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Author: Chantel Edwards

90-year-old woman signs transfer for her house after living in it for 70 years

A 90-year-old woman, Martiena ‘Meisie’ Pietersen, yesterday signed transfer documents for a historic house in Pacaltsdorp in which she has lived for 70 years.

George Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk paid a visit to Aunt Meisie yesterday to help her complete the paperwork for the house. She is one of six households signing transfers for houses known as the Urban’s properties, which the former Pacaltsdorp Municipality had bought for the purposes of subdivision and sale to the then inhabitants many years ago. The transfer had never taken place and the George Municipality had inherited the properties when the local authorities amalgamated in 1995.

Ald Van Wyk said the Urban’s houses were estimated to be about 100 years old and the municipality had hoped that it could make some repairs to the homes before transfer. “George Municipality had pursued options to fund repairs via government grants because Council did not have the finances to make such repairs itself, but there were no grants applicable to these types of housing.

“George Municipality did not want to delay transfer of ownership any longer, especially since most inhabitants are elderly and the municipality wanted to ensure the rights of the current beneficiaries as well as their legal heirs.

“Officials of the Provincial Department of Human Settlements have confirmed the houses are structurally safe and liveable, but the municipality will continue to assist the new owners to obtain funding through other government or organisation programmes,” said Ald van Wyk.

Aunt Meisie said she was grateful that she would finally own the house she had spent her life in. “Thank you to everyone at the municipality that has helped to make this happen after so many years.”

Martiena ‘Meisie’ Pietersen in her favourite chair in the house for which she signed transfer documents yesterday. She has lived in the house for 70 years.

George Municipality Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk help Aunt Meisie with the paperwork for the transfer of her house after living there for 70 years.

Blue Flag for Wilderness and two Pilot Blue Flags for Victoria and Herolds Bay

George Municipality will be hoisting a Blue Flag and putting up two Pilot Blue Flag boards at local beaches for the 2021/22 summer season.

Wilderness Beach has regained full Blue Flag status after two years of Pilot status following a change in criteria and Covid-19 implications. Victoria Bay and Herold’s Bay this year both gained Pilot status following application by the George Municipality.

Blue Flag is an international coastal management programme that accredits beaches that meet standards of excellence in water quality, environmental management, environmental education and information as well as safety and services. In South Africa the programme is implemented by the Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA).

George Acting Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz and George Municipality Manager Parks and Recreation Nosidima Vumindaba received the flag and boards at a WESSA function in Hermanus yesterday (27 October 2021).

Victoria Bay

Dr Gratz said Blue Flag status offered many benefits including improved tourism facilities, enhanced management of coastal ecosystems, increased awareness of the coast and capacity building of coastal municipalities. “Local and international tourism to our region have taken a major knock since the start of Covid-19 and impacted countless local livelihoods. Blue Flag status has significant international merit and achieving these accolades are important to stimulate and confirm international and high-end interest in the city and district as a desirable, quality tourism and lifestyle destination.”

“We thank Garden Route District Municipality for their role in the application for Wilderness, as well as other roleplayers such as SANParks Garden Route National Park who shares jurisdiction of Wilderness beach with the George Municipality.”

Marlene Barnardt, and Mayor Leon van Wyk

“We look forward to achieving full Blue Flag status for Victoria and Herolds Bay in the near future and will continue working with other relevant roleplayers to ensure compliance.”

The Blue Flag season runs from 1 December 2021 to 31 January 2022. Compliance includes high standards of water quality monitoring, public safety and lifeguard services, and well-maintained coastal amenities.

South Africa has participated in the Blue Flag programme since 2001.


Preparations start in anticipation of grant funds for water infrastructure project

George Municipality has started procurement processes for the development of major drinking water infrastructure projects in anticipation of national funding over the next few years.

George Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk said application had been made to National Treasury for a Budget Facility for Infrastructure (BFI) funding of approximately R 1.1 billion for the second and third phases of the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works project. To qualify the project must be ‘shovel ready’ meaning that they must be ready for immediate procurement, contracting and construction, by the time funding becomes available.

“We await formal announcement of an initial allocation of R81.345 million grant funding for the 2021/22 financial year as a Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant. We are grateful for the treasury’s faith in the municipality as a responsible recipient of grant allocation funds and are committed to provide services in line with the city’s ongoing needs as one of the fastest growing municipalities in the country.

“This is a major milestone project for the sustainability of our city that will stimulate housing and economic developments that had to be halted in recent years as bulk water and sanitation infrastructure had reached capacity. The project will also eradicate the current sludge spillage in municipality’s river and dam water sources, in turn, improving the water quality of the municipality.”

The entire project includes an extension of the current water treatment works (WTW) by an additional 20 million litre (Mℓ) per day plant; remedial works to downstream pump stations impacted by current WTW sludge discharged into the network; pipework extensions and upgrades; reservoirs for Pacaltsdorp and Thembalethu; a back-up generator for the Garden Route Dam to ease supply of water to balancing dams during power failures, raw water pump station upgrades, an additional 30 Mℓ balancing dam; (6) and an on-site sludge dewatering facility.

Phase one of the project was completed earlier this year and included the upgrade of the sludge pumping station at the New WTW.

The BFI submission is for the extension of the George water treatment capacity to be implemented over two phases over three years (2022 – 2025): Phase 2 is an additional 20 Mℓ/day extension to the New George WTW and Phase 3 is an additional 30 Mℓ balancing dam at the New George WTW.

Rosedale Access Road close to completion

The road, providing access to Rosedale and the new Erf 325 housing development is approaching completion with the final road surface having been completed last week. Road markings will be added within the next few days.  Additional funding was utilised to create a universally accessible sidewalk on the northern side of the road (Rosedale side), which is also scheduled to be completed within the next two weeks.

The public is reminded to still treat the area, especially the sidewalks,  as an active construction site, until the full construction works have been completed.  Once the road marking has been completed, the GO GEORGE bus service will return to the normal schedule.

The Municipality would like take this opportunity to thank the residents and road users for their patience during the construction phase.

From right to left is Dean Jacobus (V3 consulting engineers); Ryno Schraader (V3 consulting engineers );Melvin Roelfse (Ward councillor); Sybrand Otto (Entsha Henra); Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor); Jacky von Brandis (Portfolio councillor Civil Engineering Services); Ricus Fivaz (Project Manager, George Civil Engineering Service)

Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works: Upgrading and 10Ml/d Capacity Extension

Executive Mayor for George, Leon Van Wyk visited the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works (OWWTW) on Monday  25 October, to review the construction works underway for the upgrading and capacity extension of the plant . This project was initially delayed due to contractual matters and again later with the onset of Covid-19 and the subsequent challenges introduced by lockdown.

Certain materials had to be imported and international travel restrictions due to the pandemic resulted in material shortages. The construction programme was however revised as a result to allow for new interim deadlines while still completing the project within the approved project timelines.

