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Author: Chantel Edwards


Loadshedding will be maintained at Stage 2 continuously until further notice. There will be no Stage 3 loadshedding during the evenings, as had been previously communicated.

Consumers are reminded to use electricity sparingly especially when power returns after load shedding. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network. Consumers are requested, where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding.


Friday 25 Nov 2022

Saturday 26 Nov 2022
10:00 – 12:30
18:00 – 20:30

Sunday 27 Nov 2022
18:00 – 20:30

Monday 28 Nov 2022
02:00 – 04:30


Friday 25 Nov 2022
13:00 – 15:30

Saturday 26 Nov 2022
13:00 – 15:30
21:00 – 23:30

Sunday 27 Nov 2022
21:00 – 23:30

Monday 28 Nov 2022
05:00 – 07:30

Issued George Municipality

Stricter Water Restrictions announced – Adherence critical to manage treated drinking water capacity

Stricter Water Restrictions will be implemented for George following a decision taken at Council today, 24 November 2022. The restrictions in place since 25 January 2022 will be replaced with intensified Water Restrictions to better manage the use of potable (treated drinking water).

Low rainfall over past three months
The catchment area of George received a much lower than predicated rainfall with a total of only 117.2mm recorded from 1 July  – 14 November 2022. Predictions by the Cape Town Forecasting Office(South African Weather Service)  for the Garden Route for the next three months (December – February 2023) currently remain uncertain, but not positive.

Temporary Water Treatment Package Plant
The Municipality has noted a marked increase in daily water usage since the first week of November this year marking the start of what is expected to be an unusually busy festive season. With the additional 20Ml/day Water Treatment Works (treats raw water to drinking water standard) under construction for the next three years (Completion 2025) and various improvements at the Old WTW (circa 1950) still in process, the water treatment capacity remains limited, and a temporary water treatment package plant will be installed to supplement the potable (drinking water)  with an extra 5 Ml/day. This temporary plant will be operational from mid-December and provide much needed additional capacity to meet the peak season demand, however there remains a high risk of not being able to meet the full demand.

Current Dam Level at 51%
The Garden Route Dam level this week (21 November 2022) was recorded at 51.88% current storage for the new raised dam wall height. The dam was at 100% this time last year after the flood events, and the level has steadily declined since then due to poor rainfall. The official calibration of the dam will be concluded in the coming months, however the current volumes are deemed to be acceptably indicative.

At the moment George falls within the category of Medium Risk in terms of Water Storage Risk Classification ( 3 to 6 months raw water supply) as we are dependent on river abstraction for water supply.

Stricter Water Restrictions Announced
The limited water treatment capacity, and ongoing non-compliance with the water restrictions by certain consumers, necessitates the implementation of increased water restrictions together with the introduction of more punitive measures to encourage reduced water consumption. The ongoing loadshedding also has a negative impact on the ability to treat raw water (despite the use of generators) reducing the reliability of daily treatment volumes.

The enhanced water restrictions will have financial implications for residents, businesses and industry who do not manage their water use conservatively. The implementation of punitive rates is seen as a last resort as an incentive to adhere to restrictions and reduce consumption.

These restrictions are specific to the George city area, and not Uniondale and Haarlem.

Public Participation Process
The intended Water Restrictions and applicable Emergency Tariffs will be made available for public comment for a period of 14 days with notices published in the local media.  The notice can be viewed on the website. Notices  will be placed at public libraries, area offices, Municipal offices and the Municipal Notice Boards.

Comments can be emailed to Ms Sam Gcagcaso at, or delivered as a handwritten submission on weekdays (07h45- 16h30) to the Department: Civil Engineering Services, Old Town Hall, corner of Market and York Streets, and by no later than 16h30 on 12 December 2022.

Report contraventions of the current Water Restrictions on 0800 424477 – fines apply.
Report all water leaks on 044 801 
9262/66  or A/ h 044 801 6300

Water Leaks can also be reported at your nearest Area Office or Thusong Centre, emailed to , via the Municipal App or phoned in to 044 801 9311.


GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL – Water Restrictions remain in place

Percentage storage at old unraised dam wall height: 67.14%
Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height : 53.72%
Rainfall for the month of October 2022 (George Witfontein Weather Station): 56.8mm
Rainfall for the month of October 2022 (George Tierkop Weather Station): 60.6mm
Current Demand/usage per day: 37.3 megalitres

(Please note the dam level indication is based on the spillway and dam wall height before it was raised, the latter is the new unofficial estimation based on preliminary calculations ahead of re-calibration of the dam. Re-calibration has commenced and is dependent on several factors. Adjusted official readings will be implemented and reported once new capacity has been confirmed, the time period of this is unknown).

Section 2B water restrictions for Uniondale and George remain in place as per Council decision.
Uniondale and George water restrictions details on

The immediate measures to be adhered to are as follows:

  • Mechanical or automatic irrigation/watering devices or sprinkler systems for gardens are prohibited. Gardens may only be watered with a handheld hose from 19h00 – 21h00 (September – April) and 17h00 – 19h00 (May – August)
  • Mondays/Thursdays: Even-numbered households ONLY
  • Tuesdays/Fridays: Uneven numbered households ONLY
  • The irrigation or watering of all sports fields is prohibited.  Exemption applies only for golf course greens, bowling greens, and cricket pitches daily between 19h00 – 21h00.
  • The washing of vehicles using a handheld/garden hose, except by a commercial enterprise, is prohibited.
  • Cleaning of any outside surface area using a hosepipe/mechanical means is prohibited. The use of a bucket is permitted.
  • Filling of swimming pools is prohibited.
  • Where own water from a borehole or reservoir is used, “OWN WATER” signage must be displayed.
  • Exemption can be applied for and considered, please contact 044 801 9354.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477. Fines will apply and/or six months imprisonment.

Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

OPENBARE KENNISGEWING: Weiering van toegang en/of weiering om kapasiteit vir voorafbetaalde meters af te gradeer

George Munisipaliteit bevestig hiermee dat ons besig is met die implementering van die nuwe elektriese tariefstruktuur soos deur die Raad goedgekeur. Ons het bewus geword van sekere verbruikers wie munisipale amptenare en subkontrakteur’s  toegang tot hul huise weier weens óf veiligheidskwessies óf omdat hulle nie bewus is van die proses wat aan die gang is nie.

Die Munisipaliteit benodig toegang om die vereiste aanpassings aan die geïnstalleerde kapasiteit op voorafbetaalde meters te implementeer, soos vereis word deur die nuwe tariefstruktuur. Die doel van die aanpassings is om ‘n funksie op die voorafbetaalde meter te verander, om óf die geïnstalleerde kapasiteit aan te pas soos deur die munisipaliteit gekies óf om die kapasiteit aan te pas soos deur die verbruiker gekies.

Hierdie brief gee die mandaat aan die Munisipale amptenare/ONTEC en hul kontrakteurs en subkontrakteurs om die nodige stappe te doen. Die mandaat van die George Munisipaliteit om die kapasiteit van jou voorafbetaalde meter vas te stel, berus by die volgende wetgewing, beleid en goedkeurings.

  1. Die toepassing van koste-reflektiewe tariewe word in die Wet op Munisipale Stelsels Artikel 74 bepaal soos hieronder getoon.

(d) tariewe moet die koste weerspieël wat redelikerwys geassosieer word met die lewering van die diens, insluitend kapitaal-, bedryfs-, instandhouding-, administrasie- en vervangingskoste en rentekoste:

  1. Die Nasionale Elektrisiteitsprysbeleid van Suid-Afrika (EPP) stipuleer die toepassing van kapasiteitsbeperkings op voorrade soos hieronder getoon.

Beleidsposisie: 36
Huishoudelike tariewe om meer koste-reflektief te word, wat ‘n reeks aanbodopsies bied met progressiewe kapasiteit-gedifferensieerde tariewe en aansluitingsfooie:

  • Aan die eenkant ‘n enkeleenergietarief sonder basieseheffing, beperk tot 20 Ampère ennominaleverbindingsheffing;
  • Op die volgende vlak ‘n tarief wat tariefheffings kan bevat om ‘n basiese heffing, kliëntediensheffing, kapasiteitsheffing en energieheffing te weerspieël met kostereflektiewe verbindingsheffings; en
  • Op die finale vlak moet TVG-tariewe (Tyd Van Gebruik) op dieselfde basis as hierbo ingestel word, maar met die TVG-energietariewe.
  1. George Raad het die elektrisiteitstariewe soos voorgestel in die begroting in Junie 2022 goedgekeur en wat deel was van die openbare deelname proses soos hieronder getoon.

