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Author: Chantel Edwards

WC Premier statement re president address

Western Cape Government Statement in response to address by President Cyril Ramaphosa
15 December 2020

“We welcome the differentiated approach adopted by the President, but the decision to close Garden Route beaches for entire festive season will deal devastating blow to our economy and needs to be reconsidered”

My top priority in the numerous consultations with the National Government has been to ensure that we get the balance right between rolling back this resurgence and saving lives, while keeping the economy as open as possible, also saving livelihoods.

It is important to always remember that jobs are not just nice-to-haves that can just be sacrificed at the drop of a hat. They are the difference between putting food on the table, and starving, for many people in our province and country.

And when people lose their jobs, a second pandemic of hunger, poverty and inequality starts to also gain momentum.

At the same time, we can’t sit back and do nothing in response to a pandemic that is costing the lives of our grandparents and parents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles. We have to protect our health system and save lives, because every life matters.

That is why we have opposed blunt instruments such as lockdowns, and argued instead for a differentiated approach, underpinned by science and evidence. It is also why we have invested in our health system so that it functions properly, providing the best public healthcare in the country.

In an unprecedented crisis such as the one we are facing; it is important that we strive to get this balance right.

I therefore welcome that President Ramaphosa pursued a differentiated approach when responding to the second wave, avoiding a blunt lockdown. I also welcome that he considered the detailed plans and submissions that our government provided to him.

These submitted plans included a request for the number of people being permitted to gather being reduced, given the clear scientific evidence in support of it, the increased enforcement of existing level 1 regulations and the introduction of consequences. This is important to affect the behaviour change needed that will slow the spread, without resulting in job losses, and we welcome that it was adopted.

Our submissions also included making an exception for tastings and sales at wine farms over the weekend, as this is critical to the survival of the wine tourism economy which employs thousands of people in our rural communities.

In the President’s address last night this was announced, but we are concerned that the regulations issued subsequently now limit the sale to Saturdays only. This doesn’t make any sense, as there is no difference between a Saturday and Sunday for this industry, and this limitation will undermine wine tourism which is highly dependent on weekends. We will be following up immediately to understand why this change was introduced in the regulations.

While I also welcome that a differentiated approach was adopted for most of the Western Cape’s beaches, the decision to close the Garden Route’s beaches for the entire festive season will deal a devastating blow to that district’s economy which is highly reliant on tourism for survival. This will result in major job losses and is of great concern to me.

Our position, as presented during consultations, remains that beaches in the Western Cape should remain open, provided proper steps can be taken to ensure health and safety guidelines are followed so that those who attend are safe. This is especially because they are outdoors where there is good ventilation – precisely the places we have been advising our residents to visit this festive season.

We will therefore be making further submissions to the National Government as we don’t believe the right balance has been achieved in this case and this intervention needs to be reconsidered.

The Western Cape Government will also continue to work with the private sector and health professionals in monitoring the impact of all these additional restrictions, and when there is an opportunity to motivate for changes to them, we will continue to engage with the President and National Ministers. We especially believe that restrictions should be reviewed regularly so that they can be removed as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we must all remember that the best defence we have against Covid-19, and the most effective tool we have to save both lives and livelihoods, is our own behaviour. If we all take action right now and change the way we live for the rest of the festive season, we can prevent many infections, protect our healthcare system, save lives and keep our economy open. We can’t afford any more restrictions.

This must be our priority right now. I know that we can do it if we all rally together to keep the Western Cape safe, open and moving forward.

So please:

➡️Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth whenever in public and meeting other people outside of your household
➡️Avoid non-essential gatherings, especially where there is poor ventilation
➡️If you are going to gather with friends, keep it short, small, spacious and outside
➡️Drink alcohol responsibility
➡️Avoid the 3Cs: Crowded places, confined spaces and close contact (less than 1.5 metres)
➡️Wash or sanitise your hands regularly
➡️If you are travelling in public transport, keep your mask on the entire journey and ensure the windows are open too.
➡️If you feel even a bit sick, avoid all other people especially those at risk. If you have Covid-19 symptoms arrange a test but continue to isolate until you have your result.
➡️If you test positive, you must stay in isolation for the entire 10 days. Please do not go into public and put others at risk of severe infection and death.

GO GEORGE schedules and hours during holiday season

All GO GEORGE services will continue throughout the holidays, with special provision for shoppers and employees at the Garden Route Mall and Eden Meander shopping centres where extended business hours will be implemented.

Later buses at Garden Route Mall
On weekdays, from 14 to 30 December, the last two trips of the day on Route 12 Pacaltsdorp – Garden Route Mall will be delayed for 10 minutes to accommodate passengers who will be working until 19:00 during the festive season. The 19:00 trip to Pacaltsdorp will depart at 19:10 and the 19:20 trip at 19:30.

Public holidays
Buses will be running according to the Saturday schedule on all the public holidays – 16, 25 and 26 December, as well as 1 January.
Anyone needing assistance with trip planning can phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 – the agents take calls from 05:00 until 20:00, seven days a week, throughout the holiday season as well.

Covid-19 safety
Passengers are once again reminded to adhere to the simple but effective Covid-19 safety measures required on the bus: wearing a mask covering both the mouth and nose, sanitising or washing of hands, keeping a safe distance where possible, keeping bus windows open for good ventilation, sneezing or coughing into a bent elbow, not travelling on the bus when sick, travelling off-peak if possible, and not to use the bus for non-essential trips.

Supervisor of the GO GEORGE Champions, Dieketseng Mosesane, explains to passengers that the bus windows should stay open to allow free air flow which curbs the spread of the coronavirus.


GO GEORGE-ure en -skedules gedurende vakansieseisoen
Alle GO GEORGE-dienste sal regdeur die vakansie voortgaan, met spesiale voorsiening vir kliënte en werknemers by die Garden Route Mall en Eden Meander-winkelsentrums waar verlengde besigheidsure geïmplementeer sal word.

Later busse by Garden Route Mall
Op weeksdae, van 14 tot 30 Desember, sal die laaste twee ritte van die dag op Roete 12 Pacaltsdorp – Garden Route Mall met 10 minute uitgestel word om passasiers te akkommodeer wat tot 19:00 werk tydens die feesseisoen. Die 19:00-rit na Pacaltsdorp sal om 19:10 vertrek en die 19:20-rit om 19:30.

Openbare vakansiedae
Busse sal op al die openbare vakansie – 16, 25 en 26 Desember sowel as 1 Januarie – die Saterdagskedule volg.

Enigiemand wat hulp benodig met ritbeplanning is welkom om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel – die agente neem oproepe van 05:00 tot 20:00, sewe dae per week, regdeur die vakansieseisoen.

