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Author: Chantel Edwards

George Dam – Kariba Weed Biological Control

Issued George Municipality, 22 February 2022

The George Municipality continues to address the Kariba Weed found at the at the Katriver inflow of the Garden Route Dam. During the first week of February 2022, Petrus Crous, an Outeniqua Canoe Club member (OCC) and Tyrone April (Superintendent Parks: George Municipality) released a thousand Salvinia weevils (Cyrtobagous salviniae).

This is a follow up on the December 2021 release of approximately 1200 weevils at the Katriver inflow. The Salvinia weevils target the Kariba weed (Salvinia molesta), a free-floating invasive fern. The Salvinia weevils are a highly effective biological control mechanism of Kariba Weed. The adult weevils are 2mm long and black. Young larvae feed on the buds and roots while older larvae tunnel into the plant causing leaves to die back and drop off. Since the weevils eat the plant, a significant reduction in the amount of dead plant material is expected once the weevils have established.

Matthew Paper (Junior researcher, Centre for Biological Control (CBC) Department of Zoology & Entomology at Rhodes University) and Petrus Crous (OCC) surveyed the dam to assess the most recent distribution of the Kariba Weed. Prior releases have shown positive signs of Salvinia weevils causing Kariba weed dying back. To that end, the municipality continues to strengthen cooperation between all parties involved in the localised rearing facility that will ensure a stable supply of Salvinia weevils in future.

The management of the Kariba weed at the Garden Route Dam is an ongoing process and the municipality is continuously assessing the options available to control the spread and density.

Update on Raw Water supply pipeline repairs

Issued George Municipality, 21 February 2022

Background information:
There are two raw water supply pipelines that provide the raw water supply from the Garden Route Dam to the balancing dams. One is a Glass Reinforced Polymer (GRP), and the other is Asbestos Cement (AC). The raw water balancing dams in turn supply raw water to the Water Treatment Works for purification.

The existing 600mm diameter asbestos supply pipeline was damaged during the flash floods in November 2021 and was scheduled for remedial work after the peak season. On Friday 4 February a gasket on the GRP line failed on one of the isolating valves inside a raw water supply chamber located just below the Garden Route Dam wall. The chamber had moved or shifted, and this caused the gasket failure.

Temporary Fix
A temporary repair was undertaken to the failed gasket and a replacement valve was ordered. The lead time on the valve supply is between four to six weeks. This failure of the GRP pipeline necessitated the remedial works to be done on the AC pipeline located in the Kat River so that we can switch over to the AC line in order to complete the one-day repair required for replacing the gasket – and to allow for continuous raw water supply to the balancing dams.

The Kat River site was difficult to access and very wet. In order to successfully complete the work on the AC line and dewater the site, a scour line had to be opened just above the Garden Route Dam spillway as there are no isolating valves on the raw water supply lines. This is not a leak or burst pipe, or waterfall as referred to by several members of the public on social media. The Asbestos Cement pipeline repair work requires special materials and there is a lead time on the manufacturing of the material required to address the problem.

Current Repair Status
Kat River Asbestos Pipe:  The repair work is currently underway and the Civil Engineering Services Directorate are aiming to have the works concluded by Friday 25 February 2022.
Garden Route Dam Gasket:  The materials for the repair work have been ordered.  The remedial works will be concluded at the end of March 2022.

Water Restrictions
Water Restrictions were implemented on 25 January this year to restrict the excessive use of drinking water which currently exists in George as the water treatment works cannot meet the current potable water demand and cannot ensure adequate reservoir storage volumes to meet the emergency storage volumes required. As reported the average daily demand had from January 2021 increased incrementally to an average of 38-39 Megalitres (Ml) per day , with peak days reaching even 40Ml/day. The production capacity of the Old and New Water Treatment Works is a combined volume of 38Ml per day. 

The immediate measures to be adhered to are as follows:

  • The mechanical or automatic irrigation/watering devices or sprinkler systems for gardens is prohibited.

Gardens may be watered with a handheld hose from 01 September to 30 May ( we are currently within this period), i.e.  between 19:00 to 21:00
Gardens may be watered with a handheld hose from 01 June to 31 August during the following period only, i.e.  between 17:00 to 19:00:

Mondays and Thursdays for even-numbered households ONLY
Tuesdays and Fridays for uneven numbered households ONLY.

  • The irrigation or watering of all sports fields is prohibited.  Exemption from restrictions in the following instances only: golf course greens, bowling greens, and cricket pitches which may only be watered between 19:00 and 21:00.
  • The washing of vehicles with a garden hose is prohibited, except by a commercial enterprise whose business it is to wash cars.
  • The cleaning of ANY area by mechanical means or hosepipe using water is prohibited; The use of a bucket is however permitted.
  • The filling of swimming pools is prohibited.
  • Where own water from a borehole or reservoir is used, the appropriate notice shall be displayed on the premises, e.g. “OWN WATER”.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477 and will be followed up by George Municipal Law Enforcement.
Any person who contravenes these restrictions is guilty of an offence and is, upon conviction, liable to a fine as published in the annual tariffs list, or six months imprisonment.

In terms of Section 5 of the By-law, any person may apply in writing for the exemption from the provision of any notice published in terms of the By-law, and the Council may grant an exemption and impose conditions in respect of such an application.  The Policy grants permission to the Directorate Civil Engineering Services to approve applications for exemptions.

Application forms for an exemption can be obtained from the office of the Directorate: Civil Engineering Services, Old Town Hall, on the corner of Market and York Streets. Alternatively, applicants can contact Ms G van Niekerk on 044 – 801 9354 / to request that a copy of the application form be emailed to them. The Directorate Civil Engineering Services will consider all applications. A written exemption shall be provided where approved.

Report all water leaks to our Civil Engineering Department on 044 801 9262/66 or after hours 044 801 6300. 

PUBLIC NOTICE: GM Event Support Applications Open

Event organisers are invited to apply for sponsorship and or partnerships for events taking place within the George municipal area between 01 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. Support can be in the form of funding, marketing or municipal services, as resources allow.

George Municipality supports local events in order to promote economic activity, combat seasonality, increase geographical spread to all communities of George and to promote the city as a destination of choice.

How to apply:

Download the application form and submit it together with the following documentation:

  • A detailed proposal including the event profile, promotional plans, track record of previous events, statistics and sustainability;
  • Endorsement letter from a relevant governing body or association (i.e. Sports association);
  • 2 photos or images of the previous event in JPEG format.

Event applications must be sent to Claudine Carelse via e-mail to by 28 February 2022. For more information contact Claudine Carelse on 044 801 9295.

