineering teams and the contractor involved will work as fast as humanly possible to fix the problem. We apologise for the inconvenience caused. Issued by George Mun 28 March at 16h30.

Backup battery project to keep the lights on and traffic moving

George Municipality has initiated a programme to resolve traffic complications during loadshedding or any other planned power outages. Several Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) units have been installed at selected major traffic intersections in the city to power the traffic lights during outages.

George Municipality Director Electrotechnical Services Bongani Mandla said the municipality hoped to install such units at 40 pre-identified sites at major intersections across the city as soon as capital budget for it was made available. “The measure is one of several sustainable energy solutions the municipality is introducing to reduce the impacts associated with loadshedding, including traffic congestion and human resources such as traffic pointsmen.”

The project which will cost approximately R2.5 million, makes use of batteries that are charged via our electrical supply. The UPS automatically kicks in and operates the traffic lights should the electrical supply be interrupted for any reason with an average duration of 4 hours, before the battery needs recharging. This will be a game changer at the major traffic intersections in George during peak hour loadshedding. The UPS housing is IP65 rated which allows it to be water and dust proof.

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk paid a quick visit to the team working on site last week to review the technology. In the photograph the Mayor is seen with from left Gerrit Carolus, Superintendent Streetlights; and to his right is Thomas Scheepers, Specialised Electrician Streetlights and Edward Nqumse, Action Senior Manager Services.

Mr Mandla commended the relatively small traffic lights team, who with a specialised skills set and commitment to service delivery address ongoing faults and maintenance at all traffic light intersections in the George area.


George Libraries hosts successful Library Week

Conville Library hosts Spelling Bee
A Spelling Bee was held by Conville Library with Conville Primary School for Library Week. This is a spelling competition that exposes the reading and spelling skills of the youngsters. The Spelling Bee is a sub-section of the literary world that is also used during the annual Funda Mzantsi competition.
Rachel Williams, Manager: George Libraries, said it was only Conville Primary that participated in the competition last week. “It is our sincere hope that more schools will take part in the Spelling Bee in future so that many different schools in our area can compete against each other. Williams said one of the perks of the competition is it allows children to develop an appreciation for words and language. The aim being to increase children’s self-confidence and enable them to perform in front of an audience.
How does a spelling bee work?
1. A spelling bee is conducted in rounds where everyone is given one word to spell per round. The spelling bee starts with a practice round, followed by a first round then a second and a third round.
2. If a speller incorrectly spells the word, they are immediately eliminated from the competition.
3. The wordlists of the spelling bee can be generated from a wordbook that should be given to spellers prior to the spelling bee competition.
4. The spelling bee should be run by a judge/adjudicator, pronouncer and a timekeeper.
Mini Library for the Blind
Pacaltdorp Library obtained a mini Library for the Blind during Library Week. The launch of the mini library will open the door to knowledge and information for the visually impaired people of Pacaltsdorp and surrounding areas. In pursuit of a knowledgeable society and to ensure free and fair citizenship, this programme promises to eradicate information poverty, whilst cultural diversity and active citizenship is being encouraged and emphasized. Education and lifelong learning are hereby fostered.
This is also an opportunity for illiterate people to benefit from this free service that is being rendered. The primary objective of this project is to provide access to reading materials through assistive devices and the provision of necessary technology that are available at Pacaltsdorp Library. Visually impaired people are thus becoming part of the information society and are given the opportunity to participate in the knowledge society.
Lala and Gabrielle: The winner of the Spelling Bee competition is Gabrielle Ememameh(spelling checked)(11), grade 7 from Conville Primary School). With her is Library Assistant, Nompumelelo Dladla from Conville Library.
Thembalethu library: Avuswa Majwede (left) and Endinako Dolomba obtained new library cards at Thembalethu Library as part of the Library Week launch. With them is library assistant, Abigail Geyesa of Thembalethu Library.
Blind: Cutting the ribbon at the Launch of the mini Library for the Blind at Pacaltsdorp Library are from left, Amgelika Sass from the South African Library for the Blind, Rachel Williams, Manager: George Libraries and Jade O’Ryan from the South African Library for the Blind.
George: Wilkie Barkhuizen (left) from the Genealogical Society Rights in conversation with Cllr Jayzee Jantjies, Ward Councillor of Ward 6 at George Library during Library Week.
George1: Cllr Jayzee Jantjies at a display by Jacques Olivier of Human Rights at George Library.

