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Author: Chantel Edwards

Mandela Village  – pipe installation addresses safety issues

Following excessive rain and flooding in August 2021, a dam wall or “informal road” which collapsed in the informal settlement Mandela Village, has been made safe with the installation of  two 600 mm diameter pipes side-by-side. The area has been backfilled  with imported material to “road height” and on the higher side, gabions (a basket or container filled with earth, stones, or other material) and rheno mattress (galvanized steel wire mesh compartmented basket with a rectangular mattress shape ) have been installed to serve as an inlet structure in an attempt to ensure that the dam wall does not flood away again.

The Mandela Village Informal Settlement is an invaded portion of land in Thembalethu which was a mining site, but now houses 1070 illegal informal structures.  With the onset of the invasion, more than five years ago, the inhabitants were informed of the dangers of occupying that particular piece of land, specifically the fact that the land was not stable and was prone to flooding.

Lionel Daniels, Acting Director: Civil Engineering Services, indicated that the road is not a formal road, but an earth embankment which was historically used by a mining company to serve a dual purpose – as access to the mine/quarry and a dam wall. It is not included on the George Roads Masterplan. The collapse was due to the heavy rains as well as damage caused by severe littering.   It must be noted that this road is, and is therefore not budgeted for. Acting Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz visited the area shortly after the collapse  and  a decision was taken to clear the debris and address the immediate safety issues.

Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk visited the site following the repair with Acting Director for Civil Engineering Services, Lionel Daniels; Manager: Maintenance Contracts, Fred Nortje and the Deputy Mayor Charlotte Clarke “This area remains unsafe for habitation and resolving the problem is not easy.  Building pipes for water to flow through this area is not a permanent solution and more discussions will have to take place to see how we can fully resolve this, “ said Ald Van Wyk.


Scheduled power outage Lawaaikamp 11 September

Electricity supply will be interrupted to portions of Lawaaikamp (Vuyani Ncamazana, July Marikeni, Melford Notshokovu, Ellen Vena, Willie Schaap, Charlie Hugo, Ntondini, Mangaliso) on Saturday 11 September 2021 from 09h00 to 16h00 for alterations to the electrical mains.
Consumers are warned to treat the installation as live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.
Should circumstances prevent work from being carried out during the abovementioned period, the work will be done on Saturday 18 September 2021 from 09h00 to 16h00.
Enquiries: 044 874 3917

Parks and Recreation goes ‘greener’

George Municipality Small Plant Operator Marshall Pedro shows off one of the department Parks and Recreation’s new lithium Ion battery-powered pole pruners that have recently been purchased as part of the municipality’s ongoing pursuit of sustainable solutions across all sections and operations.
The four new pruners are not only more cost effective, lighter and easier to handle, but also reduces noise and vibrations and emit no petrol fumes. This means less impact on the operator and the environment.
The department intends buying battery-operated hedge trimmers next and will continue to investigate other sustainable landscaping devices as they become available.

Comment on Draft Film Policy 2021

George has long been a desired location for film and television crews.  George Municipality is implementing a Film Policy to provide a framework that production companies and film-makers can work within, to apply for permits and obtain more information. The public is requested to peruse and comment on the proposed Policy before it is presented for adoption to Council. Any comments or representations, regarding the policy must be submitted to reach the our offices by no later than 24 September 2021 by email.

Follow this link to the Draft Filming Policy 2021
E-mail submissions to


Bulk facility for motor dealers and runners  

Covid Regulations, various lockdowns and general pandemic problems, have played havoc with deadlines for Motor Vehicle Licence Renewals. George Municipality is constantly reviewing and attempting to streamline and simplify the process in order to reduce queues and continue safeguarding the public and our officials.

A new bulk facility has been opened specifically for motor dealers and runners who come in with vehicle licences to renew and the registration of new vehicles. Previously such bulk renewals have been handled after hours and on weekends by the main office. Industry members have been directly informed about this facility which will operate on the same basis as the public MVR offices located in Hibernia Street.

Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk last week officially opened the new facility. Here he is seen with from left Deputy Mayor Charlotte Clarke, Hester Engelbrecht (Principal Clerk), Suretha Pick (Superintendent), Executive Mayor Van Wyk, Mayley Van Wyk ( Principal Clerk) and Mr Peter Botha who is a runner for the Que Guy.

Arranging for a separate bulk facility reduces the pressure on the Hibernia street offices, however we continue to encourage the public to consider Online Renewal  of vehicle licenses instead of in-person renewals as Covid-19 protocols that must be implemented,  significantly impact on the amount of people that can be served in a day. All of the details for online renewal can be found here

While vehicle licence renewals can be done online, the  registration of vehicles cannot be done online as RICA requirements stipulate that the owner of the vehicle must physically appear in front of the official and the documentation must be original – this is, among other things, a measure against fraudulent registration of vehicles.

George MVR Offices are  located in Hibernia Street and are open to the public weekdays 8am-3pm, except Wednesdays when closed at 2pm due to compulsory training. Access control is from the gate at the street. 044 801 9312


Mayor visits new Thembalethu homeowner

New homeowner Andile Fani and George Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk share a joke at the official handover of the last batch of houses in Phase One of the George Municipality Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme (UISP) in Thembalethu this week.
Executive Deputy Mayor Charlotte Clarke is on the left.
One of the larger housing projects in the municipal area, the UISP in Thembalethu is an award-winning project started in February 2017. Phase One involved the establishment of 1746 serviced sites including 700 housing opportunities, which has now come to fruition.
New phases of this project will become available as funds are released via the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements.

From left are Beneficiary Liaison Committee (BLC) chairman Clifford Madlokazi, Human Settlements Portfolio Councillor Raybin Figland, Deputy Executive Mayor Charlotte Clarke, new homeowner Andile Fani and Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk.

ESKOM increases and municipal electricity tariffs explained

ESKOM increases and municipal electricity tariffs explained
Issued George Municipality, 8 September 2021

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) determines increases in electricity prices – the increase price to municipalities as well as the increase that municipalities may levy to customers.

NERSA has allowed ESKOM to increase its prices to municipalities by 17,8 % from 1 July 2021 and approved an increase in the electricity tariff of 14.59% by all municipalities to consumers across South Africa.

In determining these tariffs NERSA takes into account that each municipality has to absorb the costs of distributing electricity through the network, operate the system and provide maintenance and reinforce the electricity network in the provision of electricity to customers.

George Municipality is concerned about the rising electricity prices that are being levied but is obliged to pass such increases on to its customers. The municipality is however investigating how it can invest in securing alternative sources of electricity with the objective to reduce the rate of future increases.

Main building is now solar powered

George Municipality’s main building will now mostly be powered by solar following the activation of the recently installed 300kW solar-power plant in the municipal parking lot.

Funded by the national Department of Energy and facilitated by the municipality’s Electrotechnical directorate, the solar plant consists of 692 photovoltaic (PV) panels installed on top of the roofs of the parking bays – not only generating enough power to electrify the main building and civic centre but also providing shade and protection for municipal vehicles.

Solar power that the municipality does not use goes back into the city’s grid, which is then ‘credited’ against the municipality’s Eskom account according to a special tariff. During the night and on cloudy days, the municipality uses the accumulated ‘credit’ and pays for electricity thereafter. It is expected to produce 500 000kWh of energy per year and should pay itself off within seven years.

George Municipality also earns ‘green points’ for meeting carbon emission reduction targets.
The total savings in carbon dioxide emissions generated from the new solar-plant will be about 9027 tonnes of CO2 over the plant’s 25-year lifetime.

George Acting Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz said the municipality was proud to be among the first local authorities in the Western Cape to generate electricity for its own buildings. “This kind of project ultimately benefits the people of George because it saves money, promotes innovation and good environmental practices.