“This significant upgrade is essential for the ongoing growth we are experiencing throughout George and the increased capacity from 15Ml/dl to 25Ml/d  will provide us with the ability to continue with construction activity and development to move forward at a fair pace going into the future,” said Ald Van Wyk.

Two of four new aerators has been installed on the old works’ carousel activated sludge biological reactor. Each has a 130 kW motor on top of the gearbox, which is connected below the concrete slab to an aerator. This combination adds air to the water to dissolve oxygen for bacterial growth in the water to enable aerobic biological treatment of the sewage.

The concrete platforms and beams had to be rehabilitated and retrofitted with carbon strips to provide additional reinforcement for the new heavier aerators to be installed on the existing platforms. Two of the four new aerators are already operational and the concrete remedial works under way on the two remaining bays to allow the installation of the other two new aerators.

The construction of this mechanical, electrical and instrumentation works contract is being executed in three distinct components i.e. the inlet works, the carousel (refurbish existing 15 Ml/d reactor) and completion of the equipping of the new 10 Ml/d reactor. All of these components  are due for completion in February 2023 while the first two components are expected to be fully operational by May 2022. For the most part the Civil engineering construction is  nearing completion and only some roadworks remain.

The waste skips for screenings and grit will be housed inside the new skip handling building, after the screenings and grit has been washed and compacted, in order to allow for air collection from the building and to pass this air through the odour control system, where the air is to be treated to a less odorous state before being released back into the environment through the chimney.

The 10 Ml/d new reactor is the main component for the provision of additional capacity at the plant. The component was also constructed in phases and the civil engineering structures were completed previously including the concrete structures of the reactor and settling tanks plus the building to house the blowers and motor control centre.

The first of four new aerators has been installed on the old works’ carousel activated sludge biological reactor.










Inside the new skip handling building with mechanical new equipment showing in the background. From left to right: Gerard de Swardt ( George Municipality, Project Manager), Jannie Koegelenberg (RHDHV, Project Manager), Luvoyo Dondolo (Khubeka Construction, Health & Safety), Cllr Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor), Irwin Ross (Khubeka Construction Civil & Building, Member/Contract Manager) Dion Kuter ( WPCP , Contracts Manager)



Onsite are from left to right: Cllr Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor), Jannie Koegelenberg ( RHDHV, Project Manager), Dion Kuter (WPCP, Contracts Manager), Gerard de Swardt (George Municipality, Project Manager).

Pointsmen to help alleviate festive season traffic congestion







George Municipal Protection Services directorate has today confirmed receipt of funding from the Western Cape Provincial Department of Community Safety to employ 30 Pointsmen /women for the period 1 November to 31 January 2022. The 30 appointees will start with on-the-job training on the 1 November, and be easily identifiable with their reflective vests, white gloves and caps. A month of intensive training will prepare the “pointsmen” for their duties during the festive season which is always accompanied by additional traffic congestion.

George Traffic Department will identify the most congested intersections on a daily basis, and the flexibility of having an additional 30 officials will allow the traffic department to move the pointsmen to where they are most needed. Pointsmen are there to assist with traffic flow and we ask that their friendly smiles and waves are responded to and that all motorists on the road during the busy festive season, be considerate and spare a thought for the people out there making your life just that little bit easier and safer.

Ensuring a safe 2021 Festive Season for George

Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk announced today that for the 2021 Festive Season, safety and service delivery will be key focuses for the municipal administration of George. To ensure a smooth festive season, a multi-disciplinary Season Committee will meet daily Monday to Friday, online, to discuss all problems being experienced and to find immediate and reasonable solutions where possible. The Season Committee will start on 1 December and continue operations to mid-January 2022.

Municipal departments will all be represented and meet daily with all role players, including SAPS, Tourism and other tourism-related role players, SanParks, NSRI, Lifeguard representatives, and more to ensure optimal service delivery standards during the festive season and to ensure the safety of residents and visitors to George and surrounds. Topics will include lifesavers, parking issues, safety, service delivery in terms of refuse collection, water and electricity, traffic and management of beaches.

The municipal offices will remain open throughout the Festive Season operating Monday to Friday from 07.45am – 4.30 pm apart from weekend and Public Holidays:
16 December 2021 – Public Holiday and offices are closed.
27 December  – Public Holiday and offices are closed

Please note Covid-19 Regulations apply and offices will clearly indicate the number of persons allowed in at any given time. Where possible, the public is encouraged to continue using our online services.

All essential services will be provided during this time. The Municipal Call Centre will be operational and all service delivery matters can be reported either on the Municipal App, 044 801 9111 or Emergencies must be reported to 044 801 6300 and Fire to 044 801 6311.







Lifeguards will be deployed at Gwaing Beach, Herold’s Bay, Victoria Bay, Wilderness Leentjiesklip and Wilderness Salina’s on a fulltime daily basis from 1 December 2021 to 31 January 2021.

George Traffic Services will actively patrol all municipal areas in collaboration with Western Cape Provincial Traffic over the festive season with regular roadblocks to be set up at various strategic points in and around George. We appeal to motorists and road users to always obey all road and traffic rules and to exercise patience during peak traffic, especially during the busy holiday period. An additional 30 pointsmen/women will be addressing congested traffic intersections from 1 December to 31 January to ease traffic flow.

George Municipality will strictly enforce no alcohol allowed on our beaches and the George law enforcement officers will be augmented by at least 30 Beach Monitors who will start service as of the second week of December to assist with beach patrols and bag checks. We encourage all beachgoers to assist our officials in ensuring that their day at the beach is a safe and pleasant experience.  Neighbourhood Watches, Community Police Forums as well as the SAPS also work closely with the Municipality with regards to Community Safety.







The following beach areas under the control of the George Municipality which include Herold’s Bay, Gwaiing River Mouth, Victoria Bay and the Leentjiesklip areas do not allow dogs on the beach although dogs are allowed on the sidewalks of the beach areas but must be on a leash. Wilderness Beach from the estuary onwards falls under the control of SANPARKS and as such they have an infographic which clearly demarcates where dogs are allowed and where not. In terms of the Municipal Bylaw no dog or other animal may be in any public street or public space (any open public space the public has access to which falls under the George Municipal jurisdiction for example parks, sport fields, beachfronts ( not on the sand) and sidewalks) unless on a leash and under control.






Due to the high fire risk, there is a general ban on the setting off, selling and possession of fireworks, fire-crackers, flares, paper lanterns and other such paraphernalia in the George municipal area. Fines of R300 may apply, all fireworks will be confiscated. Report Fireworks to Law Enforcement on 044 801 6350/6300 and Fires to 044 801 6311.

Refuse Collection black, blue and green bags will continue throughout the festive season including public holidays. The CBD cleaning crews will work throughout with an extension of their hours as and when required. As with previous years, an additional Saturday Refuse Collection for businesses (restaurants) will start on 1 December and end 1 January 2022.