Huishoudelike Verbruikers: 1 of 3 fase. Kapasiteit van meer as 20 Amp enkelfase
Basiese heffing                 :               R74,63 per maand
Kapasiteitsheffing           :               R4,50 per Amp per fase per maand
Energieheffing                  :               208,49 sent per KWh

  1. Die Nasionale Energiereguleerder van Suid-Afrika (NERSA) het die elektrisiteitstariewe vir George Munisipaliteit goedgekeur, wat die kapasiteitsbeperkings insluit soos toegepas soos hieronder getoon.
  • Huishoudelikeenkelfase – 1 deelvoorafbetaald (20 ampère)
    Energie heffing: 239,62c/kWh
  • HuishoudelikeVerbruikers: 1 of 3 fase. Kapasiteit van meer as 20 Amp enkelfase
    Basiese heffing:       R74,63 per maand
    Kapasiteitsheffing:  R4,50 per Amp per fase per maand
    Energieheffing:        208,49 sent per KWh

Die implementeringsplan is ook breedvoerig met NERSA bespreek, en hulle het die plan onderskryf wat behels dat verbruikers hul kapasiteit kan kies of die keuse van ‘n toepaslike kapasiteit deur die munisipaliteit in geval van verbruikers wat versuim om dit te doen. Verbruikers is ingelig oor die nuwe elektriese tariewe en die besluite wat hulle moet neem, asook die implikasies van kapasiteitsbeperkings.

Om toegang tot munisipale mandaatbeamptes te weier om die gekose kapasiteit te stel, sal gevolge hê. Neem asseblief kennis dat alle munisipale en/of Ontec-amptenare identifikasiekaarte met ‘n foto en hul ID-nommer sowel as ‘n afskrif van hierdie brief dra. Skakel hierdie nommer 044 873 5474 gedurende werksure om te verifieer dat die amptenare by jou huis deel vorm van hierdie projek.

Die volgende opsies is beskikbaar vir die kliënte:

  • Veranderhulbesluiten verleen toegangsodat die kapasiteit op hulvoorafbetaalde meter gestelkan
  • Kies die kapasiteit wat benodig word in die goedgekeurdevormen verleen toegang vir die personeel om die kapasiteittestel.
  • Teken ‘n vorm wat aanduidathulle ‘n verandering in kapasiteitwilhêendus die gepaardgaandebasieseheffingenkapasiteitsheffingsalbetaal. (60 Ampere).
  • Weiering vantoegang of ondertekening van keuringsvorm, in welkegeval die toevoerontkoppelsal

Rig asseblief enige navrae aan 044 801 9243 of e-pos jou navraag na


PUBLIC NOTICE: Refusing Access and/or refusing to downgrade capacity for pre-paid meter

George Municipality hereby confirms that it is in process of implementing the new electrical tariff structure as approved by Council. We have become aware that certain consumers are refusing municipal officials and our sub-contractor’s access to their homes due to either safety concerns or not being aware of the process underway.

The Municipality requires access in order to implement the required adjustments to the installed capacity on pre-paid meters, as required by the new tariff structure. The adjustments take the form of a setting being changed on the Prepayment meter itself, to either adjust the installed capacity to the default capacity as selected by the municipality or to adjust to the capacity as selected by the consumer.

This letter gives mandate to the Municipal officials/ONTEC and their contractors and sub-contractors to take the required action. The mandate of the George Municipality to set the capacity of your pre-paid meter is vested in the following legislation, policy and approvals.

  1. The application of cost reflective tariffs is mandated in the Municipal Systems Act Section 74 as shown below.

(d) tariffs must reflect the costs reasonably associated with rendering the service, including capital, operating, maintenance, administration and replacement costs and interest charges:

2.  The National Electricity Pricing Policy of South Africa (EPP) stipulates the application of capacity                limits on supplies as shown below.

Policy Position: 36
Domestic tariffs to become more cost-reflective, offering a suit of supply options with progressive capacity-differentiated tariffs and connection fees:

  • At the one end a single energy rate tariff with no basic charge, limited to 20 Amps and nominal connection charge;
  • At the next level a tariff which could contain tariff charges to reflect a basic charge, customer service charge, capacity charge and energy charge with cost-reflective connection charges; and
  • At the final level TOU tariffs must be instituted on the same basis as above, but with the TOU energy rates.