Passasiers word weereens daaraan herinner om te voldoen aan die eenvoudige maar doeltreffende Covid-19-veiligheidsmaatreëls wat op die bus vereis word: die dra van ‘n masker wat beide die mond en neus bedek, ontsmet of was van hande, handhawing van ‘n veilige afstand waar moontlik, oop busvensters vir goeie ventilasie, nies of hoes in ‘n geboë elmboog, om nie bus te ry wanneer jy siek is nie, buite spitstye te ry, en om nie die bus te gebruik vir nie-noodsaaklike ritte nie.

Dieketseng Mosesane is toesighouer oor die GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes en verduidelik hier aan passasiers dat die busvensters ter wille van vrye lugvloei oopgehou moet word, aangesien dit help om die verspreiding van die koronavirus te bekamp.

Council approves new appointments

George Council resolved on Friday 11 December to appoint Dr Michelle Gratz to the position of Acting Municipal Manager as of the 1 January 2021 in terms of Section 82 of the Municipal Structures Act, 117 of 1998 , until such time as the position is permanently filled.

In the interim, Mr Steven Erasmus, Director: Protection Services continues in the Acting Municipal Manager position up to 31 December 2020. Dr Gratz, a resident of George, is eminently qualified, having worked at George Municipality for 12 years before serving as Municipal Manager at Mossel Bay Municipality for seven years. She meets the prescribed competency requirements for the position.

Mr Allen Paulse is to be appointed Acting Director: Community Services as of the 1 January 2021, in terms of Section 56 of the Municipal Structures Act, 32 of 2000. He has had 18 years’ experience as a Municipal Manager.

In the interim, Mr Shanold Marillac, Senior Manager Community Services continues in the Acting Director: Community Services position up to 31 December 2020.

George ready for fire season

George Municipal Fire and Rescue Services are ready for the fire season, which officially runs in the Western Cape from December 2020 to March 2021.

George Fire Chief Neels Barnard said the municipality’s own fleet was well-equipped and the Southern Cape would once again have additional air support from its Denneoord Emergency Airbase. “Over the past few years George has invested in state-of-the art equipment and vehicles to address a wide range of fire scenarios, including a first-of-its-kind large capacity water tanker and portable dam for remote areas, a specialised tractor to clear vegetation and a hazardous materials unit to deal with toxic materials at vehicle and factory accidents. This, combined with the services rendered from the airbase, ensures a comprehensive response to the diverse firefighting challenges in our municipal area.

“Our emergency airbase remains key to our fire and disaster management efforts as we had witnessed during the 2018 fires in George. We are grateful for the ongoing support of Working on Fire, a programme funded by the Department of Environmental Affairs, and longstanding working relationships with the Southern Cape Fire Protection Association, neighbouring municipal fire departments, Garden Route District Municipality and other emergency operators which complement the efficient fire management service we can offer in George and surrounds.”

A chopper, three spotter planes and two water bombers will serve the Garden Route district from the airbase during the 2020/21 fire season.

Mr Barnard appealed to residents and visitors to be mindful of hot summer conditions and to act responsibly to ensure that there are no unnecessary fires to contend with during a time when emergency services are stretched to the limit. “Our holiday high season is starting and the influx of people to the region brings its own complications, which are this year amplified by Covid-19.

“We remind people that fireworks are illegal because of the fire risk and that no controlled burns are allowed until fire season is over. Always remember to make fires in protected and designated areas only and dispose of cigarette butts safely. There is a long, hot summer ahead and we need everyone to help in keeping our region safe,” said Mr Barnard.

George Fire emergency number: 044 801 6311
General emergency number: 044 801 6300

George Municipality’s fire and rescue fleet show off their fleet alongside the season’s Working on Fire air support at Denneoord Emergency Fire Base.

Appeal to bulk vehicle operators and car dealers re licencing

George Municipality makes an urgent appeal to bulk vehicle licence operators and car dealers from George to NOT go to the Uniondale municipal offices for the processing of vehicle licences and registrations.
The Uniondale office operates on a very small skeleton staff and not all personnel have authorisation to work on the relevant national systems.
Only people whose addresses fall within the Uniondale and Haarlem municipal wards will be assisted to register or renew vehicle licences at the Uniondale offices.
The public is again reminded that vehicle licences can be renewed online – details are at

George Municipal Buildings Closed TODAY to the public until further notice

George Municipality Acting Municipal Manager, Steven Erasmus today confirmed that the main and other external municipal buildings will close to the public today, until further notice, due to continued Covid-19 safety measures. This measure has been considered and the decision not taken lightly following the  continued spike in infection rate in George,  and within our municipal staff. We have a responsibility to  ensure not only the safety of the officials working for the municipality but also the public.  Mr Erasmus reiterated that all essential services continue to rendered
and officials will continue to work from home.

All municipal buildings are closed to the public and staff until further notice – other than to those personnel rendering essential services, financial services and provincial agency services with the exception of the following:

  • Payment hall situated on the ground floor of the main building, York Street.
  • Payment hall situated in Uniondale
  • Motor Vehicle Registration (Hibernia Street)
  • Vehicle Testing Station (Hibernia Street)
  • Drivers Licensing (Pacaltsdorp)
  • The Municipal Court
  • George Tourism Office
  • Landfill Site
  • Transfer Station

Note: Updates will be issued should there be an amendment to the list of offices remaining open to the public.

All after-hours George Municipality emergencies: 044 801 6300
Garden Route Disaster Management emergencies: 044 805 5071 (all hours)


All administration offices remain closed to the public until further notice. Please phone or email as far as possible as per details below.

Switchboard: 044 801 9111
All after-hours George Municipality emergencies: 044 801 6300
Garden Route Disaster Management emergencies: 044 805 5071 (all hours)


Protection Services Administration Offices are closed to the public.

Fire emergencies only: 044 801 6311 (all hours)
Law Enforcement: 044 801 6350/89
Anti-Land Invasion: 044 801 6310
GIPTN PTOO: 044 801 6345
All after-hours emergencies: 044 801 6300


Traffic Department Offices, Driving and Learners Licences:
Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp 044 878 2400
Open to the public Monday to Friday 8am-3pm unless otherwise announced as per Covid-19 measures.

The department is open for new appointments for driving and learner’s licences as per usual rules (see Driving and Learners Licence section on website for details).
Pick-up times for newly issued driving licences from the Pacaltsdorp offices: Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm, except if your confirmation SMS indicates a Saturday collection opportunity. Please bring your ID document and show the SMS to the official at the entrance.

Please note that learner’s licences, driving licences, temporary driving licences and professional driving permits which expired from 26 March 2020 up until 31 December 2020 are deemed valid and validity is extended for a further grace period ending 31 August 2021.

If your driving or learners’ licence test was cancelled during lockdown or because of offices being closed due to Covid-19 measures, you will receive an SMS with a new date and time. Please phone 044 878 2400 if you have not received an SMS within 20 days from your previous appointment.