Public Notice: Conville swimming pool open to the public after gala

Public Notice: Conville swimming pool open to the public after gala
Issued by George Municipality 22 March 2022
The public swimming pool in Conville is open as usual to the public after the swimming gala over the weekend.
Monday to Friday: 13h00 – 16h00 (with lifeguards on duty)
Saturdays and Sundays (Public Holidays): 09h00 – 12h00 and 13h00 – 16h00 with lifeguards on duty.
Emergency number: 044 801 6300
Fire 044 801 6311
Disaster Centre 044 801 6316


All customers in Wilderness are currently still online. Our Electrotechnical Services Directorate is monitoring the loading closely. George Municipality would like to thank the public for reducing their load and to please continue to do so, as we are still on an emergency supply with limited capacity.

Wilderness and surrounds experienced an unexpected power outage due to a fault on an Eskom power line yesterday.

Eskom could not locate the fault up to now. The George Municipality’s Electro-Tech Department which is responsible for electricity supply in the City has, meanwhile, provided an alternative power supply in the whole Wilderness area, while Eskom is still attending to the situation.

This temporary alternative power supply cannot carry the demand today, therefore, a rotational load shedding was implemented in Wilderness to ensure some continuity of power supply.

The following rotational load shedding was implemented in the Wilderness area:

(Please note that this is an emergency schedule, which means that it may or may not be implemented depending on real-time loading).

OFF 10 AM-11 AM:

Wilderness heights, from heights road up to 10 Myl laan

Issued by George Mun



Mayor’s Newsletter for George Herald of 10 March 2022

An interesting discussion for George is the confluence of semi-gration attractiveness, managing the infrastructure and stimulation of economic activity.

In recent months there have been numerous media articles about semi-gration activity in South Africa where families are moving from metropoles and areas where service delivery standards are slipping and re-locating to small cities that are considered to offer a better quality of life. Conversation with estate agents indicate that there is a flurry of inward migration into George.

When cities become magnets, it is important to recognise the importance of maintaining and growing the infrastructure base. George has been confronting the trial of growing infrastructure as firstly the Outeniqua Waste-Water Treatment Works is being refurbished and expanded with completion a year away. In March 2021 we faced the tough dilemma of how to fund the expansion to the Water Treatment Works. We knew that such a project would place extreme pressure on funding capacity and on tariffs. The strategy in applying for and the success in receiving grant funding should not be under-estimated.

With this R1200 million project now underway (the first R81m is due to be spent by June 2022) it is worthwhile considering the benefit of this project to George. If George had to self-fund this project over 15 years, the water tariff would have had to be increased by R9 per Kilolitre (or by 50% of the present basic tariff of almost R18 per Kilolitre) on each of the 8,853m Kilolitres as used in 2020-21 and over a 15-year period. This provides a perspective of the cost savings to ratepayers resulting from the grant. This however is before considering the renewal costs still to be incurred in coming years on refurbishing the 990 km network, reservoirs, etc.

A condition of receiving this grant is that a Cost Benefit Analysis has had to be undertaken to ensure that the project demonstrates that the return on the investment provides a net present value. The consultants have done this study based on the assumption that 35000 houses will be built over the next 20 years with at least 52% being middle to higher value housing.

This analysis implies that sufficient economic development will take place to provide employment so that services can be delivered and paid for. Quite often I hear comments from residents who are uncomfortable to see George grow. The reality is that if towns do not provide work for their residents, they start stagnating and are unable to generate sufficient revenue to maintain and refurbish their infrastructure.

The developments described here illustrate the complex balance and responsibility we all must collaborate in constant renewal through in-migration, growing economic activity and improving infrastructure.

GO GEORGE Smart Card top-ups temporarily available at municipal cashier counters

The GO GEORGE Smart Card kiosk next to the Civic Centre in York Street was closed at the end of February due to the building having changed owners and the rental agreement for the premises not being renewed.

The top-up and enquiry services previously provided at this kiosk have temporarily moved to the ground floor of the main George municipal building while more permanent facilities are being prepared. Passengers will have easy access to the dedicated GO GEORGE counter (counter 5) in the finance hall during business hours, 08:00 – 15:30 on weekdays.

Outside of business hours and on Saturday mornings, kiosk services will be provided at a mobile Smart Card kiosk parked in front of the old kiosk premises in York Street. This will be from 06:00 – 08:00 and from 16:00 – 19:00 on weekdays, and Saturdays from 06:00 – 12:00. Since the demand for service in this area has proved to be very low on Saturday afternoons and on Sundays, the mobile kiosk will not be deployed to this venue at these times.