    3. George Council approved the electricity tariffs as proposed in the budget in June 2022 and which were a part of the public participation process as shown below.

Domestic Consumers: 1 or 3 phase. Capacity exceeding 20 Amps single phase
Basic Charge                      :                               R74,63 per month
Capacity Charge               :                               R4,50 per Amp per phase per month
Energy Charge                   :                               208,49 cents per KWh

        4. The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) approved the electricity tariffs for                          George Municipality, involving the capacity limits as being applied as shown below.

  • Domestic Single Phase – 1 Part Prepaid (20 Amps)
    Energy Charge:  239.62c/kWh
  • Domestic Consumers: 1 or 3 phase. Capacity exceeding 20 Amps single phase
    Basic Charge                     :                               R74,63 per month
    Capacity Charge               :                               R4,50 per Amp per phase per month
    Energy Charge                  :                               208,49 cents per KWh

The implementation plan was also discussed with NERSA in detail, and they endorsed such plan which involved allowing consumers to select their capacity or the selection of an appropriate capacity by the municipality in case of consumers failing to do so. Consumers have been informed of the new electrical tariffs and the decisions that they need to take, as well as the implications of capacity limits.

Refusing access to municipal mandated officials to set the selected capacity will have consequences. Please note that all municipal and/or Ontec officials carry identification cards with a photograph and their ID number as well as a copy of this letter. Phone this number 044 873 5474 during work hours to verify that the officials at your home form part of this project.

The following options are available to the customers:

    • Change their decision and allow access for the capacity to be set on their pre-paid meter.
    • Select the capacity needed in the approved form and allow access to the personnel to set the capacity.
    • Sign a form indicating they want a change in capacity and thus will pay the associated basic charge and capacity charge. (60 Amps).
    • Refuse to allow access or signing of selection form in which case the supply will be disconnected.

Please direct any queries to 044 801 9243 or email your query to




Mayor pays NSRI Station 23 a visit

NSRI Station 23 in Wilderness received a pre-festive season visit from Ald Leon Van Wyk last week. The station manned entirely by volunteers has been a fixture in Wilderness since 1984. Ald Van Wyk (centre)is photographed with the team of Sea Rescue volunteers at Station 23, Wilderness.

“As we approach our traditional holiday season, we have begun with preparations to benefit and assist the tourism sector and our visitors. The George daily Festive Monitoring Committee meetings kick off on 1 December and NSRI forms a valuable part of the stakeholders who attend. The successful season hosted for 2021 in terms of beach safety and little to no serious incidents taking place can be attributed to the excellent working relationships between municipal departments and civil society organisations. I want to thank our citizens for all their efforts either through employment, as volunteers or as part of civil society who work so hard to make George a better place,” said Ald Van Wyk.

The NSRI need to be commended for constantly training and practicing their skills, conducting maintenance to their life-saving equipment and always being available 24/7. As a volunteer service they are a critical asset to George and we encourage all citizens and visitors to acquaint themselves with the publicity about safe swimming areas and practices when visiting our beaches.

Follow this link for information on visitor safety

Public Notice: Control Burn for Denneoord

George Fire Rescue and Disaster Management services are planning a Control Burn for the area North-East of Denneoord. This has been scheduled for either Tuesday 15th November or Wednesday 16th November and is subject to the prevailing weather conditions as well as the availability of Garden Route Fire Services to assist with the monitoring of the control burn.

Residents should be unaffected as the wind direction will move smoke away from the residential area.

Control burns serve to reduce the fuel loading (dead leaves, tree limbs, and other debris), in areas and are implemented to prevent wildfires spreading.


Load shedding schedule for Sunday 13 November until Wednesday 16 November.
The schedule is subject to changes announced by Eskom.
Sunday 13 November:
08:00 – 10:30 | 16:00 – 18:30
Monday 14 November:
16:00 – 18:30
Tuesday 15 November:
00:00 – 02:30
Wednesday 16 November:
00:00 – 02:30 | 08:00 – 10:30
Sunday 13 November:
11:00 – 13:30 | 19:00 – 21:30
Monday 14 November:
19:00 – 21:30
Tuesday 15 November:
03:00 – 05:30
Wednesday 16 November:
03:00 – 05:30 | 11:00 – 13:30
Issued George Mun

PUBLIC NOTICE: Refusing Access and/or refusing to downgrade capacity for pre-paid meters

George Municipality hereby confirms that it is in process of implementing the new electrical tariff structure as approved by Council. We have become aware that certain consumers are refusing municipal officials and our sub-contractor’s access to their homes due to either safety concerns or not being aware of the process underway.

