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Author: Chantel Edwards


In preparation for the roll-out of the GO GEORGE bus service to Thembalethu, a dry run through the area will take place over several days from Tuesday 29 August 2023, supported by safety, infrastructure and system planning teams.

During these drives, undertaken in the blue and green branded buses, the real time it takes to complete the various proposed routes by bus will be established and checked against the proposed timetables.

According to George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk, a final date for the first stage of the three-stage roll-out is still to be announced. “We know the residents in those areas are anxiously awaiting the bus service and this survey is one of the final steps in the roll-out process,” he said.



Ter voorbereiding vir die uitrol van die GO GEORGE-busdiens na Thembalethu, sal ‘n proeflopie deur die gebied oor etlike dae plaasvind vanaf Dinsdag 29 Augustus 2023, ondersteun deur veiligheid-, infrastruktuur- en stelselbeplanningspanne.

Tydens hierdie ritte, wat in die blou- en groen gemerkte busse onderneem word, sal die werklike tyd wat dit neem om die verskillende voorgestelde roetes per bus te voltooi, vasgestel word en teenoor die voorgestelde tydroosters nagegaan word.

Volgens George se uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Leon van Wyk, moet ‘n finale datum vir die eerste fase van die driefase-uitrol nog aangekondig word. “Ons weet die inwoners in daardie gebiede wag angstig op die busdiens en hierdie opname is een van die laaste stappe in die uitrolproses,” het hy gesê.



Ukulungiselela ukunatyiselwa eThembalethu kwenkonzo yebhasi iGO GEORGE, kuza kwenziwa umfuziselo weehambo kulo mmandla iintsuku eziliqela ukususela ngoLwesibini umhla wama-29 Agasti 2023, mfuziselo lowo uza kuxhaswa liqela lezokhuselo, eleziseko eziluncedo nezingundoqo kunye nelesicwangciso senkqubo.

Ngethuba lalo mfuziselo wokuqhuba, oza kwenziwa kusetyenziswa iibhasi ezinombhalo ozuba kunye noluhlaza, elona xesha lithathwayo ukugqiba imizila eliqela ecetywayo ngebhasi kuza kumiselwa kwaye kukhangelwe ngokuthelekiswa nesicwangciso samaxesha esicetywayo.

NgokukaSodolophu waseGeorge, uAlderman Leon van Wyk, useza kwaziswa umhla ekugqitywe ngawo wenqanaba lokuqala kumanqanaba amathathu okunatyiswa kweenkonzo. “Siyazi ukuba abahlali kuloo mimandla bazilinde ngonxunguphalo iinkonzo zeebhasi kwaye olu phando-zimvo lolunye kumanyathelo okugqibela kwinkqubo yokunatyiswa kweenkonzo.


ESKOM LOADSHEDDING UPDATE – Saturday, 12 August @ 16h15

Stage 3 loadshedding will continue to be implemented until 05:00 on Sunday. Thereafter, Stage 1 loadshedding will be implemented from 05:00 until 16:00, followed by Stage 3 loadshedding until 05:00 on Monday. Stage 1 loadshedding will be implemented from 05:00 until 16:00 on Monday. Eskom will provide a further update on Monday or should any significant changes occur.

George will be affected as follows:
Sunday 13/08/2023
00:00 – 02:30
16:00 – 18:30

Monday 14/08/2023
00:00 – 02:30
16:00 – 18:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Sunday 13/08/2023
03:00 – 50:30
19:00 – 21:30

Monday 14/08/2023
19:00 – 21:30

Issued George Municipality


Saturday, 12 August 2023: Due to a shortage of generating capacity, it has become necessary to extend the implementation of Stage 3 loadshedding from 05:00 this morning until further notice. Eskom will provide an update later this afternoon.