“We thank national government for supporting us in the pursuit of energy saving across as many platforms as possible. The municipality continues to investigate various types of alternative energy sources to provide sustainable solutions for the city,” said Dr Gratz.

George Municipality Electrotechnical Services portfolio councillor Nosicelo Mbete, project champion Thabo Yiga (intern), Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk and Electrotechnical Services director Bongani Mandla.

Mayor visits Rosedale soup kitchens

George Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk continued his visits to municipal-supported community projects last week including the Rosedale-based soup kitchens of Tannie Dinah Witbooi (light green overalls), whose kitchen serves 180 meals to mostly school children on weekdays, and Tannie Maria Moses (white jersey) who serves meals to 85 people three times a week, and every day during hard lockdown.
If you want to support soup kitchens, please phone 044 802 2000 during working hours.

Picture above
From left are Community Development Portfolio Councillor Sean Snyman, Rosedale Ward Councillor Melvin Roelfse, George Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk and Tannie Dinah Witbooi.

From left are Community Development Portfolio Councillor Sean Snyman, George Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk, Rosedale Ward Councillor Melvin Roelfse and Tannie Maria Moses.

Mayor visits Gwaiing landfill site to view improvements in place

The Gwaiing landfill site has seen a number of improvements following ongoing issues with access control on-site and homeless people gaining access to the site and staying over, a situation which posed danger not only to themselves but also the public wanting to use the landfill site.

George Municipality introduced corrective measures to address these problems by employing  ten Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) workers to assist around the site and to address safety concerns. In order to improve access control, the point of access was changed so that every vehicle entering the landfill site, must pass through a weighbridge before they can get to the landfill site. Every vehicle entering the facility is then weighed when it enters, and when it exits.

This system enables the municipality to capture correct waste management data and complies with the Provincial Department of Environmental and Development Planning’s requirements. Municipal official, Elvis Nondala is responsible for capturing the weight of the vehicles as they come through the weighbridge.

Mayor Leon van Wyk said visiting the facility enabled him to see what the conditions are for all who use this facility. “Under the new management, we are starting to see even more improvements and we are excited to see what lies ahead,” he said. He emphasised that the Gwaiing landfill site must be rehabilitated and that a portion of the site will be closed to allow for this rehabilitation. The public will be required to dispose of builder’s rubble at an alternative location on the same premises.

Sivuyile Mtila, Senior Manager for Environmental Services emphasized that the public must only dispose of permissible waste items such as; bulky waste (awkwardly sized and heavy objects);  garden refuse (grass clippings, dead branches, bushes, weeds, plants, stones and other small materials); builder’s rubble (concrete chunks, broken bricks (clay or cement), sand, stone, soil, cement, plaster) and any waste not containing hazardous waste.


Responding to the disposal of household hazardous waste, the George Municipality will be hosting its first Open Day for the collection of hazardous waste on 10 September, in the parking lot opposite Outeniqua Stadium, Augusta Street. Open from 08:00  – 15:00, the public to please note all Covid-19 protocols will be observed.

f you have the following household hazardous waste, deliver in a suitable container:

  • Motor oil, oil filters, brake fluid
  • Used antifreeze
  • Paint, paint thinner, turpentine
  • Pesticides or herbicides
  • Household batteries
  • CRTs, old TVs, miscellaneous electronics
  • Tyres
  • Fluorescent tubes and Globes
  • Household medical waste (needles and old medicine and tablets)

The following items are NOT accepted:

  • Explosives
  • Ammunition
  • Radioactive Materials
  • Controlled Substances

Additional Information

  • Bring the items you wish to dispose of in a strong box preferably in their original, labelled containers.
  • Do not EVER mix products together.
  • Be prepared to leave your containers, due to permitting requirements, and the volume of people that may utilise the program.

