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Author: Chantel Edwards

#GMUN Budget 2022/23 Snippets


Water – 10% increase

  • Basic charge increase reflects importance being placed on renewing infrastructure and capital projects to allow for expansion
  • New category for usage above 100Kl per month – stepped block tariff model – the more you use, the more you will pay!
  • Excessive water usage must be managed to avoid paying more than the 10% increase

Water – 10% toename

  • Basiese heffingsverhoging weerspieël belangrikheid wat geplaas word op die hernuwing van infrastruktuur en kapitaalprojekte om uitbreiding moontlik te maak
  • Nuwe kategorie vir gebruik bo 100Kl per maand – trapbloktariefmodel – hoe meer jy gebruik, hoe meer sal jy betaal!
  • Oormatige waterverbruik moet beheer word om nie meer as die 10%-verhoging te betaal nie

Sanitation– 9%

  • Increase will allow for investment in maintenance and the expansion of existing sewer and wastewater treatment plants to ensure sustainable service delivery
  • Allow for new housing developments
  • Toilet Tax” has been removed for Guesthouses and B&B’s – replaced with fixed basic charge and consumption of water usage above 20kl per month

Sanitasie – 9%

  • Verhoging sal voorsiening maak vir investering in instandhouding en die uitbreiding van bestaande riool- en afvalwatersuiweringsaanlegte om volhoubare dienslewering te verseker
  • Maak voorsiening vir nuwe behuisingsontwikkelings
  • Toiletbelasting” is verwyder vir Gastehuise en B&B’s – vervang met vaste basiese heffing en verbruik van waterverbruik bo 20kl per maand


Refuse Collection – 9%

  • Effective waste management is a must to maintain a clean environment for all citizens – a clean, green and safe George for all
  • Clearing of Illegal dumping costs millions each year
  • A R10 charge per month will be introduced for the removal of 4 green bags per week – this will contribute towards the development of the composting facility at the landfill site

Vullisversameling – 9%

  • Doeltreffende afvalbestuur is ‘n moet om ‘n skoon omgewing vir alle burgers te handhaaf – ‘n skoon, groen en veilige George vir almal
  • Opruiming van onwettige storting kos miljoene elke jaar
  • ‘n R10 heffing per maand sal ingestel word vir die verwydering van 4 groensakke per week – dit sal bydra tot die ontwikkeling van die komposfasiliteit by die stortingsterrein

Property Rates – 8%

  • 15% rebate for pensioners has been introduced – persons over age of 65 for single primary residence, on first R1 million-rand valuation and who earn under R276 000 per annum

Eiendomstariewe – 8%

  • 15% korting vir pensioenarisse is ingestel – persone ouer as 65 jaar vir enkel primêre woning, op eerste R1 miljoen-rand waardasie en wat minder as R276 000 per jaar verdien

Administration of Municipal Accounts  – R20

  • A R20 charge will be introduced for ratepayers still receiving their printed accounts via the post. Save R20 and register your email address and cellphone details with our Finance division
  • Send your account number, full contact details and request for emailed municipal accounts to

Administrasie van Munisipale Rekeninge – R20

  • ‘n R20 heffing sal ingestel word vir belastingbetalers wat steeds hul gedrukte rekeninge via die pos ontvang. Bespaar R20 en registreer jou e-posadres en selfoonbesonderhede by ons Finansiële afdeling
  • Stuur jou rekeningnommer, volledige kontakbesonderhede en versoek vir munisipale rekeninge per e-pos na



George Municipality will be implementing an average electricity price increase of 8% and various electricity tariff structure changes from 1 July 2022 – these changes can impact what you pay for electricity and how you use electricity in your home or business in future.

• Small Domestic and Commercial tariffs (that is pre-paid and conventionally metered Consumers) will in future be linked to the capacity limit of supply they choose
• Consumers who are willing to manage their loads within a capacity limited to 20 Amps single phase will be offered a subsidised tariff with no fixed charges.
• All Consumers who require more than 20 Amp capacity will be charged a phased-in Cost Reflective Tariff with:
o a Fixed Basic Charge,
o a Capacity Charge depending on the capacity limit of the supply and
o a lower Energy Charge.
• Bulk consumers will all be moved to a Time of Use tariff.
• Small Scale Energy Generators (SSEG) consumers will also be subject to fixed and Time of Use energy charges.

Further information on understanding the potential electricity cost and management of loads, and how to make a decision about the capacity you can choose will be provided. Keep an eye on our social media and the municipal website for further details.

George-munisipaliteit gaan ‘n elektrisiteits prysverhoging van 8% toepas sowel as verskeie tarief struktuur veranderings vanaf 1 July 2022 toepas. Hierdie veranderings gaan ‘n impak hê op wat verbruikers in die toekoms sal betaal vir elektrisiteit en hoe om dit te gebruik in die huis of besigheid.

• Klein Huishoudelike en Kommersieële tariewe (voorafbetaal en konvensionele meter verbruikers) sal in die toekoms afhang van die kapasiteit limiet van die toevoer gekies
• Verbruikers wat bereid is om hul vragte te bestuur binne ‘n kapasiteit beperk tot 20 Amp enkelfase sal ‘n gesubsidieerde tariewe aangebied word sonder vaste heffings.
• Alle verbruikers wat meer as 20 Amp-kapasiteit benodig, sal ‘n infaseerde kostereflektiewe tarief gehef word met:
– ‘n vaste basiese heffing,
– ‘n Kapasiteitsheffing afhangende van die kapasiteitsbeperking van die toevoer en
– ‘n laer Energielading.
• Grootmaat verbruikers sal almal oorgeskakel word na ‘n Tyd van Gebruik tarief.
• Verbruikers wat Klein Skaal Ingeslote Kragstelsels installeer sal ook onderhewig wees aan vaste en Tyd van Gebruik energie heffings.

Meer inligting sal voorsien word ten einde die potensieële impak op elektrisiteits kostes en bestuur van verbruik te verstaan en om ‘n besluit te neem oor die kapasiteit limiet om te kies. Verbruikers word versoek om sosiale media en the munisipale webtuiste dop te hou vir verdere besonderhede.

UMasipala waseGeorge uza kuphumeza unyuso lwexabiso lombane olukumyinge we-8% kunye neenguqu ezahlukeneyo kuluhlu lwamaxabiso ombane ukususela ngomhla woku-01 eyeKhala 2022 – olu tshintsho lungaba nefuthe kwinto oyihlawulela umbane kunye nendlela owusebenzisa ngayo umbane ekhayeni lakho okanye kwishishini kwixa elizayo.