GO GEORGE is working very hard towards establishing convenient kiosk facilities close to the old venue in order to minimise disruption and inconvenience to passengers.Wayfinding signage is in place on the pedestrian route from the old kiosk to the municipal building, but anyone feeling uncertain about how to get to the temporary facility can phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044.

CAPTIONS: The dedicated GO GEORGE counter in the municipality’s finance hall is manned by GO GEORGE cashiers who know the process and protocol.
A Smart Card mobile kiosk parked in front of the old kiosk premises in York Street outside of municipal office hours serve passengers from 06:00 until 08:00, and from 16:00 until 19:00 on weekdays and on Saturday mornings.

GO GEORGE Slimkaartdienste tydelik beskikbaar by munisipale kassieretoonbanke

7 Maart 2022

Die GO GEORGE Slimkaartkiosk langs die Burgersentrum in Yorkstraat is einde Februarie gesluit omdat die gebou van eienaar verwissel het en die huurooreenkoms vir die perseel nie hernu is nie. Die herlaai van ritte en navraagdienste wat voorheen by hierdie kiosk verskaf is, het tydelik na die grondvloer van die hoofgebou van die George-munisipaliteit verskuif terwyl meer permanente fasiliteite voorberei word.

Passasiers sal gedurende werksure, 08:00 – 15:30 op weeksdae maklike toegang tot die toegewese GO GEORGE-toonbank (toonbank 5) in die finansiële saal hê. Buite besigheidsure en op Saterdagoggende sal kioskdienste verskaf word by ‘n mobiele Slimkaartkiosk wat voor die ou kioskperseel in Yorkstraat parkeer.

Dit sal van 06:00 – 08:00 en van 16:00 tot 19:00 op weeksdae en Saterdae van 06:00 tot 12:00 wees. Aangesien die vraag na diens in hierdie gebied Saterdagmiddae en op Sondae baie laag was, sal die mobiele kiosk nie op hierdie tye na die perseel ontplooi word nie. GO GEORGE werk baie hard daaraan om gerieflike kioskfasiliteite naby die ou lokaal te vestig om ontwrigting en ongerief vir passasiers te verminder.Padaanwysings is in plek op die voetgangerroete van die ou kiosk na die munisipale gebou, maar enigiemand wat onseker voel oor hoe om by die tydelike fasiliteit uit te kom, kan die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 skakel.

BYSKRIFTE: Die toegewese GO GEORGE-toonbank in die munisipaliteit se finansiële saal word beman deur GO GEORGE-kassiere wat die proses en protokol ken.
‘n Mobiele Slimkaartkiosk wat buite munisipale kantoorure voor die ou kioskperseel in Yorkstraat parkeer, bedien passasiers van 06:00 tot 08:00, en van 16:00 tot 19:00 op weeksdae en op Saterdagoggende.

Old Car Show takes George by the horns

George (Garden Route) – February 2022 Being on the road in and around the Southern Cape centre of George in the days leading up to its favourite gathering of special cars and their proud proprietors, can only be described as petrolhead heaven.

The influx of beautifully preserved old cars, motorbikes, bakkies, tractors and military vehicles was evident as these machines converged upon the Garden Route from near and far. Vintage cars were joined on the N2’s George approaches by hot-rods, street-rods, modified cars and other lightning-fast representatives of modern fleets, either making their way on own steam or the back of humongous car carriers, all roads leading to the meticulously laid out showgrounds at Eden Technical High School.

The Southern Cape Old Car Club’s flagship annual event, George Old Car Show (GOCS) celebrated its 25th anniversary with great fanfare in perfect weather for an outdoors affair of such magnitude. The Silver Jubilee milestone featured 2,000 engines of an incredible variety, also including stationary engines and model cars. During the two show days on February 12 and 13, around 8,000 visitors entered through the gates for their tasty, racy slice of the action.

Entry tickets were sold for different time slots of the day, which meant that the organising committee and their army of helpers were always on top of crowd control and that everyone inside the school’s vast grounds could enjoy the displays, stalls, demonstrations and drive-bys while keeping a safe distance from fellow motor fans.

And for latecomers who missed the boat once tickets were sold out, a great consolation was that the event was streamed live, from the official opening on Saturday morning through to general pans of displays and a multitude of interviews with special car owners being broadcast to an appreciative online audience.