This is your opportunity to get rid of these items at NO COST and at a convenient, nearby location.

For any enquiries, kindly contact Grace Notshokovu on 044 802 2917.

In the group photograph are workers at the landfill site are from left, Christiaan Terblanche (EPWP), Andrew Pattersen (EPWP), Pieter Jumat (Permanent worker), Patrick Smit (Permanent worker), Ronny Vice (EPWP), David Jantjies (EPWP), Wessel Robertson Manager: Cleansing (in blue jacket and black mask at the back, next to him is Mayor Leon Van Wyk (grey jacket), Dr Michele Gratz (Acting Municipal Manager), Deputy Mayor Charlotte Clarke, Charles Lubbe (Project Manager: Cleansing) and Sivuyile Mtila (Senior Manager: Environmental Services).



Review of GM Spatial Development Framework

The current George Municipal Spatial Development Framework, 2019 (GMSDF,2019) is a set of documents, with related plans, which spatially illustrates the desired future growth and spatial development pattern and-path of all areas within the George Municipal area, as well as strategies and policies regarding the manner in which to achieve the spatial objectives.  The MSDF may be reviewed and updated from time to time. The public and all interested and affected parties are hereby invited to participate in the process of reviewing and updating the George Municipal Spatial Development Framework. This process will be divided into two components: Firstly, the review of the existing GMSDF2019 and secondly the drafting of an amended GMSDF.

Female fleet manager retires from a career in a man’s world

George Municipality Fleet Manager Manon McDonald, aged 56, this month retires from a lifetime career in a ‘man’s world’. Manon is an electrical engineering technician who in later years took on municipal fleet management as part of her job in Knysna. As fleet manager in George since 2015 she has been responsible for more than 1000 vehicles and associated equipment.

Manon became an electrical engineering student because she wasn’t good at typing. “I didn’t know what to do after school and was looking at courses at the local Klerksdorp Technikon to see if there was anything I could see myself doing for a living. I had a head for administration, so a secretarial course seemed a logical choice, but I was really bad at typing, which was still a major part of office management in the 1980s,” says Manon.

The only other thing that appealed was a qualification as electrical engineering technician, mostly because she liked maths and science that were core subjects in the course. “I was the only woman in a man’s world for most of my career which was unusual for everyone, not just the men, but people got used to me being there and it became less of a thing. Sometimes the men would take the mickey out of me, but it made me stronger, more committed and more determined.”

A decision that would stand her in good stead was pushing through to obtain the advanced NQ6 electrical engineering diploma. “To this day most people will qualify with the NQ4 technician qualification and there are very few women in South Africa with NQ6. The extra two years were much tougher, especially the maths, but it facilitated key career opportunities that became very important when life threw me a few curve balls.”

Good marks and references convinced the electrical engineer at Klerksdorp Municipality to take a chance on Manon, the first female electrical technical assistant to be appointed at the local authority in 1990. Despite irregular hours, extreme weather conditions and the inherent danger of electricity Manon thrived. “I loved that the work was different every day, that much of it was outdoors and very interesting.”

Eight years later when she needed a change, a glowing reference secured Manon the principal technician post at Knysna Municipality. “I arrived in this small town, recently widowed with an 18-month-old baby and no support system at home. It is a great testament to the men in that department at the time who not only accepted a female boss but one who sometimes brought a sleeping baby to after-hours callouts. Everyone would keep an ear out for my son, Rüttger, in case he would wake up and start crying, but he was very good and seldom even stirred while we did our jobs nearby.

“Although I did not strictly have to go out on all the calls at night, it was important for me to do so at least in the beginning while I was getting to know the people and the area. I wanted them to see that I was committed and willing to do what it takes, that I wouldn’t use my child as an excuse to not do my job.”

Knysna’s vehicle fleet was the responsibility of the electrotechnical department, and its management formed part of Manon’s job. “My dad was a motor vehicle mechanic, and I spent most days after school in his workshop, so this felt like familiar territory.”