Traffic fines
To pay your traffic fines online, use the account details below and use the traffic fine number printed on the fine as reference.
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Account Name: George Municipality
Account Type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Account Number: 62869623168
Branch Code: 210554
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ


Vehicle Testing Station
Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9312
Open to public Monday to Friday 8am-3pm, access control from gate at the street, unless otherwise indicated due to temporary Covid-19 measures.


Motor Vehicle Registration and Licencing
Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9310 or 044 801 9311
Open to public weekdays 8am-3pm, except Wednesdays closed at 2pm due to compulsory training, or if otherwise indicated as per Covid-19 measures. Access control from gate at the street.

Please consider online renewal of vehicle licences as per details below instead of in-person renewals – as Covid-19 regulations significantly impacts on the amount of people that can be served in a day. Bulk transactions are being handled after-hours. Pregnant women, the elderly and disabled can pre-arrange preferential treatment by calling 044 801 9310.

You don’t have to go to the Vehicle Licence Centre to renew your licence – do it online.

The customer starts by registering a profile online at or download the RTMC mobile application for Android from Google PlayStore.

Choose between registering as an individual or business.
The following information will be required:
1. Individual: initial, name, surname, ID number, driving licence number, contact details via mobile phone or email.
2. Organisation: name of business, ID number of proxy, driving licence number of proxy, contact details via mobile phone or email.
3. A one-time pin will be sent to your email or mobile phone number, which you must enter online.
4. Go to the ‘View motor vehicle renewals’ section and verify the information.
5. Access and/or download your electronic motor vehicle licence RENEWAL NOTICE (also known as a MVL2 notice).
6. The amount for the renewal of your vehicle will be on the notice.
7. Pay this amount into the George Municipality FNB bank account (details below) and use the relevant vehicle licence number as a reference, eg. CAW ###### / Private number ##### WP
8. FNB Account number: George Municipality, Public Sector Cheque Account 62869623150 (Branch Code 210554). Email the proof of payment to or AND
9. Keep a copy of your proof of payment in the relevant car until you receive your licence disk but keep your expired disk on your window in the meantime.
10. Once payment reflects on the municipality’s bank statement, the vehicle licence will be processed, and you will be contacted to arrange collection. Please do not collect unless pre-arranged and notified via SMS.


Administration offices (old City Hall) and Customer Services (corner York and Progress Streets) closed to the public.
Appointments to be arranged  via online meetings on MS Teams or other electronic means. Please phone 044 801 9354 or 044 801 9262 to obtain relevant email address.
Report water leaks and burst pipes, sewerage blockages, leaks and spillages and urgent road and stormwater issues to:
044 801 9262/6 (7.45am-4.30pm)
044 801 6300 (after hours)
Estimated response times are 24-48 hours from recorded time of complaint at the above numbers.


Administration offices are closed  to the public.

Planned maintenance has resumed and essential repairs for which planned outages are required will be communicated.
Please report power outages, broken street lights and faulty traffic lights to:
044 801 9222 (7.45am-4.30pm)
044 801 9202
044 801 6300 (after hours)
Estimated response times from recorded time of complaint at above numbers:
Low voltage electricity – within 24 hours
High voltage electricity faults – can be longer than 24 hours depending on type of fault
Street lights – three to four weeks
Pre-paid electricity queries to Itron/Ontec: 044 873 5474 (8am-4pm)


Community Services Administration, 82 Meade Street, closed to the public.

Reception/all departments: 044 802 2900 or
Office of the Director: 044 802 2904 and
Parks and Recreation complaints: 044 802 2921 and
Uncollected BLACK bags 044 802 2900/20/27 or /
Uncollected GREEN and BLUE bags: 044 802 2900/ /
Environmental Health: /
Transfer Station:


Refuse removal general
For the summer holiday season (1 December – 8 January 2021) households may put out more than the usual seven black bags, four green and an unlimited number of blue bags.
Additional tied bundles of branches are allowed if they are shorter than a metre in length and can be picked up by one person.

BLUE bags are for non-soiled recyclable materials, including plastic, paper, card board, glass etc.
GREEN bags are for green waste, including organic kitchen waste such as fruit and vegetable peels, as well as garden waste, including grass cuttings, leaves etc. No soil is allowed in green bags.
BLACK bags are for ‘wet’ waste, things that cannot be recycled.

All refuse bags must be put out by 7am on removal day.
Please don’t put bags out the day or night before removal.
Please wrap broken glass in newspaper before placing in bags to prevent injuries to workers.
A pack of 26 black bags are distributed to households quarterly.
Black and green bags are collected together by our refuse trucks, and blue bags are collected separately, on the same day.
Participating households will receive two blue and two green replacement bags when available.


MONDAY: Blanco, Riverlea, Heatherpark, Heatherlands, Glen Barrie, Kraaibosch, Groenkloof, Blue Mountain Village, Herold’s Bay, Victoria Bay, Rondevlei area (George side)
TUESDAY: Levallia, Rosemoor, Conville, Protea Park, Parkdene, Ballotsview, Borchards, Lawaaikamp, Thembalethu, Wilderness, Constantia Kloof, Kleinkrantz
WEDNESDAY: Camphersdrift, Fernridge, Denneoord, Bo-Dorp, Blommekloof, Tweerivieren, Hoogekraal, Hoekwil, Touwsranten farm areas
THURSDAY: Wilderness Heights, Dormehlsdrift, George South, Le Grand, Bos en Dal, Groeneweidepark, Sinksabrug, Herold, Geelhoutboom, Eselsjacht, Hansmoeskraal, Jonkershoek, Rooirivierrif, Pacaltsdorp, Rosedale, Waboomskraal, Touwsranten village
FRIDAY: Glenwood, Loerie Park, Eden George, Genevafontein, Denver Park, Bergsig, Eastern Extension
BUSINESSES: Monday, Wednesday and Friday


Landfill Site and Transfer Station, Airport Road, open to public weekdays 7am-6pm and Saturdays 7am-1pm. Covid-19 protocols in place, bring your own pen to sign in for extra safety.

Street cleaning crews continue to operate in and around the CBD and entrance roads to the city at selected hours, seven days a week.

Public toilets at the CBD taxi rank and Doneraile Square open every day, toilets at Shoprite open on weekends.

Please report illegal dump sites to 044 802 2900 or or The municipality appeals to communities to remain safe and to not dump illegal waste, which can be hazardous to their health.

Attendance of funerals is limited to 100 persons or less provided that no more than 50 percent of the capacity of the venue is used. Attendees must observe a distance of at least 1.5m, wear face masks and adhere to all health protocols. Night vigils are not allowed.

Visitation to cemeteries by small groups are allowed at weekends provided that all Covid-19 protocols are observed.