Among those who welcomed the Saturday’s first set of show-goers were Waldo and René Scribante of George Old Car Show premier partners, SCRIBS BENZeum, that served as venue for social events leading up to and during the weekend. Among the gatherings hosted at this unique venue was a spit braai to conclude the Zesto’s Café Vet Tour, participants of which had joined their Kalk Bay colleagues for a memorable road trip in the week preceding the show.

Along with SCRIBS BENZeum as premier partner, the success of GOCS 2022 is also due to the contribution of supporting partners Protea Hotel by Marriott King George, SAB, ClickOnIt, George Municipality, en George Herald.

In his opening address, GOCS chairman Alewijn Dippenaar thanked not only his 35-strong committee of Southern Cape Old Car Club members, but also the gents and ladies who had fulfilled that role during the past quarter century of shows presented with aplomb.

From the first gathering in the late 90s on Paul and Leonora Fick’s farm overlooking Victoria Bay, the show had grown exponentially each year. And this year’s fully subscribed event would not have been as successful without the groundwork done by previous generations of old car lovers.

Kudos are due to Dippenaar and his crew and all of those who preceded them, so contributing to the roaring success of this weekend’s George Old Car Show. Visit for details of the Southern Cape Old Car Club, click on for coverage of the weekend’s GOCS, and follow them on Facebook for more photos and feedback.


In 2019, the George Heritage Trust commissioned a number of its members to start with a heritage inventory of Pacaltsdorp in order to ensure the proactive conservation and protection of important heritage resources and places. Funding has been provided by a private donor who has kindly donated a generous sum for the inventory.

At its first workshop in November 2019, the members of the survey team (Henry Paine, Kathy Schultz, Lita Webley, Marlise de Bruyn and Patrick Sambo) were introduced to the legislation and to the methods of heritage surveys and inventories. Unfortunately, the team had just started with its survey work in February 2020, when Covid placed a major obstacle in the way of introducing the project to the community of Pacaltsdorp. The date for the first public meeting in March 2020, coincided with the lockdown and had to be cancelled.

During 2020 and 2021, the team has been working quietly in the background. Kathy has completed background research in the archives and has recorded the history of the community. Blanche Benjamin, and members of the Gwaing Action Group in Pacaltsdorp, have been actively involved in assisting with the survey and have helped Lita with her archaeological surveys. They are also helping Eugenie Marincowitz (a new member of the team) with the recording of buildings of architectural heritage value within the Pacaltsdorp core. Buildings older than 60 years have been photographed and recorded in the inventory. The team has studied the original 1875 survey diagrams for the historic core of the village and they have incorporated the work of Vivien and Derek Japha, architects who worked in Pacaltsdorp in the 1990s.

A draft document, which includes the history of Pacaltsdorp, has been compiled and submitted to the George Heritage Trust. They will in turn make it available to the Pacaltsdorp community to comment on.

Melanie Martin has joined the team and she and Nanno Evenhuis will be taking the public participation process forward together with Peter Noble who will chair the meeting to be held on March 9 at the Pacaltsdorp Community Hall at 18h00. Everyone is welcome and the residents of Pacaltsdorp are encouraged to comment on the draft document which will be discussed at the meeting and subsequently posted onto the internet in Draft form pending the insertion of material obtained from the community. The Trust hopes that members of the community will share their memories as well as opinions of places of heritage importance. Once the inventory has been completed, it will be submitted to Heritage Western Cape for their approval and to the George Municipality. The Inventory will be placed in the public domain and the Trust hopes that it will be added as one of the layers of the Municipality’s GIS system on their website. The document is a ‘live’ work and we hope that it will be added to as more information becomes available in the passing of time. The Inventory, although paid for by the George Heritage Trust, will be publicly owned and more especially will belong to the people of Pacaltsdorp.

Enquiries can be directed to, the FaceBook page of the Trust or to the website:

PUBLIC NOTICE: The public should be aware of a Roads Construction Project in the area

Issued by the Western Cape Government February 2022

Under Contract C1148, road construction works will take place from January 2022 to November 2022 in the following places:

The portion of the N2 known as Knysna Lagoon Road from west of White Bridge (km 54.65) to east of Old Cape Road (km 59.30)

The R404 (George Airport Road) through Blanco from the circle near Fancourt (km 4.22) to the R102 intersection  (km 9.34) near George Airport

N9/N12 (Outeniqua Pass) between George and Oudtshoorn from Plantation Road intersection (km 2.97) to the R404 intersection to Blanco (km 6.40).