Her job included buying new vehicles, overseeing the mechanical workshop and petrol and diesel filling station, vehicle licencing, insurance and a whole lot of related administration. Fleet management meant less afterhours work than electrical, which motivated Manon to apply for a position as fleet manager at George Municipality, which she got in 2015.

The George Municipality vehicle fleet consists of more than 1000 items ranging from sedans, bakkies and trailers to roadworks equipment, graders, refuse trucks, water tankers, fire trucks and GO GEORGE busses.

“Vehicles are expensive but essential for service delivery, which makes budgeting challenging in a growing municipality with limited resources. It is frustrating for everyone when an old truck that should really be replaced is in the workshop more than on the road, but it is our reality and we make the best of the circumstances.”

In the six years she has worked here, Manon has facilitated the purchasing of 176 vehicles and trucks, many of which have specialist requirements. Among these is the municipality’s first truck tractor which pulls a 35 000-litre stainless steel water tank as a movable water source during firefighting and South Africa’s first extra-high panel van in red for the Fire Department’s new mobile control centre.

Manon also had the fuel pumps upgraded so both pumps could issue dual product (petrol and diesel), managed renovations in the office to maximise space and facilitated the purchasing of a 31 000-litre above-ground storage tank that will be completed next month.

“Running a municipality’s fleet is not just about the vehicles in the current fleet, but about overall sustainability. For instance, the department may weigh up the pros and cons of buying a recovery vehicle for heavy vehicles versus the costs of a service provider, or whether the benefits of an inhouse workshop outweigh implications such as additional staff, space and equipment costs. A fleet is also about thousands of people who drive and travel in those vehicles every day – their safety and capacity to do their work as efficiently as possible are all inherent to this job.”

No matter the job description, Manon almost always had men reporting to her and some handled this better than others. “Some were quite blatantly disrespectful and adamant that they would not come to me for anything. I made a concerted effort to not take offense or get angry, or to be snide or vengeful when they eventually had no choice but to come to me for help or support. It was important to me to not rub my power and authority in their face and hoped they would eventually realise that I could be an ally.

“I always considered myself a lady and never swore at somebody or about any situation. I instinctively knew that I couldn’t be one of the boys and didn’t think it was necessary for me to try. I am my own person, not defined by my work or my gender.”

Manon and her husband Johan intend moving to Agulhas later this year.


Profile by Athane Scholtz, Communications Officer, George Municipality

WARD 9: Rebuilding of Streets – Draw

WARD 9: Rebuilding of Streets


You are cordially invited to a draw for (1) Sub-contractor at the


Emerging Contractors residing in Ward 9.Wishing to partake in this project need to be registered with the following entities:

  • CIPC: Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
  • CSD: Central Supplier Data Base
  • CIDB: Construction Industry Development Board (Registered as 1CEB or


The supporting documents proving valid registration with the above-mentioned entities need to be presented at the draw and will serve as an access pass to limit the attendance numbers in accordance with the latest Covid-19 Regulations

DATE: 24 AUGUST 2021
TIME: 12H00

Very Important Note:

  • Only one (1) representative per SMME Construction Business will be allowed due to COVID -19 Regulations.
  • Emerging Contractors who have done work on similar projects for George Municipality in the past two (2) years on similar projects, won’t be considered in the initial round, but will be allowed to partake should no successful contractors be found.

