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Author: Chantel Edwards

PN New Drive-Through Motor Vehicle Licence Service Available Soon


George Municipality will soon boast with a brand-new Motor Vehicle and Registration (MVR) satellite office which includes a drive-through service for license disk renewals – a first in the Western Cape Province. The building is located next to the Blanco Community Hall.

The new Motor Vehicle and Registration satellite office will handle bulk MVR services at the inside counters, and the innovative  drive-through service will only be for customers to renew up to a maximum of two Motor Vehicle Licence’s at a time. The official opening date for the site will be announced shortly.

Please see details below for how to renew your Motor Vehicle Licence using the drive through service.

Blanco Satellite Office
9 George Street, Blanco
Open weekdays 8am-3pm, except Wednesdays closed at 2pm due to compulsory training.

Drive Through Services at Blanco Satellite Office 

  1. ONLY Motor Vehicle Licence Renewals can be done at the Drive-through window. (All other transactions must be handled at the Hibernia Street premises.)
  2. An official on site will guide vehicles and proceedings at the drive-through in the initial stages.
  3. Please have your MVL2 printout or notice number ready. You cannot be assisted without this documentation. (Please note the Road Traffic Management Corporation
    (RTMC) no longer allows you to print a copy of your MVL2 from E-Natis.)
  4. Please note a maximum of two licenses can be processed per visit, per person.
  5. No cash payments will be accepted, payment is via card only.
  6. You must as a vehicle owner, REGISTER on E-Natis in order to receive a notification of the expiry of your MVR.

This is how you register on E-Natis:
Start by registering a profile online at  Choose between registering as a business or individual.

  1. Enter the following details for Individual: Identification type, Identification number, Initials and Surname.
  2. Enter the following details for businesses: Business/Company details – Identification type, Identification number, Company name. Proxy details – Identification type, Identification number, Initials, Surname.
  3. Please enter the CAW number of any of the vehicles registered in your name/company name in order to register and then proceed to the next step.
  4. Enter your latest cellphone number and E-mail address accurately, along with your chosen Username and password and click on NEXT.
  5. You or your company are now registered on the online E-Natis system and will receive your Electronic MVL2 via E-mail or Notice number via SMS, a month in advance of your motor vehicle license expiry date. (Please note the Road Traffic Management Corporation
    (RTMC) no longer allows you to print a copy of your MVL2 from E-Natis.)
  6. The amount for the renewal of your vehicle will be on the MVL2 Notice along with all your motor vehicle particulars.
  7. If you have previously registered on E-Natis, please ensure that your most recent E-mail address and cell phone number is updated in order to receive notification of your license expiry.
  8. Once you receive either an MVL2 notice via E-mail or Notice number via SMS, you may present this to the licensing office for your renewal.
  9. Please note that OVERDUE licenses may not be renewed with the MVL2 and Notice number. A green ALV form is required to renew OVERDUE  licenses and cases where the Owner/Company  did not receive any of these notifications.

Bulk Motor Vehicle Registration Counters at Blanco Satellite Office
Two Bulk Dealer MVR Counters are located inside the Blanco premises.

Motor Vehicle Registration and Licencing at Hibernia Street Office
Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9310 or 044 801 9311 or
(License renewals, registrations, duplicate registration certificates, permits etc)

Open to public weekdays 8am-3pm, except Wednesdays closed at 2pm due to compulsory training.

George Municipality urges Motorists to follow the above processes and register on E-Natis in order to be ready for the opening of the drive-through service.

Tourism Month launched in George

Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities, Mireille Wenger, Minister of Mobility, Daylin Mitchell, Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde and the Mayor of George, Leon van Wyk, kicked off the start of Minister Wenger’s Tourism Month Tour in George, on the Garden Route.

Speaking at the first stop, Wonki Wear pottery, in George, Minister Wenger said: “I am thrilled to begin my tourism tour right here in George, on the Garden Route which is a popular stop for both local and international travellers, and I am looking forward to visiting other regions during the course of September.”

Wonki Wear pottery was started roughly 20 years and has grown in popularity, as more locals became interested in learning pottery and in the product.

Minister Wenger said: “The story of Wonki Wear is the story of so many of the wonderful tourism orientated businesses we have in the Western Cape. The tourism sector is an important contributor to our economy and creates many jobs. Wonki Wear, for example, produces roughly 3 000 pottery items per day and employs approximately 100 local people – a few have become world renowned potters.”