Municipal sport fields and public swimming pools are closed for all activities, practices and games and are expected to remain closed throughout the summer holiday season.
Persons who have booked sport facilities for the festive season must please contact Gerald de Villiers on or 044 801 9488.
This measure does not apply to municipal sport facilities, such as tennis and squash courts, rented out to clubs and sports bodies. Please contact relevant clubs in this regard.

Community Development offices behind the Main Building are closed to the public. Contact 044 802 2000 or

The municipality continues to support 137 municipal soup kitchens. Strict social distancing and hygienic practices apply. Emergency essential social services enquiries 072 693 3488.

The Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) Unit is closed to the public. Contact 044 802 2010 or  or phone 072 070 7234 for emergencies only.

All libraries  are closed to the public.
Enquiries: 044 8019292


All administrative offices are closed to the public.
Central Records Main Building:  044 8019280 and emergencies only Cynthia Boltman 072 1780 327.
Building Plan Records (corner York and Progress Streets) 044 8019367 and emergencies only Mia Mackenzie 083 475 6722.

Area offices
are closed to the public but staff are contactable by phone during office hours (7.45am-4.30pm). After-hours emergencies to 044 801 6300.

Blanco: 044 803 9275
Conville: 044 803 9261
Pacaltsdorp: 044 803 9286
Protea Park: 044 801 9111 ask for extension 2796 (Tuesday, Thursday)
New Dawn Park: 044 801 9111 ask for extension 2797
Rosedale: 044 803 9295
Rosemoor: 044 801 9379 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Touwsranten/Wilderness/Kleinkrantz: 044 803 9280
Thembalethu: 044 801 9448

Thusong Centres are closed to the public, but other departments’ tenants are open as per their usual individual office hours.

Waboomskraal Thusong Centre: 044 886 0040
Thembalethu Thusong Centre: 044 801 9448
After hours emergencies: 044 801 6300

Community halls and venues are closed to the public. If you have made a booking for the festive season, please contact Rozendra Thysse on 044 8019111/5.
Acting Superintendent Halls: 060 823 3607 (on rotation with Maintenance)
Acting Superintendent Maintenance: 083 418 4588 (on rotation with Halls)


Human Settlements administration offices are closed  to the public.

For basic services (water and sanitation in informal areas) queries and complaints in informal settlements please contact 044 802 2003.
For assistance with emergency structures following disaster (fire, flooding etc) please phone 044 802 2029.
Queries and complaints for water leakages and sewerage complaints (indigent cases) can be reported at the office on above times, but preferably by phone on 044 801 9210/9994/9453 or or


Existing Housing Offices
Existing Housing offices are closed to the public.

Enquiries: 044 801 9113 or 044 801 9078


New Housing
New Housing Department (St Johns Street) offices are closed to the public.

Enquiries: 044 802 2003


Please note Town Planning, Building Control and  Property Management offices are closed  to the public.

Officials can be contacted by phone or email or can arrange a virtual Zoom or Microsoft Teams appointment with the relevant official to discuss any matters.

Town Planning General enquiries: 044 801 9477
Property Transfer Certificates: Marina Welman / 044 801 9171
Zoning Certificates: Lorraine Malangeni / 044 801 9477
Zoning Rectifications: Jeanne Fourie / 044 801 9138 and Ilané Huyser / 044 801 9550
Illegal Land Use Complaints: Robin Hector / 044 801 9475 and Mawethu Bonga / 044 801 9520

Online land use applications
Land use applications can be submitted online. See for more details.
Enquiries land use applications:
Erven ending with an even number (i.e. 0, 2, 4, 6, 8): Primrose Nako 044 801 9416
Erven ending with an odd number (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9): Marissa Arries 044 801 9473
Farm/portion numbers: Marina Welman 044 801 9171

Building Control
Building plans can be submitted online. See for more information.

Building Control General Enquiries 044 801 9370
Request for existing building plans (Registration Department):
Phindiswa Lingani: 044 801 9370
Sinazo Moshani: 044 801 9019
Musa Dyakop: 044 801 9166
Status on building plan approvals: Vasti Laws: 044 801 9509
Andrea Griessel: 044 801 9502

Please contact Building Inspectors directly during office hours:
James Vollenhoven: 076 823 0412
Fuzisa Siguba: 083 949 8651

Illegal activity: Nolan Noemdoe 083 757 3717

Property Management
Donald Gelderbloem: Manager Property Management 044 801 9073
Leasing of properties: Josephine Mpembe 044 801 9190
Sale of properties: René Hendricks 044 801 9472
General enquiries: Monique Isaks 044 801 9375

Economic Development
Offices closed to the public.
Business queries: 044 801 9146
Other queries: 044 801 2820 / 073 621 0099

IDP Office
Offices closed to the public.

Ronel Le Fleur: 044 801 9075 / 071 870 7887

Ward committee operations
Offices closed to the public.

Paulina Saaiman: 044 801 9074 / 060 579 6829

George Tourism Office
Open to the public, unless otherwise indicated due to temporary Covid-19 measures.

044 801 9295

Wilderness Tourism Office
Currently closed to the public due to Covid-19 measures

044 801 9295



The Finance Hall in the Main Building is open to the public, weekdays from 8am – 3.30pm unless otherwise indicated due to temporary Covid-19 measures.
Covid-19 protocols are in place and only six persons are allowed inside the Finance Hall at any given time.
Estimated waiting time of 20 minutes, depending on the type of queries for the customers ahead of you in the queue.


While electronic payments are recommended (see details below), the Finance Hall is open for account payments in addition to municipal account queries, opening of accounts, new connections, duplicate accounts, arrangements on arrears, indigent applications etc.

Printed municipal accounts are being issued every month. If you have not received your account by the due date of the 15th of each month, please contact us to forward an email copy or pay the monthly average amount. Online accounts via email have not been affected by lockdown. If you want to receive your account via email, please mail a request to

Ratepayers are requested to use one of the below-mentioned methods to make payments.
Accounts can be paid via electronic transfer (EFT – see details below), via pay@ mobile applications (see details below) and at Pick n Pay, Checkers, Shoprite, USave and SPAR.
Please take your most recent available account statement with you so that the shop can access the bar code that connects your payment to your GRG account number.


Meter readings
There will be no in-person reading of water meters in the current reading cycle, 17 November-17 December 2020, and billing for December will be an estimate based on users’ average water consumption.

This measure follows the appointment of a new service provider, Electro Cuts, who will commence its services for George Municipality on 1 January 2021 and will pick up the reading service as it applies from 17 December 2020. The contract of the previous service provider, Ikapa, expired 17 November 2020.

Consumers who have in the past sent water meter readings to Ikapa, must please note the change in email address for this purpose to  Online submissions of water meter readings are welcomed and can be provided via the above-email address by the 5th of each month along with the accountholder’s name, contact details and GRG account number.