• Iirhafu ezincinci zaseKhaya kunye nezoRhwebo (oko kukuthi abasebenzisi abanezixhobo zokulinganisa umbane ohlawulelwa ngaphambili nabasebenzisi bezixhobo zokulinganisa umbane ngokwesiqhelo) kwixesha elizayo baya kudityaniswa kumda womthamo wonikezelo abalukhethayo
• Abasebenzisi abakulungeleyo ukulawula imithwalo yabo ngaphakathi komthamo olinganiselweyo ukuya kwisigaba esinye se-Amps ezingama-20 baya kubonelelwa ngamaxabiso afumana inkxaso ngaphandle kweentlawulo ezimiselweyo
• Bonke abasebenzisi abafuna iiAmp ezingaphezulu kwama-20 baya kuhlawuliswa, Ixabiso eliBonisa Iindleko elingenisiweyo nge:
o Ntlawulo esisiseko esisigxina
o Ntlawulo yomthamo ngokuxhomekeke kumda womthamo wonikezelo kunye
o Ntlawulo yaMandla ephantsi
• Abasebenzisi besambuku baya kufuduselwa kwiXabiso leXesha lokuSebenzisa
• Abasebenzisi booMatshini bokwenza umbane baMandla amaNcinci (SSEG) baya kufakwe kwiNtlawulo zesigxina kunye nezeXesha lokuSetyenziswa koMbane

Ulwazi oluthe vetshe malunga nokuqonda iindleko zombane ezinokwenzeka kunye nolawulo lwemithwalo, kunye nendlela yokwenza isigqibo malunga nomthamo onokuthi uwukhethe luya kunikezelwa. Hlala ujonge kumakhasi ethu onxibelelwano noluNtu nakwiwebhusayithi kamasipala malunga neenkcukacha ezithe vetshe.

Issued George Municipality, 4 May 2022

Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works: Upgrading and 10Ml/d Capacity Extension

Air blowers installation under way for air delivery to provide oxygen to the aerobic zones in the reactor.

Works at the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works (OWWTW) for the upgrading and capacity extension of the plant are well under way and progressing steadily. The upgrade will allow for an increased capacity from 15Ml/dl to 25Ml/dl.

The components at the inlet works are nearing completion and are being commissioned as the installations are completed. The new perforated inlet screens are operational as well as the screenings and grit bins and the grit removal systems while the rock catcher and odour control systems are nearing completion. The remainder of the works largely focuses on the completion of equipment installation in and around the new reactor whereafter the focus will shift to the upgrading of the screw pump station for the sedimentation tank underflow sludge recycle.

After the commissioning of the new reactor, the full flow to the works will be diverted though it and this will allow the remedial works to the existing (old) carousel reactor to proceed. This tank of 17.5 Ml needs to be emptied and the concrete condition to be assessed with the necessary remedial and repair works to follow. The screw pump station for the Return Activated Sludge recycle also requires upgrading. The two new pumps were shipped to South Africa from Italy, and have arrived finally after a four month delay in Las Palmas, Canary Islands. This caused a project delay of this component of the project but will not have an impact on the final estimated completion time.

The major challenge will be to empty the old carousel reactor while separating the liquid from the various inorganic (non biodegradable) solids in the tank. These solids must be dewatered and disposed of separately. The contractor proposed geofabric bags for this dewatering and is currently experimenting with a small version on site. The mechanical & electrical installation is currently 70% complete and the construction is scheduled to be completed during the first half of 2023.

Planned Power Outage – Thembalethu Zone 7





NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on  THURSDAY 05 MAY  2022  FROM  11H00 TO 14H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains.  Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on

FRIDAY 06 MAY  2021 FROM  11H00 TO 14H00

Municipal Manager appointed for George Municipality

The George Council unanimously approved the appointment of Dr Michele Gratz as Municipal Manager on a five year contract during the Special Council meeting held on Thursday, 14 April 2022 after following the recruitment and selection process as determined by Municipal Regulations.

In proposing the appointment, Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk referred to the critical role played by Dr Gratz as Acting Municipal Manager in the turnaround process since the beginning of January 2021, of stabilising the administration, making key appointments, ensuring that capital projects were executed on time and that grants were spent in terms of their conditions. Following an engagement with National Treasury in April 2021, the application for the successful Budget Facility for Infrastructure Grant of almost R1,2 billion was launched.

Service delivery standards have improved and continue to receive ongoing attention. The Executive Mayor emphasised the increase in total spending by the Municipality that has commenced from almost R2,2 billion in the year ended 30 June 2020 to a budget of over R3,6 billion for the year commencing on 1 July 2022.

In congratulating Dr Gratz on her appointment, Alderman Van Wyk referred to the common objectives for the five year term, being the next phases of the turnaround to effect internal operational efficiencies, improvement to services, tackling the refurbishment of infrastructure, mitigating the risks of unreliable electricity supply through renewable energy and ensuring an enabling environment for increased economic activity.

Media Statement: Mayor of George sets the record straight

Issued George Municipality, 12 April 2022 – for immediate release

Executive Mayor for George, Alderman Leon Van Wyk today expressed his concern and displeasure following comments allegedly made in several media outlets and which originated from an article which first appeared in the Sunday Weekend Argus (First Edition) on 10 Apr 2022 in which it is stated that he as Mayor, personally requested the closure of the Voëlklip Road, following the recent tragic deaths of an elderly couple on Sunday 3 April 2022.

Ald Van Wyk today 12 April, confirmed that he did not speak to any journalist on this matter . While initially it was thought he had been misquoted, it would now appear that the person telephonically contacted by the journalist, in fact misrepresented himself as the Mayor of George. The municipality regards this in a very serious light and is investigating the matter.

Ald Van Wyk would like to categorically state that he is opposed to the closure of this road given that it has repeatedly been highlighted that it is unfortunately the actions of road users themselves, and not the road itself that have led to a number of incidents over the years. As indicated by the Western Cape Department of Transport, the request to close the road must be made by the owner whose property the road runs on.  It is clear that the road (infrastructure) is not the problem but driver behaviour. Several safety measures fully supported by Ald Van Wyk, have already been put in place.

Controlled burn planned for environmental offset – Erf 3810

Following the establishment of the very first “environmental offset area” for George Municipality on Erf 3810 last year, a controlled burn is planned as has been recommended by CapeNature to keep the fynbos from becoming moribund. The vegetation is classified as Fynbos, more specifically Garden Route Granite Fynbos which has been classified as Critically Endangered due to the small amount found in conservation areas.

An “offset area” is an area set aside for biodiversity conservation and protection in perpetuity, when another area of conservation value has been utilized for a development.  In this case the building of the housing project on Erf 325 was done in such a way that a portion of the wetlands were utilized for housing.  As a result, an offset was called for when the scoping report was submitted. As the area that was utilized was of a lower conservation value than that being conserved, it is known as “Trading up”. So, this environmental offset area,  a total of 9.94 hectare, is an ecosystem of greater value to biodiversity conservation from the one used for the housing project. The area will be registered under the Stewardship Programme which is co-ordinated by CapeNature.

George Fire Brigade will handle the control burn with the necessary safety precautions in place. The burn is determined by the prevailing weather conditions. Notice will be issued to the public with regard to the proposed date and time, road closures and any other impacts of the control burn.