WARD 8: Rebuilding of Streets – Draw

WARD 8: Rebuilding of Streets


You are cordially invited to a draw for (1) Sub-contractor at the


Emerging Contractors residing in Ward 8.Wishing to partake in this project need to be registered with the following entities:

  • CIPC: Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
  • CSD: Central Supplier Data Base
  • CIDB: Construction Industry Development Board (Registered as 1CEB or


The supporting documents proving valid registration with the above-mentioned entities need to be presented at the draw and will serve as an access pass to limit the attendance numbers in accordance with the latest Covid-19 Regulations

DATE: 25 AUGUST 2021
TIME: 09H00

Very Important Note:

  • Only one (1) representative per SMME Construction Business will be allowed due to COVID -19 Regulations.
  • Emerging Contractors who have done work on similar projects for George Municipality in the past two (2) years on similar projects, won’t be considered in the initial round, but will be allowed to partake should no successful contractors be

WARD 13: Rebuilding of Streets – Draw

WARD 13: Rebuilding of Streets


You are cordially invited to a draw for (3) Sub-contractors at the


Emerging Contractors residing in Ward13. Wishing to partake in this project need to be registered with the following entities:

  • CIPC: Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
  • CSD: Central Supplier Data Base
  • CIDB: Construction Industry Development Board (Registered as 1CEB or Higher)

The supporting documents proving valid registration with the above-mentioned entities need to be presented at the draw and
will serve as an access pass to limit the attendance numbers in accordance with the latest Covid-19 Regulations

DATE: 24 AUGUST 2021
TIME: 11H30

Very Important Note:

  • Only one (1) representative per SMME Construction Business will be allowed due to COVID -19 Regulations.
  • Emerging Contractors who have done work on similar projects for George Municipality in the past two (2) years on similar projects, won’t be considered in the initial round, but will be allowed to partake should no successful contractors be found.

WARD 21: Rebuilding of Streets – Draw

WARD 21: Rebuilding of Streets
You are cordially invited to a draw for (4) Sub-contractors at the THEMBALETHU COMMUNITY HALL
Emerging Contractors residing in Ward 21. Wishing to partake in this project need to be registered with the following entities:
 CIPC: Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
 CSD: Central Supplier Data Base
 CIDB: Construction Industry Development Board (Registered as 1CEB or
The supporting documents proving valid registration with the above-mentioned entities need to be presented at the draw and will serve as an access pass to limit the attendance numbers in accordance with the latest Covid-19 Regulations
DATE: 24 AUGUST 2021
TIME: 09H30
Very Important Note:
1. Only one (1) representative per SMME Construction Business will be allowed due to COVID -19 Regulations.
2. Emerging Contractors who have done work on similar projects for George Municipality in the past two (2) years on similar projects, won’t be considered in the initial round, but will be allowed to partake should no successful contractors be found.

Update on Municipal Services following heavy rainfall – 19 August 2021

The Main Municipal Building is closed to the public today 19 August, following damage to the roof and electrical wiring due to weather.
The public to please note this includes THE CASHIER HALL on the ground floor which will not open today. Please consider online payments where possible.

Several Roads have been affected by flooding:  Hope Street in CBD, Beach Road use left lane, Section of Artillery Road, Delville Park flooded.
Motorists and other road users must take extreme care in rainy weather and look out for areas that may be partially flooded. Use alternative routes where possible.

The removal of refuse will go ahead today but unfortunately will be delayed due to heavy rainfall. The cleansing team will do everything possible to remove the refuse in scheduled areas as well in the rural areas. Those areas which had flooding, where trucks struggle to reach, will be rescheduled for tomorrow or Saturday depending on the weather conditions. We ask the public to be patient and leave their refuse outside for pick up. The public cannot not leave their refuse outside and phone afterwards for pick up when the truck has already passed through their area. We will keep the public informed of rescheduling.
If you live in these areas, your refuse will be removed today:

THURSDAY: Wilderness Heights, Dormehlsdrift, George South, Le Grand, Bos en Dal, Groeneweidepark, Sinksabrug, Herold, Geelhoutboom, Eselsjacht, Hansmoeskraal, Jonkershoek, Rooirivierrif, Pacaltsdorp, Rosedale, Waboomskraal, Touwsranten village. For urgent matters contact Community Services on 044 802 2900

Please take note that the George Library and Pacaltsdorp Library are closed due to water damage.
The public is kindly being requested not to make use of the chute to return their books at George LIbrary, as this will result to water damage of the books.