Phase 3 – Operation Cleanup – Project Pacaltsdorp

Phase Three of Operation Clean up swung into action yesterday  (Monday 25 October 2021) in Pacaltsdorp with cleaning teams from Community Services moving in to clear up illegal dump sites and raise awareness around the dangers of illegal dumping. A total of 44 areas will be targeted over the next two weeks with JCB and tipper trucks. Community Service Officials will hand out flyers on the dangers of illegal dumping in the areas that are cleared.

The first area cleared was an illegal dumpsite behind AFM Church, Pacaltsdorp which yielded a total of 486 full black bags. Seen here with a portion of the black bags collected is Mervin Olivier, one of the team co-ordinator’s.



George Municipal Law Enforcement officials will carry out patrols and create awareness around the safe keeping of animals, illegal dumping, dangers of cable theft, vandalism and other municipal by-law related matters.



The Youth office will be hosting a Parenting Programme jointly with Seven Passes, every Tuesday morning with young women from Pacaltsdorp with children, between the ages of 2 – 9 years old. This is a closed group, so if anyone is interested in this programme, they can contact  the municipal office on 044 802 2900.

Various outreaches have been completed,  and are still in progress with Pacaltdorp Primary and Pacaltsdorp Secondary School over the next two weeks. Programmes will also be run with Youths who have completed their schooling. These programmes are run in conjunction with the Pacaltsdorp Business Chamber, and includes entrepreneurship training/mentoring, job readiness, leadership and life-skills training.

At Pacaltsdorp Secondary School, the municipal team provided Career Counselling together with the Department of Labour for Grade 12 learners. This included Leadership and Positive Citizenship encouragement at their Grade 12 Valedictory ceremony.  An afterschool programme, incorporating tennis, to instill discipline and life-skills will take place with learners from Pacaltsdorp Senior Secondary School through the peer educator programme.



The parks teams will be addressing the trimming of trees where necessary,  cutting of grass on sidewalks as well as spraying for weeds this week. In the photograph Jonathan McKenzie Small Plant Operator for Parks and Recreation is seen cutting verges.



Finance Officials will be stationed at the Pacaltsdorp Community Hall on Wednesday 27 October from 9am – 1pm to assist members of the public with the completion of indigent applications, assist with account queries and facilitate arrangements on overdue accounts. Please bring along a copy of your monthly municipal account, any other relevant paperwork and your ID.


Pacaltsdorp Library has installed an exhibition on Illegal Dumping as well as one in honour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month set up by library assistant, Eurogene Carolus. The library will be running an extensive programme over the next two weeks,  including book lending to various creche’s Soete Uurtjies, Grade R New Dawn Park Primary, Grade R Pacaltsdorp Primary, Rooibootjie in Syferfontein, Rosedale Community Creche and Vuurvliegies.

The 10 books loaned to each creche will contain information on illegal dumping to raise awareness amongst our youngest residents. Illegal Dumping Awareness activities will also be run together with officials from Community Services, this Friday and next with older learners of Pacaltsdorp Primary School.  The creche Soete Uurtjie will be treated to a story hour as well as colouring exercise.


Information jamborees in New Dawn Park and Pacaltsdorp

George Municipality held ‘Information Jamborees’ in New Dawn Park and Pacaltsdorp today.

The initiative is the second in a series of pop-up sessions in which service departments set up in communities to provide information and deal with complaints. Areas in which new government subsidised housing projects have been completed are being prioritised for now to assist new beneficiaries with building-related issues that might have come up since they have occupied their new homes. The sessions, however, are open to all residents.
The municipal departments Housing, Community Development, Cleansing, Libraries, Civil Engineering Services (water, sanitation and streets), Finance, Electrotechnical Services, Tourism, Traffic and GO GEORGE were represented.
George Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk, who visited both sites this morning, encouraged locals to make use of the one-stop initiatives to address as many service-related issues as soon as possible.

Environmental Services staff from left Grace Notshokovu, Abongile Nontshikiza and Jody Stuurman promoted the municipality’s recycling programme.


The 27th of October 2021 marks the beginning of a new phase in your young and budding academic careers. You will be starting your final examinations. Despite all the challenges you have faced over the past couple of years, you have worked hard and fought hard to get to this stage.

The Covid-19 pandemic has helped prepare you for life’s challenges that are often tough. It is now time for you to use this very same tenacity as you face this next challenge. These exams are twelve years in the making and represent the culmination of your journey as a learner. For this reason, it is extremely important that you study hard and prepare yourselves to the best of your ability for the task that lies before you later this month and next month. As a young person in our country, you have an important role to play in shaping our societies and it starts here.

There will be nerves, this is the case for each of us when we encounter something new or unknown, but do not be discouraged. It will be good to keep calm during the exams. Stay focused, keep your eyes on the prize – to achieve great results that will open doors for you and shape your entire future.

Matric class of 2021, this is your moment. Use the time you have been given to prepare, wisely. You have the backing, well wishes, thoughts and prayers of this entire George municipal area behind you.

Do not be discouraged, face this challenge, and conquer it.
Good luck to all of you, make us proud.

Your Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk

Die 27ste Oktober 2021 is die begin van ‘n nuwe fase in jul jong en ontluikende akademiese loopbane, dit is die begin van jul finale eksamens. Ten spyte van al die uitdagings waar voor julle die afgelope paar jaar te staan gekom het, het julle hard gewerk en hard baklei om hier uit te kom.

Die Covid-19 pandemie het julle voorberei vir die lewe se dikwels moeilike uitdagings. Dit is nou tyd om hierdie volharding in te span om die volgende uitdaging die hoof te bied. Hierdie eksamens is twaalf jaar in wording en verteenwoordig die hoogtepunt in jou reis as leerder. Dit is daarom uiters belangrik om hard te studeer en jouself tot die beste van jou vermoë voor te berei op die taak wat later hierdie maand en volgende maand voorlê. As ‘n jong persoon in ons land het jy ‘n belangrike rol om te speel in die vorming van ons samelewing, en dit begin nou.

Daar sal senuwees wees, dit is vir ons almal die geval wanneer ons iets nuuts of onbekends teëkom, maar moenie moed verloor nie. Dit sal goed wees om kalm te bly tydens die eksamens. Bly gefokus, hou jou oog op die prys – om uitstekende resultate te behaal wat vir jou deure gaan oopmaak en jou hele toekoms gaan vorm.

Matriekklas van 2021, hierdie is julle oomblik. Gebruik die tyd wat jul gegun is om goed voor te berei. Julle het die steun, goeie wense, gedagtes en gebede van hierdie hele George munisipale gebied.

Moenie moed verloor nie, kyk die uitdaging vierkantig in die oë en oorkom dit.
Sterkte aan julle almal, maak ons trots.