The Municipality requires access in order to implement the required adjustments to the installed capacity on pre-paid meters, as required by the new tariff structure. The adjustments take the form of a setting being changed on the Prepayment meter itself, to either adjust the installed capacity to the default capacity as selected by the municipality or to adjust to the capacity as selected by the consumer.

This letter gives mandate to the Municipal officials/ONTEC and their contractors and sub-contractors to take the required action. The mandate of the George Municipality to set the capacity of your pre-paid meter is vested in the following legislation, policy and approvals.

1. The application of cost reflective tariffs is mandated in the Municipal Systems Act Section 74 as shown below.

(d) tariffs must reflect the costs reasonably associated with rendering the service, including capital, operating, maintenance, administration and replacement costs and interest charges:

2. The National Electricity Pricing Policy of South Africa (EPP) stipulates the application of capacity limits on supplies as shown below.

Policy Position: 36
Domestic tariffs to become more cost-reflective, offering a suit of supply options with progressive capacity-differentiated tariffs and connection fees:

  • At the one end a single energy rate tariff with no basic charge, limited to 20 Amps and nominal connection charge (details under section on cross-subsidies);
  • At the next level a tariff which could contain tariff charges to reflect a basic charge, customer service charge, capacity charge and energy charge with cost-reflective connection charges; and
  • At the final level TOU tariffs must be instituted on the same basis as above, but with the TOU energy rates.

3. George Council approved the electricity tariffs as proposed in the budget in June 2022 and which were a part of the public participation process as shown below.

Domestic Consumers: 1 or 3 phase. Capacity exceeding 20 Amps single phase
Basic Charge : R74,63 per month
Capacity Charge : R4,50 per Amp per phase per month
Energy Charge : 208,49 cents per KWh

4. The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) approved the electricity tariffs for George Municipality, involving the capacity limits as being applied as shown below.

• Domestic Single Phase – 1 Part Prepaid (20 Amps)
Energy Charge: 239.62c/kWh

• Domestic Consumers: 1 or 3 phase. Capacity exceeding 20 Amps single phase
Basic Charge : R74,63 per month
Capacity Charge : R4,50 per Amp per phase per month
Energy Charge : 208,49 cents per KWh

The implementation plan was also discussed with NERSA in detail, and they endorsed such plan which involved allowing consumers to select their capacity or the selection of an appropriate capacity by the municipality in case of consumers failing to do so. Consumers have been informed of the new electrical tariffs and the decisions that they need to take, as well as the implications of capacity limits.

Refusing access to municipal mandated officials to set the selected capacity will have consequences. Please note that all municipal and/or Ontec officials carry identification cards with a photograph and their ID number as well as a copy of this letter. Phone this number 044 873 5474 during work hours to verify that the officials at your home form part of this project.

The following options are available to the customers:

• Change their decision and allow access for the capacity to be set on their pre-paid meter.
• Select the capacity needed in the approved form and allow access to the personnel to set the capacity.
• Sign a form indicating they want a change in capacity and thus will pay the associated basic charge and capacity charge. (60 Amps).
• Refuse to allow access or signing of selection form in which case the supply will be disconnected.

Please direct any queries to 044 801 9243 or email your query to


Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works upgrade to service nearly 19 000 households when completed  

Link to Ald Van Wyk discussing progress of the upgrades at the OWWTW

Portfolio Councillor for Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects and BFI, Jackie Von Brandis and Ald Leon Van Wyk inspect the aeration basin at the works with Gerard De Swardt, George Civils Project Manager: BFI.

The upgrading and capacity extension of the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works (OWWTW) will allow for an increased capacity from 15Ml/dl to 25Ml/dl. The total additional number of households benefiting from the proposed wastewater treatment works upgrade is calculated at 19 049. The number of people per household was calculated at an average family size of 4.25 persons estimating the total then at 80 958 persons.