New General Valuation Role Process Commences

The valuation of an estimated 54 000 properties in the greater George area has commenced as part of the General Valuation process of the George Municipality.

The George Municipality use a service provider, DDP  Valuers (Pty) Ltd who use an array of information-gathering methods including analysing aerial photographs, site visits and neighbourhood drive-throughs.

The process will be completed towards the end of 2022.  The Final General Valuation Role will be published for comment in February/March 2023.   At the same time an opportunity will be given to lodge an objection, if necessary.  The objection process is followed by a valuation appeal process.

Ratepayers must verify their valuations, as it would affect the rates they pay on their own properties as well as the overoll rate calculations for the city.  It is a great opportunity for citizens to engage with the municipality to ensure that their properties are correctly valued.

Click on this link for frequently asked questions.



Penalty for contraventions of zoning provisions

George Municipality would like to highlight a recent Supreme court case which upheld the argument that municipalities are entitled to levy penalty rates based on the Municipal Structures Act where a property (home) is being used to conduct a business, if the use is in contravention of the property’s zoning provisions. Municipalities are entitled to levy penalty rates based on the Municipal Structures Act which is the umbrella act under which the Rates Act falls.

Director for Planning and Development at George, Lauren Waring said that her directorate is aware that there are many businesses being operated from residential zoned properties and, where the purpose and nature of the use has changed completely, these owners will find themselves in contravention and can face contravention levies, penalties, fines and even imprisonment.

The zoning of a property determines the primary use and other ancillary uses that the property may be utilised for. The zoning also determines the restrictions or parameters within which the applicable use rights may be exercised or if the consent of the municipality is required for the use. If a property is used outside its zoning, the municipality can change the category of use to unlawful or uncategorised use and increase the municipal rates in accordance with the new category.

If you are contemplating setting up a business in a residential area or from your home you need to understand all the relevant provisions regarding the zoning of your property to ensure that you are complying with the bylaws. Zoning schemes bylaws stipulate what type of buildings and what type of activities can occur in a particular property.

In technical terms, a zoning scheme is a legal document that records all land use rights on properties in its area of jurisdiction. It also includes provisions pertaining to restrictions on such rights and how they can be exercised. Within a zoning scheme, there are certain land uses and activities that can be taken as a right and certain land uses and activities that are only permitted with the local authorities consent. If the land use or activity is not stated, then it is not allowed on that property.

For minor deviations from the provisions of the zoning scheme, one may apply for a Departure. For major deviations for a change in land usage or change in the type of building, one requires a Rezoning. The George Municipality’s zoning scheme allows certain residential business activities as a right on Single Residential properties. These include home occupations (professional practices with no more than 3 people employed), places of instruction up to 6 learners at a time, and a bed and breakfast (not more than 2 guest rooms). Other uses such as a house shop (small retail business), guest houses and creches are permitted with the Consent of the municipality.

Any business that is run from home and does not fall under these land uses / activities, are not permitted on residential properties. The zoning by-laws state that such businesses can only be conducted in areas zoned for business or industrial purposes and not in residential areas. These business activities will require you to apply for either a departure or a rezoning.

How to apply for a rezoning or departure
The Land Use Management Application form is used when submitting a planning application. The form needs to be completed in full and accompanied by the relevant supporting information and documentation. It is important to note that submitting this application does not necessarily mean it will be approved.

Businesses in residential areas tend to generate traffic, parking, noise, and other problems, with some being known to be used as fronts for illicit activities. The concerns and objections of residents will be considered with each application.

The land use application process can take, on average between six and nine months, depending on the level of public participation needed, whether objections are received against the application, and which authority decides on the application. Any business that cause disturbances to neighbours such as vehicle repair workshops, night clubs, manufacturing enterprises, etc will generally not be permitted in a residential area.

George Municipality has an internet-based land use application system to enable the electronic submission and processing of land use applications. This system will be soon be moving to an on-line platform. All application forms, application submission requirements and public participation requirements are available on the George Municipality’s website at

All completed applications are submitted via email to and applicants will receive SMSs on the progress made on their applications.

Public Notice: Invitation to comment on Draft Budget and Reviewed Integrated Development Plan (IDP) 2022/2023

George Municipality invites you to comment on the Draft Budget and Reviewed Integrated Development Plan (IDP) 2022/2023

George Munisipaliteit nooi jou om kommentaar te lewer op die Konsepbegroting en Hersiene Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (GOP) 2022/2023

Umasipala waseGeorge uyakumema ukuba unike izimvo zakho malunga nale draft yohlahlo-lwabiwo mali kunye neSicwangciso soPhuhliso esiHlanganisiweyo esiHlaziyiweyo (IDP) 2022/2023


All inputs can be completed on the prescribed questionnaire and emailed to the email addresses provided:

The Questionnaire form is available on the website along with the Draft Budget& IDP. It can also be requested via email from the following people or click on the link above:

  • (IDP) or
  • (Budget) or
  • (ward committees)

Submission deadline:  25 APRIL 2022

Extended deadline: 9 May 2022

 The DRAFT BUDGET AND IDP can be viewed on our website at

Fire management demonstration of aerial capabilities

George Municipality continues to address the safety of the city of George in terms of fire management.  Our Fire and Rescue Services are faced with semi-desert, mountainous terrain on both sides and over the mountain, as well as large tracts of agricultural land, pine plantations, alien vegetation, coastal fynbos, indigenous forest and winding inaccessible roads connecting towns and villages over long distances.

The George Municipal Council a while back, approved a multi-faceted approach by the department to acquire key equipment and additional vehicles over a few financial years to systematically address different aspects of fire and rescue management.



The Fire Fighting team recently hosted a demonstration of the aerial capabilities of the acquired resources at the Garden Route’s first dedicated emergency firefighting airstrip located on municipal property above Denneoord and which opened in December 2017. The airbase consists of a runway, helipad, firebase, taxiway and a water refilling point. In collaboration with Kishugu, a demonstration was given with the helicopter doing precision pick up of water in a “bucket” using the George fire department portable dam.

Water drops were demonstrated according to wind directions and topography and a precision drop was done to demonstrate the versatility of the helicopters as a firefighting resource, as well as how they can assist with the supply of water to the portable dam. The 14 000-litre portable dam is used as an artificial water source from which a helicopter bucket can scoop water or fire vehicles can be filled.

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk and Acting Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz were given a brief overview of the Risk Assessment done regarding the Witfontein plantations and the collaborative plan to reduce this risk by the George Fire Department, Cape Nature, Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DFFE) and other roleplayers.

The Mayor and MM were given a tour of the 10 km of Fire Breaks and paths that have been established on municipal property above Denneoord.  Fuel reduction controlled burns are planned for approximately 170 hectares of the veld around Denneoord /Garden route dam and 298 hectares of veld above the plantation in the SANPARKS area. The correct weather conditions are required for control burn conditions and the public is assured that more than adequate resources are available to conduct control burns safely with minimum risk. The first control burn was undertaken last week Thursday, 24 March on a 3-hectare block of veld above Denneoord.