Uitvoerende Burgemeester, Leon van Wyk

Mayor visits CCTV control room

George Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk recently visited the municipality’s closed-circuit television (CCTV) control room which is currently undergoing extensions.
There are more than 500 cameras located across the city that feed into the control room and are monitored to protect municipal property, identify criminal activities and/or situations that may lead to unlawful actions.

Ald van Wyk said that while he was visiting the control room suspicious activity was identified alongside the road and Municipal Law Enforcement Officers and SAPS were contacted to investigate. A suspect was subsequently arrested for alleged attempt of cable theft. “As was clearly illustrated during my visit, the need for ongoing expansion of the CCTV network is important and continuous investment into such technology essential.”


Latest update: 16 October 2021 (Current Alert Level 1 Adjusted)

George Municipality hereby confirms that all essential services are being rendered. Due to the regulations in place as of 1 October 2021, certain offices are open to the public whilst others remain closed. We appeal to the public to consider doing transactions and business online, per telephone or via email to avoid coming to the municipality in person and thus helping to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

During the Covid-19 crisis period, certain staff may be working from home or on rotation, which means contact details and office hours of some services may differ from usual operations. Please see below for more details per directorate.

Please note access to all municipal buildings by members of the public will be limited and subject to Covid-19 protocols which include registration, temperature-checking, sanitising of hands and always wearing a face mask.

The following offices are OPEN to the public, with amended working hours where relevant, and unless otherwise announced as per Covid-19 measures.

  1. Finance Cashier Hall Main Building 8am – 3.30pm
  2. Finance Cashier Hall Uniondale 8am – 3.30pm
  3. Cashier Haarlem 8am – 3.30pm
  4. Motor Vehicle Registration (Hibernia Street) 8am – 3pm
  5. Vehicle Testing Station (Hibernia Street) 8am – 3pm
  6. Drivers Licensing Offices (Pacaltsdorp) 8am – 3pm
  7. Municipal Court 7.45am – 4.30pm
  8. Landfill Site
  9. Transfer Station
  10. Area Offices 7.45am – 4.30pm
  11. Thusong Centres 7.45am – 4.30pm
  12. New and Existing Housing Offices 8am – 4pm
  13. Public Libraries (See details for opening times)
  14. George and Wilderness Tourism Offices 8am – 4.30pm
  15. Economic Development Offices 7.45am – 2pm / 2.45 pm – 4.30pm
  16. Workers Collection Point 7.45am – 2pm / 2.45 pm – 4.30pm


Depending on the size of foyers and reception areas, the number of people allowed into a specific department or section may differ and you will be advised accordingly upon arrival. We kindly request the public to be patient and to allow for extra waiting time.





Depending on the requirements of a specific department, staff are working on rotation or from home, and access by the public is limited. Please phone or email as far as possible as per details below.

Switchboard: 044 801 9111
All after-hours George Municipality emergencies: 044 801 6300
General public email for all matters:

Garden Route District Municipality Disaster Management emergencies: 044 805 5071 (all hours)


Protection Services administration and Law Enforcement offices are closed to the public.
Please contact the specific person via telephone or email as listed below to arrange for online meetings if necessary.

Fire emergencies only: 044 801 6311 (all hours)
General fire department enquiries: 044 801 6300
Law Enforcement: 044 801 6350/89
Anti-Land Invasion: 044 801 6310
GO GEORGE Toll-free number: 0800 044 044
GO GEORGE OFFICE: 044 801 9493(The number is linked to the toll-free number for the GO GEORGE Call Centre 0800 044 044)
All after-hours emergencies: 044 801 6300

Traffic Department Offices, Driving and Learners Licences:
Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp 044 878 2400
Open to the public Monday to Friday 8am-3pm.

Traffic fines
To pay your traffic fines online, use the account details below and use the traffic fine number printed on the fine as reference.

Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Account Name: George Municipality
Account Type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Account Number: 62869623168
Branch Code: 210554
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Vehicle Testing Station
Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9312
Open to public Monday to Friday 8am-3pm, access control from gate at the street.

Motor Vehicle Registration and Licencing
Please note the email addresses for proof of payment of online payments has changed.
Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9310

Open to the public weekdays 8am-3pm, except Wednesdays when closed at 2pm due to compulsory training. Access control is from the gate at the street.

Please consider ONLINE RENEWAL of vehicle licenses as per details below instead of in-person renewals at the vehicle licencing centre as Covid-19 regulations significantly impacts on the amount of people that can be served in a day.

Bulk transactions are being handled at a separate venue. Pregnant women, the elderly and disabled can pre-arrange preferential treatment by calling 044 801 9310.

While vehicle licence RENEWALS CAN be done online, the REGISTRATION of vehicles CANNOT be done online as RICA requirements stipulate that the owner of the vehicle must physically appear in front of the official and the documentation must be original – this is, among other things, a measure against fraudulent registration of vehicles.

Two important steps to ensure the Online Process runs smoothly:

  1. You MUST use your vehicle license number as a reference when making the payment for example: CAW ###### / Private number ##### WP
  2. The second important step is that when you send your emailed Proof of Payment – PLEASE do so to and AND please use your CAW ###### / Private number ##### WP as the SUBJECT line of your EMAIL (Do not use the abbreviation POP for Proof of Payment or the words “Proof of Payment” in the subject line as it triggers a SPAM warning which deflects your email and is then not received). Do not send your proof of payment email to an individual’s email address – use the two formal email addresses given only.

George Municipal Online Vehicle Renewal process:

  1. Start by registering a profile online at or download the RTMC mobile application for Android from Google PlayStore.
  2. Choose between registering as an individual or business.

The following information will be required:

Individual: initial, name, surname, ID number, driving license number, contact details via mobile phone or email.

Organisation: name of business, ID number of proxy, driving license number of proxy, contact details via mobile phone or email.

  1. A one-time pin will be sent to your email or mobile phone number, which you must enter online.
  2. Go to the ‘View motor vehicle renewals’ section and verify the information of the vehicle for which you are renewing the licence.
  3. Access and/or download your electronic motor vehicle license RENEWAL NOTICE (also known as a MVL2 notice).
  4. If your licence disk is valid but near expiry or if it has expired but is still in the 21-day grace period after expiry, the amount for the renewal of your vehicle will be on the notice.
  5. If your license has already expired beyond the grace period, it will not indicate an amount on the system and clients must please phone the George Motor Vehicle Licensing office at 044 801 9310 to confirm the amount due.
  6. Pay the amount due into the George Municipality, FNB Public Sector Cheque Account, Number 62869623150 (Branch Code 210554). Use the relevant vehicle license number as a reference such as CAW ###### / Private number ##### WP.
  7. Email the proof of payment to and Please use your CAW ###### / Private number ##### WP as the SUBJECT line of your EMAIL (Using POP for Proof of Payment triggers a SPAM warning and your email is deflected and not received). Please note the aforementioned email addresses are no-reply addresses and are set up for proof of payments only and cannot be used for enquiries. Please phone 044 801 9310 for enquiries.
  8. Once payment reflects on the municipality’s bank statement, the vehicle license will be processed, and you will be contacted to arrange collection. Please do not collect unless pre-arranged and notified via telephone – you won’t have to queue in the transaction lines when you collect.