The next stop was Redberry farm, an agri-tourism business, which offers many different options for the family to enjoy, such as berry picking, a giant strawberry, and the biggest standing hedge maze in the southern hemisphere. Last year alone, the farm produced 500 tons of strawberries.

“Redberry farm is a truly impressive example of the berry industry, which is the single biggest employer in the region. But it also doubles as a tourist attraction, with around approximately 30% visitors coming from abroad. Like locals, they will take stories of their fantastic experiences back home and encourage others to visit our beautiful destination again”

“The story of local businesses like Wonki Ware and Redberry Farm should be the story for all entrepreneurial ventures in the Western Cape: one of being brave, taking initiative, tapping into unique ideas, and building your business up through a combination of hard work, resourcefulness, and passion,” said Premier Alan Winde.

He added: “Job creation is a core priority for the Western Cape Government. Wonki Ware alone employs dozens of locals and that must be lauded. As the business grows I hope it will offer even more employment opportunities to the community.”

While trying his hand at a bit of pottery at the Wonki Ware factory in George, the Premier praised the owners and staff for all they do in helping to “mold” job creation in the town. “This is exactly the kind of entrepreneurial spirit we as the Western Cape Government want to nurture in the province,” he added, “Where a pastime or hobby like pottery is transformed into a fully-fledged, thriving business which helps create employment.”

At Redberry Farm Premier Winde said: “I am immensely impressed at all that this one business offers to locals and tourists. There seems to be something for everyone who visits here.” The Premier encouraged other would-be entrepreneurs to consider basing their businesses in their passions. The Premier said: “Tourism is a major job creator in the Western Cape and we need to utilise the sector to its full potential.”

Leon Van Wyk, Executive Mayor of George Municipality said he was excited to be able to host the Premier and the Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities and accompanied the team to the Wonki Factory and Redberry Farm.

Mayor Van Wyk said: “We believe that this will be a most interesting morning for our visitors from the Western Cape Government, we would certainly like to see many more tourists coming to visit George and explore the myriad tourism opportunities we have to offer within our municipal area.”

Minister Wenger concluded: “I encourage our residents to get out and explore our province this tourism month, as I will be doing in the coming month. Many tourism businesses will be offering specials to celebrate Tourism Month, and this is a great opportunity to support this industry which struggled so much during the pandemic.”

George becoming a sought-after film destination

With great beauty comes great responsibility is a twist on the old saying “With great power comes great responsibility”. George Municipality is well aware of the beauty of the natural resources we are surrounded by, and for that reason care was taken in setting up and formalising the George Filming Policy approved in 2021. The policy combined with ongoing promotion of the destination as an ideal filming location has meant that George is getting increasing requests for filming permits, from local as well as national producers.

The municipality recognises the valuable contribution of filming to the economic and cultural environment of George and surrounds and the policy aims to create a film-friendly environment while at the same time balancing the film industry requirements against community and environmental considerations to ensure the responsible use of public resources and the maintenance of community amenities.

George  Municipality has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Garden Route Film Office to market locations, promote the destination and train local staff and students to become well versed with the film industry, to foster a better understand of the requirements and the service levels expected from this industry.  The return on investment can be extremely lucrative, and although nominal fees are charged for permits, to ensure the sustainable and legal use of the locations, the main benefit is to the George business community.

Riders during the 2017 BUCO Karoo 2 Coast MTB race from Uniondale to Knysna – 24 September 2017 | photo by Ewald Sadie

Film crews can spend several million rand a week in a location, and this money is poured straight into the community for services such as accommodation, transport, arts  and crafts, hiring of equipment and casual staff.  A production company recently spent in the region of R3 million during their three weeks stay in George, which included a filming day on Victoria Bay beach. This economic injection into George’s economy was applauded by the Executive Mayor, Leon van Wyk. “We are privileged to have hosted a film production unit with a crew of 70 based in local accommodation for three weeks making use of our scenic locations. Local individuals who acquire technical skills on film sets are then retained by film crews during future visits” he said.

“Film Promotion, as with Tourism Promotion does not have a direct return on investment for the George Municipality but is rather strategically marketed to stimulate business for the local tourism and film-related businesses.  As Tourism Manager, Joan Shaw puts it “We promote the destination to make the town tills ring!  The beauty is that everyone can benefit as the requirements are diverse ranging from accommodation, transport, and catering to engineering, artist, and event actors for bit parts.”