Bank Details for electronic payment (please note bank details changed 1 December 2020)
First National Bank (FNB)
Account Type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Account Name: George Municipality
Account Number: 62869623150
Branch Code: 210554
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference: your GRG account number
Proof of payment to be sent to


pay@ mobile applications
Download Masterpass, Snapscan or Zapper application on your mobile phone and complete your profile.
Load your credit or debit card.
To pay the account, open ‘Wallet’ inside the App you have downloaded and scan the QR code (the black square with the little squares inside it on the bottom right of your account).
Enter the amount you are going to pay and complete the transaction.
The App will confirm your successful, secure transaction.

You can also use the following link for payment of your account:
Click on the link and enter the Pay@ reference number (number starting with 11413) which appears on your account. Your customer information will appear with payment options to choose from.

Prepaid electricity purchases
The electricity token is automatically sent to the client via SMS or email.
Mobile apps belonging to banks also have a pre-paid electricity purchase function.
For prepaid enquiries please contact 044 873 5474.

General enquiries to or 044 801 9111.
Please provide your GRG account number with all enquiries.
Please note that limited assistance is available as personnel may be working offline.

Credit Control enquiries: 084 769 5635


The George Municipal Court is open to the public on weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm unless otherwise indicated due to temporary Covid-19 measures.
Enquiries: 044 801 9400

Cashier Hall is open to the public on weekdays 8am-4.30pm unless otherwise indicated due to temporary Covid-19 measures.

Fire: 044 752 1225
Switchboard and fault reporting: 044 752 1024
Tourism: 044 752 1076
Haarlem: 044 763 1013
After hours: 044 801 6300


New water meter reading contractor from January, no in-person readings this month

There will be no in-person reading of water meters in the current reading cycle, 17 November-17 December 2020, and billing for December will be an estimate based on users’ average water consumption.

This measure follows the appointment of a new service provider, Electro Cuts, who will commence its services for George Municipality on 1 January 2021 and will pick up the reading service as it applies from 17 December 2020. The contract of the previous service provider, Ikapa, expired 17 November 2020.

Consumers who have in the past sent water meter readings to Ikapa, must please note the change in email address for this purpose to Online submissions of water meter readings are welcomed and can be provided via the above-email address by the 5th of each month along with the accountholder’s name, contact details and GRG account number.

Please note that from January 2021, meter readers that you may not have seen before may be coming to your property to take physical meter readings and must produce identification upon request. Even if you provide your water meter reading online, physical meter readings are essential from time to time for auditing purposes.

In addition to the water meter readings, Electro Cuts will also be reading electricity box readings in the few residential and business locations where pre-paid boxes have not been installed.

The service provider is in the process of setting up office in George. In the interim, please direct meter-reading inquiries to the municipality during office hours on 044 801 9455/9430/9165.

Meter reading and related accounts queries can also be furnished via email to

Longest serving official dies of Covid-19

George Municipality mourns the death of its longest serving staff member, Jusiah Phillips Dikela (also known as ‘Oom Gert’), who died of Covid-19-related symptoms yesterday. Oom Gert, aged 60, served the municipality since he was 14 years old and died after 46 years’ service.

He is the fourth George Municipality staff member to succumb to Covid-19.

George Acting Municipal Manager Steven Erasmus said the municipality was saddened by the loss and extended its condolences to his loved ones. “Oom Gert knew everything there was to know about George’s underground water and sewerage lines and was an invaluable source of knowledge. We will miss his friendly demeanour and honour him and his family for the time and commitment he had towards his job and the people of George,” said Mr Erasmus.

Below is an extract published in the George Municipality internal newspaper, MunIndaba, in December 2018.

JP ‘Oom Gert’ Dikela
Jusiah Phillips Dikela, also known as ‘Oom Gert’ or just ‘Dikela’, has an underground map in his head. He has worked on the sewer systems below the town since he was 14 years old. “In most parts of George, I know exactly how the pipes lie and where the manholes are.”

When his dad became ill, Dikela had to drop out of school to support his family and got a job at the George Municipality in October 1974. “My boss, Chris-Jan Serfontein, used to jokingly ask if my mother still packed my lunch because I was so young, but he gave me a chance. I worked very hard and was eager to learn, which eventually paid off – I was transferred to the masons so I could learn how to lay concrete and build manholes.”

In 1981, at the age of 21, Dikela became a team leader responsible for laying sewerage lines and dealing with sewer blockages and became a supervisor in 1992. Since 2003 he has been overseeing sewerage suction services and the sewerage pump station. “In retrospect I realise how valuable the training was I had received through the municipality and how senior people had recognised and rewarded potential.

“We worked really hard but we also had fun. George and the workplace have changed a lot over the years, and it could be frustrating when the skills and knowledge of the older generation were not always recognised or used to its full potential for the benefit of everyone. The educated and the experienced should see the value in each other.

“There are parts of the job that are good, like the people I work with on the ground. I look out for the young ones and try to teach others the things that only experience can teach you. If my people have a difficult time, I try to help, because a happy staff member will be more productive.”
Dikela lives with his wife Emarencia in Pacaltsdorp. They have seven children, six grandchildren and a greatgrandchild (in 2018).

Joint project on Illegal Dumping Awareness with George Municipality and Garden Route District Municipality

Link to video on illegal dumping  GRDM

What is illegal dumping?
Illegal dumping is an ything you throw away in a place where it does not belong.
· If you know who is dumping illegally, report them to 044 801 6350 or or 044 801 6300 (a/h).
· Information that will help the case for a warning or fine: car description and/or registration number, address of alleged perpetrator, type of waste and address of where it was dumped. A cellphone photo of dumping in action will help, but is not essential.
· Report dumped waste for collection to 044 802 2900 or 044 801 6300 (a/h).


If you throw your junk just anywhere, it will eventually become your problem some way or another. It can make you sick or kill you.

George Library celebrates local authors online

Make Your Mark is a George Library programme celebrating authors living in George and surrounds. The programme is usually inside the library but has gone online because of Covid-19. In this video, local award-winning poet Archie Swanson reads his poems and talks to Wolfgang Schrader, bookkeeper from Blue Forest Bookshop and Collectables, about his works and a new anthology being published in 2021.
Click on link to view video:

Illegal Dumping Awareness Project continues

Joint project on Illegal Dumping Awareness with George Municipality and Garden Route District Municipality

What is illegal dumping?
Illegal dumping is anything you throw away in a place where it does not belong.

· If you know who is dumping illegally, report them to 044 801 6350 or or 044 801 6300 (a/h).
· Information that will help the case for a warning or fine: car description and/or registration number, address of alleged perpetrator, type of waste and address of where it was dumped. A cellphone photo of dumping in action will help, but is not essential.
· Report dumped waste for collection to 044 802 2900 or 044 801 6300 (a/h).