If you want the licence posted to you, please give the person who phones you the address to which you require it posted. Licences that have not been collected within two weeks from the notification phone call, will be posted to the address listed on the NaTIS system – onus is on the vehicle owner to ensure the correct address is logged on the national system.

The turnaround time for online license renewals is about two weeks.


Administration offices (old City Hall) and Customer Services (corner York and Progress Streets) are closed to the public. Please contact the specific person via telephone or email as listed below to arrange for online meetings if necessary.

Please phone 044 801 9354 or 044 801 9277 to obtain relevant email address.

Report water leaks and burst pipes, sewerage blockages, leaks and spillages and urgent road and stormwater issues to:

044 801 9262/6 (7.45am-4.30pm)
044 801 6300 (after hours)

Estimated response times are 24-48 hours from recorded time of complaint at the above numbers.


Administration offices are open to the public. No more than two persons are allowed at Reception at any given time.  Members of the Public will be required to sign-in at the Security desk before access is allowed.

Planned maintenance continues and essential repairs for which planned outages are required will be communicated.

Please report power outages, broken streetlights and faulty traffic lights to:
044 801 9222 (7.45am-4.30pm)
044 801 9202
044 801 6300 (after hours)

Estimated response times from recorded time of complaint at above numbers:
Low voltage electricity – within 24 hours.
High voltage electricity faults – can be longer than 24 hours depending on type of fault.
Street lights – three to four weeks.
Pre-paid electricity queries to Itron/Ontec: 044 873 5474 (8am-4pm).


Community Services Administration offices, 82 Meade Street, are open to the public. No more than two persons allowed in Reception at any given time. Please contact the specific person via telephone or email as listed below to arrange for online meetings if necessary.

Reception/all departments: 044 802 2900 or
Office of the Director: 044 802 2904 and
Parks and Recreation complaints: 044 802 2921 and
Uncollected BLACK bags 044 802 2900/20/27 or /
Uncollected GREEN and BLUE bags: 044 630 0279 / /
Environmental Health: /
Transfer Station:

Landfill Site and Transfer Station, Airport Road, open to public weekdays 7am-6pm and Saturdays 7am-1pm. Covid-19 protocols in place, bring your own pen to sign in for extra safety.

Street cleaning crews continue to operate in and around the CBD and entrance roads to the city at selected hours, seven days a week.

Public toilets at the CBD taxi rank and Doneraile Square are open every day. Toilets at Shoprite are open on weekends.

Please report illegal dump sites to 044 802 2900 or or The municipality appeals to communities to remain safe and to not dump waste, which is illegal and can be hazardous to their health.

Attendance of funerals is limited to 100 persons or less provided that no more than 75 percent of the capacity of a venue is being used. Attendees must observe a distance of at least 1.5m, wear face masks and adhere to all health protocols. Night vigils and ‘after-tears’ are not allowed. Visitation to cemeteries by small groups are allowed at weekends provided that all Covid-19 protocols are observed.

Municipal Sport facilities are open for social sport events from 18 October 2021 but public swimming pools remain closed to the general public. Only organisations that comply with the regulations as set out in the Gazette of 27 June 2021 will be permitted to use the facilities.
Enquiries Gerald De Villiers 044 8019488 /

Community Development offices behind the Main Building are open to the public. No more than two persons allowed in Reception at any given time. Please contact the specific person via telephone or email as listed below to arrange for online meetings if necessary. Contact 044 802 2000 or

The municipality continues to support 125 municipal soup kitchens. Strict social distancing and hygienic practices apply. Emergency essential social services enquiries 072 693 3488.

The Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) unit is open to the public. No more than two persons allowed in Reception at any given time.  Contact 044 802 2010 or to arrange online appointments or phone 072 070 7234 for emergencies only.

EPWP Assistants for EPWP Sectors:
Environmental: Thembakazi Silimeni 044 802 2012
Infrastructure: Owen Fielies 044 802 2012
Social and Community Safety: Jason Jansen 044 802 2012
New Collaborator EPWP Recruitment and unemployment database: Charlton Van Wyk 044 802 2011/36 chvanwyk@…/

Central Supply Data Base registrations telephonically only.

All libraries reopen for full library services as of Monday 20th September, including continued assistance with registration for vaccines on the EVDS system.  The public is encouraged to please return library books.  Please note the reopening is under strict adherence to Covid-19 protocols.

Avontuur Library: 044 752 3351 – Monday 12pm-3pm, Tuesday 11am-2pm, Wednesday and Thursday 10am-1pm.
Blanco Library:044 870 7047 – Monday to Thursday 9am-5.30pm; Friday 10am-5pm
Conville Library:044 801 9320 – Monday to Thursday 9am-5.30pm; Friday 10am – 5pm: Saturday 9am – 12pm.
George Library: 044 801 9288 – Monday to Thursday  9am-7pm; Friday 10am – 5pm, Saturday 9am-12pm
Haarlem Library:044 763 1023 – Monday, Thursday and Friday 2pm-5pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 10am – 12pm and 2pm – 5pm
Noll Library:044 745 1014 – Monday and Wednesday 12pm-3pm, Saturday 9am-12pm
Pacaltsdorp Library: 044 803 9340 – Monday to Thursday 9am-5.30pm; Friday 10am-5pm
Thembalethu Library:044 803 9260 – Monday to Thursday 9am-5.30pm; Friday 10am-5pm
Touwsranten Library:044 803 9285 –  Monday to Friday 9am-4pm
Uniondale Library:044 752 1024 – Monday to Friday 10am-4.30pm
Waboomskraal Library:Monday to Friday 10am-2pm

Don’t forget about the George Municipality library portal link: which allows you to search online according to author, title, subjects, keyword, publisher or ISBN number. Type in your library number on your card to check your library materials status including due date and opportunity to renew your books yourself.

Administration and Records Offices are closed to the public.
Central Records Main Building: 044 801 9286/9431/9125/9178
Building Plan Records (corner York and Progress Streets) 044 801 9367
Emergency Records Queries Only: Timothy Craak 082 459 4522

Area offices are closed for entry to the public but will be manned and assistance given through Covid screens at the door.
Weekdays 07:45 am – 16:30 pm
After-hours emergencies to 044 801 6300.

Services available at area offices and service points include reporting essential services faults such as water and electricity problems, all other municipal complaints, account inquiries, indigent applications, housing waiting list enquiries, property valuation roll queries and general inquiries.