If you wish to register a location of your business as a provider to future film productions, please register on, register, and upload your product details.

For more information or assistance kindly contact Heloine America, at the George Tourism Office on 044 801 9293.

Find the GM Film Policy on




NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on MONDAY 22 AUGUST 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 12H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on TUESDAY 23 AUGUST 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 12H00




KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op MAANDAG 22 AUGUSTUS 2022 VANAF 09H00 TOT 12H00 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op DINSDAG 23 AUGUSTUS 2022 VANAF 09H00 TOT 12H00



The outage that was scheduled for tonight has been cancelled due to the rain.
The outage will be moved to an alternative date.

Issued George Municipality, 17 August @ 19h30


Wednesday, 17 August 2022, @ 16h00

Stage 2 Loadshedding will be implemented at 16:00 – 24:00 this evening. Due to the shortage of generation capacity, loadshedding
will be implemented during the same time on Thursday afternoon.

George will be affected:
17 Aug – None
18 Aug – 22:00 – 00:00

Uniondale will be affected:
17 Aug – 17:00 – 19:30
18 Aug – 17:00 – 19:30

Issued George Mun

Road Upgrades in George – spending must take place to avoid loss of grant funding

George Municipality has been inundated with comments regarding all the road upgrades taking place throughout the city in the past few days and this is understandable, considering the impact on all road users. George Municipality is aware of the inconvenience caused by these infrastructure upgrades but as stated a few months ago by George Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk, the municipality is committed to optimizing road upgrades across the city.

“George Municipality continually pursues other sources of funding to address as many issues as possible. The road upgrade projects will utilize funding from three sources over the next three financial years including George Integrated Public Transport Network (GIPTN) funding, own budget and Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) funding as well as in the case of the York Street Circles, private funding,” said Ald Van Wyk.

The most frequently asked question is why these road upgrades on major routes are all being implemented within a short time period and were not staggered to lessen the overall impact of road users. The main reason for this is the source of funding, and the timeframes in which expenditure must be incurred.  Grant funding has very specific conditions attached, one being the period during which the allocated funding must be spent – if the funding is not used it does not rollover to the next financial year and it is returned to the source.

With this in mind, it must also be noted that certain government departments work on the premise that if a Local Municipality achieves a certain expenditure percentage by November/December of the municipal financial year,  additional funding may be diverted from under-spending municipalities and additional grant funding can be allocated during the national adjustment budget process.

Funding received from Western Cape Provincial Government for the upgrading and maintenance of Proclaimed Roads must be fully spent by 31 December (CJ Langenhoven, York Street), while achieving expenditure targets i.e., percentage of spend achieved on the Public Transport Network Grant Funding projects (Airways, Golf, Market and Tabata Streets) places the George Municipality in a very good position to receive additional funds during the national adjustment budget process.

George has been blessed this year with large grant and external allocations, far more than in any other financial year, to upgrade infrastructure for residents. The upgrading of this infrastructure is very costly and for the Municipality to fund these upgrades would require many millions that could only be generated by drastically increasing rates and taxes as the cost would have to be funded by revenue from municipal sources. “The municipality is grateful for these additional income sources that have enabled us to upgrade overall infrastructure and pedestrian experience, which ultimately benefit business, promote investment and improves quality of life,” said Browen Johnson, Portfolio Councillor for Civil Engineering Services.

As far as is possible major construction work is scheduled annually for completion by December , or for commencement in January of the next year. George is a major tourist and holiday destination, and the annual December-January peak holiday season is also the peak economic season for many businesses in George, both big and small . Apart from its abundant natural attractions, George’s main attraction is also it’s excellent services and infrastructure. These road upgrades will significantly improve the main accesses to George, as well as other well-travelled routes.

For the duration of the construction period, Traffic officials and/or point duty officers will be utilized during peak hours where possible to try and assist with traffic flow.


This project is funded by various private stakeholders.

Construction of the two new traffic circles in York Street next to the old tourist resort (Mount View Resort) between Hope Street Circle and the GO GEORGE Bus Depot commenced on Monday, 8 August 2022 and is expected to be completed during December 2022. These road upgrades are required to accommodate the additional traffic which is expected to be generated by the proposed Mediclinic, 1 on York and residential developments where the Crocodile Farm was previously situated.  The designs adhere to Municipal and Provincial requirements, but the project is funded by various private stakeholders.