The recent development and future growth requirements necessitate the need to increase the capacity of the Outeniqua WWTW. The area to be served by the proposed upgrades to the treatment plant include newly developed and proposed low-cost housing units for the Pacaltsdorp West zone.





NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on TUESDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on WEDNESDAY 16 NOVEMBER 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30



The Directorate of Human Settlements, Planning and Development is tasked with creating, facilitating and promoting an environment for economic growth in George. It is critically important to create and enable opportunities for progress and development for all residents and businesses in our town. As part of the change in the management process, George Municipality is undertaking a principle to ensure the ease of doing business. Key to this is Red Tape Reduction.

George Municipality already utilises several automated processes for the work required. One such automation was the process developed for building plan applications several years ago. This initiative was supported by DEDAT to great success. The implementation, roll out and use of this process made a big impact on the effectiveness of service delivery.

In mid-2021 the decision was taken to automate all processes within the built environment sections to expedite processes. These processes included the processing of Land Use Applications and an off-site portal for clients to submit and track their land use applications.

The public is herewith advised that as of this week (7 November 2022),  all new Land Use Applications must be submitted online and no further email applications will be accepted. The Portal will enable the Public to interact electronically with the George Municipality and perform a selection of services. 

  • Individuals or companies can create a collaborator account whereafter they need to register as a partner on the portal and activate their required ‘services’.  For the submission and processing of land use applications, “Land Use Services” will need to be activated.
  • All new Land Use Applications will be directly uploaded and submitted to the collaborator portal. Applicants will be able to delete, amend or upload additional documents to an existing land use application via the portal. Applicants will also be able to track and monitor the progress and status of their application at any time. The portal notifies the applicant of the status whenever an action has been completed.
  • Applicants may have peace of mind that the documents uploaded are immediately committed to the Municipality’s registry system, meaning there is minimal chance of a document being misfiled or lost.
  • All uploaded applications will have two reference numbers, one for the applicant to track the application on his account and one internal reference number  which the Municipality will use to track the application internally.  Applicants will receive both reference numbers.
  • Should your application comply, you will receive your Section 38 and Invoice simultaneously. At this point your application has not yet been circulated and  pending at finance.
  • Proof of payment needs to be  send to finance , Cheryl Langeveldt – or Werner Joubert, (see instruction in Section 38).
  • Finance will clear the payment and the application will be automatically send to the administrative officer and internal departments for comments.
  • You should now receive either a SMS or email, confirming proof of payment and that the application is now formally being processed. The notification will also state that you may now continue with PPP (if required).
  • Objections will still be sent to the applicant via email from the administrative officer and the reply thereon will also be send back via email to the admin.
  • Applicants will be able to track and view the progress and status of the  application at any time.
  • All other documents/additional documents must be uploaded by the applicant.

Please ensure that you register on the portal (create your profile) and familiarize yourself with the contents of the documents.  See the links below for the guidelines and portal for registration.

Click for link to Online Portal Land Use Applications
Click for How to Register on Online Portal Land Use Applications

Enquiries and complaints with regard to the online portal for Land Use application Submissions, please contact
The programme will be improved constantly and we welcome suggestions from users.


Planned Power Outage – 15/11 – Levallia



NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on  TUESDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2022 FROM  09H00 TO 16H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains.  Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.


Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on WEDNESDAY 16 NOVEMBER 2022 FROM  09H00 TO 16H00

PLANNED POWER OUTAGE – 14/11 – Wilderness Heights



NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on MONDAY 14 NOVEMBER 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on

Issued George Mun




NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on  FRIDAY 11 NOVEMBER  2022  FROM  09H00 TO 12H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains.  Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on MONDAY 14 NOVEMBER  2022 FROM  09H00 TO 12H00





NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on TUESDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 17H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on

Issued George Mun

George awarded two full blue flags!

George Municipality is proud to be hoisting two Blue Flags and one Pilot Blue Flag Boards at our beaches for the 2022 festive season. Wilderness Beach has retained full Blue Flag status, Herold’s Bay has gained full blue Flag status and Victoria Bay has Pilot status following application by the George Municipality. Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk and Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz took receipt of the flags and certifications at an event held in Plettenberg Bay together with George Municipal Superintendent Parks, Tyrone April and Wessa National Coastal Coordinator, Tevya Lotriet.

Blue Flag is an international coastal management programme that accredits beaches that meet standards of excellence in water quality, environmental management, environmental education and information as well as safety and services. In South Africa the programme is implemented by the Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA).