Useful contact numbers:
Fire emergencies only: 044 801 6311
All after-hours emergencies: 044 801 6300
General enquiries (office hours): 044 801 6300
Uniondale (office hours): 044 752 1225


Explaining the functions of the portable dam to the Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk and Acting Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz is Fire Chief, Neels Barnard with Kishugu helicopter pilot Niel Mostert (in blue flight suit) and Everett Montague, spotter pilot and Airbase Manager (yellow hazard jacket).

Exploring smart City opportunities for City of George

George Municipality recently partnered with the Africa Business Network of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, the German-South African Chamber of Commerce, the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce and the Western Cape Economic Development Partnership to host a webinar on 15 March to explore aspects of smart energy, smart building, smart infrastructure and smart mobility.

A smart city uses information and communication technology (ICT) to ensure operational efficiency, share information with the public and provide a better quality of government service and citizen welfare. The main goal of a smart city is to optimise city functions and promote economic growth while also improving the quality of life for citizens by using smart technologies and data analysis. The value lies in how this technology is used rather than simply how much technology is available.

Executive Mayor Alderman Leon Van Wyk formally opened the Webinar hosted on 15 March and the event attended by 80 persons, was moderated by Mr Jens Hauser HOD Competence Centre Sustainable Energy, German -South African Chambers of Commerce and Mr Paul Hoffman, Project Manager, Garden Route Development Partnership.

In his opening comments, the Executive Mayor provided a scene-set of George as an intermediary and magnet city in South Africa utilising its natural attractions and relaxed lifestyle in the Garden Route to position itself as a growing business centre. He sketched the key economic sectors and George’s 40% share of the Garden Route’s economy. Some examples of how George already embraces elements of smart city concepts: it aims to secure 20-30% of its electricity from renewable sources within 3-5 years, the city is already fibre optic cable connected, utilises CCTV cameras for safety and security monitoring for public transport bus service, and a mobile app for service delivery complaints and communication. A significant national insurer operates a large online contact centre, thousands of milk-producing cows have SIM cards monitoring their health, the fire services utilise drone technology and increasing use is being made of smart meters and telemetry in the electricity and water networks. It is hoped that these examples will help in facilitating interest and investment from the Germany and Finland.

Ms Lauren Waring, Director Planning and Development noted that the webinar intended to explore the aspects of smart energy, smart building, smart infrastructure, and smart mobility; and to establish meaningful international learning networks which will be key for the economic development of George and which are aligned to the strategic goals of the George Municipality.

International, national as well as local speakers covered topics which included: An overview on Smart Cities – the cities of the 21st century; Mobility as a Service – The End of Car Ownership? (MaaS Global); Technologies for a smarter built environment (Siemens);  Creating value out of municipal solid waste (Anaergia Africa) as well as case studies on Kone and the City of George.

The George Municipal Spatial Development Framework, 2019 (MSDF)is the spatial representation of the Integrated Development Plan and coordinates and directs growth in the short, medium and long term.  ( and fully embraces the Smart City concept.

Smart City Growth is one of the strategies supporting the spatial planning approach in George and various policies and development guidelines are set to facilitate a compact, legible urban form, including a mix of land uses, a range of housing- and transportation opportunities and walkable neighbourhoods, whilst preserving open space, farmland, natural beauty- and critical environmental areas.  The MSDF policies and guidelines are further intent on strengthening and directing development towards existing communities and fostering distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place.  Processes relating to land development are designed to involve the community in decision-making and to support integrated and considered development.

The process to review the current George MSDF (2019) commenced in 2021 and the use of smart technologies is crucial in collating inputs received from various involved government departments and agencies and interested and affected parties. Data layers, such as the environmental zones (per example the Coastal Management Line, Critical Biodiversity areas, climate change indicators and many others), Transportation Routes and Planning, Human Settlement development, commercial and industrial development, social- and community facility planning, engineering services planning are coordinated via a Geographic Information system(GIS) to aid spatial planning and to advise land use planning decisions.

The George Municipal GIS Public viewer contains some of the information and can be accessed on the Municipal Website.

Dr Kosie Haarhoff, Deputy Director Economic Development noted that the direct beneficiaries of the webinar were public service officials, local government officials and private sector individuals responsible for digital transformation and SMART cities. Four private sector companies presented SMART city solutions to participants:

MaaS Global:
MaaS Global is the world’s first mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) company with a vision and mission to offer a more attractive alternative to a privately owned car. Its Whim mobility app allows for the consumer to plan, book, and pay for their trips in one mobile app.

KONE is a global leader in the elevator and escalator industry, and their focus is to make the world’s cities better and more sustainable places to live.

Anaergia is a global leader in the production of clean energy, fertilizer, and recycled water from virtually any waste stream, offering the widest range of maximizing resource recovery solutions for the municipal, industrial, commercial, and agricultural markets. Anaergia’s integrated solutions create value for its customers in the forms of renewable energy, quality fertilizers, and clean water, while dramatically reducing the cost of waste management.

Siemens is a technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, transport, and healthcare. From more resource-efficient factories, resilient supply chains, and smarter buildings and grids, to cleaner and more comfortable transportation as well as advanced healthcare, they create technology with purpose adding real value for customers.


Operation Kleinkrantz, Hoekwil and Touwsranten a resounding success

George Municipality launched the first of its ongoing Operation Cleanup’s for 2022 with 4 days dedicated to Kleinkrantz, Hoekwil and Touwsranten last week. This operation was meant to have taken place in November 2021 but was postponed following the severe flash floods experienced in George.

Ward 4 Councillor, Marlene Barnardt expressed her gratitude towards the various directorates who participated in the 4 days operation last week.  “ I visited Kleinkrantz several times during the operation and would like to commend the whole of Community Services who did a great job of clearing and cleaning streets, pruning trees and so on. I was very pleased to see the areas being given the necessary attention they deserve,” said Cllr Barnardt.

Ward 4 Councillor Marlene Barnardt

Community Services: Cleansing, Social Services, Parks and Recreation

 A number of illegal dump sites were cleared as well as streets cleaned of weeds and swept by a team of EPWP workers together with a JCB.  Social Services together with the Department of Health and South African Police Services (SAPS) visited the area to provide information on available services. Residents were assisted with referrals to the relevant government departments for their needs. Discussions were held with residents around the dangers of illegal dumping as part of George Municipality’s ongoing awareness campaign.

Kleinkrantz Creche and Sonneblom Creche in Touwrantanten  are two of the 28 creches that are assisted by the George Municipality. Our officials visited last week to review their daily activities with the toddlers, to look at maintenance issues and equipment requirements. Where possible the George Muncipality will assist and/or refer the matter to Early Childhood Development section of Basic Education Department for further action.