The construction will take place in two phases, which entails the following:
Phase 1 has commenced in August 2022 and entails the construction of two “half circles” in the western carriageway. During this phase, the western dual lane carriageway (indicated in yellow) will be closed to traffic. Motorists will be diverted to the eastern dual lane carriageway (indicated in red) which will be used for two-way traffic.

Phase 2 is expected to commence in October 2022 and entails the construction of the remain “half circles” in the eastern carriageway. During this phase, the eastern dual lane carriageway (indicated in red) will be closed to traffic. Motorists will be diverted to the western dual lane carriageway (indicated in yellow) which will be used for two-way traffic.

This project is funded mainly from the Public Transport Network Grant.
This project will see a significant positive upgrade in the Central Business District. The five phases are progressing well, noting that the project did experience ongoing challenges with intermittent and frequent rain that is always problematic with deeper excavations. The optic fibre service provider co-ordinated their installations with the works and impact on sidewalk space in certain areas, but this work has been concluded.

The full project extends from York Street to Hope Street (in 5 phases with two phases completed, one nearing completion (End of August 2022), and the latest two progressing very well (set to be completed February 2023) and includes a full rebuild and upgrade of the full road reserve and includes the asphalting of the pedestrian walkways that include the paving of the furniture zone. (The furniture zone is the area for all street furniture (benches), streetlights, waste bins etc. and acts as a buffer between the roadway and the pedestrian sidewalk.)

As far as possible direct property access is maintained with the necessary arrangements /provisions made in advance with any affected business owner via Mr Alewijn Dippenaar.  Business and property owners affected by the road construction are requested to contact Alewijn Dippenaar at or on 082 457 5675 if they have any queries or concerns, and must not communicate directly with, or request information from the Contractor’s personnel.

This project is funded mainly from the Public Transport Network Grant.
The introduction of the GO GEORGE public bus transport service and the increased traffic volumes in Airway Road has led to serious degradation of the road structure, requiring a rebuild to renew the life cycle of this important transport asset. The work consists of rehabilitation of the 600m of Airway Road, while including realignment of the traffic circles.  The project is set to be completed by mid-October 2022.

This project is funded mainly from the Public Transport Network Grant.
The introduction of the GO GEORGE  public bus transport service and the increased traffic volumes in Golf Street has led to serious degradation of the road structure, requiring a rebuild to renew the life cycle of this important transport asset. The work consists of rebuilding the majority of Golf Street and is set to commence in the second portion of 2022, subject to the securing of sufficient funding.

This project is funded mainly from the Public Transport Network Grant.
The upgrading of the next portion of Tabata Street, Thembalethu, from Mfayana Street to Mbewo street (about 600m), commenced in July 2022 and the contractor is progressing with the works. This phase of construction is set to be completed end February 2023. The improvements to this main arterial through Zone 12, 13 and 15 will most certainly improve the experience of road users, pedestrians and the lives of residents.

The road, sidewalk (similar to other community routes) and stormwater system upgrades will improve vehicle and pedestrian movement and reduce flooding of the street and properties. The entire intended Tabata Street upgrade extends from the intersection with Nelson Mandela Boulevard (Fourways) to where the road re-joins Nelson Mandela Boulevard and will be implemented in phases, subject to the securing of sufficient funding.

Project funded jointly by SANRAL and the Public Transport Network Grant
This strategic upgrade is long overdue and involves the doubling of the original bridge, significant improvements to sidewalks and non-motorised transport facilities, upgraded N2 on-off ramps and the widening of Nelson Mandela Boulevard between Main/Ncamazana Streets in the north and Tabata/Ngcakani Streets in the south. It has taken more than 12 years to secure funding for this project that is now jointly funded by SANRAL and the Public Transport Network Grant. This project will see a marked improvement in traffic flow and safety of all road users, and especially residents of Thembalethu, this being the only access to Thembalethu. Construction work has commenced with an anticipated completion date in May 2024.

Provincial Government Western Cape provides 80% of the funding for these projects
CJ Langenhoven Road and York Street are both Proclaimed Roads within the Municipal Road Network. As part of the Grant Funding for maintenance of these roads provided by Western Cape Government: Transport and Public Works (which are the Road Authority of both Roads), George Municipality was fortunate to get a significant portion of the Provincial Budget for such roads. The condition of the Grant Funding is that it be spent before the end of December 2022, which calls for an overlapping of the two projects to meet the condition. Consideration has been given to coordinate the two projects to ensure that traffic disruptions are limited to the absolute minimum. With the projects being rolled out in winter, it makes it difficult to programme night work, due to a drop in the temperature which makes it difficult to work with asphalt and the placement thereof.

