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Author: Debra Sauer

Pacaltsdorp Library launches Innovation Centre to empower the community

In the photo above ladies busy knitting and crocheting during the classes.

The Pacaltsdorp Library is proud to announce the launch of its new Innovation Centre, a community-driven space designed to foster creativity, learning, and connection among residents.

According to Rachel Williams, Manager: George Libraries, as part of its exciting initiatives, the Innovation Centre is offering knitting and crocheting classes every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 11:30.

“These sessions, led by skilled women from the community, are open to anyone eager to learn or improve their craft. Participants will have the opportunity to create handmade items, which will be donated to a local old age home, ensuring that their work makes a meaningful impact,” Williams said.

She said looking ahead, the Innovation Centre will introduce a reading programme for adults, set to launch in March 2025. This initiative aims to encourage literacy and lifelong learning within the community.

Residents of Pacaltsdorp are warmly invited to visit the Innovation Centre, get involved in these enriching programmes, and be part of a movement that strengthens community ties.

For more information, visit the Pacaltsdorp Library or contact 044 803 9340.


Some of the products that residents of Pacaltsdorp have finished at the Innovation Centre, Pacaltsdorp Library.


George Municipality expands Safer City Initiative with new high mast lighting in George

In the photo above switching on the high mast light in George Industria are from left Stiaan Adams from Clickscales Maughan-Brown Consulting Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Mayor Jackie von Brandis, Cllr Donovan Gultig, MMC for Electrotechnical Services, Cllr Brendon Adams, Ward Councillor for Ward 17 and MMC for Community Safety, Johan Stander from MDL Engineering, Edward Nqumse from Electrotechnical Services and Thomas Scheepers from Electrotechnical Services.

As part of the ongoing Safer City Initiative, Mayor Jackie von Brandis officially launched the installation of two high mast lights in Geoge Industria as part of Ward 17 and one in Rosedale.  The initiative, spearheaded by the municipality’s Electrotechnical Directorate, aims to enhance security and reduce crime in key areas.

Mayor Jackie von Brandis said, “These high mast lights serve as a crucial crime deterrent, improving visibility and allowing for better monitoring of cable theft and vandalism.”

“With an effective lighting radius of approximately 50 to 60 meters, they significantly enhance community safety and security.”

Funded through the George Municipality’s capital budget for the 2024/2025 financial year, the installations address longstanding concerns from residents regarding vandalised streetlights and cable theft. The new lighting system not only improves safety but also reduces ongoing maintenance costs.

Cllr Donovan Gultig, MMC for Electrotechnical Services, highlighted that two high mast lights were switched on in George Industria and Rosedale, forming part of the 21 installations completed in the past financial year. “George now has a total of 54 high mast lights, with an additional two in Uniondale. This project represents an investment of over R10 million,” he stated.

The project was carried out with expertise from Clickscales Maughan-Brown Consulting Mechanical and Electrical Engineers (consulting engineers) and MDL Engineering (contractor).

George Municipality’s Community Development Section outreach during National HIV Testing

In above photo Zinzi Simawuse, Sesethu Sakathi and Thabisa Xokozela assist the public at the stall.

In support of National HIV Testing Week (February 3-7, 2025) and STI/Condom Week (February 10-16, 2025), the George Municipality’s Community Development Section conducted outreach programs in the communities of Borcherds and Metrogrounds last week.

As part of this initiative, residents received free condom packs and vital health and social development information to promote safe practices and encourage regular HIV testing. The campaign aimed to raise awareness, empower individuals to take charge of their well-being, and reduce the stigma around HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Community members are encouraged to participate in these efforts to stay informed and prioritise their health.



Sophia Fanelo, Manager: Community Development, assists one of the community members at Metrogrounds with information regarding National HIV Testing Week.

Member of the community of Metrogrounds came to the stall of Community Development services’ stall that they had last week during the National HIV Testing Week .

Jayme September speaks to members from the community at Metrogrounds during their outreach in National HIV Testing Week.

