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Author: Chantel Edwards

GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL – 20 February 2023

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height              71,24
Rainfall for last 7 days:                                                                 39.1mm(Measured up to and including  20 February 2023)

The co-operation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the detailed Stricter Water Restrictions in English/Afrikaans and Isixhosa.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477. Fines will apply and/or six months imprisonment.

Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

What is George Municipality doing to alleviate ESKOM Loadshedding – and other renewable energy projects

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk acknowledges the challenges being faced by the Business and Agricultural Sectors currently with regard to the energy crisis. “We are fully aware that numerous business operations in and around George require consistency in the provision of electricity during certain hours of the day or on a 24-hour basis. These needs have shaped the municipal philosophy to alleviate Stage 1 (up to 2 hours per day) and Stage 2 (up to 4 hours per day) of loadshedding as soon as possible to provide greater security of supply for these sectors.

George Municipality agrees that the current loadshedding is nothing short of a crisis, but reminds residents that the municipality is not responsible for loadshedding and has no option but to implement as received. The municipality’s ability to generate power for use of our residents is limited but we are actively working on reducing our daily energy requirements from ESKOM.

George uses at peak times up to 85MVA per day. So, if the municipality can reduce our own consumption of energy by 10% (between 8MW and 10MW) continuously,  we should be able to apply to EKSOM to relieve us of Stage 1 and 2 Loadshedding.  This will also assist us in achieving our goal of reducing internal electricity costs and increasing sustainability. The priority goal will be that the city and its residents will then be freed of at least one stage , that is two hours, of loadshedding. This is however not a quick fix, and currently the plan is that for the calendar year 2023., the municipality will add 3MW of own energy and before December 2024 another 9MW should be commissioned into the system.

Director for Electro-technical Services, Bongani Mandla explains that George Municipality is implementing a three-pronged operational approach to significantly reduce our reliance on energy supply from Eskom.

“This approach has three focus areas; one being Energy Efficiency, another Own-Build Programme, and finally the procurement of energy from Independent Power Producers (IPPs). The highly unreliable supply of energy, coupled with the ever-increasing tariffs and the high cost of diesel has forced George Municipality to implement some of its plans earlier than initially intended. The expediting of the plans is driven by the city’s urgent need to relieve its residents from Stage 2 loadshedding in the next 18 to 24 months and subsequently off Stage 4 loadshedding within 36 months.

In order to achieve this much needed reduction of loadshedding,  the city has already started its Own-Build programme, which is intended to deliver around 30MW of energy into the grid over the next 36 months, subject to feasibility studies and environmental approval. The city is working hard to ensure that at least 10MW is delivered by this programme within the next 18 months, as most of the smaller projects have passed the basic environmental assessment, whilst the 9MW PV Solar Plant is nearing the final stage of the Environmental Impact Assessment approval process.

George issued a Request for Proposal from IPPs and received overwhelming support in terms of potential technologies available,  as well as options available to supply between 30 and 40MW. A phased approach of IPP procurement will be followed to ensure that the city is able to secure between 30 to 40 MW from this programme within the next 36 months. Once both IPP procurement and Own-Build delivers energy to the grid, the reliance of the city on the Eskom network would be significantly reduced. The implementation of our ongoing energy efficiency projects will further reduce this reliance.”

What has George implemented to assist residents during loadshedding
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) units at a cost of approximately R3.6 million have been installed at 56 of the main traffic intersections. These units, which are eco-friendly and energy-saving, automatically kick in and operate the traffic lights should the electricity supply be interrupted for any reason for at least 2- 4 hours, before the battery needs recharging. This means that traffic intersections in George are free from Eskom’s loadshedding and unplanned power outages for the durability of the batteries, thereby allowing seamless traffic flow.

George Municipality has also out of necessity, installed large generators at a number of our pump stations, 30 at sewer pump stations and 5 at various Water Treatment Works, in order to keep water flowing and sewerage pumpstations operational during loadshedding. Our Civil Engineering Services department is in the process of a water and sewer pump station audit which will confirm any future requirements.

What has George already implemented already to reduce own energy consumption
The municipality commissioned a PV Plant as a pilot project for the main municipal building in September 2021. The 300kWp (kilowatt peak) solar plant at the Civic Centre parking lot helps keep systems going during loadshedding and produces on average 41 500 kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy a month which supplies the Civic Centre building. The excess flows into the grid and supplies the neighbouring houses, residents, and businesses.  The total production is an average of 500 000kWh of energy per year.

A battery energy storage system(BESS) will be installed by the end of July 2023 for the Civic Centre, which will allow for the plant to continue to generate energy even during loadshedding and for the storage system to support the supply to the building when the Eskom network is not available.  All of the George municipal buildings have had energy efficient lights installed, as well as over 111 energy efficient air conditioners. A number of buildings are scheduled for rooftop PV solar in the 2023/24 financial year, and the preparatory work and studies are underway to have all of our municipal buildings self-sufficient by December 2026.