George will be affected as follows:
Saturday 12/08/2023
10:00 – 12:30

Sunday 13/08/2023
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 18:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Saturday 12/08/2023
13:00 – 15:30

Sunday 13/08/2023
03:00 – 50:30
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 21:30

Issued George Municipality

PUBLIC NOTICE 10: Update on Taxi Strike in George

Issued George Municipality, 10 August @ 07h15

George Municipality confirms that the SANTACO taxi strike continues today as per statements issued in the media. The George area remains calm this morning, with no incidents reported overnight. All roads are clear and traffic is free flowing.

Our Law Enforcement and Traffic Services officers are deployed and continue to patrol and monitor in collaboration with SAPS.

Municipal Switchboard 044 801 9111
After Hours Emergency Number 044 801 6300
Dedicated Fire Only Number 044 801 6311

PUBLIC NOTICE: Emergency Municipal Loadshedding Relief Grant July 2023 Update

The Western Cape Provincial government has authorized a sum total of R88.185 million rand from the Provincial Unforeseen and Unavoidable Reserve Fund to assist municipalities with the unforeseen and immediate impact of prolonged load-shedding on water and wastewater services. In terms of this allocated Funding, George Municipality has received the sum of R14 220 000 (VAT included) as a contribution toward the purchase and installation of back-up energy supply. This back-up supply can include generators, renewable power sources, batteries and all ancillary costs associated with the installation thereof for example,  switch gear, safe keeping, caging etc. for water and wastewater infrastructure. This grant funding will assist the George Municipality in ensuring a healthy environment and to continue with the provision of basic services to our citizens and businesses during the current load-shedding.

The municipality is in process of purchasing emergency diesel generators that will be placed strategically as follows:

Water Treatment Works

Haarlem WTW  (+_ 150kVA diesel generator)
Uniondale WTW (+- 200kVA diesel generator)

Waste Water Treatment Works
Uniondale WWTW (+_ 200 kVA diesel generator)
Kleinkrantz WWTW (+_ 300 kVA diesel generator)
Outeniqua WWTW (+_ 1000 kVA diesel generator)

Progress to Date:
A Professional Engineering Consultant was appointed to assist the George Municipality with the design, procurement, and implementation of the backup generator units.  The municipality has to date (July 2023) completed the procurement of the contractors required to construct the Generators required for Haarlem and Uniondale water treatment facilities; and Uniondale and Kleinkrantz wastewater treatment facilities.   Due to the size of the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment facility`s backup generator, a separate procurement process had to be followed and is underway.

It is furthermore to be noted that generator equipment in general is a long lead item, and therefore the delivery times associated therewith are very much dependent on the stock availability on same.    In this regard the major risk foreseen at this stage is a delay in timeous completion of the project because of the knock-on effect due external factors affecting and delaying the delivery time of equipment, i.e. shipping of imported components, strikes / shutdowns, etc, as well as any delay in the Outeniqua WWTW generator tender process.  In summary, the overall project progress is as follow:

Procurement Phase:    

  • Appointment of Consultant (Complete) – 100%
  • Appointment of Contractor:    Haarlem WTW (Complete) – 100%
  • Uniondale WTW (Complete) – 100%
  • Uniondale WWTW (Complete) – 100%
  • Kleinkrantz WWTW (Complete) – 100%
  • Outeniqua WWTW (In Progress) – 40%

Construction Phase:  

  • Haarlem WTW (± 125 kVA diesel generator) – 20%
  • Uniondale WTW (± 125 kVA diesel generator) – 20%
  • Uniondale WWTW (± 200 kVA diesel generator) – 20%
  •  Kleinkrantz WWTW (± 300 kVA diesel generator) – 20%
  • Outeniqua WWTW (± 1 000 kVA + 650 kVA diesel generator) – 0%

The total project expenditure to date (as on end of July 2023) is approximately 14.6% of the current funding allocation.