Officials from George Municipality did walkabouts from door to door at the Metrogrounds area to inform people about HIV testing and related information.

Public Notice: Service disruption at George Library

Please be advised that all telephone and internet lines at George Library are currently down. This includes the system that process book fines.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve the issue.

GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL – 18 February 2025

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height        87,65%

Rainfall for the previous days:                                          13.4 mm (Measured 11 – 17 February 2025)


For water-saving tips please visit:

The cooperation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Openbare Kennisgewing: Tydelike Sluiting van Uniondale Biblioteek

Weens onvoorsiene omstandighede sal die Uniondale biblioteek vandag ook nog gesluit wees. Die biblioteek heropen môre, Woensdag 19 Februarie, vanaf 10:00 tot 16:30.
Vir navrae, kontak asseblief:
Uniondale Biblioteek: 044 752 1024
George Biblioteek: 044 801 9288
Ons vra omverskoning vir enige ongerief.

Public Notice: Uniondale Library Temporary Closure
Issued by George Municipality 18 February 2025

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Uniondale Library will also be closed today. The library will reopen tomorrow, Wednesday, 19 February, from 10:00 to 16:30.
For assistance, please contact:
Uniondale Library: 044 752 1024
George Library: 044 801 9288
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Heropening van die Ou Klipgebou in Pacaltsdorp vir bejaardes en gemeenskapsgebruik

In die foto hierbo is burgemeester Jackie von Brandis, raadslede en lede van die gemeenskap knip die lint om die gebou oop te verklaar vir die gemeenskap.

Die Uitvoerende Burgemeester van George, Rdd. Jackie von Brandis, het Vrydag die historiese Ou Klipgebou in Missionweg, Pacaltsdorp tydens ‘n seremonie amptelik heropen vir die gebruik van die bejaardes van Pacaltsdorp, die plaaslike sakevereniging en die Creative Community Development Project (CCDP).

Met die opening het Von Brandis benadruk hoe belangrik dit is om gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid te bevorder. Sy het simbolies ‘n groen uitrusting gedra, en die ruikers by die seremonie het haar herinner aan stingels wat blomme ondersteun – ‘n metafoor vir ‘n sterk regering wat sy mense dra. Sy het die rol van die plaaslike raadslede uitgelig en beklemtoon hoe hulle haar vroeër versoek het om ‘n oplossing te vind vir die benutting van die Ou Klipgebou, wat nou terugbesorg is aan die bejaardes van Pacaltsdorp.

Die George Munisipaliteit het besluit om die gebou vir ‘n periode van 9 jaar en 11 maande beskikbaar te stel aan die bejaardes onder leiding van Maria Kissen, voorsitter van die CCDP. Die Pacaltsdorp Community Business Association (PCBA), onder leiding van Luwayda Trantraal, sal ook die fasiliteit benut.

Von Brandis het in haar toespraak die munisipale amptenare geloof vir hul harde werk en die gemeenskap bedank vir hul insette. “Dankie aan al die senior burgers wat saam met ons hande vat. Julle kennis en geskiedenis is van onskatbare waarde, en ek hoop dit word oorgedra na die volgende generasies,” het sy gesê. Sy het die gemeenskap ook aangemoedig om rentmeesterskap van die gebou te neem en dit te beskerm.

Luwayda Trantraal het namens die PCBA gesê dat hulle uitsien na samewerking en reeds projekte saam aangepak het. Maria Kissen het hulde gebring aan die oorlede Sandra Tait en beklemtoon hoe die Jafta-familie ‘n belangrike rol in die gemeenskap gespeel het. Blanche Benjamin van die Erfenistrust het die raad bedank vir die terugbesorging van die gebou aan die bejaardes en die erfeniswaarde daarvan beklemtoon.