If you throw your junk just anywhere, it will eventually become your problem some way or another. It can make you sick or kill you.

George Library Services Diabetes Awareness Month

In South Africa, it is estimated that 3.85 million South Africans suffer from diabetes, with many remaining undiagnosed.

Type 2 diabetes can be treated when diagnosed early. Diabetes is a silent disease. You may not know you have it or think it’s not serious. But in the background, it’s causing damage to your blood vessels, and that can lead to a heart attack, stroke, renal failure, blindness – you could even lose a limb.

James De Waal, Senior Librarian Branch Libraries discusses the topic of Diabetes with Mrs Steenkamp, Dietician at the Diabetes Centre of Excellence, George.

Go George champions learn sign language phrases

Persons who are hard of hearing will turn their head with the ear that hears better towards you and will watch your face and mouth to lip read. Speak slowly and form the words clearly with your lips, making sure there is light on your face for clear viewing.

These are a few of the handy tips conveyed to the first group of GO GEORGE communication champions attending a workshop presented by Elina Nieuwoudt, a friend of the Deaf community in George and who knows South African Sign Language (SASL).

The aim is to equip the champions with basic knowledge to identify a passenger who is possibly hard of hearing or deaf and to sign basic phrases regarding the bus service. They are the staff who engage directly with passengers, including persons with different categories of special needs. The group attending the workshop enjoyed the opportunity to acquire a new skill that will enable them to show courtesy to passengers who are hearing impaired.

“Even if I can only greet that person, say my name, and welcome them on a GO GEORGE bus in sign language, I’m sure they will appreciate my effort,” said one of the champions, “but if we practise amongst ourselves, I hope to remember how to offer the bus timetables and route maps too, and remind them that they cannot pay with cash, but need to use a Smart Card to get on the bus.”

According to feedback that Elina has received from a few Deaf friends, the wearing of masks poses some challenges to lip readers. When visiting the GO GEORGE info kiosk for advice, a passenger who was hearing impaired could not read the information officer’s lips, so she offered to stand back from the window enabling the officer to remove her mask for the conversation – a win-win situation. “Another passenger wrote down her question about the bus service, with the champion responding in writing. A request for route information on Facebook was responded to with a photo of the route map. In general, people with a hearing impairment find the GO GEORGE staff and bus drivers most helpful,” she says.

To accommodate passengers who are hearing impaired, the digital information boards inside the buses indicate which stop comes next, while written instructions applied inside buses assist them in using the system.

James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, is positive about the latest developments. “Upskilling the champions to better serve different categories of special needs has been launched this month, Disability Rights Awareness Month (DRAM). It will, however, remain part of an ongoing programme to focus on the needs of all passengers and to continuously improve the customer experience of the GO GEORGE service within the community of George,” he said.
Most chuffed with themselves and their newly acquired Sign Language vocabulary, the GO GEORGE champions could hardly wait to get to the bus stops to test their new skill. Signing “I help you” are, clockwise from front left, Janell Gelant, Thandokazi Joka, Tanya Appels, Joey Ruiters, Thembisa Matiya and Nomsa Ginyagazi.

Mense wat moeilik hoor, sal hul kop met die oor wat beter hoor na jou toe draai en jou gesig en mond dophou om jou lippe te lees. Praat stadig en vorm die woorde duidelik met jou lippe en maak seker daar is lig op jou gesig vir duidelike sigbaarheid.

Dit is ‘n paar van die handige wenke wat oorgedra is aan die eerste groep GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes wat ‘n werkswinkel bygewoon het by Elina Nieuwoudt, ‘n vriendin van die Dowe gemeenskap in George en wat Suid-Afrikaanse Gebaretaal (SASL) ken.
Die doel is om die passasiersdiensbeamptes toe te rus met basiese kennis om ‘n passasier te identifiseer wat moontlik hardhorend of doof is en basiese frases rakende die busdiens in gebaretaal oor te dra. Hulle is die personeel wat direk met passasiers, insluitend persone met verskillende kategorieë spesiale behoeftes, werk. Die groep wat die werkswinkel bygewoon het, het dit geniet om ‘n nuwe vaardigheid wat hulle in staat sal stel om hoflikheid te betoon aan passasiers wat gehoorgestremd is, aan te leer.

“Selfs al kan ek net daardie persoon groet, my naam sê en hulle in gebaretaal op ‘n GO GEORGE-bus verwelkom, is ek seker hulle sal my poging waardeer,” het een van die beamptes gesê, “maar as ons onder onsself oefen, hoop ek om te onthou hoe om ook die busroosters en roetekaarte aan te bied en hulle te herinner dat hulle nie met kontant kan betaal nie, maar ‘n Slimkaart moet gebruik om op die bus te ry.”
Volgens terugvoer wat Elina van ‘n paar Dowe vriende ontvang het, hou die dra van maskers ‘n paar uitdagings vir liplesers in. Toe sy die GO GEORGE-inligtingkiosk besoek het vir raad, kon ‘n passasier wat gehoorgestremd is nie die inligtingsbeampte se lippe lees nie, en het sy aangebied om terug te staan van die venster af sodat die beampte haar masker vir die gesprek kon afhaal – ‘n wen-wen-situasie. “Nog ‘n passasier het haar vraag oor die busdiens neergeskryf, met die passasiersdiensbeampte wat skriftelik daarop gereageer het. ‘n Versoek vir roete-inligting op Facebook is beantwoord met ‘n foto van die roetekaart. Oor die algemeen vind mense met ‘n gehoorgestremdheid die GO GEORGE-personeel en -busbestuurders baie behulpsaam,” sê sy.

Om passasiers te akkommodeer wat gehoorgestremd is, dui die digitale inligtingsborde binne die busse aan watter bushalte volgende kom, terwyl skriftelike instruksies wat binne busse aangebring is, hulle help om die stelsel te gebruik.

James Robb, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, is positief oor die jongste verwikkelinge. “Ons het vandeesmaand, tydens die Maand vir die Bewusmaking van die Regte van Mense met Gestremdhede, afgeskop met die vaardigheidsuitbouing van die passasiersdiensbeamptes om verskillende kategorieë spesiale behoeftes beter te dien. Dit sal egter deel bly van ‘n deurlopende program om op die behoeftes van alle passasiers te fokus en om voortdurend ons kliënte se ervaring van die GO GEORGE-diens binne die gemeenskap van George te verbeter,” het hy gesê.

Die GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes was baie in hul skik met hul nuutverworwe woordeskat in Gebaretaal en kon skaars wag om by die bushaltes uit te kom om hul nuwe vaardigheid te toets. Hier sê hulle: “Ek help jou”. Kloksgewys van voor links is Janell Gelant, Thandokazi Joka, Tanya Appels, Joey Ruiters, Thembisa Matiya en Nomsa Ginyagazi.