Mayor’s Newsletter for George Herald of 24 February 2022

In recent weeks we have heard the news of how Johannesburg and Tshwane have been taking action against high profile customers who have not paid their municipal accounts. This has included the Sandton City shopping centre and the Silver Lakes residential complex.

It is quite remarkable that the municipalities and the debtors have allowed themselves to land in these situations. These very visible examples sadly illustrate the extent of the decay in many municipalities. Municipalities function in an environment where at least 95% of budgeted revenue needs to be collected to fund budgeted expenditure to leave a surplus of less than 0,1%. There is therefore virtually no room for slippage. Failing municipalities are unable to deliver reliable services and to collect the revenue due to them. It is therefore no wonder that George and the Western Cape is experiencing an influx of semi-grants in search of greater stability.

As we prepare for Council to approve the Adjustment Budget for the period to June 2022 and the multi-year budget for 2022/23 and beyond, the top management team and the councillors closely involved in the budgetary process have become increasingly aware of the areas where increasing levels of expenditure will be required in the near future.

Over the past decade George has been showing levels of growth ahead of the average annual growth rates for the Garden Route region to the extent where earlier on George constituted 35% of the regional economy, this proportion has now grown to 40%. This growth has placed pressure on the existing infrastructure. It has also been evident that the economic growth has outstripped the growth in revenue of the municipality. This has contributed to the pressures of allocating expenditure.  

In the forthcoming budget, attention will be given to the interwoven challenges resulting from the migration influx, refurbishment of ageing infrastructure, adding water and wastewater treatment capacity, catering for economic growth and intensifying efforts to reduce reliance on Eskom’s electricity supply.  An intensive review is underway to ensure that all revenue is being collected. In addition, tariff structures are being reviewed.

Numerous municipalities have restructured their tariffs to include a basic availability component to help fund fixed charges in addition to charges linked to actual unit usage. It may well be necessary for George to also adopt this methodology. In the case of electricity, a study has been done to examine ways to reduce peak hour usage by shifting power usage over more hours. This is the “time of usage” concept. Innovative ways are being explored to establish if consumers adopting this approach can be offered more attractive pricing options.

Progress on these efforts will be communicated in due course.

Update on unplanned power outage in Noord Street and surrounds

Update on unplanned power outage in Noord Street and surrounds – Estimated time of repair is at 20h00. This is due to further testing as deep digging of trenches were required.

The team will update on the progress at 18h30 should there be a risk of not meeting the estimated time of restoration. Issued by George Mun 21 Feb 2022 at 14h30

Reported “Higher than usual” number of Enteric (Typhoid) Fever cases based on historical data

For Immediate Release – Issued by Garden Route District Municipality 21 February 2022

Though cases of enteric fever (typhoid fever) are reported annually, the recently reported increase in the number of laboratory-confirmed cases in the Western Cape was interpreted incorrectly as new cases. The cases in the province were reported to be higher than in previous years. However, these reports are based on cumulative historical data as set out below.

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) recorded the following annual number of cases:
• 31 in 2020• 48 in 2021• 7 in 2022
Since 2020 to date, three clusters were identified in the province which have now been reported by the NICD. In these clusters:
• 14 cases were recorded in the Metro with the first case reported in November 2020 and the most recent case in January 2022,• 11 in Cape Winelands with the first case reported in July 2020 and the most recent case in May 2021, and• 12 in the Garden Route with the first case reported in August 2020 and the most recent case in December 2021.
“It is important to note that these reported clusters are based on historical data as per 2020 and 2021 data.*

Whole-genome sequencing of enteric fever isolates, as part of the health responses, has identified specific ‘strains’ responsible for separate clusters in these districts, confirming that in those districts cases are linked and there is ongoing local transmission.
These local outbreaks of enteric fever are amidst an annual surge of diarrhea, which occurs annually at this time. Cases of enteric are fever being managed by Department of Health in specific areas, and we urge the public to be assured that there is no cause for panic.

Read the full media release here:

PUBLIC NOTICE: Telephone lines down at Environmental Services, 82 Meade Street, George

Issued George Municipality, 18 Feb @ 15h00

All telephone lines including 044 802 2900 are down due to a Telkom fault. The matter has been reported, however we do not have an estimated time of repair at this stage.

Please use 044 801 9111 and request Transfer to the Environmental Services Department – Please inform the switchboard what service you need or official you need to make contact with.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Telephone lines down at Environmental Services, 82 Meade Street, George