Die Ou Klipgebou, geleë op Erf 8536 Pacaltsdorp, het ‘n ryk geskiedenis. Dit is gebou in die vroeë 1980’s en het gedien as ‘n inligtingskantoor. Later is dit verhuur aan die Pacaltsdorp Dienssentrum vir Bejaarde Persone, maar na die Covid-19-pandemie in 2020 moes die sentrum sy deure sluit. Sedertdien het die gebou leeg gestaan totdat die huidige besluit geneem is om dit vir gemeenskapsgebruik te heropen.

Die program is gelei deur Rdl. Melvin Roelfse, Burgemeesterskomiteelid vir Gemeenskapsontwikkeling, terwyl Rdl. Marchell Kleynhans, Burgemeesterskomiteelid vir Gemeenskapsdienste, die bedankings gedoen het. Pastoor Allen Spies het die seremonie met ‘n boodskap uit die skrif geopen, en na afloop van die geleentheid is die bejaardes bederf met versnapperings.


Luwayda Trantraal, voorsitter van die Pacaltsdorp Community Business Association (PCBA)gedurende haar spreekbeurt by die openingseremonie.

Maria Kissen, voorsitter van die Creative Community Development Project (CCDP) spreek die gehoor toe by die seremonie.

Alice Jafta, suster van die afgestorwe, Sandra Tait, wat baanbrekerswerk gedoen het vir die opheffing van die bejaardes van Pacaltsdorp, het ‘n kers aansteek om hulde te bring aan Sandra.

Burgemeester Jackie von Brandis, raadslede en lede van die gemeenskap knip die lint om die gebou oop te verklaar vir die gemeenskap.

Blanche Benjamin van die Erfenistrust het oor die belangrikheid van die erfenis van die perseel gedeel.

Marchell Kleynhans het die bedankings gedoen by die seremonie.

Rdl Melvin Roelfse was die programleier vir die seremonie.

Openbare Kennisgewing: Tydelike Sluiting van Uniondale Biblioteek

Weens onvoorsiene omstandighede sal die Uniondale biblioteek vandag gesluit wees. Die biblioteek heropen môre, Dinsdag, 18 Februarie, vanaf 10:00 tot 16:30.
Vir navrae, kontak asseblief:
Uniondale Biblioteek: 044 752 1024
George Biblioteek: 044 801 9288
Ons vra omverskoning vir enige ongerief.

Public Notice: Uniondale Library Temporary Closure
Issued by George Municipality 17 February 2025

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Uniondale Library will be closed today. The library will reopen tomorrow, Tuesday, 18 February, from 10:00 to 16:30.
For assistance, please contact:
Uniondale Library: 044 752 1024
George Library: 044 801 9288
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL – 11 February 2025

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height 89,12%
Rainfall for the previous days: 7.20 mm (Measured 4 – 10 February 2025)

For water-saving tips please visit:
The cooperation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

George Municipality Establishes LGBTQI Forum

The George Municipality Community Development division successfully convened a meeting on 5 February 2025 with key stakeholders and Human Rights Implement partners to establish the George Municipality LGBTQI Forum.

The well-attended gathering brought together representatives from NGOs, government departments, the private sector, and civil society to advance LGBTQI rights and inclusivity in the region. A significant milestone of the meeting was the election of the forum’s executive committee, which will oversee and coordinate efforts to ensure that organizations remain accountable and committed to creating inclusive environments. The elected leadership is as follows Chairperson, Bernelee Wonderlik, Vice-Chairpersons Jasmine Malimayovha and Angelique Vazasie and Secretary, Khanyisile Fortuin.

The newly established LGBTQI Forum will focus on policy review, inclusivity advocacy, and fostering a culture of acceptance and tolerance. Through this forum, the LGBTQI Help Desk aims to strengthen collaboration between stakeholders and drive impactful initiatives that promote and safeguard LGBTQI rights. The meeting was attended by representatives from the following departments and organizations Department of Correctional Services, Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Employment and Labour, Nelson Mandela University (George Branch), Nedbank LTD, S.H.E. (Social, Health and Empowerment Feminist Collective of Transgender Women of Africa), Legally You and George Municipality.