Blanco: 044 803 9275
Conville: 044 803 9261
Pacaltsdorp: 044 803 9286
Protea Park: 044 801 9111 ask for extension 2796 (Tuesday, Thursday)
New Dawn Park: 044 801 9111 ask for extension 2797
Rosedale: 044 803 9295
Rosemoor: 044 801 9379 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Touwsranten/Wilderness/Kleinkrantz: 044 803 9280
Thembalethu: 044 801 9448 or 044 801 9421

Thusong Centre are open to the public
Reception: 7:45 am – 16:30 pm (Monday – Friday)
Tenants: 7:45 am – 16:60 pm (Monday – Friday)

Waboomskraal Thusong Centre: 044 886 0040
Thembalethu Thusong Centre: 044 801 9448 or 044 801 9421
After hours emergencies: 044 801 6300

Community halls and venues are open from 13 October 2021 to the public, subject to COVID 19 regulations on capacity and protocol compliance.
Enquiries to Rozendra Thysse on 044 8019111/5 or and Alwyn Joseph 044 801 9005.
Acting Superintendent Halls: 060 823 3607 (on rotation with Maintenance)
Acting Superintendent Maintenance: 083 418 4588 (on rotation with Halls)

Human Resources offices are closed to the public. Enquiries to




Human Settlements administration offices, main municipal building, are closed to the public.

For basic services such as water and sanitation (chemical toilets) in informal areas queries and complaints in informal settlements please contact 044 802 2003.

For assistance with emergency structures following disaster (fire, flooding etc) please phone 044 802 2029.

Queries and complaints for water leakages and sewerage complaints (indigent cases) can be reported at the office on above times, but preferably by phone on 044 801 9155/9994/9453 or or

Support Services
Queries and complaints for water leakages and sewerage complaints (indigent cases) can be reported at the office on above times, but preferably by phone on 044 801 9155/9994/9453 or

After hour complaints
1. Water leakages complaints: Indigent Households
2. Sewer leakages complaints: Indigent Households
3. Water (stand pipes) complaints: Informal areas
4. Sewer (flush toilets) complaints: Informal areas
5. All plumbing related complaints with regards to municipal buildings

Angelo Joseph 072 813 5998
Dorian Louw 067 189 5902

Existing Housing Offices
Existing Housing offices remain open to the public weekdays 7.45am-4pm with strict Covid-19 protocols are in place. Only two people are allowed into the foyer at any given time.
Enquiries: 044 801 9113 or 044 801 9078

New Housing
New Housing Department (St Johns Street) offices remain open to the public weekdays 7.45am-4pm with strict Covid-19 protocols in place. Only two people are allowed into the foyer at any given time. Please note only the person making the enquiry will be allowed access. There may be a waiting period and/or the person can leave their contact details and enquiry on the form provided at the security point where after an official will make contact.
Enquiries: 044 802 2003





Please note Town Planning, Building Control and Property Management offices remain closed to the public. Please contact the specific person via telephone or email as listed below to arrange for online meetings if necessary.

Town Planning General enquiries: 044 801 9477
Property Transfer Certificates: Marina Welman / 044 801 9171
Zoning Certificates: Lorraine Malangeni / 044 801 9477
Zoning Rectifications: Jeanne Fourie / 044 801 9138 and Ilané Huyser / 044 801 9550
Illegal Land Use Complaints: Robin Hector / 044 801 9475 and Mawethu Bonga / 044 801 9520
Environmental Permitting Applications:

Neighbouring property owner address details: Marisa Arries 044 801 9473

Land use applications
Submit Land use applications:
Town Planning Complaints:

Land use applications can be submitted as per instruction sheets on website. See ‘Covid 19 Level 3 Land Use Applications Submission Guidelines – and ‘Public Participation Instructions Covid 19 Level 3 – on the link…/land…/land-use-submissions/

Enquiries land use applications as below:
Erven and farm portions ending with an even number (i.e. 0, 2, 4, 6, 8): Primrose Nako 044 801 9416
Erven and farm portions ending with an odd number (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9): Marina Welman 044 801 9171

Building Control
Building plans can be submitted online. See…/building-control/ for more information.
Building Control General enquiries: 044 801 9019 / 044 801 9370 / 044 801 9166
Building Control Complaints:

Request for existing building plans (Registration Department):
Phindiswa Lingani: 044 801 9370
Sinazo Moshani: 044 801 9019
Musa Dyakop: 044 801 9166

Status on building plan approvals: Vasti Laws: 044 801 9370
Andrea Griessel: 044 801 9166

Please contact Building Inspectors directly during office hours:
James Vollenhoven: 076 823 0412
Mkhululi Nyeka: 082 877 0524
Fuzisa Siguba: 083 949 8651
Johan Scheepers: 083 231 8060

Illegal activity: 044 801 9166

Property Management
Donald Gelderbloem: Manager Property Management 044 801 9073
Leasing of properties: Josephine Mpembe 044 801 9190
Sale of properties: René Hendricks 044 801 9472
General enquiries: Monique Isaks 044 801 9375

Economic Development
Offices are now located at the Worker Collection Point, Industrial Road.
Open to the public Monday – Friday 7.45am – 2pm / 2.45pm – 4.30pm
Business queries: Joan Shaw 081 412 9995 or
Other queries: 044 801 9173

Note that the Economic Development Offices have moved from 62 Cathedral Street to the Worker Collection Point, Industrial Road.

Worker Collection Point
Open to the public Monday – Friday 7.45am – 2pm / 2.45pm – 4.30pm
Worker Collection Point and informal traders enquiries:
Amy Kearns 044 801 9173 / 073 621 0099

IDP Office
Closed to the public but contactable during office hours.
Dr Kosie Haarhoff: 044 801 9025/083 374 4370
Ronel le Fleur: 044 801 9075 / 071 870 7887

Ward committee operations
Closed to the public but contactable during office hours.
Paulina Saaiman: 044 801 9074 / 060 579 6829

George Tourism
Open to the public
Monday – Friday 8am – 4.30pm, Closed on Weekends & Public Holiday
044 801 9295

Wilderness Tourism
Open to the public
Monday – Friday 8am – 4.30pm, Closed on Weekends & Public Holiday
Tel: 044 877 0045,

Uniondale Tourism
Virtual assistance only
044 518 0030




The Finance Hall in the Main Building is open to the public weekdays from 8am – 15.30pm

Covid-19 protocols are in place and only six people are allowed inside the Finance Hall at any given time. Estimated waiting time is 20 minutes depending on the type of queries of the customers ahead of you in the queue.

While electronic payments are recommended (see details below), the Finance Hall is open for account payments in addition to municipal account queries, opening of accounts, new connections, duplicate accounts, arrangements on arrears, indigent applications etc.

If you want to receive your account via email, please mail a request to

Ratepayers are requested to use one of the below-mentioned methods to make payments.