Parks and Recreation cut grass in municipal open spaces, sprayed herbicide on pavements for weeds. Parks and Recreation staff spent some time clearing and cutting grass around Sonneblom Creche. Another team focused on trimming trees in Kleinkrantz area.

Planning: Building Control
Directorate for Planning and Development sent two assistant Building Control officers, Eddie Koeberg and Mkhululi Nkeya to review the areas and a number of illegal advertising boards were removed.

Civil Engineering Services
Civils teams updated roadmarkings and signage in all three areas. The sewer teams walked the main sewer lines to inspect for any spillage or leaks.

Electrotechnical Services
The Client Services team for Electrotechnical worked their way through the Kleinkrantz informal settlement,  addressing complaints and checking prepaid meters and ready boards. The streetlights team repaired a number of street lights in Kleinkrantz, the informal settlement, Kerk Street in Hoekwil and Touwsranten.

Protection Services: Traffic
Traffic Officers patrolled the area of Kleinkrantz, Hoekwil and Touwsranten and did speed enforcement in Hoekwil. The drunk driving kit was set up in Kleinkrantz and local residents were encouraged to test goggles that simulate the effects of drunk driving.


The CLO will be responsible to communicate and coordinates activities between the contractor, stakeholders and the community.

Qualification’s requirements:

The candidate must be able to read and write local languages, must have a working cellular phone, must be unemployed, must not be a contractor, must be able to work under tough conditions, must have problem solving and conflict management and communication skills.

The above position will be appointed and remunerated by the Principal Contractor.

Conditions of Employment:

Remuneration: To be confirmed upon appointment
Normal hours of work: 07h00 – 17h00 from Monday to Friday (Unless informed otherwise by the Contractor)

Submission of applications:

Please submit a CV & certified copy of your Identity Document in an envelope, marked CLO APPLICATION, THEMBALETHU SUBSTATION, at the offices of Zutari.

Address: Zutari, 2nd Floor, 65 York St, Dormehls Drift, George, 6529,

Closing date: Friday, 25 March 2022.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: Ian Booi.  Tel no: 044 805 5449.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Please consider your application unsuccessful if you have not been contacted within 4 weeks of the closing date.

Follow this link for Afrikaans and Isixhosa notices

Public Notice: Municipal Public Accounts Committee – Online Session to discuss the Annual Report

Issued George Municipality, 11 March 2022

MPAC will be available on TEAMS on Tuesday 15 March from 14h00 – 15h00  to receive inputs on the George Municipal Annual Report 2020/21.

MPAC Chairperson Cllr Johan Du Toit will be present together with MPAC, the Acting Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz and Directors.
The Draft Annual Report 2020/21 can be found on or hard copies are available at the George Municipality.

Should you want to join the TEAMS meeting please email your request for the link to the Executive Support Officer, Ms M Thiart-Wiid with any queries on (044) 801 9015.
Please send your full name and email address

Addressing concerns on the Garden Route Dam Proposed Development , Second Edition

Issued George Municipality, 9 March 2022

George Municipality is aware of concerns raised on social media and in petitions pertaining to the proposed development at the GRD, namely the DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED TERTIARY AND MIXED-USE PRECINCT DEVELOPMENT AT THE GARDEN ROUTE DAM AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE ON A PORTION OF THE REMAINDER OF ERF 464, GEORGE (reference DEA&DP Ref: 16/3/3/2/D2/19/0000/22). These concerns have also been recorded as part of the extensive public participation process.

The Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report (DEIAR) has been made available by the relevant Environmental Assessment Practitioners (Sharples Environmental Services), for comment, following the consent of the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning:  Environmental Impact Management Services (DEADP) to proceed with the second round of public participation. The Draft EIA for the proposed development has been sent to all registered Interested and Affected parties for comment, but anyone is welcome to submit comments before 11 March 2022.


The current EIA is the second round of processes to attain land rights for Erf 464, situated at the Garden Route Dam. In the mid-2000s the Council sought to attain zoning rights for residential and business. After several years, in 2014, DEADP granted partial environmental authorization in support of a hotel business, tourism elements allowing for the appropriate management of the conservation areas; and open space and access from Stander Str. Conditions were imposed regarding environmental management; the use of specialists needed during construction; and the use of gravity sewer systems were proposed to reduce risk of contamination of the water course.

However, the residential components were not authorised and DEADP indicated that they would not support an extensive residential development. The reasons for not supporting the full proposal included uncertainty about the imposition of long-term management provisions; the integration of social, economic, and environmental factors was not adequately demonstrated in the application; there was concern over visual impacts; the demand for residential erven was questioned; and the proposal did not redress segregated communities.

Based on the EIA outcome, Council elected not to take the matter any further, except for requesting (and receiving) approval for the extension of the approvals granted in 2014. In 2019 the rights were extended to 2024 by DEADP.


In and around 2018 Council received several queries from the private sector requesting access to land to establish a tertiary education or research institution. After careful consideration Council took a decision instructing the administration to investigate the use of Erf 464, adjacent to the Garden Route Dam as a site for such a development. Council also resolved that there be a process to attain the environmental approvals and the town planning or land rights. Finally, Council resolved that once the latter processes were completed, the matter must revert to Council for further consideration.

At no time did Council indicate any intent to undertake such a development itself. The unfortunate and misinformed contentions that Council is acting in the interests of any business or individual is rejected with the contempt it deserves. Council land is a valuable asset and, as any landowner will know, ensuring that property is correctly and appropriately zoned maximises the value of the property.

The Municipality went ahead and appointed consultants to undertake these two processes.  This process has taken the better part of three years and the two applications will soon have to be adjudicated by the relevant authorities, namely the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (to assess the EIA) and the Eden Municipal Planning Tribunal (to assess the town planning application).


The Environmental Impact Assessment application has now been completed and is accompanied by specialist reports including case studies, an urban design report, heritage impact and recommendations, a visual impact assessment, engineering report, stormwater management plan and traffic impact assessment. There were also extensive discussions with Cape Nature and SANParks whose input was that a butterfly study was required.

The document is available for download from the Sharples Environmental  Services (SES)website ( under the “Public Documents” section. The other process- and technical documentation relating to this project is available on, Public Documents.

Besides making the document available to all who have registered as Interested and Affected Parties, notices inviting comment were placed by Sharples Environmental Services (SES) as required by DEADP. Anyone may comment on the report. Any additional comment on the DEIAR document and proposed activity must be submitted in writing to SES: Betsy Ditcham on or before 11 March 2022 by means of the following: Fax: 086-575 2869, email: or postal address: PO Box 443, Milnerton, 7435.


There are two interrelated, legislated processes relating to the proposed development, both inviting public participation/input and support. These are the current Environmental Impact Assessment (SES EIA process), to be assessed by DEADP and the town-planning application, which will be independently evaluated by the Eden Municipal Planning Tribunal.