Other Load Shedding initiatives Implemented by George Municipality
While Eskom’s loadshedding continues in South Africa, the George Municipality intensifies its efforts to protect Municipal facilities through the installation of generators at the various pump stations to protect its infrastructure and ensure the uninterrupted delivery of services to the citizens, because of loadshedding. George Municipality has already installed large generators at 30 Sewer Pump Stations and 5 at Water Treatment Works at a cost of approximately R52 million, in order to keep water flowing and sewerage pumpstations operational during loadshedding.  The costs of running these generators are exorbitant and currently totals approximately R148 000 per day in fuel alone at Stage 4, with the fuel costs even higher when Stage 5 and 6 are implemented.

The Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk recently visited the Garden Route Dam to view the two largest generators installed by the Municipality to date.

“We are grateful for these two generators, thanks to the Bulk Facility for Infrastructure grant awarded by National Treasury to George Municipality in 2021  Western Cape Provincial Government for funding,” said Mayor van Wyk. “There are two 1250 kVA generators each, and we need these two generators to power our pump stations for the pumping of raw water from the dam to our water treatment works when loadshedding or any other power outage occurs. Together these two generators use 500 litres of fuel an hour.”

Deon de Jager, the Deputy Director for Water and Sanitation in the Civil Engineering Directorate of the George Municipality confirmed that the Municipality has secured the services for the installation of generators for a three year period. “The municipality currently has a three-year tender in place for the supply and installation of standby generators for municipal facilities such as sewer and water pump stations,” he said

“An emergency backup generator project is funded through the Emergency Load Shedding Relief Grant, and the scope of works is the provision of backup power to water and sewer treatment facilities to ensure uninterrupted operation during load shedding, therefore, avoiding sewage spills and subsequently preventing pollution to the environment, as well as securing potable water supply. The total project cost is R11 million and will provide four new sewer/water generators placed at numerous sewer pump stations benefiting the entire George Municipal Area,” de Jager added.

Battery energy storage is planned for all the Water and Waste-Water Treatment Plants as well as the Sewer Pump stations in order to reduce the diesel costs. The Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) deployment is being fast-tracked to save costs over the long run. The intention is to deploy BESS of more than 100MWh for the city using a phased-in approach. The city is currently in the process of feasibility studies for the BESS deployment, to assess the technical, environmental, economic and practical feasibility for installation and integration into the distribution network. These studies will further inform the city on the deployment strategy to undertake as it strives to reduce reliance from Eskom.


UPDATE 6: PUBLIC NOTICE – Taxi Strike in George

Issued George Municipality, 7 August 2023, 14h30

The George Municipal Joint Operations Centre (JOC) supported by municipal law enforcement and traffic officials, together with SAPS continues to monitor the ongoing Taxi Strike.

Municipal Services continue in all areas today.
No incidents have been reported to the municipality.

Municipal Switchboard 044 801 9111
After Hours Emergency Number 044 801 6300
Dedicated Fire Only Number 044 801 6311

UPDATE 5: PUBLIC NOTICE – Taxi Strike in George

Issued George Municipality, 7 August 2023, 09h00

The George Municipal Joint Operations Centre (JOC) supported by municipal law enforcement and traffic officials, together with SAPS continues to monitor the situation.

SANTACO has confirmed that the strike will continue as per their media statement issued 6 August, 18h30.

Services will continue today in all areas.

A further update will be provided at 13h00.

Municipal Switchboard 044 801 9111
After Hours Emergency Number 044 801 6300
Dedicated Fire Only Number 044 801 6311

UPDATE 4: PUBLIC NOTICE – Taxi Strike in George

Issued George Municipality, Saturday 5 August 2023, 08h10

The George Municipal Joint Operations Centre (JOC) supported by municipal law enforcement and traffic officials, together with SAPS continues to monitor the situation.

No incidents have been reported.