List your event on
Download the event listing application form and return it, along with a few photographs, to get your event listed on the Visit George, Wilderness and Uniondale events calendar.

Follow the link below for all application forms.

George Municipality continues to address high water users

Issued George Municipality, 15 February 2022

Following the announcement of the implementation of Water Restrictions on 25 January this year, and to ensure residents have continuous access to drinking water the George Municipality has embarked on a Water Saving Programme. We continue to ask all residents, businesses (including construction companies), schools, sports facilities to carefully review their use of drinking water and to make a conscious decision to cut back on wastage, and the unnecessary use of drinking water.

The Finance Directorate has issued 11 500 SMS to high water users warning them of their excessive consumption and alerting them to the Water Restrictions in place. To date a total of 1500, follow up phone calls have been made to residential consumers to raise awareness of their excess water consumption, i.e., more than 15Kl per household and to ensure that no leaks are causing the excess usage.  The phone calls have identified seven (7) water leaks and two (2) water meter issues.

Reasons given for high water consumption have included: guests over the festive season, more than four people living in a house, more than one household on the property, irrigation systems in place and possible estimate readings. The online submissions of water meter readings are welcomed and can be provided to along with the accountholder’s name, contact details and GRG account number. Account related enquiries may be e-mailed to:

Industrial high-water users have already been contacted to request a reduction of their water consumption. Where there may be a leak on the municipal side, our Civil Engineering teams have attended to do repairs and/or replace water meters that are faulty. The municipality has experienced a backlog in the order and supply of water meters and as we are receiving stock,  we are addressing outstanding complaints.

We would like to thank all consumers who have made a conscious effort to save drinking water and remind them again of the relevant water restrictions in place:

The immediate measures to be adhered to are as follows:

  1. The mechanical or automatic irrigation/watering devices or sprinkler systems for gardens is prohibited.
  2. Gardens may be watered with a handheld hose from 01 September to 30 May during the following period only, i.e.  between 19:00 to 21:00
    Gardens may be watered with a handheld hose from 01 June to 31 August during the following period only, i.e.  between 17:00 to 19:00:

    Mondays and Thursdays for even-numbered households ONLY
    Tuesdays and Fridays for uneven numbered households ONLY.
  3. The irrigation or watering of all sports fields is prohibited.  Exemption from restrictions in the following instances only: golf course greens, bowling greens, and cricket pitches which may only be watered between 19:00 and 21:00.
  4. The washing of vehicles with a garden hose is prohibited, except by a commercial enterprise whose business it is to wash cars.
  5. The cleaning of ANY area by mechanical means or hosepipe using water is prohibited; The use of a bucket is however permitted.
  6. The filling of swimming pools is prohibited.
  7. Where own water from a borehole or reservoir is used, the appropriate notice shall be displayed on the premises, e.g., “OWN WATER”.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477 and will be followed up by George Municipal Law Enforcement.

Any person who contravenes these restrictions is guilty of an offence and is, upon conviction, liable to a fine as published in the annual tariffs list, or six months imprisonment.

In terms of Section 5 of the By-law, any person may apply in writing for the exemption from the provision of any notice published in terms of the By-law, and the Council may grant an exemption and impose conditions in respect of such an application.  The Policy grants permission to the Directorate Civil Engineering Services to approve applications for exemptions.

Application forms for an exemption can be obtained from the office of the Directorate: Civil Engineering Services, Old Town Hall, on the corner of Market and York Streets. Alternatively, applicants can contact Ms G van Niekerk on 044 – 801 9354 / to request that a copy of the application form be emailed to them. The Directorate Civil Engineering Services will consider all applications. A written exemption shall be provided where approved.

Report all water leaks to our Civil Engineering Department on 044 801 9262/66.


PUBLIC NOTICE: Water Update Issued George Municipality, 7 Feb @ 06h50

George Municipality remains concerned about the main drinking water reservoirs which are still under severe pressure. Repeated requests to the public to use water sparingly is not being reflected in the daily consumption figures and water consumption is now being monitored hourly for all areas.

Flow to the system will be restricted on an ongoing basis, to force a reduction in daily consumption. This will result in low water pressure being experienced. Please do not report incidents of low water pressure. The public is requested to only report if they have no water.

We thank those residents who have heeded our call and implemented measures to reduce household consumption.

Water Restrictions have been implemented. Any person who contravenes these restrictions is guilty of an offence and is, upon conviction, liable to a fine as published in the annual tariffs list, or six months imprisonment. Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477 and will be followed up by George Municipal Law Enforcement.

Report all water leaks to our Civil Engineering Department on 044 801 9262/66 or after hours 044 801 6300

Issued George Municipality, 5 February 2022, 11h15

Strategic repairs to one of the main valves at the Water Treatment Works was successfully completed last night following damage caused by loadshedding. The raw water supply to the balancing dams has been restored.

However, during the process the old Water Treatment Works had to be shut down and this has impacted on the purification of water and storage in our main drinking water reservoirs.

We request the public to please use water sparingly in order to restore capacity in our reservoirs.

PLEASE USE WATER SPARINGLY – All drinking water reservoirs remain vulnerable

Issued George Municipality, 4 February 2022, 19h00

The GRP pipeline that currently provides the raw water supply from the Garden Route Dam to the balancing dams, which in turn provides raw water to the Water Treatment Works for purification, failed today. 

The second, water pipeline, that was damaged in the floods and was scheduled for remedial works after the peak season, is now undergoing unscheduled repairs. Once repaired this pipeline will be recommissioned to restore the raw water supply to the balancing dams.

A contractor is assisting the municipal teams at both sites, and work will continue throughout the night.

ESKOM has just announced the downgrading of Load shedding to level one. Despite the reprieve that this will bring to all residents, the Municipality has submitted an application to ESKOM to ensure constant electricity supply to the raw water pump station so that the refilling of the balancing dams can proceed uninterrupted after the necessary pipeline repairs have been completed.

PLEASE USE WATER SPARINGLY  – Further updates will be provided.

George awarded Clean Audit

Issued George Municipality, 1 February 2022 for immediate release

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk announced in Ordinary Council yesterday, 31 January 2022 that George Municipality has received an unqualified audit opinion with no findings on the annual performance report for the year ended 30 June 2021. This is what is known as a “clean audit report”.

Ald Van Wyk offered his congratulations to the Acting Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz, the Chief Financial Officer, Mr Riaan du Plessis, the Finance team, Internal Audit and all the Directorates who have put in a huge effort over the last few weeks, months and year to ensure that this milestone was achieved.