Accounts can be paid via electronic transfer (EFT – see details below), via pay@ mobile applications (see details below) and at Pick n Pay, Checkers, Shoprite, USave and SPAR. Please take your most recent available account statement with you so that the shop can access the bar code that connects your payment to your GRG account number.

Meter readings
Online submissions of water meter readings are welcomed and can be provided via the below email address along with the accountholder’s name, contact details and GRG account number.

Please note that meter readings are done per area at different times of the month and it is important that your meter reading email is submitted around the same time as your area’s reading time. Please check the date of the previous reading at the bottom of your account to determine your meter reading slot. A new service provider, Electro Cuts, has commenced water meter reading services for George Municipality

Consumers must please note the change in email address to
Account related enquiries:

Bank Details for electronic payment (please note bank details changed 1 December 2020) The old account is being phased out so please amend as soon as possible. For now, it is still active and payments made so far will have been received.

If you have a debit order on your account, details will automatically be updated. If you have created an account for online banking, please delete the old account and create a new one with the details as below.

First National Bank (FNB)
Account Type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Account Name: George Municipality
Account Number: 62869623150
Branch Code: 210554
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Reference: your GRG account number (please enter your account number without the GRG in front and without any spaces in-between)

Proof of payment to be sent to

pay@ mobile applications
Download Masterpass, Snapscan or Zapper application on your mobile phone and complete your profile.

Load your credit or debit card. To pay the account, open ‘Wallet’ inside the App you have downloaded and scan the QR code (the black square with the little squares inside it on the bottom right of your account).

Enter the amount you are going to pay and complete the transaction.
The App will confirm your successful, secure transaction.

You can also use the following link for payment of your account:

Click on the link and enter the Pay@ reference number (number starting with 11413) which appears on your account. Your customer information will appear with payment options to choose from.

Prepaid electricity purchases

The electricity token is automatically sent to the client via SMS or email.

Mobile apps belonging to banks also have a pre-paid electricity purchase function.

For prepaid enquiries please contact 044 873 5474.
General account related enquiries to or 044 801 9111.
Please provide your GRG account number with all enquiries.
Credit Control enquiries: 044 801 9111

The George Municipal Court is open to the public on weekdays 7.45am-16:30pm
Representations can be emailed to
Enquiries: 044 801 9400

Administration Offices are open to the public.
Uniondale – Cashier remains open on weekdays 8am – 3.30pm (Closed 1pm-1.45pm)
Haarlem – Cashier open 8am – 3.30pm
Fire: 044 752 1225
Switchboard and fault reporting: 044 752 1024
Tourism: 044 518 0030
Haarlem: 044 763 1013
After hours: 044 801 6300


Partnership to benefit incubation programmes for ICT business and innovators

George Municipality Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk formally handed over the Thembalethu iHUB, an ICT business and innovator incubator programme, at a ribbon cutting service today (14 October 2021). The municipality provides the premises, services and an annual cash contribution towards the project. The Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) funded the repurposing of the building to the needs of the iHUB.

Ald Van Wyk said collaborations such as these were very important for the municipality’s ongoing pursuit to lure international companies to establish their call centres here. “The ongoing installation of optic fibre in our city and region is a good sign for all levels of business and the establishment of an ICT iHUB that develops advanced IT skills and businesses is an ideal way to introduce young people to this new world.”

SEDA Western Cape provincial manager Alex Qunta said the municipality had contacted him with an idea for a business incubator in Thembalethu. “SEDA and the municipality has worked well together through the years and I knew Nelson Mandela Bay iHUB was looking to expand, it seemed like a perfect fit. We look forward to more projects in George, which I consider to be the new capital of the Western Cape,” said Mr Qunta.

iHUB CEO Darryl Dennis said Covid-19 had placed emphasis on the need for remote working and had made much reliant on technology. “Among the iHUB projects for Thembalethu is the Global Virtual Apprenticeship in which we identify and mentor students to the level of advanced IT skills so that they could work on database-based IT platforms such as Booking.Com and LinkedIn – both of which can be done from home and pay in American dollars.”

Situated at municipal premises next to the local Thusong Centre in Jericho Street, Thembalethu iHUB’s location next to the N2 ensures easy access to local communities and the rest of George.

Thembalethu iHUB Centre Manager Sivuyo Ngcwangu said the hub brought programmes to Thembalethu and surrounding areas that would enhance economic activity and thereby assist in solving societal challenges through the application of ICT solutions.

“The iHUB as business incubator renders support to young grassroots innovators with the needed infrastructure, industry collaborations, enterprise supplier development linkages, access to funding linkages, mentoring, and coaching and potential partners or investors.

“The iHUB helps enterprises take on the challenge of township transformation in specific industries and business sectors and creates innovative solutions to those challenges,” said Ms Ngcwangu.

iHUB CEO Darryl Dennis (left) and George Municipality Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk cut the ribbon at the formal handover of the Thembalethu iHUB today (14 October 2021).

WARNING – WATER SITUATION CRITICAL – Main reservoirs are close to empty!







Large and complicated pipebursts on the Eastern and Western watermains over the weekend of the 2nd October have led to reservoir levels running very low in the past 10 days.

Extensive and twice daily loadshedding implemented by ESKOM over the weekend, and this week has further hampered the water purification process leading to the reservoirs remaining at low levels.

Water drawn from the balancing dams rather than the Garden Route Dam requires additional processes to achieve the best quality and the additional processes reduce the production volume by almost 50%.

The main reservoirs that supply George water are currently mostly below 10%. With no loadshedding we are looking at a minimum of 2-4 days before water supply reaches the correct production levels and optimal water pressure is reinstated.

We ask the public to PLEASE reduce your water usage to the absolute minimum so as to allow the water purification process to catch up to the demand level. This affects ALL AREAS in George and residents will have noted VERY low water pressure throughout.

We apologize for the situation and request your assistance in ensuring that water usage is kept to a minimum.

Green haven next to Erf 325

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk visited the very first “environmental offset area” which has been established for George Municipality on Erf 3810.  An “offset area” is an area set aside for biodiversity conservation and protection in perpetuity, when another area of conservation value has been utilized for a development.  In this case the building of the housing project on Erf 325 was done in such a way that a portion of the wetlands were utilized for housing.  As a result, an offset was called for when the scoping report was submitted.

As the area that was utilized was of a lower conservation value than that being conserved, it is known as “Trading up”. So, this environmental offset area,  a total of 9.94 hectare, is an ecosystem of greater value to biodiversity conservation from the one used for the housing project.

This area will have to be registered under the Stewardship Programme which is co-ordinated by CapeNature. A Management plan will be compiled and implemented, and it has been recommended during the site visit by CapeNature on 23rd September, that a controlled burn be carried out next year in the appropriate season to keep the fynbos from becoming moribund. The vegetation is classified as Fynbos, more specifically Garden Route Granite Fynbos which has been classified as critically endangered due to the small amount found in conservation areas.