Municipal Switchboard 044 801 9111
After Hours Emergency Number 044 801 6300
Dedicated Fire Only Number 044 801 6311

UPDATE 3: PUBLIC NOTICE – Taxi Strike in George @ 17h00

The George Municipal Joint Operations Centre (JOC) supported by municipal law enforcement and traffic officials, together with SAPS will continue to monitor the situation overnight and throughout the weekend.

Municipal Switchboard 044 801 9111
After Hours Emergency Number 044 801 6300
Dedicated Fire Only Number 044 801 6311



Issued George Municipality, 4 August @ 14h00

George Municipality can confirm that no incidents or road closures have been reported during the ongoing taxi strike.

Refuse collection remains suspended for Thembalethu, while other areas and business scheduled for today are continuing,
The Joint Operations Centre (JOC) supported by municipal law enforcement and traffic officials continue to monitor the situation to manage service delivery for the municipality.

The next update will be issued at 18h00.

Municipal Switchboard 044 801 9111
After Hours Emergency Number 044 801 6300
Dedicated Fire Only Number 044 801 6311

PUBLIC NOTICE – Taxi Strike in George

George Municipality has established an internal Joint Operations Centre (JOC) to manage service delivery during the taxi strike as announced yesterday by SANTACO. Service delivery will continue in all areas where feasible.

Please take note that Refuse Collection has been suspended in Thembalethu for today, 4 August.

Municipal Law Enforcement and Traffic Officers have been deployed alongside SAPS to monitor the situation.
There are no road closures at the moment and the public is assured that the JOC will continue to meet daily to monitor the situation.

Further updates will be provided should there be any changes in the situation.

PUBLIC NOTICE: SANRAL ROADWORKS – N2 night-time road closure at Thembalethu Bridge

SANRAL is undertaking work underneath the Thembalethu Bridge and from tonight, 2 August to Friday 4 August, the Eastbound N2 lane (Direction Knysna) will be closed to traffic from approximately 19h00 every evening.
Motorists will be able to use the off ramps at the bridge, to gain access to the N2 on the other side, in order to continue their journey. Provincial and George Traffic will be in attendance to assist.

The Eastbound lane closure will remain in place until the next morning 05h00. The night-time closures from 19h00 – 05h00 are required to remove form work and steel beams used during the casting of the new bridge across the N2.

From Monday 7 August the intention is to close the Westbound N2 lane (Direction Cape Town) from 19h00. Further updates will be provided should the information change.

The work is being undertaken at night to minimise the inconvenience to road users. All motorists are requested to reduce speed in the construction area and to remain patient.



Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height                   99,93%

Rainfall for the previous 7 days                                                         31 mm (Measured up to and including 31 July 2023 )

The cooperation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the detailed Water Restrictions in English/Afrikaans and IsiXhosa.

Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

PUBLIC NOTICE 3: ELECTRICAL TARIFFS (AMP LIMIT) – Amendment to Phase 3 Rollout of Power Limit Adjustment Project

Issued 4 July 2023

George Municipality embarked on a process to phase in a new electricity tariff structure last year on 1 July 2022 and which is in line with the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) approved cost of supply study for George as well as the municipal Electricity Pricing Policy. The municipality has been effecting these changes in a variety of ways to limit the impact on our consumers as far as possible.

The intention as communicated in April 2023 was to bill all consumers based on their installed capacity from the 1 July 2023. So,  for example, if you have an installed capacity of 60A prepaid meter on your premises,  you will be billed on 60A in line with the new tariff structure, unless you had already selected a capacity. However, the the economic challenges being faced by residents as a result of persistent loadshedding, higher interest rates and fuel prices have been taken into consideration and Phase Three has been changes as follows:


All consumers who are currently being billed on 20A, but whose pre-paid meter is actually on a higher setting will be billed as follows from  1 July 2023:

  • Consumer with a 12-month average historic monthly consumption of above 400 units (kWh) and below 600 units (kWh), to be placed (billed) on 30A. (400 – 600 = 30A)
  • Consumer with a 12-month average historic monthly consumption of above 600 units (kWh), to be placed (billed) on a 40A. (>600 = 40A)
  • Indigents consumers are not impacted by this phase, as all indigent consumers are dealt with in line with the Indigent Policy.
  • All consumers who have already made their selections are not impacted.
  • All residential consumers will thus be moved to be on at least a 30A supply, except those who have chosen to be on 20A.
  • Commercial customers will be billed on actual capacity from July 2023 onwards. (This is maximum 80A on either single or three phase connection).