Resealing of CJ Langenhoven Road (Phase 2) between Davidson Road (Provincial Hospital) and York Street has commenced and follows on Phase 1 that took place between Witfontein and Davidson Road. The remedial work will require the milling and removal of existing bituminous layers as well as milling and removal of existing gravel base layers. The milling operations will be followed by the placing of new bituminous base layers and surface layers. The above work will be carried out in half widths and CJ Langenhoven Street will be restricted to one-way traffic at times.

Traffic will be managed by means of Stop and Go or rerouted. This will lead to traffic congestion and delays. Access to businesses will be maintained, however parking between Palm Road and York Street will be impacted. Reconstruction and repairs to kerbs will have no major traffic impact. The anticipated completed date is mid- October 2022.

Similar to CJ Langenhoven Road (Phase 2), York Street also requires the milling and removal of existing bituminous layers as well as milling and removal of existing gravel base layers that will be followed by the placing of new bituminous base layers and surface layers. The anticipated commencement date is mid-September 2022 with a completion date projected by end of December 2022.

The impact on traffic movement varies for each project depending on the nature of the work done, and the details are published in advertisements in local print media and on the George Municipality social media channels ahead of commencement of construction. If the GO GEORGE service will be affected this is communicated by GO GEORGE champions on location as well as via the usual social media and other communication platforms. Municipal services such as water, sewer and electricity may be temporarily disrupted, and planned disruptions will be communicated via social media when required.

Unplanned Power Outage

Issued George Mun, 15 August @ 16h03

Power Outage affecting the Airport line, Portion Herolds Bay, and Proefplaas. Electricians are on their way.