The Auditor-General commended the management for the audit outcome of the municipality which improved. “The outcome in the prior year was an unqualified audit opinion with findings on predetermined objectives which improved to unqualified opinion with no findings. This is mainly attributable to the efforts made by management to improve controls around indigent debtors and the overall improvement of the control environment at the municipality.”

Portfolio Councillor for Finance, Dirk Wessels congratulated the entire administration on the achievement. “This clean audit highlights to the public of George, that the Council and the municipality are working with care with taxpayer’s funds. George is one of the few financially stable municipalities in South Africa.”

Acting Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz was thrilled with the outcome and lauded the immense team effort involved. “The improvement on the previous year’s audit outcome is a fitting reward for the Administration’s hard work and commitment to good governance, clean administration and ensuring that George Municipality is financially sustainable.”

This favourable audit result was a result of a huge team effort by the Municipality and was guided by the exceptional leadership of the acting Municipal Manager said CFO, Riaan Du Plessis. “The result confirms the efforts made by the municipality’s officials and management to address the findings raised by the Auditor-General in the prior year reports. The commitment and efforts of our staff are acknowledged and greatly appreciated.

Despite this excellent result, there remain further improvements that will be made to continue our drive to modernise the municipality’s administration and to ensure we optimise our ability to effectively deliver services. This result is encouraging and motivates the officials to continue in their efforts to establish George as the leading secondary city.”


Issued George Municipality, 27 January 11h50

Test results received for 26 January, indicate that the Touw River is NON-COMPLIANT at Ebb & Flow area for Full Contact and NO SWIMMING OR WATERSPORTS IS ALLOWED at this stage.

Lagoon Mouth NON-COMPLIANT, no swimming is allowed, however, intermediate contact is allowed and therefore canoeing and water sports where you do not touch the water are permitted.

The results are compliant for Fairy Knowe and swimming and water sports are permitted.

Issued George Municipality, 26 January 11h00

Test results received for 25 January, indicate that the Touw River is COMPLIANT for Full Contact.

SWIMMING, canoeing, and water sports are allowed at all areas – Ebb and Flow, Fairy Knowe and Lagoon/ river mouth.

Issued by George Municipality 26 Jan 2022 at 11h00

Issued George Municipality, 25 January 10h00

Test results received for 24 January, indicate that the Touw River is COMPLIANT for Full Contact.

SWIMMING, canoeing, and water sports are allowed at all areas – Ebb and Flow, Fairy Knowe and Lagoon/ river mouth.

Issued by George Municipality 25 Jan 2022 at 10h00

Issued George Municipality, 24 January 10h00

Test results received for 23 January, indicate that the Touw River is COMPLIANT for Full Contact.
SWIMMING, canoeing and water sports are allowed at all areas – Ebb and Flow, Fairy Knowe and Lagoon/ river mouth.

Issued by George Municipality 24 Jan 2022 at 10h00

Issued George Municipality, 23 January 10h00

Test results received for 22 January, indicate that the Touw River remains NON-COMPLIANT at Ebb and Flow and Fairy Knowe area for Full Contact and NO SWIMMING IS ALLOWED at this stage. Intermediate contact is allowed and therefore canoeing and water sports where you do not touch the water are permitted.

The results are compliant for the River mouth/lagoon and swimming and water sports are permitted.

Issued by George Municipality 23 Jan 2022 at 10h00

Issued George Municipality, 22 January 10h00

Test results received for 21 January, indicate that the Touw River remains NON-COMPLIANT at Ebb and Flow and Fairy Knowe area for Full Contact and NO SWIMMING IS ALLOWED at this stage. Intermediate contact is allowed and therefore canoeing and water sports where you do not touch the water are permitted.

The results are compliant for the River mouth/lagoon and swimming and water sports are permitted. Issued by George Municipality 22 Jan 2022 at 10h00

PUBLIC NOTICE: Water Restrictions Implemented

Issued George Municipality, 25 January 2022

Water Restrictions are necessary to protect our water resources

The George Municipal Section 80 Civil Engineering Services Committee today, 25 January 2022 approved the implementation of Water Restrictions similar to those found in paragraph 2B of the George Municipal Drought Management Policy.

Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee, Cllr Browen Johnson noted that an emergency as contemplated in Section 2(4)(b) of the Water Services By-law to limit or restrict the use of water currently exists in George as the water treatment works cannot meet the current potable water demand and cannot ensure adequate reservoir storage volumes to meet the emergency storage volumes required.

Water restrictions will therefore be implemented in the George Water Distribution and Reticulation network, excluding Uniondale and Haarlem, with immediate effect until further notice.

The immediate measures to be adhered to are as follows:

  1. The mechanical or automatic irrigation/watering devices or sprinkler systems for gardens is prohibited.
  2. Gardens may be watered with a handheld hose from 01 September to 30 May during the following period only, i.e.  between 19:00 to 21:00

Gardens may be watered with a handheld hose from 01 June to 31 August during the following period only, i.e.  between 17:00 to 19:00:

Mondays and Thursdays for even-numbered households ONLY
Tuesdays and Fridays for uneven numbered households ONLY.

  1. The irrigation or watering of all sports fields is prohibited.  Exemption from restrictions in the following instances only: golf course greens, bowling greens, and cricket pitches which may only be watered between 19:00 and 21:00.
  1. The washing of vehicles with a garden hose is prohibited, except by a commercial enterprise whose business it is to wash cars.
  1. The cleaning of ANY area by mechanical means or hosepipe using water is prohibited; The use of a bucket is however permitted.
  1. The filling of swimming pools is prohibited.
  2. Where own water from a borehole or reservoir is used, the appropriate notice shall be displayed on the premises, e.g. “OWN WATER”.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477 and will be followed up by George Municipal Law Enforcement.

Any person who contravenes these restrictions is guilty of an offence and is, upon conviction, liable to a fine as published in the annual tariffs list, or six months imprisonment.

In terms of Section 5 of the By-law, any person may apply in writing for the exemption from the provision of any notice published in terms of the By-law, and the Council may grant an exemption and impose conditions in respect of such an application.  The Policy grants permission to the Directorate Civil Engineering Services to approve applications for exemptions.

Application forms for an exemption can be obtained from the office of the Directorate: Civil Engineering Services, Old Town Hall, on the corner of Market and York Streets. Alternatively, applicants can contact Ms G van Niekerk on 044 – 801 9354 / to request that a copy of the application form be emailed to them. The Directorate Civil Engineering Services will consider all applications. A written exemption shall be provided where approved.