Over the past few years, a total of 5583 streetlights (Compact Fluorescent Lamps, High Pressure Sodium and Mercury Vapour) have been replaced by light-emitting diodes (LED)at a cost of R14 501 513 (Municipal and EEDSM Funding). This phased-in approach will continue until we have replaced or retrofitted all streetlights to LED in the upcoming financial years. Not only do the LEDs reduce the amount of energy used, but they also have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance. The funding for this project is mostly sourced from the Energy Efficiency Demand Side Management programme (EEDSM) managed by the Department of Energy (DOE).

Battery Energy Storage to counter high cost of running generators
George Municipality has out of necessity installed large generators at 30 Sewer Pump Stations and 5 at Water Treatment Works  at a cost of approximately R52 million, in order to keep water flowing and sewerage pumpstations operational during loadshedding.  A further 8 are in process of being procured at a cost of approximately R27 million rand and which includes the two 1250kVa for the Garden Route Dam.  The costs of running these generators are exorbitant and currently totals approximately R148 000 per day in fuel alone at Stage 4, with the fuel costs even higher when Stage 5 and 6 are implemented.

Battery energy  storage is planned for all the Water and Waste-Water Treatment Plants as well as the Sewer Pump stations  in order to reduce the diesel costs. The Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) deployment is being fast-tracked to save costs over the long run. The intention is to deploy BESS of more than 100MWh for the city using a phased-in approach. The city is currently in the process of feasibility studies for the BESS deployment, to assess the technical, environmental, economic and practical feasibility for installation and integration into the distribution network. These studies will further inform the city on the deployment strategy to undertake as it strives to reduce reliance from Eskom.

What projects are underway or due to start this year and are funded by municipal own funds
Four PV Solar Projects are due to start this year and on completion will power loads with energy generated from a clean and renewable source. These projects will be funded from various streams, including municipal own funding, external loans as well as grant funding where applicable.

  1. The Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment facility will receive a 400 kWp PV plant. The tender has been awarded and the contractor will start this month. This plant will start physical construction mid-February and the date of commission is end June 2023.
  2. The Gwaing Wastewater Treatment facility will receive a 500 kWp PV plant. This tender will need to be re-advertised due to no suppliers meeting the technical requirements. The commission date will be delayed to December 2023.
  3. The Denneoord New Waterworks Facility will receive a 400 kWp PV plant. The outstanding approvals have been received, the preparatory work has been started with the plan to commission the site by March 2024.
  4. The municipality will build a 1000 kWp or 1 MWp solar farm on Erf 464. The tender for this project is currently at the award stage and it is expected that contractors will be appointed by February 2023. The plant will be commissioned by the end of September 2023 and the power will be connected to the grid to reduce the municipal bulk purchases.

When do you need an EIA to proceed with a renewable energy project?
In terms of the Department of Environmental Affairs, Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) guideline for Renewable Energy Projects, the development of facilities or infrastructure for the generation of electricity from a renewable resource which has an electricity output of more than 1 megawatts (>1MW); and/or if the output is less than 1 megawatts but the total extent of the facility covers an area in excess of 1 hectare, require an EIA to proceed. This excludes where the  development of the  facilities or infrastructure is for photovoltaic installations and occurs within an urban area. The triggers for the EIA include land degradation, habitat loss, water use, hazardous materials, noise, visual issues, electromagnetics and aircraft interference.

What is the status of those George projects that still require EIAs?
The 9 MW PV Solar Plant project requires additional Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) approval. The funding is part of the three-year Medium-Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework budget.  Specialist reports have been prepared and the final submission for the EIA will be submitted at the end of March 2023. A Public Participation process will be required and concurrently the tender process which means that construction should start in 2024 should all approvals be received.

Looking ahead and the funding required
Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk noted that Eskom’s inability to ensure reliability in electricity supply has necessitated the development of a municipal strategy to secure alternative renewable energy for George as rapidly as possible. “Our approach has been to urgently address consistent electricity provision to our own infrastructure while at the same time providing relief for key stakeholders in the economy. Energy therefore receives constant attention as we continue in our quest to attract investment and employment into our economy. We also welcome engagements to discuss the challenges and potential solutions from IPPs and others.”

The city has embarked on various investigations which includes the building of a Solar PV Plant capable of generating 30 MW. The project is amongst those which are undergoing feasibility studies in order to identify and establish the practicality, as well as find innovative means of circumventing the space requirements. This utility scale project coupled with a Utility Scale BESS will cost in the region of R1,250 billion. The renewable projects Own-Build programme will cost the city around R2 billion, and George Municipality is continuously engaging various funding institutions both nationwide and internationally to source external funding to assist with covering  the bulk of these costs.