Us ‘Georgiette’s’ or ‘Georgians’ are the envy of many South Africans, especially those far from the sea, sitting in long daily traffic commutes – we won’t say who! We get to live in one of the top destinations in South Africa, surrounded by abundant beauty yet with all our creature comforts within proximity, and plenty to do and see! Each month the tourism section of George Municipality, which represents the tourism offices for George, Wilderness and Uniondale, will be sharing snippets to help you get to know more about all that is available to you and your visiting friends and family.
  • AfriCamps at Oakhurst Farm, Wilderness area – Winter Special: Book any room for 3 nights and save R500. Valid until 30 September 2022.
  • Cinnamon Boutique Guest House, Wilderness area – Winter Special: Stay for two nights at 50% discount. Valid until 31 August 2022.
  • Die Plaaskind Padstal, Uniondale area – Winter Special: R250pps when staying two nights and get a complimentary coffee and cake. Valid until 22 September 2022.
  • Eagle Falls, Uniondale area – 30% off accommodation. Valid until 21 November 2022.
  • Escape to the Beach, Wilderness area – Winter Special: 20% off. Direct booking only from their website. Valid until 31 August 2022.
  • Fancourt Hotel, George area – Women’s Month Special: Celebrate being a woman with the ultimate relaxing and rejuvenating experience at Fancourt. Spend 3 nights’ at Fancourt and enjoy the Spa at Fancourt with complimentary use of their Roman Bath, sauna, steam room and tepidarium at R5,997pp. Valid during August only.
  • Fancourt Hotel, George area – To Unlock Paradise book three, five or seven nights and enjoy a round of golf, a meal or a treatment on them.
  • The Manor House at Fancourt, George area – To Unlock Paradise book three, five or seven nights at the Manor House and enjoy a round of golf, a meal or a treatment on them. Includes 3 nights’ accommodation, breakfast daily, spa treatments to the value of R1300, a canapé lunch and a gift.
  • Moontide Guest Lodge, Wilderness area – Winter Special: Two nights’ accommodation on the banks of the beautiful Touw River, a 60-minute couple’s massage, breakfast under the Milkwoods (or next to the fire), plus a bottle of bubbly or wine at R1,750pp. Valid until 30 September 2022.
  • Nima Lodge, Wilderness area – Winter Special: Book three nights for the price of two. Valid until 01 September 2022.
  • Over the Mountain Guest Farm, George area – Winter Special: Stay for three nights, and only pay for two. Valid until August 2022.
  • Toorbos Cottages, Wilderness area – Winter Special: Book a five-day mid-week stay and only pay for 4 nights. Valid until 31 October 2022, excluding weekends and public holidays.
  • Acrobranch Garden Route, Wilderness area – The Tailored Family Package Deal is R720 for up to 4 people, choose any course available (min 1 adult, 1 child). Get 40% discount on all mid-week team building, year-end functions, school outings and field trips.
  • Joplins Steak Bar, Wilderness area. Winter Special: Tuesday R85 burger special, R120 Sirloin special. Valid every Tuesday until 30 September 2022.
Terms and conditions apply for all deals issued herein, and deals can be changed or withdrawn by the businesses represented.
What’s happening in George? Here are a selection of local events taking place over the next month. Contact us for the full events calendar or go to
20 August 2022: Jakhals MTB & Trail Run Challenge at Arendsrus Country Lodge in George
What makes this event so special is the breath-takingly beautiful area it explores. It starts and ends at ArendsRus Country Lodge, an oasis consisting of 75 hectares of farmlands with lush green vegetation and fynbos gardens, glorious views and abundant birdlife. The route encompasses Jonkersberg and Geelhoutboom farmlands. Mountain bikers can choose between a 26km, 38km and 52km. This forms part of the XCM series (cross country marathon). There is even a special category for e-bikes, who can enter on the 52km. Trail runners can enjoy a panoramic 9km route.
25-28 August 2022: George Landbouskou at George Show Grounds
The George Landbouskou is the Western Cape’s biggest agricultural show, but it isn’t just for farmers and it’s not just about animals! There’s also a sports festival, live concerts and a fun fair. For people with children or anyone curious about farming, the SA Jersey Championships are taking place from Wednesday to Friday and visitors will be able to see how cows are milked. On Thursday and Friday, over 600 chickens will be at the show, and there are also sheep shearing demonstrations on the Friday. General entertainment includes a fun fair with food stalls, a variety of inflatables for kids and arts and craft stalls, as well as live music. On the Friday, there will be “oppie stoep” local artists, with Laatnag Idees and headliner Early B. Saturday will feature “oppie stoep’s”, Byron Minnie, Michael Lindt, Caroline Grace and headline artist, Fatman. The sports festival will be taking place from Thursday with a unique line up – tug of war, a Strong Man competition (lifting + pulling a truck), power lifting (weights), horse riding, kick boxing and traditional boxing fights. On the Saturday night, petrol heads can also enjoy stock car racing! The Sunday of the show features a praise and worship concert.
16-17 September 2022: Thousand Sensations Craft Liquor Food & Music Festival at Woodfields Estate, George
This annual event takes place on the Map of Africa and calls to craft enthusiasts! Not the knitting type, mind you, but the liquor type. The festival village is set in a natural amphitheatre and there are a variety of craft beer and other types of craft liquor stalls, as well as food vendors, a tented area and a large live music stage with headline artist, Andra. Festival goers can taste and buy the crafts available which include beer, whiskey, gin, brandy, rum, beer and more. Set in an incredible natural setting, situated on grasslands between natural, pine and eucalyptus forest and with magnificent mountain and sea views, this festival promises to not only be fun but also beautiful. For those wanting to stay over, there are a limited number of caravans which can be booked; alternatively, guests can bring their own caravans and tents for a fee. Make sure to organise responsible transport arrangements.
Want to know more about what you can see and do and where you can stay in George, Wilderness and Uniondale?
Contact George Tourism:
044 801 9295




NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on THURSDAY 18 AUGUST 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on
FRIDAY 19 AUGUST 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30




KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op WOENSDAG 17 AUGUSTUS 2022 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op DONDERDAG 18 AUGUSTUS 2022 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30



NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on WEDNESDAY 17 AUGUST 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on THURSDAY 18 AUGUST 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30


Dam level: 89.94%
Estimated level at new dam wall height: 71.56
Rainfall since 3 August 2022: 3.6mm
Demand/usage per day: 33.3 megalitres

(Please note the dam level indication is based on the spillway and dam wall height before it was raised, the latter is the new unofficial estimation based on preliminary calculations ahead of re-calibration of the dam. Re-calibration has commenced and is dependent on several factors. Adjusted official readings will be implemented and reported once new capacity has been confirmed, the time period of this is unknown).