Report all water leaks to our Civil Engineering Department on 044 801 9262/66  to email an application form.

MEDIA RELEASE: Water Restrictions implemented to protect drinking water for George

Issued George Municipality, 25 January 2022, for immediate release

Water Restrictions are necessary to protect our water resources

The George Municipal Section 80 Civil Engineering Services Committee today, 25 January 2022 approved the implementation of Water Restrictions similar to those found in paragraph 2B of the George Municipal Drought Management Policy.

Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee, Cllr Browen Johnson noted that an emergency as contemplated in Section 2(4)(b) of the Water Services By-law to limit or restrict the use of water currently exists in George as the water treatment works cannot meet the current potable water demand and cannot ensure adequate reservoir storage volumes to meet the emergency storage volumes required.

Due to the flood disaster event that occurred on 22 November 2021, the National Head of the Disaster Management Centre declared a national disaster of this event on 19 January 2022. Severe damage to our infrastructure on 22 November and again 06 December 2021 has meant that our main storage reservoirs could never recover their storage capacity adequately to act as a backup for the high season demand. This coupled with the warm weather, general growth and the recent reopening of businesses and industries means that the average daily demand is hovering at 38-39 Megalitres (Ml) per day, with peak days reaching even 40Ml/day. The production capacity of the Old and New Water Treatment Works is a combined volume of 38Ml per day. 

Water restrictions will therefore be implemented in the George Water Distribution and Reticulation network, excluding Uniondale and Haarlem, with immediate effect until further notice.

The right of access to basic water supply and sanitation is a basic right for all communities and it is the responsibility of the George Municipality as the Water Services Institution to take reasonable measures to ensure these rights.

The immediate measures to be adhered to are as follows:

  1. The mechanical or automatic irrigation/watering devices or sprinkler systems for gardens is prohibited.
  2. Gardens may be watered with a handheld hose from 01 September to 30 May during the following period only, i.e.  between 19:00 to 21:00

Gardens may be watered with a handheld hose from 01 June to 31 August during the following period only, i.e.  between 17:00 to 19:00:

Mondays and Thursdays for even-numbered households ONLY

Tuesdays and Fridays for uneven numbered households ONLY.

  1. The irrigation or watering of all sports fields is prohibited.  Exemption from restrictions in the following instances only: golf course greens, bowling greens, and cricket pitches which may only be watered between 19:00 and 21:00.
  1. The washing of vehicles with a garden hose is prohibited, except by a commercial enterprise whose business it is to wash cars.
  1. The cleaning of ANY area by mechanical means or hosepipe using water is prohibited; The use of a bucket is however permitted.
  1. The filling of swimming pools is prohibited.
  2. Where own water from a borehole or reservoir is used, the appropriate notice shall be displayed on the premises, e.g. “OWN WATER”.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477 and will be followed up by George Municipal Law Enforcement.

Any person who contravenes these restrictions is guilty of an offence and is, upon conviction, liable to a fine as published in the annual tariffs list, or six months imprisonment.

In terms of Section 5 of the By-law, any person may apply in writing for the exemption from the provision of any notice published in terms of the By-law, and the Council may grant an exemption and impose conditions in respect of such an application.  The Policy grants permission to the Directorate Civil Engineering Services to approve applications for exemptions.

Application forms for an exemption can be obtained from the office of the Directorate: Civil Engineering Services, Old Town Hall, on the corner of Market and York Streets. Alternatively, applicants can contact Ms G van Niekerk on 044 – 801 9354 / to request that a copy of the application form be emailed to them. The Directorate Civil Engineering Services will consider all applications. A written exemption shall be provided where approved.

Report all water leaks to our Civil Engineering Department on 044 801 9262/66  to email an application form.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Update on status of water throttling

Issued George Mun, 23 January 2022, 19h00

George Municipality has implemented water throttling as of Friday evening to bolster water reservoir levels with drinking water. Various areas have experienced either low water pressure or in some cases no water. On Friday morning we had just over 3 hours supply of drinking water in our reservoirs and now have 9 hours of drinking water supply.

Our technical team is pleased with the increase given the extremely hot weather we have experienced over the past two days. George Municipality would like to thank the residents of George for their assistance in reducing consumption of drinking water.

The system has been opened at full capacity to fill and stabilize the network.

Water trucks continue to circulate throughout Thembalethu until 21h00 tonight.

Please limit fault reporting to water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

George Municipality appeals to the residents of George to USE WATER SPARINGLY and ONLY FOR BASIC NECESSITIES in particular at peak times. Peak times are between 07h00 – 09h00 in the morning, 12h00 to 14h00, and 17h00 to 20h00.

We are asking all residents, businesses (including construction companies), schools, sports facilities to please carefully review their use of drinking water and to make a conscious decision to cut back on wastage, and the unnecessary use of drinking water.

Please use our drinking water sparingly and remember water is a precious commodity.


PUBLIC NOTICE: Water throttling implemented
Issued George Mun, 23 January 2022, 07h00

George Municipality continues to implement water throttling to replenish water reservoir levels with drinking water. All areas will experience low water pressure and we ask that residents not phone in to report low pressure.

Water trucks are on site as follows:
• Imizamo Yethu High School
• Zone 1 Schaap Str
• Zone 8, Police Station
• Zone 4, Thembalethu Primary
• Zone 9, Clinic
• Zone 6, Asazani
• Zone 6, Silvertown at traffic circle
• Zone 6, Roman Catholic Church
• Zone 8, All Bricks

Please limit fault reporting to water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

George Municipality appeals to the residents of George to USE WATER SPARINGLY and ONLY FOR BASIC NECESSITIES in particular at peak times. Peak times are between 07h00 – 09h00 in the morning, 12h00 to 14h00, and 17h00 to 20h00.

We are asking all residents, businesses (including construction companies), schools, sports facilities to please carefully review their use of drinking water and to make a conscious decision to cut back on wastage, and the unnecessary use of drinking water.

Please use our drinking water sparingly and remember water is a precious commodity.


Issued George Mun, 22 January 2022, 19h30

George Municipality continues to implement water throttling in order to replenish water reservoir levels with drinking water. All areas will experience low water pressure and we ask that residents not phone in to report low pressure.

Please limit fault reporting to water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

George Municipality appeals to the residents of George to USE WATER SPARINGLY and ONLY FOR BASIC NECESSITIES in particular at peak times. Peak times are between 07h00 – 09h00 in the morning, 12h00 to 14h00, and 17h00 to 20h00.