New Housing and Existing Housing Offices remain open to the public, but telephone lines are down until further notice.


Covid-19 Economic Recovery Plan to become integral part of municipal planning

George Municipality Directorate Planning and Development last week presented its Risk-Aligned Economic Recovery Plan to the municipal mayoral committee.

The plan, which was compiled as a response to the short and long-term socio-economic effects of Covid-19, aligns with and informs several other George Municipality plans and strategies as well as the plans and strategies for the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and Western Cape government.

George Municipality Director Planning and Development Lauren Waring said while the effect of Covid-19 would not be fully understood until the pandemic had passed, various surveys locally and across the world had identified the nature of some key impacts. “Some of the hardest hit sectors such as tourism, hospitality and retail are among our city’s most important sectors. We also expect poverty indicators to rise as the full impact on the informal sector, spaza shops and SMMEs becomes more evident.

“Covid-19 has had a damaging impact on the municipality’s revenue streams and it is expected to continue for the next three to five years. In response the municipality is developing meaningful interventions to stimulate the local economy and facilitate job creation, increase household consumption, and ensure the promotion of a stable and healthy living environment.”

To do this, George Municipality will focus on reigniting the tourism sector, providing sustainable support to the informal sector, developing an online SMME portal to provide access to different business processes and government and other support, using planning and infrastructure tools to ensure spatial transformation, developing tools to optimise resources, and enhancing data and knowledge management.

The municipality also takes into consideration its own systems, procedures, and functions to address Covid-19 impacts internally in addition to its external economic response, which includes social development, finance, and ICT responses.

Financial management responses include credit control, improved debtors management, revenue enhancement, cost containment and expenditure management.

The Social Development section, in ongoing relationships with the relevant mandated provincial and national government departments and other agencies, will promote an inclusive developmental agenda that focuses on issues including early childhood development, an integrated George safety and security network, sustainable food sources, homeless people and gender-based violence.

ICT responses will look into smart systems that maximise operational efficiency via the existing ICT platform, enhanced communication and performance management systems, and research and design capabilities to promote the meeting of targets and deadlines.

Economic Development portfolio councillor Dirk Wessels said the George Municipality Economic Recovery Plan was taking into consideration that Covid-19 was an historic event that would forever change the landscape of decision-making. “While the world is facing this crisis, the reality is that there may be more pandemics and other national and international disasters. The Economic Recovery Plan we have just released is the product of significant information and resource sharing across several agencies and reflects the multipronged approach required to pursue shared solutions for the major impacts on the local and global economy, geopolitics, and our societies.”

The George Municipality Economic Recovery Plan is aligned to current and developing strategies and documents including the National Covid-19 Recovery Plan, Western Cape Business and Economic Recovery Plan, George Economic Development and Tourism, Western Cape Government Tourism Master Plan as well as the GRDM Tourism Strategy, Agricultural Master Plan, Investment Prospectus and Draft Green Energy Master Plan.

The Plan will form part of the George Municipality Integrated Economic Development Strategy that is currently being developed and will serve as a critical informant to several other municipal strategic planning processes being undertaken in the next six to 24 months, including the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), Spatial Development Framework (SDF) and Integrated Economic Growth Strategy (IEGS).

The George Municipality Economic Recovery Plan is available at

Roads update due to flooding

Hope Street in CBD closed due to flooding, please use alternative routes.
Motorists travelling towards Pacaltsdorp in Beach Road to drive carefully and use left lane.
Section of Artillery Road Delville Park flooded.
Motorists and other road users must take extreme care in rainy weather and look out for areas that may be partially flooded. Use alternative routes where possible.
Please report all flooding and related incidents to 044 801 6300.
Issued George Municipality 19 August at 08.20am