Beautifying the city for 20 years, Radie Loubser retires

Radie Loubser was initially contracted to beautify the entrances of George with plants and features – 20 years later he retires this month as Manager of Parks and Recreation, from a job that had been mostly behind the scenes but with results for everyone to see.

In a time that saw George become one of the fastest growing towns in the country, Radie’s hand was on some of the most significant projects that will continue to benefit the city for decades to come.

These include gardens and features at the three main entrances of George and islands in York Street, upgrading of facilities at beaches, starting improvements at Gwaing and Herolds Bay camping grounds, turning land with a reputation for gangs and drugs in Pacaltsdorp into the now Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre, clearing plantation where the Denne-Oord Fire Emergency Airbase is now, clearing alien vegetation from 40km of the 66km (61%) of riverbeds that flow through the city (before funding stopped), negotiating a R8-million profit for the harvesting of plantation on municipal ground near the Garden Route Dam, working with local businesses to beautify sidewalks across the city and controlled burning of large tracts of overgrown vegetation in the dam catchment area that ultimately caused streams to flow and reduced the risk impact of the 2018 fires. “So many of these projects are underlined by the goodwill and generosity of the people of George – ordinary citizens, city officials and politicians that had the greater good of the whole city at heart,” says Radie.

Born and bred in Stellenbosch, Radie’s love and appreciation of the outdoors was established while travelling across South Africa with his land surveyor dad, Coenie. He obtained a BSc Honours degree in Forestry at Stellenbosch University and spent several of the following years working for the national Department Forestry in some of the country’s largest plantations including Sabie, the former homelands of Kangwane and Zululand and eventually Knysna in 1988 from where he managed the plantations around George, including the sawmill. “When the department recalled me to the head office in Pretoria, my wife Delène and I could not imagine returning to city life – our kids were growing up in this beautiful place with good schools and wonderful people – so I ‘retired’ at age 38, moved to George, and started my own forestry-related business.”

He also lectured Wood Technology at Port Elizabeth Technicon Saasveld campus (now NMU George), built houses and managed forestry projects. “For me, one of the greatest benefits of working for a government department as opposed to the private sector was the diverse skillset I developed instead of specialising. Managing state forest meant doing everything from nursery practice, planting, tending and harvesting trees, and running sawmills to building roads, overseeing staff housing, finances, firefighting and conservation – and it is this set of skills that eventually led me to George Municipality.”

In 2000 when it became clear that George was set for major growth, the then councillor Flip de Swardt and local businessman Sal Marsillio identified the need for upgrading the entrances to the town. Radie had been known to town officials through his dealings for Forestry and his own business and came highly recommended by the then Director Civil Engineering Basil Steyn as ‘a guy who could get things done but was a bit of cowboy’.

The cowboy-part turned out to be a good fit since the project required some out of the box thinking. “The budget was limited but with so much potential, and so many people willing to help. To this day there are private citizens, businesses and organisations across the municipal area who donate plants, keep sidewalks and clear riverbeds out of their own pocket – they are the reason I continue to believe in the future of this city.

“There are so many challenges for a fast-growing city, not even considering factors such as Covid-19, major economic concerns, political interference and the spirit of vandalism and illegal dumping that are very discouraging.

“I believe the ongoing hope for our city remains our people. There is so many opportunities, so many ways to contribute to the greater good. I still have so many ideas of projects and initiatives that can develop and benefit our city, but I have accepted that I must pass the baton. I am leaving the section in competent hands and have very high expectations of them.

“There are so many people who I want to thank and honour, but I know I will skip some important ones, so please consider yourselves thanked – you know who you are.

“People I really enjoyed working with include former councillor Jurie Bezuidenhout (a true gentleman), former mayor Flip de Swardt (for his driving force), councillor Marlene Barnardt (for being decent and reasonable) and speaker Gerrit Pretorius (for patience and endurance). Colleagues that deserve a mention include Basil Steyn (people-orientated), the late Harold Basson (professionalism, friendliness and sense of responsibility), Community Services secretary Ilse Lubbe (commitment and sacrifice) and tea lady Susan Veldsman (lovely nature, absolutely trustworthiness and willingness to serve others).”

Radie and Delène intend moving to Kleinmond to be closer to their sons, Coenie and Oswald, and grandchildren. “George has been a wonderful place to live and we will always think of it with nostalgia, but we are also excited for this new chapter in our lives.” said Radie.

GO GEORGE visits Up with Down’s

The GO GEORGE communications team paid a visit to the Up with Down’s Centre for learners and adults with special needs in Blanco to share basic information about Covid-19 safety, the rules that apply when travelling on the bus, and passenger and pedestrian safety around the buses.

As usual, the friendly mascot Georgie was the star of the day with both the children and the adults as he had everybody enthusiastically join in the Jerusalema dance. However, this time, he had to share the limelight as photo model with the bus photo banner where the learners and residents queued to pop their heads through the windows and smile for the camera.

Upon receiving their GO GEORGE goodie bags, some of the children came to show the educational items they had received from GO GEORGE last year and have been treasuring ever since.

According to James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, the design of the bus service is based on the principle that universal access in all spheres of life is not a privilege but a right entrenched in the Constitution. “GO GEORGE as a public transport service aims to be as inclusive and accessible as possible to the entire community, including people with different categories of special needs,” he says.

Several schools and organisations that cater specifically for the needs of people with disabilities are included in the bus service’s outreach programme for the year and especially in November, Disability Rights Awareness Month (DRAM).

The Jerusalema dance has become Georgie’s signature move ever since he was invited to join George Municipality’s Jerusalema Challenge dance group a few months ago. These learners at the Up with Down’s School in Blanco had much fun learning the steps with him during a visit last week.

Cleanup operations at illegal dump sites continue at Matroos Street and Ngcakani Street in Thembalethu.

Link to video on illegal dumping  GRDM
Link to press release GRDM:


What is illegal dumping?
Illegal dumping is anything you throw away in a place where it does not belong.
· If you know who is dumping illegally, report them to 044 801 6350 or or 044 801 6300 (a/h).
· Information that will help the case for a warning or fine: car description and/or registration number, address of alleged perpetrator, type of waste and address of where it was dumped. A cellphone photo of dumping in action will help, but is not essential.
· Report dumped waste for collection to 044 802 2900 or 044 801 6300 (a/h).

If you throw your junk just anywhere, it will eventually become your problem some way or another. It can make you sick or kill you.

Garden Route Dam raising of spillway and dam wall wins national award

George Municipality congratulated Zutari Engineering Consultants, formerly known as Aurecon, for winning the Technical Excellence category at the South African Institute of Civil Engineering (SAICE) Awards last night for its work on the raising of the spillway and dam wall of the Garden Route Dam outside George.