Water trucks will remain on site as follows until 21h00 tonight and be in place as of 06h00 tomorrow morning ( 23/01/2022)

• Zone 6, Imizamo Yethu High School
• Zone 1 Skamp Str
• Zone 8, Police Station
• Zone 4, Thembalethu Primary
• Zone 9, Community Hall
• Zone 6, Asazani
• Zone 6, Roman Catholic Church
• Spar, Wellington Street
• Caledon Street
• Blanco, Maitland Street
• Wilderness Heights

We are asking all residents, businesses (including construction companies), schools, sports facilities to please carefully review their use of drinking water and to make a conscious decision to cut back on wastage, and the unnecessary use of drinking water.

Please use our drinking water sparingly and remember water is a precious commodity


PUBLIC NOTICE: UPDATE Water throttling implemented
Issued George Mun, 22 January 2022, 14h30

George Municipality continues to implement water throttling in order to replenish water reservoir levels with drinking water. All areas will experience low water pressure and we ask that residents not phone in to report low pressure. Limit fault reporting to water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

George Municipality appeals to the residents of George to USE WATER SPARINGLY and ONLY FOR BASIC NECESSITIES in particular at peak times. Peak times are between 07h00 – 09h00 in the morning, 12h00 to 14h00, and 17h00 to 20h00.

PUBLIC NOTICE: UPDATE Water throttling implemented
Issued George Mun, 22 January 2022, 14h30

George Municipality continues to implement water throttling in order to replenish water reservoir levels with drinking water. All areas will experience low water pressure and we ask that residents not phone in to report low pressure. Limit fault reporting to water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

George Municipality appeals to the residents of George to USE WATER SPARINGLY and ONLY FOR BASIC NECESSITIES in particular at peak times. Peak times are between 07h00 – 09h00 in the morning, 12h00 to 14h00, and 17h00 to 20h00.

Water trucks are dispatched as follows:

• All bricks and France – truck will roam
• NMB Four Way Stop
• Zone 8 Police Station
• Zone 4 Thembalethu Primary
• Zone 6 Roman Catholic Church
• One truck roaming outerlying areas of Thembalethu

• Spar, Wellington Street
• Botanical Gardens

• Truck at Traffic Dept
• Truck at Traffic Light, Delville Park / Smartie town.
• New Dawn Park, close to school

• Maitland Street / Fairview

MEDIA STATEMENT: URGENT APPEAL TO SAVE DRINKING WATER – Municipality embarks on a Water Saving Programme

Issued George Municipality, 20 January 2022

George Municipality has over the past year, following extensive pipe bursts throughout the year, as well as the infrastructure damage caused by 22 November and 06 December 2021 floods, reported to the public that the use of drinking water per day in George is currently higher than the amount of water that is being purified by our water treatment works. During last year the Annual Average Daily Demand for drinking water was 32 Ml per day and the current water treatment works output per day is 38Ml This is produced daily by the Old Water Treatment Works and the New Water Treatment Works which are both operating optimally.

There are several other factors involved, which include George being a city that offers an attractive lifestyle to families wishing to leave other provinces. We have just come through a very successful festive season with a welcome influx of visitors and our accommodation establishments remain well booked at present. The weather has improved considerably and the warmer weather means that our average daily demand is hovering at 38-39 Megalitres (Ml) per day, with peak days reaching even 40Ml/day.

Due to the disaster damage to infrastructure, the main storage reservoirs could never recover their storage capacity adequately to act as a backup for the high season demand, and the severely reduced storage available is continually being depleted further to make up the deficit between the peak season demand and the production capacity of the Old and New WTW that can produce a combined volume of 38Ml per day. This means that the municipality is meeting the daily requirement but has reached critically low storage volume in the main reservoirs that supplement the daily shortfall.

Replenishing the storage capacity in the reservoirs is of paramount importance as this acts as emergency storage in the event of major pipe bursts, unplanned outages at the WTW, or any other major event that impacts the potable water system. Currently, the volumes in the main storage reservoirs cannot provide this security of supply.

Forward planning is in place and the remedial and capacity (20Ml) extension projects funded by the BFI grant will extend the water treatment capacity for George and will be implemented in two phases over three years. The tender for the 20Ml Water Treatment Works has closed and construction of this plant should start within the next few months. The full construction period will however stretch over several years.

The overall funding required to ensure potable water security in the George system is R1.197 billion and the funding will be provided over the next forty (40) months for the full phases of the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works projects. The first allocation of R81.345 million has been approved and was included in the 2021/22 Adjustments Budget tabled in November 2021. There are currently 8 sub-components in various stages of procurement and implementation.

George Municipality has applied for R238m disaster funding for remedial work required to infrastructure damaged during the floods of November/December 2021. This includes remedial work to various pipelines that were damaged and remain vulnerable. To carry out these repairs certain bulk pipelines will need to be “shut off”, but this can only be carried out if there is the security of emergency supplies and the volume in the main reservoirs is stable.

Residents should note that although the GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL remains at 100%, this is RAW WATER storage and not POTABLE or DRINKING WATER supply. The raw water needs to be treated at the George Old and New Water Treatment Facilities before it goes to the main potable water storage reservoirs for distribution into the reticulation system. The current water demand is higher than the production rate at these facilities.

To ensure our residents have continuous access to drinking water the municipality is embarking on a Water Saving Programme. We are asking all residents, businesses (including construction companies), schools, sports facilities to please carefully review their use of drinking water and to make a conscious decision to cut back on wastage, and the unnecessary use of drinking water.

The municipality is aware that such a program will require extensive awareness as well as a review of our municipal usage.
With immediate effect, the following is being put in place at all municipal sites:

• All municipal sports fields and facilities will immediately stop watering fields/gardens.
• Hippo Water Savers for toilet cisterns to reduce the volume of water used per flush will be installed, and push taps will replace manual free-flow taps for all bathroom facilities. The process to procure and install these is underway with implementation as soon as possible.

The Hippo Water Saver saves up to 3 litres of water every time a toilet is flushed and is ideal for older toilets. Made from durable, heavy-gauge polyethylene, the Hippo bag opens in a box shape underneath the large cistern float. When the toilet is flushed, the water confined within the Hippo is the volume saved. Push taps are more water-saving because they have a controlled water stream that limits water use. Push taps are a cost-effective solution to reduce water consumption and also improve and maintain hygiene.
• Our water leak teams have been supplemented with additional staff and are working on resolving Indigent water leakages as quickly as is possible. Walkthrough inspections are being conducted in certain areas of George that are known for not reporting water leaks and infrastructure is being checked for any unreported leakages.
• Screening of illegal car washes will be undertaken and legal car washes will be asked to continue using water sparingly. Many of these already recycle water as a standard practice.
• High water users will be contacted by our Finance department to raise awareness of excess consumption and ensure that no leaks are causing the excess usage.
• Burst pipes and other water-related matters are being dealt with to minimize water loss.
• The municipality has asked all of their building and construction service providers, as well as those working privately, to either make use of RAW WATER for construction purposes which can be obtained at the water treatment plant at the Denneoord new water treatment plant OR where applicable to use TREATED EFFLUENT WATER which can be obtained at the Gwaiing wastewater treatment plant. This is common practice during periods of drought or potable water supply constraints.