Key Reminders on the applicable Electrical Tariffs are:

  • Consumers are only allowed one capacity change per financial year; any additional changes would be subject to tariff for changes.
  • Small Domestic and Commercial tariffs (that is Prepaid and conventionally metered Consumers) are linked to the capacity limit of supply they choose.
  • Consumers who are willing to manage their loads within a capacity limited to 20 Amps Single Phase are offered a subsidised tariff with no fixed charges.
  • All Consumers who require more than 20 Amp capacity are charged a phased-in Cost Reflective Tariff with:
  • a Fixed Basic Charge,
  • a Capacity Charge depending on the capacity limit of the supply and
  • a lower Energy Charge.
  • Bulk consumers have all been moved to a Time of Use tariff.
  • Small Scale Energy Generators (SSEG) consumers are subject to fixed and Time of Use energy charges. Further information on understanding the potential electricity cost and management of loads, and how to decide about the capacity you can choose will be provided.

Bear this in mind when making your choice:

  • Capacity selection by the municipality based on the consumers historic consumption was for a financial break-even to reduce the impact on the customer and not necessarily to confirm the capacity required .
  • The Municipality cannot determine the optimal capacity required with the available meter data; therefore, consumers must determine what their energy and capacity requirements are.
  • The municipality has noted that customers are selecting the capacity as low as possible to reduce cost without understanding the implications. This is evident by the number of upgrades required once a selection is implemented. Please consider your selection carefully.
  • Account in arrears debt will be recovered from consumers through the pre-paid vending system.

Do you want to discuss your energy consumption and find out what the best Capacity will be for your needs, phone 044 801 9243, have your Municipal Account Number and Prepaid Meter Number handy OR email your query to 


Issued 3 July 2023, George Municipality

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height                       100

Rainfall for the previous 7 days                                                         11mm (Measured up to and including 3 July 2023)

The cooperation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the detailed Stricter Water Restrictions in English/Afrikaans and IsiXhosa.

Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.


George Disaster Services urges all members of the public (cyclists/hikers/runners/walkers) to stay away from pine plantations and forested areas in and around George until further notice. The extreme weather conditions – high winds and heavy rains – have led to a high number of trees falling.

In some instances fallen trees are lying across upright trees and the wind storms are causing branches to break etc. Falling branches, mud, etc have made areas dangerous and no-go zones. Further rainfall is expected later today.

Issued George Municipality


Follow our monthly #GettoknowGeorge tourism update to discover interesting snippets happening in our beautiful area, curated just for you!  Find all the tourism information you need in the greater George area at, the official tourism destination website.

#GeorgeTourism #GettoknowGeorge


Have you heard the news? Prince of Tarts has new neighbours! Good Company are a new social eatery and bar situated at 05 Hibernia Street, George, open Mondays to Fridays from 7am-3pm.  Decorated in a boho-style with Malawian chairs, cane and earthy vibes, the food styling looks as good as the décor.  For us late sleepers, we were so happy to discover that breakfast is served until 11:30.  They also serve tapas and ‘big plates’ with nachos, gourmet burgers, arancini and more. Don’t Google what ‘arancini’ is – instead – go to Good Company and let your tastebuds find out firsthand! For the healthy there are green, orange and red nourishing juices, as well as delicious smoothies. Find sour dough and gluten free here too. We can’t wait to try it out!

The latest episode (3) of All Things, Garden Route has a feature on the historic Old Toll House on the Montagu Pass, an interesting watch!