DEADP has about 5-months for comment and to make a final decision. Thereafter the town-planning application will be considered by the Tribunal. Neither the George Council nor any official will undertake any authorisation at all.

It must be noted that BOTH authorisations have to be in place for any development to go ahead. If either one of the applications are refused, then the other cannot succeed. The town planning application will only be submitted to the Tribunal for consideration once DEADP has issued their decision.

Once the decisions have been made, both processes allow for a 21-day appeals period.

Irrespective of the ultimate outcomes of both processes, the matter must revert to Council. This is in terms of the 2018 Council decision. If the outcomes are in favour of any form of development Council will have to decide if it wishes to further proceed to act upon the rights – whether in full or only elements of the approved development. For example, Council may decide to only proceed with the residential development, and Council may impose certain restrictions on any development opportunity. Council will also need to resolve as to whether the matter must go to tender or call for proposals. The latter will depend on what Council ultimately elects to do with the land in question.


Unfortunately, the public comments and petitions made on social media and other platforms about this application are not necessarily accurate nor representative of the type of development envisioned. Please guard against misinformation.

Aspects of the projects which may impact on the environment have been studied by qualified professionals and the required adjustments were made to the initial project proposal (footprint). Points raised in the Public Participation process thus far and responses thereto are noted in the Appendix E of the Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report.  All concerned residents are invited to read the relevant studies, view the adjusted development proposal, and review the responses compiled in project documentation. A hard copy of the report DEIAR has been made available in the George Public Library.

Should this project come to fruition, specifications include more than 75ha of the 118ha (64%) to be open space conservation area. Of the remaining 36%, only 5ha (4%) will be commercial, and the rest (32%) will be educational and residential. The intention is that all future users become custodians of the space and the site be managed by firm rules in terms of an Environmental Management Plan.

It is important to note that although the land is owned by Council and the Municipality contracted the required applications, Council will not have any role in the authorisations or approvals at all. Furthermore, as stated previously, Council has no intention to develop the property itself. It is noted that assumptions have been placed in the public domain which contend that the development has been earmarked for a potential developer (s). This is refuted in its entirety.


Aurecon (now Zutari) was appointed by George Municipality to design the precinct for the proposed university and to prepare a rezoning and subdivision application. The Zutari team included professional town planners, urban designers, and civil engineers and the team worked closely with the Municipal officials in the planning department as well as the civil and technical departments.  The Zutari team also collaborated closely with the environmental consultants appointed by the municipality to apply for the environmental authorisation (Sharples Environmental Services), as well as other professional service providers such as traffic engineers, electrical engineers, geotechnical engineers, socio economic specialists etc. when the layout plan was designed.

The planning of the layout plan went through an iterative process before it was finalised and submitted as part of the rezoning and subdivision application. After a visioning workshop and a study to indicate sensitivity areas, concept development workshops were held where several stakeholders took part in developing three development concepts.

The three development concepts were then workshopped to work through the pros and cons of each concept and to select a preferred concept.

A draft site plan with the buildings displayed below is the campus proposal that was prepared by the urban designer and is the preferred concept that was developed through inputs from the various specialists and the outcomes of the concept development workshops. 

This urban design concept is a way to illustrate to IAPs what the final product could potentially look like (illustrative purposes) and provides an indication of the scale and height of the proposed buildings in the development. The preferred development concept as above (Urban Design Site Plan – Campus Proposal) was used as the basis for the preparation of the subdivision layout drawing that is required as part of the town planning application and was submitted with the rezoning and subdivision application. 

Through the process, the layout was amended and refined as more information became available (civil engineering, traffic impact study, visual impact study, environmental studies, etc.). All areas that were deemed not to be suitable for development (steep slopes, flood lines, environmental sensitive areas, etc.) were excluded from the areas planned for development and extensive buffers were added to further protect environmental sensitive areas before a final layout plan was developed that was submitted with the rezoning and subdivision application.

The final layout drawing that was submitted with the rezoning and subdivision application is below.  This drawing for the town planning application shows the erven that are planned with the respective zonings that will create erven with the appropriate zonings that will enable a campus to be developed as per the development concept prepared by the urban designer.  A subdivision layout such as this is a requirement for the town planning process, as it needs to show the technical details of the proposed erven and applicable zonings etc.

Once the layout plan is approved, Architects will design buildings according to the development restrictions imposed by the town planning process such as height, coverage, FAR, density, building lines etc.  Building plans will need to be submitted for approval for each building that is planned in the development before construction can start. The final placement of buildings on the individual erven or the final design of buildings are not yet available as this is something that comes only much later in the process.

With regards to roads and access: there are new roads that are proposed in the layout plan of the proposed development (see layout plan above).  Those are all public roads that will be accessible by the public. There are also plenty of open spaces incorporated in the layout where hiking and mountain biking routes will continue to exist.  Access to the dam wall and all the other trails on the other side of the dam wall will continue to be open to the public and will be made easier and safer by the proposed development.

Large picnic areas are planned next to the water’s edge in the northern part of the layout, so the current fishing and recreational activities that take place next to the dam will continue once the proposed development is constructed.

The idea of the proposed waterfront business site (which was first proposed in 2006) is to provide some small convenient shopping, some restaurants / coffee shops and parking facilities where sports enthusiast can gather before and after their sporting excursions in the nature areas.


 In closing, George Municipality agrees that the dam must remain accessible to all citizens and believes that responsible, sustainable, mixed land use development will not only celebrate the qualities of this extraordinary site but also address some of the negative issues which residents are experiencing associated with large tracts of densely vegetated land – such as illegal occupation of land, sheltering of vagrants and criminals, cost of vegetation management and fire risk. Council has to seek ways in which to protect its assets and sweat its assets in order to provide for the development and the protection of the city and its environment.

Ald Leon Van Wyk – 100 DAYS IN OFFICE


While a “First 100 Days” programme is a reflection of intentions and achievements in the period of coming into office after elections, the success of the Action Plan is determined by the synchronisation of the leadership, management and teamwork of the Administration with the political manifesto for the future vision of the municipality.

The George achievements to date represent the continuous improvements flowing from the Turnaround that commenced on 22 May 2020 with the election of a new Mayor. The initial impetus to effect changes gained impetus with the introduction of Dr Michele Gratz as acting municipal manager on 1 January 2021 (month 1 of phase 2) and new directors who have significantly contributed to the mindset shift and the resultant strategic and systemic changes within the organisation that requires the ongoing development of cultural and work ethic changes over a longer period of time.

The ”First 100 Days” broadly represent the snapshots over months 12 to 14 since the Turnaround commenced under new management.

Much emphasis was placed in the first 11 months in undertaking capital expenditure on time; improving service delivery through continuous improvements; removing incompetent officials and employing skilled officials in key positions; applying for and accessing grants including the ground-breaking BFI (Budget Facility for Infrastructure) facility.