George Municipality appeals to the residents of George to USE WATER SPARINGLY and ONLY FOR BASIC NECESSITIES in particular during peak times.
Peak times are between 07h00 – 09h00 in the morning, 12h00 to 14h00, and 17h00 to 20h00.

• Please do not water your garden with a hosepipe. Use rainwater tanks where available. Only water when it is cool- to reduce evaporation and wastage.
• Don’t wash your car using a hosepipe. Use a water bucket instead
• Don’t fill your swimming pool or hose down your driveway with drinking water.
• Sports facilities and schools are asked to please not irrigate fields unless using stored rainwater.
• Please only use drinking water for necessities – close taps properly, fix leaks at home – this will save you money each month!
• MOST IMPORTANTLY PLEASE Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, OR via our formal channels of or George Municipal APP. Each fault must be correctly logged and receive a reference number to save time in assigning repair teams.

Dam level: 100% (unchanged)
Estimated level at new dam wall height: 97%
Rainfall since 12 January 2022: 2mm

Public Notice: Water pressure and no water issues

Issued George Mun, 19 January 2022

George Municipality is aware that certain areas of George are experiencing very low water pressure and/or no water. The fault has been identified and will be addressed. The system is expected to normalize within an hour. Please ensure all taps indoors and outdoors are switched off in the interim to avoid loss of water.

Kindly do not phone in to report low water pressure or no water – we are fully aware of the situation.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Letter to Eskom and NERSA not to proceed with 20,5% increase in Eskom tariffs, Friday 14 January 2022

Issued on behalf of Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk by George Municipal Communications Department

As Executive Mayor of George Municipality, I have today written to both NERSA and the CEO of Eskom on behalf of the citizens of George to appeal to them not to proceed with proposed 20,5% increase in Eskom tariffs.

It is simply unfair, unjustified and unaffordable for citizens to continue to be burdened by increases in excess of the inflation rate. Many citizens are struggling to make ends meet. The pandemic and the national lockdown has led to the loss of many jobs.

Every time that Eskom increases its prices above the inflation rate, it places further pressure on municipalities who are required to deliver a basket of essential services, viz water, sewerage, refuse, electricity, roads and stormwater, etc to citizens. The effect of electricity increases above the inflation rate then requires municipalities to compensate by reducing increases on the other services in an effort to make the overall basket of services more affordable to our consumers. This results in less money being available to provide for adequate maintenance on water, sewerage, roads and other infrastructure. As a result many more municipalities are struggling to remain financially viable.

George has never defaulted on an Eskom account and those municipalities who regularly pay, carry the burden of non-paying municipalities. Eskom’s inability to collect from defaulting municipalities is now giving rise to these massive increases. Possibly Eskom should be providing an incentive to those municipalities who regularly pay their accounts.

While I am highly appreciative of the efforts of the Eskom CEO to improve efficiencies, reduce debt, etc in the massive turnaround at Eskom, there is an urgent need to reduce the bloated salary bill, stop the mismanagement, inflated tenders, corruption, etc and recover the outstanding debt not being paid by defaulters.

It is therefore an extreme injustice that ordinary citizens of George — and, indeed, residents of every municipality in the country — should be forced to bear the cost of Eskom’s inability to fix its own problems. The increase should be no higher than the inflation rate of 5,5%.


Festive season wrap for George!

George is experiencing a bumper festive season with our tourism division recording 630 enquiries through our offices based in George, Wilderness, and Tourism. 41% of enquiries were related to ‘things to do’ and tourism information, 35% were accommodation related and 24% were general enquiries. Occupation figures in Quarter 4 2021 were on a steep upward trend already and the preliminary December feedback is that the private sector has experienced a moderately good festive season. Forward bookings are also showing that accommodation establishments will enjoy a longer season than 2020.

Despite the Covid-19 Regulations, several events stood out with a highlight being the expanded George Tens festival, heralded by former coach Springbok Heyneke Meyer.  The event was sold out at Covid-19 restriction capacities, with 2,000 spectators per day over 4 days, and consisted of an impressive 58 rugby ‘tens’ teams, 22 golfing 4-balls, 12 netball teams, and 10 lawn bowls teams per program day.  George Municipality also partnered with the Pacaltsdorp Night Race, featuring a 10km and 5km race.

In a bid to boost the local economy, the Municipality also initiated the concept of a ‘pavement permit’ to assist restaurants in terms of capacity constraints with the implementation of social distancing measures due to COVID-19. The ‘pavement permit’ would provide restaurants with additional floor space to place their tables. The initiative was very well-received by local businesses and the Planning Directorate is looking to expand on such ideas in the future.

As far back as October last year, George Municipality announced that for the 2021 Festive Season, safety and service delivery would be the key focuses for the municipal administration. The Festive Season Monitoring Committee met daily from 1 December and will hold its final meeting this week Friday. A debriefing will be held before the end of January 2022 to review and begin planning for the 2022 Festive Season.

All of the Municipal departments were represented as role players included SAPS, SanParks, NSRI, Lifeguard representatives. Problems that were raised were dealt with efficiently and immediately and these included lifesavers, water quality, parking issues, safety at beaches, alcohol, fireworks, events as well as standard municipal service delivery which continued unabated through the festive season in terms of refuse collection, water and electricity, building control, financial services, etc.

Feedback received to date from businesses, residents, and visitors is that this is one of the best seasons they have experienced overall with specific reference to the management of the beaches on busy days.  Dr Michele Gratz thanked the municipal teams as well as all of the roleplayers for the huge effort put into making it a successful season. “This was a big team effort which George Municipality intends building on for future seasons.”

The Festive Season Monitoring Committee and operations over the festive season were undertaken in collaboration with SANParks and NSRI Wilderness.