If you, YouTube, make sure to follow All Things, Garden Route.  This YouTube channel presented by Ivan Zimmerman – yes, you know that name from Egoli, Platteland and 7de Laan – is about the amazing people and their extraordinary stories in the breath-taking places that surround them. We have loved following these 15-minute episodes filled with the interesting stories of our area.

Bayleaf Café now delivers!  Call them to place an order, and they will bring the Bayleaf deliciousness right to your doorstep.  And on June 24th, they are presenting the 2nd instalment of their pasta-making series. Dive into the art of crafting gnocchi and ravioli to enhance your foodie skills.  At R550pp the class includes a glass of wine, light meal and coffee. And of course, the delectable pasta you made!

Fancourt is upgrading and elevating. The luxurious spa at Fancourt – one of our absolute favourites – is getting a makeover. We can’t imagine how it can get any better, so we wait in eager anticipation to see the outcome! A temporary spa facility is available while they are busy with the upgrades. Fancourt golfers will also be happy to know that a brand-new halfway house is being constructed on the Montagu golf course.



This Sunday is Father’s Day!  Take the opportunity to make memories and enjoy some quality time with Dad.

For the more refined Dads, celebrate your hero with a delicious three-course family lunch at the gorgeous Hawthorn Boutique Hotel – R395 per person from 12-3pm.

Join Carmel Coastal Retreat for an affordable 3-course Father’s Day lunch on Sunday, 18th June at 12:30pm.  R180 per adult and R125 for children aged 12 and under. Carmel is a Christian resort with beautiful gardens and ocean views in Victoria Bay.

The Club Lounge at Fancourt is having a memorable Father’s Day lunch from 13:00 – 15:00 at R380 per person.  A scrumptious menu has been carefully created, helping you bring back memories of having a family meal around the dining room table at home. The ambiance and amazing surroundings will turn the occasion into the perfect time out with dad.  Limited spaces are available.

 At Cornerstone Creek – Hoekwil celebrate your dad figure and show them some love with Burgers and Beer on Father’s Day. This exquisite venue has art displays and gorgeous gardens, with stunning views of the surrounding Hoekwil area.

 Nothing says ‘I appreciate you, Dad’ like a meticulously crafted cocktail! Treat your dad this week at The Bench Eatery & Bar during their happy hour: Mondays and Wednesdays 16:00-19:00 and Sundays 12:00-16:00.


At Pollocks at Wilderness, join in for Father’s Day. There will be live music and the Milkwood Village Market also taking place from 10am.   Offerings include pizza and Devils Peak Lager, kids’ pizza and milkshake, cake of the day and activities Paint a pot or do-it-yourself cupcake decorating.

Paint a ‘World’s Best Dad’ mug at The Pottery this Saturday, 17 June. Celebrate Dad and make new memories with some painting fun while getting 50% off mugs.

Usually, Dad is your wingman but this Sunday he can be your GIN man at the Views Restaurant.  Enjoy an amazing Six Dogs Distillery Gin and Food Pairing. The pairing starts at 12pm and costs R420 per person.  It features four pairings in the gorgeous Views Boutique Hotel restaurant, which has floor to ceiling windows showing off the alluring Indian Ocean below.

If a getaway is what you’re after, the  Premier Express Inn and 17 on Wellington have you covered.  At 17 on Wellington, get a 15% discount over the Father’s Day weekend to treat your dad. Make it a Father’s Day weekend to remember at Premier Express Inn when booking a 2-night stay. Receive a R500 restaurant voucher to spoil Dad.



As South Africans we just love a good deal and getting a little more bang for our buck.  Have you spotted these local deals?

Pollocks at Wilderness at the Milkwood Village has specials every day!  Nacho Mondays. Burger Tuesdays, Pizza Wednesdays, Eisbein Thursdays and Happy Hour on Fridays.