The highlighted milestones are grouped in Categories to differentiate from ongoing daily service delivery functions. The credit and gratitude for these achievements are attributed to the Acting Municipal Manager, Directors and staff in the various Directorates who have worked tirelessly to ensure completion of the projects aided by the diligence, enthusiasm and inputs of the Mayco team and councillors.

Operations (inclusive of Strategic, Financial Sustainability and Internal):

  1. Council constituted on 22/11 and Mayco appointed on 26/11;
  2. Dealt with (22 Nov 2021) flood damage and major repairs to infrastructure;
  3. Application of R270m has been submitted for Disaster Funding after flood of 22/11 was declared a disaster;
  4. BFI (Budget Facility for Infrastructure) projects of almost R1,2bn were approved and 1st tranche was gazetted in November;
  5. Obtained clean audit for year ended 30 June 2021;
  6. In process of reviewing Municipal Spatial Development Forum;
  7. Adjustment budget approved to cater inter alia for changes flowing from the BFI project and flood damage;
  8. Held a strategic session with Mayco and Administration where focus was placed on discussing critical changes and how they would benefit the municipality, communities and future prospects for George; followed by a strategic foresight session with Prof Morne Mostert;
  9. Vandalism remains a huge problem and we are looking at technology (with suppliers providing presentations) to address this;
  10. Discussing plans to extend CCTV camera system and to appoint additional Law Enforcement officers;
  11. Reviewing need to improve Revenue generation, enhancement, collection, use of technology and data analytics to better fund expenditure needs;
  12. In process of reviewing macrostructure to ensure a more efficient and “leaner” structure;
  13. Approved Disaster Management Plan;
  14. Post of Municipal Manager has been advertised;
  15. Immovable Property Policy has been reviewed;
  16. Adopt a Spot Policy has been submitted to Council and been workshopped;
  17. Informal Traders policy is being reviewed;
  18. Working on a new economic growth and development strategy;
  19. In negotiation with Western Cape Government  to take over “York Hostel” building to create more office space in CBD with Council scheduled to approve by March and property transfer earmarked for end June;
  20. Service charter booklets are being printed to inform each resident about what services they can expect from municipality and timelines for attending to complaints  (Western Cape Government have printed 30 000 now followed by further 30 000 after April);
  21. Delegations are in the process of being reviewed;
  22. George is booming and we are experiencing an influx of semi-gration residents from elsewhere in search of a better quality of life;
  23. Ongoing communication with stakeholders including fortnightly Mayor’s newsletter in George Herald;
  24. By-laws and applicable fines are being reviewed;
  25. Street naming policy being reviewed;
  26. For the first time in years all the Directors and MM were assessed mid-year;
  27. Neighbourhood Development Programme Grant application for Thembalethu has been approved and planning is underway.

Infrastructure focus:

  1. 20Ml WTW tender awarded. Civil works alone valued at R 263m. Also awarded tenders for upgrading of sewerage pump stations. In the process of upgrading the Old WTW;
  2. 4 stormwater projects completed: Conville, Parkdene, Thembalethu, Borcherds/Lawaaikamp with the next 4 due to commence on 01/03 as part of significant expenditure in under-developed areas;
  3. Construction of Outeniqua 10Ml WWTW is proceeding well that will significant upgrade waste-water treatment capacity for both public and private sector housing;
  4. Street upgrade of Market St to the value of R 30m which is major route for many Go George buses continues to proceed well;
  5. Request for Proposals was advertised for renewable energy from independent private producers which closed on 24 Jan 2022;
  6. 300kW solar panel PV plant already operational at the main municipal building and have now appointed consultants to commence with further project which will be a large solar panel plant which can produce 10MW. We are also looking at hydroelectric power. Have received a grant from Municipal Energy Resilience Fund and study is underway to plot a “roadmap” for renewable energy projects;
  7. Retrofitting of traffic lights and streetlights has commenced to convert to more efficient LED;
  8. Delivery of 10MV Protea Transformer has taken place with commissioning soon;
  9. Intensive maintenance programme for electrical infrastructure has commenced to improve reliability of the electricity network;
  10. High mast lighting in Thembalethu which has not been operational for many years has been fixed;
  11. Preparations done to enable Request for Proposals for electrification of informal settlements to be advertised in early March;
  12. Tender for 400kW PV plant for Outeniqua WWTW will be advertised in early March;
  13. Provision for generators at major sewerage pump stations to deal with load shedding included in Adjustment Budget;
  14. Approved provisions for formal electrification of Thembalethu Area 8C as part of UISP.

Impact on Economy and Jobs:

  1. Conscious season preparedness programme resulted in a very successful holiday season with businesses reporting excellent turnover and vast improvement on previous year. 1 Blue Flag beach and 2 pilot Blue Flags. Strict control at beaches with confiscating of alcohol. Tried to assist businesses with permitting applications for pavement trading, free vehicle 10-point safety checks and pointsmen to regulate traffic;
  2. Hosting of successful social sporting and lifestyle-oriented George Tens festival over 3-5 December;
  3. Approval of Film Policy to introduce framework for filming at locations across George;
  4. Approval of land sale for construction of World Class Tennis Facility;
  5. Held 1st competition standard swimming gala in 10 years at Conville swimming pool; have secured further gala events including a 5-day provincial event in March which will attract many visitors to the town;
  6. Old Car Show was once again a huge success and attracted over 11000 visitors and exhibitors, broadcast internationally on YouTube;
  7. Planning underway for hosting major school sports events for 6000 participants including Barefoot Champs, over end-March, early-April;
  8. An Events Policy has been drafted;
  9. Economic Recovery Plan strategy has been completed;
  10. Memorandum of Uunderstandings or Service Level Agreements: Garden Route Film Commission, George Business Chamber (focus on communication, mentorship and skills development, red tape reduction, unlocking opportunities for collaborative growth) and ongoing relationship engagements with Wesgro and WC Economic Development Partnership;
  11. Grant funding received for development of an enterprise development node in Pacaltsdorp;
  12. Grant funding received for automation of various processes to ensure ease of business. Once these are fully implemented, they will be replicated to other municipalities;
  13. Sweating Council assets/ properties for development and economic growth: Council approved Safari Braai land alienation to allow them to double their footprint, establishment of the only clay court tennis courts in SA;
  14. Increased capacity in Land Use Planning three-fold to accommodate developments and growth of city;
  15. Building Control outputs within legislated times frames 97%.