George Municipality Director Civil Engineering Services Regenald Wesso said the Garden Route Dam was the main source of potable water for the city and its capacity had become a concern as the municipal area continued to grow exponentially. “Aurecon devised a novel duckbill-shaped spillway that allowed for the dam’s existing storage capacity to be increased by 25% while increasing the dam’s discharge capacity and thus improving the dam’s safety.

“We are proud to be associated with such an excellent team, which not only delivered an outstanding product but did so on time and within budget,” said Mr Wesso.

George Municipality Portfolio Councillor Civil Engineering Services Jacqulique von Brandis said the raised spillway and dam wall project proved that practical and cost-effective solutions to infrastructure development were possible without compromising on quality and effectivity. “Congratulations to Zutari (Aurecon) – for George this is much more than an award-winner, it is an extension of one of the city’s most important resources: water,” said Ms Von Brandis.

The Garden Route Dam spillway and wall project was completed in January 2020 and increased the dam storage capacity by 25% from 10 million cubic metres to an estimated new capacity of 12,5 milion cubic metres.

Good rainfall over the past few months have filled the dam to its old capacity in early October (2020) and is currently at an estimated 85% of the new capacity. The process of calibrating the dam’s new capacity is underway. It is unknown how quickly the additional dam capacity will fill up, especially taking into consideration that the ‘new’ top edge of the dam is wider and the incline flatter than before.

Criteria for the Technical Excellence category of the SAICE Awards:
• Portray the art and science of civil engineering to the general public
• Indicate how the profession finds answers to challenging demands
• Display unique or unusual features
• Demonstrate functional efficiency, economic contribution and service of mankind
• Demonstrate some notable advance in the solution of engineering problems
• Show particular aesthetic appeal
• Display engineering ingenuity in analysis or design and/or in construction technique
• Had successful handling of impacts on the environment
• Be well managed, finishing on time and within budget

Project details:
The previous Garden Route spillway was 25m wide, which was extended to 80m by curving the spillway in the upstream direction. The new spillway consists of a reinforced concrete cantilever structure, which is unusual for hydraulic structures of this type, as these are normally self-stable by their mass. To enhance the stability, the structure is provided with rockfill on the upstream side of the wall footing, in addition to rock anchors.

Although the full supply level (FSL) of the dam was raised by 2.5 m, due to the local terrain the tallest portion of the new spillway wall is 4.9 m tall. A total of 1,780 m3 of concrete was used (750 m3 mass concrete, 300 m3 for the walls, 390 m3 for the wall footing, and 340 m3 for the channel).

The main dam wall was also raised by 1.76m to prevent overtopping by placing earth fill on top of the existing embankment. Selected material was placed as follows: general fill (12,500 m3), rip-rap (2,500 m3), filter sand (750 m3), and topsoil (2,050 m3).

The Garden Route Dam spillway and wall photographed upon completion in January 2020.

SMS and email reminders for car licence renewal notices

Vehicle owners are reminded that renewal notices for vehicle licences have not been issued in print on paper in the Western Cape since December 2019, neither via post nor at the municipal offices, but an online system has been in place to activate SMS and email reminders.

The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) has over the past year phased out printed notification across the country and launched electronic notification for all last month (October 2020). This means all vehicle owners whose correct contact details are on the NaTIS online system will in future receive a SMS or email notification on the 1st of the month for a vehicle licence that expires at the end of that month (so, if your vehicle licence expires 31 January, you will receive a notification on 1 January).

There will not be a follow-up SMS and no SMS or email will be sent if a vehicle licence has already expired.

An SMS notice will read: Dear XXXXX, Your vehicle notice number for CAW##004 is (reference number inserted), current amount due (Rand value inserted) as at 01/XX/2020 (date inserted). NaTIS Online Team.

An email notification is an electronic version of the MVL2 notice (the one that was previously printed and posted to you) which can be downloaded and printed if need be, and then presented to the cashier in order to renew the motor vehicle licence concerned.

To check if you are on the system, register as per details below – vehicles in your name will be listed and available vehicle renewal notices (MVL2s) will be accessible for download. If your contact details have changed or are incorrect, please ensure you have it updated the next time you renew a licence at the Vehicle Licencing Department – bring a proof of residential address such as a municipal account in your name with you to enable you to change the details. If your contact details are correct, please consider renewing your licence online (see details below).

Please note YOU DO NOT NEED THE NOTICE TO BE ABLE TO RENEW YOUR LICENCE, it is just a convenient reminder. The vehicle licence expiry date is indicated at the bottom of your current vehicle licence disk and it is recommended that you diarise the licence expiry date in advance to ensure timely renewal. Vehicle licences are valid for a year from the date of renewal and the owner has 21 days from the date of expiry on the disk to renew the license.

The customer starts by registering a profile online at or download the RTMC mobile application for Android from Google PlayStore.

Choose between registering as an individual or business.

The following information will be required:
1. Individual: initial, name, surname, ID number, driving licence number, contact details via mobile phone or email.
2. Organisation: name of business, ID number of proxy, driving licence number of proxy, contact details via mobile phone or email.
3. A one-time pin will be sent to your email or mobile phone number, which you must enter online.
4. Go to the ‘View motor vehicle renewals’ section and verify the information.
5. Access and/or download your electronic motor vehicle licence RENEWAL NOTICE (also known as a MVL2 notice).
6. The amount for the renewal of your vehicle will be on the notice.
7. Pay this amount into the George Municipality ABSA bank account (details below) and use the relevant vehicle licence number as a reference, eg. CAW ###### / Private number ##### WP
8. ABSA Cheque Account number: George Municipality, Cheque Account 01022220981 (Branch Code 632005)9. Email the proof of payment to or AND
10. Keep a copy of your proof of payment in the relevant car until you receive your licence disk, but keep your expired disk on your window in the meantime.
11. Once payment reflects on the municipality’s bank statement, the vehicle licence will be processed, and the new disk will be posted to your registered address. Please do not collect from the MVR offices unless pre-arranged and notified via SMS.

George Municipality Vehicle Licencing Department: 044 801 9310
Western Cape Motor Vehicle Licencing Inquiries: 0860 212 414

NOVEMBER 2020: Joint project on Illegal Dumping Awareness with George Municipality and Garden Route District Municipality

What is illegal dumping?
Illegal dumping is anything you throw away in a place where it does not belong.

Link to video on illegal dumping  GRDM

· If you know who is dumping illegally, report them to 044 801 6350 or or 044 801 6300 (a/h).
· Information that will help the case for a warning or fine: car description and/or registration number, address of alleged perpetrator, type of waste and address of where it was dumped. A cellphone photo of dumping in action will help, but is not essential.
· Report dumped waste for collection to 044 802 2900 or 044 801 6300 (a/h).


If you throw your junk just anywhere, it will eventually become your problem some way or another. It can make you sick or kill you.