Ald Van Wyk expressed his delight during his visit last week Friday. “I am thrilled to be introduced to this green lung which will serve as an offset area to the large housing development nearby. It will be important to communicate with the surrounding communities to explain its purpose and to secure their collaboration to conserve the area. The school across the road can use this ground as its outside laboratory to encourage an understanding of how to live side-by-side with nature and to ensure that littering is kept to a minimum.”  

Alien invasive species have been cleared in the previous season and follow ups will be done.The picking of indigenous flowers during season is allowed provided the correct and required permits are obtained from the municipality . The issue of dumping in this area is of great concern and communities are asked to report any such illegal dumping to our Law Enforcement offices on 044 801 6350 and for clearing to our Community Services offices on 044 802 2900.

Nature Conservation officials visited the site in September and were most impressed with the state of the vegetation as the Erica sp. occurring there was in full flower and this small area (9.94 ha) is a haven for biodiversity right within our urban edge. Birds are breeding in the wetland section.

For more information and or details around permits for picking of flowers please contact 044 8022900.

Photographed in the midst of the 9.94 ha environmental offset area are Priscilla Burgoyne, Environmental Control Officer, Directorate Planning; Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk  and newly appointed Manager: Parks and Recreation for Community Services, Nosidima Vumindaba.

Partnership bears fruit with Covid-19 vaccination win

The ongoing inter-governmental relationship between Conville Library and Cape Access has resulted in the most Covid-19 vaccination registrations in the Southern Cape and Klein Karoo region. The Cape Access e-Centre has been operating from the Conville Library premises for years and the municipality and province have offered joint services that complement each other, which meant the community automatically knew where to go and was familiar with operations. The centre registered 298 people for vaccination in August and September.
A George Municipality mayoral team popped into the offices of Cape Access e-Centre Administrator Victor Arries (far right). From left are Library Services Manager Rachel Williams, Community Services Portfolio Councillor Sean Snyman, Executive Deputy Mayor Charlotte Clarke and Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk.

Better roads all over

George Municipality is spending R14-million this financial year (2021-22) upgrading roads in the municipal area, half of which is for the paving of gravel roads and the remainder for resealing of existing tar roads.

George Municipality Acting Director Civil Engineering Services Lionel Daniels said the municipality had already resealed 22 of the 25 roads identified as high priority upgrades through its Pavement Management System for this financial year, and paving of ten out of 12 gravel roads were underway. Work on the remainder of roads will commence as soon as contractors have been appointed.

“In addition to municipal funding, there are also several projects underway or completed that are financed by provincial funding. These include rehabilitation and upgrade of CJ Langenhoven Street (a proclaimed road) which was completed earlier this year and public transport infrastructure grant funding for the upgrades in Market Street that are currently underway,” said Mr Daniels.

George Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk said the municipality was committed to optimise road upgrades across the city. “While budget restraints require that we prioritise roads in poor to very poor condition, we continually pursue other sources of funding to address as many issues as possible,” said Mr Van Wyk.

More information on how road repairs are prioritised in George is available at

Operation Borcherds, Conville, Parkdene and Lawaaikamp yields 4600 black bags of rubbish

Phase two of Operation Clean up swung into action last week in areas Borcherds, Conville, Parkdene and Lawaaikamp with cleaning teams from Community Services moving in to clear up illegal dump sites and raise awareness around the dangers of illegal dumping. A total of 4600 black bags of refuse was collected and cleared over a seven (7) day period.

Illegal Dumping Awareness – George Municipal Officials for Community Services Aneliswa Igwilo, discusses the dangers of illegal dumping at the Corner Shop, Borchards.







Conville Library Colour Competition for local Creches
Conville Library Assistant Hazel Springfield set up two interesting displays explaining the consequences of Illegal Dumping. Four local creches took great delight in participating in a colouring-in-competition run by Conville Library. Parkdene Creche, Monica’s Nest, Siembamba Speelgroep and Sonneblom Kleurterskool each received a Children’s Book, Disney: Die Klokluier van Notre Dame, as a prize for their participation.






Road markings upgraded
Civil Engineering Services took the opportunity to walk along all of the main sewer lines in the areas of Borcherds, Parkdene, Lawaaikamp and Conville. Two problems were immediately addressed. A catchpit repair was undertaken in De Villiers Street, Borcherds. In a number of instances road markings and street signage was either reinstated/ or repaired.


Road Safety Awareness Campaign

George Municipal Traffic Department participated in Operation Borcherds, Conville, Parkdene and Lawaaikamp on Friday 1ast October with the team stationed outside Conville Clinic.

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk visited the team on the day and spent some time reviewing the technology at the department’s disposal. The new mobile traffic vehicle is fully equipped with Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras (ANPR)  which can view an oncoming vehicle, and indicate whether there are any outstanding traffic fines linked to the licence plate. The fines can be printed inside the mobile bus. If the fine is a warrant of arrest, payment is immediately payable, either on the bus or the individual can be escorted to the Traffic Department. For any other fines, the driver is notified of the fine and cautioned to pay before due date.

“This vehicle allows our traffic officials to issue drivers with notices of their outstanding fines. Outstanding fines are always a cause of great concern for Council, as well as the municipality due to the expenditure on traffic policing. We know that fines for misconduct by road users are issued, but some of them just simply do not get paid. It is important that drivers adhere to road rules and pay fines when notified to avoid the process of a summons that will follow due to non-payment”,  said Ald Van Wyk.


The Mayor was impressed by the devices available to test drivers who might be under the influence of alcohol. Mr. Ruben Lakata, Assistant Director, Road Safety Management, Department of Transport and Public Works explained step for step how the disposable breathalyzer’s must be used and the meaning of the different colours that will display for example, yellow shows no alcohol present and green shows alcohol present.

“ It was a very proud moment for me as the Executive Mayor of our municipality to see our traffic officials at work and to witness the technology in action. With the Covid-19 Alert level having been changed to level one, and a number of relaxations having been affected, that does not mean that we should ignore the rules and regulations of the road. We want our drivers to keep safe, as well as drive safe.”

During a light-hearted moment Ald Van Wyk tested goggles that simulate the effects of drunk driving noting that it’s very sobering  on viewing the video of himself afterwards, to see how poor your judgement becomes when under the influence.

Daantjie Kat was on hand to hand out colouring books, crayons, reflective bands and more to local children to raise awareness around traffic safety. In the main photograph Mayor Van Wyk and Daantjie Kat (in the middle) and George Traffic Services officials hand over pamphlets, crayons and colour in books to children from left,  Shireen Jordaan (9),  Patriano Davids (6), Joshua Hofmeester  (9), Melenicia Hess (9), Haylene Jordaan (4) and Jay lee-anne Davids (8).