Improving life for citizens:

  1. Have installed 1st Uninterrupted Power Supply for traffic light at Mall and in next few months, 40 traffic lights will have uninterrupted power supply to alleviate traffic congestion during load-shedding;
  2. Construction for additional facility for motor vehicle registrations in Blanco has commenced and should be finished by end of June 2022, in addition to earlier establishment of bulk, motor dealer registration facility;
  3. Ward committees for the 2021-26 term have been established;
  4. George continues to run 123 soup kitchens and has just increased the allocation by R1m at the Adjustment Budget to improve the service to those in need; also facilitated collaboration of food/relief donors to make supplies available to regional food pantry based in George;
  5. Tender for the construction of the Compost facility has been awarded and construction will commence within the next month which will deal with all green waste;
  6. Electrification of some informal structures within limited budget availability;
  7. 124 houses handed over to beneficiaries in Thembalethu, Blanco and Pacaltsdorp during this period;
  8. Drafting the Human Settlements Sector Plan;
  9. Received funding to do a feasibility study for the development of Social Housing;
  10. Continued electrification of housing projects in Erf 325 (Eden Park) and Golden Valley;
  11. Installation of solar lights at Wilderness beach to improve public safety; and
  12. Festive lights upgraded by internal staff.

Inauguration date: 22 November 2021 to 1 March 2022 (= 100 Days)
Leon van Wyk, Executive Mayor, 1 March 2022

Addressing concerns on the Garden Route Dam Proposed Development

Issued George Municipality, 3 March 2022

George Municipality is aware of concerns raised on social media and in petitions pertaining to the proposed development at the GRD, namely the DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED TERTIARY AND MIXED-USE PRECINCT DEVELOPMENT AT THE GARDEN ROUTE DAM AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE ON A PORTION OF THE REMAINDER OF ERF 464, GEORGE (reference DEA&DP Ref: 16/3/3/2/D2/19/0000/22). These concerns have also been recorded as part of the extensive public participation process.

The Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report (DEIAR) has been made available by the relevant Environmental Assessment Practitioners, for comment, following the consent of the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning:  Environmental Impact Management Services ( DEADP) to proceed with the second round of public participation. The Draft EIA for the proposed development has been sent to all registered Interested and Affected parties for comment, but anyone is welcome to submit comments before 11 March 2022.

In and around 2018, Council received several queries from the private sector requesting access to land to establish a tertiary education or research institution. After careful consideration Council took a decision instructing the administration to investigate the use of Erf 464, adjacent to the Garden Route Dam as a site for such a development. Council also resolved that there be a process to attain the environmental approvals and the town planning or land rights. Finally, Council resolved that once the latter processes were completed, the matter must revert to Council for further consideration. At no time did Council indicate any intent to undertake such a development itself.

The Municipality went ahead and appointed consultants to undertake these two processes.  This has taken the better part of three years and the two applications will soon have to be adjudicated by the relevant authorities, namely the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (to assess the EIA) and the Eden Municipal Planning Tribunal- (to assess the town planning application).

The Environmental Impact Assessment application has now been completed and is accompanied by a 75-page motivating memorandum that includes five specialist reports including case studies, an urban design report, heritage impact and recommendations, a visual impact assessment, engineering report, stormwater management plan and traffic impact assessment. The document is available for download from the Sharples Environmental  Services (SES)website ( under the “Public Documents” section.  The other process- and technical documentation relating to this project is available on, Public Documents.

Besides making the document available to all who have registered as Interested and Affected Parties, notices inviting comment were placed by Sharples Environmental Services(SES) as required by DEADP. Anyone may comment on the report. Any additional comment on the DEIAR document and proposed activity must be submitted in writing to SES: Betsy Ditcham on or before 11 March 2022 by means of the following: Fax: 086-575 2869, email: or postal address: PO Box 443, Milnerton, 7435.

There are two interrelated, legislated processes relating to the proposed development, both inviting public participation/input and support, being the current Environmental Impact Assessment (SES EIA process), to be assessed by DEADP and the town-planning application, which will be independently evaluated by the Eden Municipal Tribunal.

DEADP has 108 days for comment and to make a final decision, hence there is a 5-month period until there is an environmental outcome and thereafter the town-planning application can be considered by the Tribunal. Neither the George Council nor any official will undertake any authorisation at all.

It must be noted that BOTH authorisations must be in place for any development to go ahead. If either one of the applications are refused, then the other cannot succeed. The town planning application will only be submitted to the Tribunal for consideration once DEADP has issued their decision.

Once the decisions have been made, both processes allow for a 21-day appeals period.

Unfortunately, the public comments and petitions made on social media and other platforms about this application are not necessarily accurate nor representative of the type of development envisioned. Please guard against misinformation.

Aspects of the projects which may impact on the environment have been studied by qualified professionals and the required adjustments were made to the initial project proposal (footprint). Points raised in the Public Participation process thus far and responses thereto are noted in the Appendix E of the Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report.  All concerned residents are invited to read the relevant studies, view the adjusted development proposal, and review the responses compiled in project documentation. A hard copy of the report DEIAR has been made available in the George Public Library.

Should this project come to fruition, specifications include more than 75ha of the 118ha (64%) to be open space conservation area. Of the remaining 36%, only 5ha (4%) will be commercial, and the rest (32%) will be educational and residential. The intention is that all future users become custodians of the space and the site be managed by firm rules in terms of an Environmental Management Plan.

It is important to note that although the land is owned by Council and the Municipality contracted the required applications, Council will not have any role in the authorisations or approvals at all. Furthermore, as stated previously, Council has no intention to develop the property itself.

In closing, George Municipality agrees that the dam should remain accessible to all citizens and believes that responsible, sustainable, mixed land use development will not only celebrate the qualities of this extraordinary site but also address some of the negative issues which residents are experiencing associated with large tracts of densely vegetated land – such as illegal occupation of land, sheltering of vagrants and criminals, cost of vegetation management and fire risk.

George Municipal response on Public Protector Findings

Issued George Municipality, 1 March 2022 – for immediate release

George Municipality today acknowledged the findings of the Public Protector Report as issued on Monday 28 February 2022 on an investigation into allegations of improper conduct and maladministration by George Municipality related to the alleged irregular investment of public funds with Old Mutual Limited.

Dr Michele Gratz, current Acting Municipal Manager, confirmed that as per the Public Protector report municipal funds were irregularly invested by a senior municipal official during 2017/2018 in terms of the processes followed,  which did not follow legislative requirements as set out by the Municipal Finance Management Act of 2000 and the Municipal Investment Regulations regarding the investment of funds.  

“The Council and administration of George Municipality has done everything in its power to prevent a recurrence of this very unfortunate incident which took place four years ago under the previous Municipal Manager and previous Mayor. Remedial steps commenced in 2019 and were completed in 2021 which were most in line with those indicated by the Public Protector.”

Executive Mayor, Ald Leon van Wyk has confirmed that the Audit Committee has been reconstituted and is operating efficiently. None of the current members of the Audit Committee served during 2017/2018 when the incident took place. The chairperson of Council also investigated the matter, and the Council sanctioned the Councillor concerned.

Dr Gratz emphasised that all officials involved in this irregular investment process in 2017 were disciplined and the then Chief Financial Officer was dismissed. A second official is no longer working at the George Municipality. The Municipal Manager at the time is also no longer in service. The full sum of R350 million invested, was retrieved with no loss of interest income to the George Municipality. A report on any additional remedial matters will be included in a report to the Council in May 2022.