Section 2B water restrictions for Uniondale and George remain in place as per Council decision.
Uniondale and George water restrictions details on

Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

Media Statement :  Illegal Land Invasion Addressed in Touwsranten

George Municipality has as landowner, on 2 August 2022, addressed the illegal land invasion of Erf 125/1, a portion of land which is located outside the urban edge of Touwsranten. The illegal occupation of this portion of land took place in September 2020. An interdict was issued by the court and was served on the illegal occupants in November 2021, giving 90 calendar days to vacate the property.

ERF 125/1 is an environmentally sensitive area with falls within the SANParks buffer area. The illegal settlement encroaches on water courses, critical biodiversity areas and on ecological support areas and is not earmarked for future housing developments. The eviction order was executed by the Sheriff of the Court assisted by Public Order Police, Municipal Traffic and Law Enforcement Officials.

The illegal structures, approximately 219 have been demolished and the “building” materials removed have been stored at a temporary site with security for a limited period, as per the court order. Measures have been taken to assist vulnerable individuals as defined by the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act, 1998.

As per the court order, the unlawful occupiers have been given an opportunity to either check their registration on the housing database, or to register, should they qualify. Municipal officials from the Human Settlements division were on hand to assist with such registration.


UPDATE – N2 has reopened in both directions.
Issued George Mun, Wednesday 28 July @ 12h02

UPDATE: N2 direction Mossel Bay to George open
Thursday 28 July @ 10h00

BOTH LANES OF THE N2 have been OPENED travelling direction Mossel Bay to George

Remains CLOSED both lanes travelling direction Wilderness to Mossel Bay – motorists continue to be be diverted into George at the Pacaltsdrop turnoff (York/Beach Road) and can exit George via the R102, Airport road.


UPDATE – Thursday 28 July, 09h00

N2 remains closed as per earlier notice. Updates will be provided.
Traffic Congestion in CBD George and on R102 has been aggravated by the closure and we request all motorists to please exercise patience and caution.


Thursday 28 July @ 07h15
N2 travelling direction George to Mossel Bay – both lanes are currently closed following a three vehicle accident approximately 1.1km from the Pacaltsdorp-George offramp. Emergency services and traffic officials are on the scene.
One lane has been partially opened in the direction Mossel Bay to George . Motorists travelling to George are advised to take the Airport offramp to access George via the R102.
NOTE – N2 expected to remain closed for at least next two hours. Updates will be provided.



The following areas will be affected:

NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on TUESDAY 02 AUGUST 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on WEDNESDAY 03 AUGUST 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30


Die volgende areas sal geraak word:

KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op DINSDAG 02 AUGUSTUS 2022 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op WOENSDAG 03 AUGUSTUS 2022 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30

PUBLIC NOTICE: Leasing of Erven 1723 Wilderness and 1546 Hoekwil

Your comment ON THIS NOTICE is welcomed, with a deadline of 26 August 2022.
Please follow the link below to access the information.

George Nominated as Best Dorpie for KFM #best of the cape awards

George Tourism is thrilled to announce that George has been nominated as Best Dorpie by the Kfm 94.5 #bestofthecapeawards together with Best Hotel: Views Boutique Hotel and Spa and
Best Pet Friendly Eatery: The Marshmellow Garden Café and Best Tourism Attraction: Redberry Farm.

“George is becoming increasingly popular as a family holiday destination and holiday makers and residents are appreciating the quality of service and the value that they receive from our top-class tourism businesses.  We encourage every user of these properties to please vote for them, so that George can take its rightful place as an excellent, value for money destination on the Western Cape, and South African stage,” said Joan Shaw, George Tourism Manager.

The best Tourist Attraction – Redberry Farm  has been nominated

The Cape’s Best Hotel – Views Boutique Hotel & Spa has been nominated


Best Dorpie – the town of George is a nominated

Best Pet Friendly Eatery – The Marshmallow Garden Café

Portfolio Councillor for Finance and Strategic Services, Dirk Wessels was delighted with the nominations and warmly congratulated all for getting this far ! “I am seeing how consistent efforts by our tourism department are reaping rewards, with more people wanting to visit George to attend more events, conferences, and activities than ever before.  With the added benefit of the Kfm94.5 and other media exposure, we are looking forward to reaching pre-COVID numbers by this summer holiday season and then growing our destination from strength to strength into the years beyond,” he said.PLEASE vote for George and our fellow George nominees on the #KFM website:

Voting closes on 3 August AND everyone who votes will be entered into KFM’s lucky draw to win your share of R10 000!