SANparks Section Ranger: Wilderness National Park Jonathan Britten noted that this peak summer holiday season in Wilderness was very busy and a much need economic boost for local businesses. “The Wilderness National Park is inherently interwoven with the town and suburbs of Wilderness and the scenic beauty is big drawcard for tourism but if the area is not safe and public services not effective this would impact negatively on the environment and local economy.

“SANParks is grateful that the George Municipality led an integrated and multi stakeholder collaborative team approach to ensure that all visitors and residents of Wilderness and the greater George had a positive and safe experience during this very busy time. It was delightful to see so many happy holiday makers enjoying our beaches, trails and waterbodies knowing that we had a very dedicated team on the beat daily ensuring everyone’s safety and that the beaches and facilities were always clean. Much success lay in the Festive Season Monitoring Committee meeting daily, where required plans and deployments were adjusted as needed and this was not just all talk, it was common to see the various Municipal Directors, Senior Managers and the Municipal Manager on the ground engaging with the public and overseeing implementations of plans. Impactful leadership was the order of the day,” said Britten.

“This holiday season proved the value of partnerships, dedication and teamwork working towards a common goal. The partnerships and operational effectiveness between the George Municipality, SANParks, NSRI, SAPS, Forensic Pathology Services, Wilderness Rate Payers and Residents Association is an asset for Wilderness.”

NSRI Wilderness, Michael Vonk recognized that strong leadership, collaboration between all stakeholders, and detailed planning were critical factors in this year’s successful festive season. “The beaches have been exceptionally busy, especially since New Year’s Day and everyone has gone above and beyond, working very long hours to ensure the public have been able to safely enjoy our magnificent beaches.”  Vonk highlighted the role law enforcement, SAPS, and other security service has played in preventing the consumption of alcohol on the beaches, along with the prevention activities by lifeguards as contributing to the first season with no drowning incidents on the beach in many years.

Lifeguards were deployed at Gwaing Beach, Herold’s Bay, Victoria Bay, Wilderness Leentjiesklip, and Wilderness Salinas on a full-time daily basis from 7 – 7 and will remain in place until 31 January 2022. A total of 20 saves and 40 help outs were performed by these well-trained youngsters up to and including 10 January. 70 First Aid assists were handled with 4 cases requiring ambulance transportation.

Emergency Services were kept busy and attended to 9 formal structure fires and 13 informal structure fires. Regrettably, one life was lost in an informal structure fire. Fire officials also attended to 38 motor vehicle accidents with a total of 51 patients treated. The worst accident they deal with occurred in early December with the loss of 3 young lives on N2. Recovery services worked for 8 hours on 31 December to retrieve a vehicle that went over the barrier at Wilderness, Dolphin Point Lookout, and landed on the railway line. The driver miraculously escaped with minor injuries.

George Traffic Services actively patrolled all municipal areas in collaboration with Western Cape Provincial Traffic including participating in regular roadblocks. Traffic flow was managed as best possible in particular at congested intersections such as the Garden Route Mall, the exit ramp to Mossel Bay on Knysna Road, and the airport intersection.

Temporary road signs were made up and installed together with traffic cones to ensure compliance in terms of parking, to prevent illegal parking, direct vehicles to parking areas as well as ease the flow of traffic making use of the Drop and Go areas successfully implemented in Victoria Bay, Herolds Bay, and Wilderness.

An additional 30 pointsmen/women assisted at busy traffic intersections and shopping malls, at beaches to close off roads, and with Drop and Go areas. Together with our traffic wardens they managed parking at the beaches to avoid obstruction, assisted on the N2 to ensure safe access for beachgoers, and generally addressed congestion throughout the CBD when needed. Teething problems were experienced but the pointsmen quickly became a huge asset to the municipality and will be considered again for the next festive season. Traffic wardens were placed with the Point duty officers at all beaches to mentor and upskill them.

Special arrangements have been made for any motorists who were directed through a red traffic light by our pointsmen and noted the cameras flashing. You should not receive the fine, but should a few slip through representations can be made to

The Vehicle Testing Station offered 3 days in December and 3 in early January where a free 10 Point check could be done on your vehicle before traveling. This was a new service and 23 motorists took advantage of it.


Wilderness, Salinas remains a full Blue Flag beach until 31 January 2022, and Herold’s Bay and Victoria Bay obtained Pilot Blue Flag status. Compliance in terms of the international standards, included high standards of water quality monitoring, public safety and lifeguard services, and well-maintained coastal amenities.


FlFlooding and heavy rainfall in early December pushed tons of debris down the rivers which fouled up the beaches. Our cleaning teams together with Working on Fire crews, worked non-stop for days to clear Herold’s Bay, Victoria Bay, Ballot’s Bay, Wilderness beach from Leentjiesklip to Salina’s beach, Gwaiing Beach, and Kaaimans mouth. Over 1300 black bags of refuse and debris were collected in a short space of time and at one point a grader was brought in to assist with the volume of debris that needed to be removed.

Our Beach cleaning teams worked until 23h00 on many nights and started at 02h00 on New Year’s Day to ensure that the beaches were clean for the first beachgoers the next morning. The cleaning teams also did sterling work in keeping the beach ablution facilities in excellent condition despite heavy usage. Our CBD cleansing teams kept the town clean and neat for visitors.

George Municipality was adamant that no alcohol would be allowed on our beaches and confiscated bottles to the value of R20156. Our law enforcement officials estimate that they showed away alcohol to an estimated value of R52 000 (ie beachgoers agreed to either dispose of themselves and/or return items to their vehicle).  Neighborhood Watches, Community Police Forums as well as the SAPS worked closely with the Municipality with regards to Community Safety. The confiscated alcohol will be handed over to SAPS to store and ultimately dispose of.

George Municipality implemented a complete ban on the setting off of fireworks, fire-crackers, flares, paper lanterns, and other such paraphernalia in the George municipal area. Over 169 visits were undertaken to retail outlets and an estimated R25 400 worth of fireworks were confiscated (retail value) with 25 fines issued totaling R59 000.

In previous year’s the municipal buildings have been closed between Christmas and New Year with only minimal staff on standby. This year the buildings were only closed on Public Holidays and our directorates faced huge challenges with major pipe bursts occurring on 29 December and several extended power outages taxing all of our officials to the limit. However, amid the crisis and festive season chaos, service delivery continued unabated. Our Planning division processed 158 plans in-season with 86 approved, which was 80 residential, 6 non-residential. 16 applications (14 residential and 2 non-residential) remain in circulation. The remaining 56 (52 residential and 4 non-residential) were not approved due to either not complying and/or additional information being required. Furthermore, a total of 55 (54 residential and 1 non-residential) Certificates of Occupancy were issued.