Dr Gratz said Blue Flag status offered many benefits including improved tourism facilities, enhanced management of coastal ecosystems, increased awareness of the coast and capacity building of coastal municipalities. “Blue Flag status has significant international merit and the achievement of such accolades is important to stimulate and confirm international and high-end interest in the city and district as a desirable, quality tourism and lifestyle destination. We thank SANParks Garden Route National Park who shares jurisdiction of Wilderness beach with the George Municipality.”

The Blue Flag season runs from 1 December 2022 to 31 January 2023. Compliance includes high standards of water quality monitoring, public safety and lifeguard services, and well-maintained coastal amenities. South Africa has participated in the Blue Flag programme since 2001.

Modimolle-Mookgophong Municipality pays a technical visit to George

Marlene Van Staden, Executive Mayor for Modimolle-Mookgophong Municipality was thrilled to return to George this week with a team of senior management for a thorough technical visit. They were welcomed on Monday morning by George Municipal Manager, Dr Gratz together with Ald Leon Van Wyk and his MAYCO members. Modimolle-Mookgophong Municipality visited the Southern Cape in July this year sponsored by Friedrich Naumann Foundation, a German foundation for liberal and libertarian politics. At the time Ald Van Staden expressed the wish to return with her senior management for in-depth technical site inspections.

The programme over the two days included in-depth presentations on a number of aspects where George Municipality has implemented technology to streamline process such as our online grave booking system, drive-through motor vehicle licencing office, fleet management, disaster management as well as extensive site visits to our Civil and Electrotechnical projects including the Wastewater Treatment Works, Water Purification Plant, Municipal Roads Workshop and Glenwood Substation.

Back Row: Portfolio Councillor Jacqulique Von Brandis (George Municipality’s Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects & BFI), Portfolio Councillor Henry Hill (George Municipality’s Planning & Development), Ald Gert Niehaus (George Municipality’s GIPTN Chairperson), Councillor Sean Snyman (George Municipality’s Speaker), Councillor Marlene Barnardt (George Municipality’s Chief Whip) and Portfolio Councillor Nosicelo Mbethe (George Municipality’s Electrotechnical Services & Fleet Management)

Front Row: Councillor Johan Prinsloo (Executive Committee member – Modimolle-Mokgophong Municipal Council), Dr Michele Gratz (Municipal Manager – George Municipality), Councillor Marlene van Staden (Executive Mayor of Modimolle-Mookgophong Municipality), Ald Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George) and Councillor Joel Mphedi (Chairperson: Planning and Economic Development – Modimolle-Mookgophong Municipality)

Newly appointed Director for  the Civil Engineering Services Department, Mr Jannie Koegelenberg seen here at the Waste Water Treatment Works in Pacaltsdorp with Ald Van Wyk, Dr Gratz, Portfolio Councillor Jackie Von Brandis (Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects and BFI), Portfolio Councillor Browen Johnson (Civil Engineering Services: Operating Aspects) and the Modimolle-Mookgophong delegates.

Jacques Lawrence,Senior Manager: Substations Electrotechnical Services, George Municipality (right) and next to him, Bongani Mandla, Director of Electrotechnical Services as well as Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services and Fleet Management, Nosicelo Mbete (in the yellow dress) with representatives of the Modimolle-Mookgophong Municipality in Limpopo at the Glenwood substation that had a breather and transformer maintenance earlier this year. Extensive maintenance of Power Transformers at various substations were done to guarantee long-term life expectancy. The importance of these preventative measures and to keep key infrastructure well maintained, was explained to the visitors to ensure consumers don’t bear the brunt.


Representatives from the Modimolle-Mookgophong Municipality in Limpopo went walkabout with the Acting Director: Corporate Services, Edward Ganza visiting the George Civic Centre where the Main Hall and Banquet Hall is situated. In the photo taken in front of the George Civic Centre are from left, Cllr Joel Mpedi, Portfolio Chairman of Planning and Local Economic Development at Modimolle-Mookgophong Municipality (MMM), Patrick Shika, Director: Corporate Services, MMM, Marlene van Staden, Mayor of MMM, Ganza and Magda Berrange, Director: Social and Community Services.








NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on FRIDAY 11 NOVEMBER 2022 FROM 09H00 TO 17H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on