The George Municipality LGBTQI Help Desk remains committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for the LGBTQI community. The establishment of the LGBTQI Forum marks a significant step towards achieving this goal and ensuring sustainable progress in LGBTQI advocacy within the municipality.

For further information, please contact:

Khanyisile Fortuin, LGBTQI Help Desk Coordinator – George Municipality & District Sector Leader LGBTQI Sector


From left Alex Hendry (Coordinator), Jasmine Malimayovha (Vice-Chairperson), Bernelee Wonderlik (Chairperson), ,Angelique Vazasie (2nd Vice-Chairperson), Khanyisile Fortuin (Secretary).

From left back Vincent Muller (Department Correctional Services), Nina Abrahams (DCS), Melany Martuinis and Wilhelmina Fortuin (DOH), Carin-Leigh Stoffels (SHE), Smamkele Pindani (NMU), Zinzi Simawuse (EPWP Intern), Thandabantu Ndamase (WCED), Sulette Cronje (DEL), Ayanda Mjojubana (Nedbank LTD).

GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL – 06 February 2025

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height        90,17%

Rainfall for the previous days:                                          5.9 mm (Measured 29 January – 3 February 2025)


For water-saving tips please visit:

The cooperation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Eye Test Machines Down at Driving Licence Testing Centre (DLTC)

Please be advised that all three eye test machines at the Driving Licence Testing Centre (DLTC) in Pacaltsdorp are currently non-operational. As a result, the centre is temporarily unable to accept renewals and applications for learner’s and driver’s licenses.

The Municipality will provide an update once the machines are back in service. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Public Notice: Eskom Power Update

According to Eskom on Sunday, 02 February 2025 – due to the sufficient replenishment of emergency reserves, loadshedding was suspended today at 6:00 in the morning. Eskom will provide updates if any significant changes occur.

Public Notice: GARDEN Waste Collection Update

The George Municipality will take over GARDEN WASTE collection internally starting Monday, 3 February 2025.
The key changes are, George Municipality will collect black (for wet waste or kitchen waste) and green bags(for garden waste) on the same days.

Households will receive two green bags weekly. A maximum of seven GREEN bags and one tied-up bundle of branches (not longer than 1 meter) will be collected per household each week.
For enquiries or complaints regarding waste removal and other queries, please contact Yonella Kibido at or call 044 802 2900.

For complaints or queries regarding blue bags please contact Henque Waste:
Contact Person Name: Douw Bezuidenhout
Contact Number Office: 064 905 8180 (also WhatsApp)
Complaints Number: 072 592 6212
General Contact Email Address:
Complaints Contact Email Address:
Factory Address: 27 Rand St, George Industria, George, 6536
Website Address:

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Mayoral Address in Council on 30 January 2025

Mayoral Address in Council on 30 January 2025
Follow the link to read the speech of Executive Mayor of George, Ald Jackie von Brandis

Public Notice: Temporary disruption to refuse collection

The George Municipality informs residents and businesses that temporary delays in refuse collection are expected today due to five compactor trucks being out of service following mechanical breakdowns.
Affected Areas: parts of CBD, Industrial, Pacaltsdorp Industrial,parts of Denneoord, Glentana, Lancelot Terrace and businesses.The first available trucks will be deployed to these areas, and all refuse will be collected by the end of the day.
Refuse Collection – Wednesday: Camphersdrift, Fernridge, Denneoord, Bo-Dorp, Blommekloof, Tweerivieren, Hoogekraal, Hoekwil, Touwsranten, and surrounding farm areas.
We appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you for your cooperation.

Update: Refuse collection continuing

Due to inclement weather yesterday and today (Tuesday), refuse collection was delayed and is continuing in the following areas:
1. Parts of Thembalethu
2. Blanco
3. Oubaai
4. Herold’s Bay
5. Parkdene
Businesses that were not serviced yesterday will be collected on Wednesday.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused with these delays.
For more information, please contact: Environmental Services on 044 802 2900.