Craving delicious burgers? Look no further than The Bench Eatery and Bar! They are serving mouthwatering patties with a 30% discount on THURSDAYS.

Sushi lovers, Nina’s offers a sushi special every day where you get 20% off!  Every Monday to Friday from 3pm to 5pm and Saturdays from 12pm to 4pm.

Get in the good books with your loved one with the help of Portobello and Hussar Grill Date Nights. Enjoy the Hussar Grill’s classic 2-course Date Night for R425 per couple, or 3-courses for R525 per couple. Both options include a complimentary bottle of Hussar Grill’s 50th Red, and Chocolate Vodka Martinis. Available every Tuesday.


Bring your loved one to Portobello for Amore Mio Mondays in ‘Italy’.  This date night includes a special 2-course set menu for R480 per couple, including a glass of wine.

At Africamps at Oakhurst experience a working dairy farm and explore the farmlands on horseback or by mountain bike. Hike to the farm’s own waterfall, try a spot of fishing or take out the canoe on one of the farm dams. Africamps have a 3-night stay winter special from R3370 for 2 adults sharing. Valid until 30 September 2023.  Extra adults can be booked at R295 p/n and extra kids aged 3-16 are R195 p/n.  There is also a PENSIONER’s deal for midweek glamping. Get 15% off when using the discount code GoldenGlamping AfriCamps. Discounted rates start from R1096 p/n for 2 adults sharing, valid until 30 September 2023.

Arbour1 Guesthouse has 5 comfortable yet luxurious rooms to select from, all surrounded by an exquisite garden! If you book directly, you get 15% off your stay.

Premier Express Inn is offering a great Winter holiday sale!  Get 30% off, pay for two and stay three on stay dates until 31 August 2023.

Oubaai’s Frosty Getaway Deal is a winter special from R1550 per night.

George Country Resort is offering a long stay special.  Stay 10 nights or more and get 30% off!  Valid until 20 November, and includes the June and July holidays.

At Cinnamon Boutique Guesthouse, stay for 2 nights this winter and get a great discount of 30%. Valid until 31 August 2023.

Please note that T&Cs apply on all deals.


Share your awesome experiences with us on your socials!

    Want to know more about what events are taking place, and what you can see, do, eat and where you can stay?  Go to for all your local tourism information.

044 801 9295 | | 124 York Street, George Central, George, 6529


+27 44 877 0045 | | 198 George Road, Wilderness, 6560


+27 44 518 0030 | | Virtual assistance



The following areas are affected by power outages due to inclement weather.

275 Whites Road, Wilderness Heights
Strydom Line
Witfontein Road, Levallia
Portion of Tabata, Zone 9

Electricians have been dispatched. ETR will be provided after 08h30.

I*Kindly report power outages to:*
044 801 9222 (07h45 – 16h30)
044 801 9202/9258 (07h45 – 16h30)
WhatsApp Number 067 350 3295 (07h45 – 16h30)
Uniondale: 044 752 1024 (7.45am-4.30pm)

Emergency /After Hours 044 801 6300

Issued George Municipality


Due to the consistent available generation capacity, loadshedding will continue to be suspended from midnight until 16:00 tomorrow. Thereafter, Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 until midnight. This will be repeated daily until further notice.

George will be affected as follows:
Thursday 15/06/2023
16:00 – 18:30

Friday 16/06/2023

Saturday 17/06/2023

Sunday 18/06/2023
22:00 – 00:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Wednesday 14/06/2023
19:00 – 21:30

Thursday 15/06/2023
19:00 – 21:30

Friday 16/06/2023

Saturday 17/06/2023
17:00 – 19:30

Sunday 18/06/2023
17:00 – 19:30

Consumers are reminded to use electricity sparingly after power returns.
Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Load shedding. Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network and reduce our current high MVA spikes.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the afterhours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on and wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The directorate will be aware if there has been a possible substation trip which needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at