#BestOfTheCape #KfmBestoftheCape#George#TourismGeorge #ViewsHotel #Wilderness #GardenRoute #Winter #ViewsWelllnessEmporium #WellnessWednesday #WinterWellness
#fullbody #massage#LovingWhatsLocal #LocalIsLekker#WePromoteGluttony#redberryfarm#strawberry #thegiantstrawberry #fun #smile #happy #adventure #pictures #big #huge
#strawberries #berry #berries #holiday #landmark #new #george #gardenroute #tourism #southafrica #adventure #explore #blessed #explorer



OCC 2022

George, Garden Route (July 2022) – Father, spouse, actuarial analyst, professional para-athlete, motivational speaker – meet Pieter du Preez, and find out how your business can be part of the fun!

Electric anticipation reigns in the inner sanctums of Outeniqua Chair Challenge (OCC) participants and organisers, many months into the planning of this year’s event – the largest wheelchair affair of its kind in Africa.

As usual, Carpe Diem School serves as start and finish hub for a 5km fun event and races over various distances on Saturday October 15. Routes include a 42.2km marathon and 21.1km half-marathon, as well as 10km and 5km races. Carpe Diem also facilitates pre-registration and an official opening function on Friday the 14th.

After two years during which Covid 19 prevented hosting of the OCC, excitement about its 19th edition is palpable. Not only does this George institution attract participants from all over SA, but also athletes from neighbouring countries such as Zimbabwe, Namibia, and even Ghana.

Pieter du Preez is an OCC mainstay, having attended every event since 2005 – except when he had to participate in the UCI Para-cycling world championships at the same time in 2019.

And a world champ is Pieter indeed: he was the only South African Paralympic athlete who won a medal for his country in the wheelchair division. And he’s particularly pumped up for his 16th experience of OCC camaraderie.

People inspire
Pieter says his family, his faith, fellow disabled folk, and many a sports hero have motivated him over the years. “Of course there’s also my will to win. But people in general remain my biggest incentive.

“I might inspire strangers who cross my path. They often mention this fact and usually offer some form of assistance. In turn, their feedback and helpfulness motivate me to live fully, because of the positive impact it has on others.”

Pieter believes that you don’t need to be a superhero to inspire – just be a normal person with a smile. “Even a simple thing like a smile can make someone’s day and motivate others.”

George rocks!
Pieter says that apart from George being a beautiful town to visit, he greatly admires its residents and local leadership for their willingness to host this unique event annually, to the benefit of hundreds of differently-abled participants.

“Us professional athletes constitute but a minor part of the OCC machine. The enjoyment experienced by participants in all other categories is immeasurable. Few will be able to fully understand what this opportunity – being part of something so immense – means to every participant.

“It’s always a joy to see George locals presenting a united front, and jumping in to assist. Some help to push participants who can’t get along on their own steam, and many others encourage us along the way. The patience of motorists as we take over the streets on

OCC Saturday speaks volumes about this special George community.
“We as participants are eternally grateful for this privilege we only get in George, but unfortunately nowhere else in our country. For many disabled athletes, the OCC paves the way to a Para-Olympic podium… from the horse’s mouth! Thank you, George.”

Covid-19 impact
In the run-up to the last OCC, held in 2019, Pieter was looking forward to a possible English Channel swim, and to complete a sub-12 hour Ironman. Do those goals still apply, now that C19 has given us a little bit of leeway?

“It’s wonderful that our post-C19 world has started to move a little once again. I will continue to pursue those two challenges – if life allows. The reality is that I’m going blind, so C19 has robbed me of valuable sight time.”

Pieter says he is focusing on Paris 2024, depending on his eyesight and general health: he broke his shoulder and tore ligaments in August 2020, when he went to collect his son from school and suffered a terrible fall from his chair.

“Life happens, and I’ll have to see how my shoulders and body will brave the road ahead. There will always be dreams to realise and, God willing, a sub-12 IM and English Channel swim remain long-term goals.

“But the most important thing is that we spread positive vibes en route to our destination. If we have to adapt along the way, then we’ll do just that.”

Boost your business
OCC organisers have added a special category that enables businesses to get involved: for only R3000 you can enter someone from your company in the fun run. Just provide the wheelchair and a team to push it along the 5km route.

Use this excellent opportunity to market your business with banners and brochures at the Carpe Diem School race centre, while at the same time supporting people in wheelchairs.

Visit for pre-registration and contact Alewijn Dippenaar on 082 457 5675 or with enquiries. The OCC once again enjoys generous support from George Municipality