The Building Control division was equally busy with building control contraventions and complaints that were able to be addressed expeditiously over the festive season. A total of 54 residential occupation certificates and 1 non-residential were issued. 19 complaints were received and addressed.


New Senior Communicator for George Municipality

George Municipality welcomes Ntobeko Mangqwengqwe who joins our communications team within the office of the Municipal Manager as Senior Communications and IGR officer. Ntobeko comes to us from Oudtshoorn Municipality with over 12 years of local government communication and spokesperson experience.

He is 43 years of age and hails from Klipplaat, Eastern Cape. He moved to Oudtshoorn to continue his high school career and matriculated at Imizamo Yethu High School in George. He completed a Diploma in Journalism and was employed with SAPS Western Cape media center, George, as a media liaison official/spokesperson from 2006 to 2008. He also freelanced for the Oudtshoorn Courant from 2000 to 2001.

Ntobeko holds a diploma in Public Relations Management from Unisa. He has completed his NQF level 7 programme in Communication Science and is now studying towards BA Hons: Integrated Organisational Communication. He is registered with the Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA), as a Chartered Public Relations Practitioner (CPRP). PRISA is a professional body for communication and Public Relations practitioners.

New appointments in Planning and Building Control reap rewards


In the photograph from the back left are: Martin Botha, Town Planner; Fakazile Vava, Town Planner; Khuliso Mukhovaha,Town Planner; Robert Janse Van Rensburg, Town Planner. In the front from left are Amelia Lombard, Town Planner;  Eddie Koeberg, Assistant Building Control Officer; Luthando Fatyela, Assistant Building Control Officer;  Mogamat Fickerie Toyer, Manager Building Control; Mkhululi Nyeka, Assistant Building Control Officer and Winsley Meyer, Intern Town Planner. Not present Michelle Lee, Intern ISDG GIS.


A number of new appointments in the Planning and Building Control division is already reaping rewards for the George Municipality. In previous year’s the municipal buildings have been closed between Christmas and New Year with only minimal staff on standby. This year the buildings were only closed on the Public Holidays and work continued at the usual pace. In terms of plans – 158 were processed in the season with 86 approved, which was 80 residential, 6 non-residential. 16 applications (14 residential and 2 non-residential) remain in circulation. The remaining 56 (52 residential and 4 non-residential) were not approved due to either not complying and/or additional information being required. Furthermore, a total of 55 (54 residential and 1 non-residential) Certificates of Occupancy were issued.

Five new town planners, one intern town planner and one ISDG GIS intern are welcome additions to the team.

Robert Henk Janse Van Rensburg is married and moved to George from Durban where he worked as Town Planner at K2m Environmental (Pty) Ltd. He achieved his Bachelors in Urban and Regional Planning and Masters in Environmental Sciences from North-West University, Potchefstroom. His hobbies of hiking and running, fit right into the lifestyle offered by working and living in George. He is looking forward to experiencing all of the activities the Garden Route has to offer.

Khuliso Jafter Mukhovha is a registered planner with over ten years working experience at both local and provincial government level. He achieved his Bachelors in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Venda as well as a certificate in GIS and Public Management. He is originally from Ha-Mashua in Limpopo Province and is looking forward to enjoying his hobbies of travelling, hiking and soccer to name a few in George.

Amelia Lombard obtained her MSc in Urban and regional planning at the North-West University Potchefstroom Campus.  She has a passion for sustainability and hopes to make a positive change in the world. She is excited to be a part of the team at George.

Phillippus Martinus Botha, known as Martin obtained his Masters in Urban and Regional Planning and his Bachelors in Spatial Planning Honours at the University of the Free State. He also has a Batchelors in Development and Environment from Stellenbosch University. He worked as a Town Planner for seven years at Urban Dynamics, Cape Town) for 7 years and is professionally registered with SA Council for Planners since 2017 (SACPLAN): Pr. Pln. A/2518/2017). He is married to Talitha and a great sports fan, in particular of Manchester United.  He hopes to make a positive contribution to George Municipality.

Fakazile Vava was appointed Town Planner in November 2021 after completing his two year internship at George Municipality.

Winsley Leighton Meyer is a local born and raised in George. He has been appointed as an Intern town planner and obtained his B-Tech Town and Regional Planning at Cape Peninsula University of Technology. He started his internship way back in 2014 with George, has interned at Oudtshoorn Municipality and most recently worked as a Candidate Planner at Delplan Urban Consulting. He joins the sporty group with his love of rugby and golf.

Michelle Lee joins us as GIS Intern for Planning and Development. She has a Bachelor of Science Geoscience( Geology & Geography) and Bachelor of Science Honours Geographical Information Systems from Nelson Mandela University.


Our Building Control division was equally busy with building control contraventions and complaints that were able to addressed expeditiously over the festive season. A total of 54 residential occupation certificates and 1 non-residential were issued. 19 complaints were received and addressed.

Our new Manager Building Control is Mogamat Fickerie Toyer who comes to us with over 25 years’ experience within the build environment in both the private (10 years) and Local Government environment (+20 years). He obtained his qualifications in both Architecture and Interior Design from the Port Elizabeth Technikon (NMMU) and has computer programming studies under his belt as well. He is married with 3 children aged 15, 12 and 11 years old. Fickerie spent 20 years at Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, and then moved to Drakenstein as Manager Building Control in 2017 before accepting the post at George Municipality.

Eddie Koeberg has been appointed as Assistant Building Control Officer. He studied Building and Civil Construction at Northlink College in Cape Town and worked as a building inspector at Bitou Municipality previously. He is a local to Plettenberg Bay and married to Gillian. He is a rugby, football and soccer fan(Arsenal) and has reached the top 30 in Idols SA 2013 and 2014. He is a passionate musician, vocalist and performing artist skilled in the acoustic guitar

Luthando Fatyela appointed as Assistant Building Control Officer obtained his National Diploma in Building and Btech in Construction Management at the Cape Peninsula University in Cape Town. He has worked as a Building Inspector for the Drakenstein Municipality and worked as a Construction Supervisor for several companies around Cape Town. He was born and raised in a small township called Zwelethemba in Worcester and is another soccer fan, Kaizer Chiefs being his team of choice. He is also an avid chess player.

Our third Assistant Building Control Officer is Mkhululi Nyeka, known as MK. He obtained his National Diploma in Building and BTech in Construction Management at Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT and previously worked at Mossel Bay Municipality as an Assistant Building Inspector with an assignment of 28 areas of the town. He was born and raised in Cape Town and slo enjoys working outside and spending his free time exploring.