Where does George stand on paying cash for power fed back into local grid?
George Municipality has a Small Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG) Feed-in tariff in place which, where the network allows, the customer can be credited for the energy that is fed back to the grid, if they are a NET Consumer. In other words, if they do not feedback more than their total usage. In terms of the George Municipal policy the consumers bill will be credited with the amount of Feed-in energy as per the Tariff list. This will be done with the provision that the amount of credit may not exceed the total Rand value of energy purchased from the Council in the financial year.

There are a number of customers who are already on the correct tariff to feed-in to the Municipal grid, and they are getting 90% of the Eskom cost as a credit against their bill. This is one of the best feed-in tariffs nationally and is available for both Industrial, Commercial and Residential Consumers.  If a customer has installed a much larger system and wants to feed power back to the municipality beyond their total energy requirements, a Municipal procurement process is required and this is where the City of Cape Town (CoCT) has recently received approval for a deviation process which allows it to start paying cash back for power fed into the local electricity grid.

The CoCT was granted an exemption from National Treasury from having to undertake a competitive bidding process, as current legislation does not allow for a city to procure energy without following a competitive bidding process. George Municipality will need to have a similar approved deviation in place and the Electro-technical department is reviewing how this will be practically implemented in George if we were to follow the same approach as CoCT, given the diverse distribution network differences.

George Municipality also has a Wheeling Policy and Process in place, which allows for wheel of power using the municipal grid. Customers who wish to invest in alternative energy, should ensure that the system complies with the applicable regulations and is approved by the Municipality prior to commissioning.


#gettoknowgeorge – FEBRUARY 2023


Find all the tourism information you need in the greater George area, spanning from hamlets like Herolds Bay to Haarlem to Hoekwil, at – the official tourism destination website.

Coming up over the next month you can look forward to exciting rugby matches, lekker live music and theatre shows, running and golfing for a cause. 

Rugby at Outeniqua Park Stadium, George:
044 050 0660 | |
060 479 7095 | | Tickets are R10 – R30

  • 17 February: SWD Eagles vs Boland
  • 24 February: SWD Eagles vs Leopards
  • 24 February: Touchies Tournament

060 479 7095 | | Tickets are R10 – R30

Golf Days

17 February: Hope Church Night Run
Garden Route Botanical Garden, George | 062 214 2814 | |

The Dotsure George Arts Theatre is housed in an elegant, heritage building dating back to 1905. The building once was home to a girl’s school, a bioscope and in 1969 the theatre opened its doors.  The old film reel projector still lives in the theatre foyer to this day.

24 February: Bottomless Coffee Band
Down to Earth, Herolds Bay Resort, Herolds Bay | 044 851 0113 | |

25 February: The Social Launch
Pollocks at Wilderness| 044 877 0481 |

 Various: Dotsure Insurance George Arts Theatre, George
044 873 3938 | |

  • 22-25 February – Seussical the Musical
  • 01-04 March – Seussical the Musical
  • 07 March – Andrew Young Sounds of the 70’s

The Outeniqua Family Market is a must-do for anyone living in or visiting George. Packed with delicious food stalls and a large children’s play area, a morning at the market will be a Saturday well spent.

Outeniqua Family Market – Every Saturday 08:00-14:00
N2, George | 082 465 2952 | |

Sunday Funday Market – Every Sunday 10:00-15:00
Milkwood Village, Wilderness | 061 547 0625 |

Hinenni Community Market – Every Wednesday 08:30-15:00
63Bo-Langvlei Road, Rondevlei, Wilderness | 082 788 8500 | HinenniFS

Have you visited these interesting hidden gems yet?  Enjoy your coffee with…

Over the Mountain Guest Farm in Herold on the Montagu Pass

  • Coffee with horses at Saddles and Steam Stable Café
    Beervlei Corner, Seven Passes, Diep-Rivier, Wilderness | +27824945642 | | charming coffee shop is situated at Black Horse Trails stables.  Enjoy tasty breakfast, lunch or cake baked on-site while in the company of horses, Great Danes and friendly sheep with great mountain views.  There is also a shop open Wednesdays to Mondays.  Check out the tallow soap and cream!
  • Coffee with a view at Hallo Coffee
    Remskoen Street, Hoekwil, Wilderness | +27 71 322 7575 | en route to the Map of Africa in Wilderness, Hallo Coffee has soul soothing views that capture the beauty of the forest and sea, made even better by a hot cup of java.
  • Coffee with the pass at Over the Mountain Tea Garden
    Montagu Street, Herold, George | +27448881700 | at the top of the Montagu Pass, not only can the majestic mountain be enjoyed, but also a sense of history which permeates the picturesque grounds.  The property includes the original late 19th century Post Office, Police Station and old farmhouse buildings.  Every item served on the menu at Over the Mountain Tea Garden is homemade.  Try the unique cinnamon cake or dig into the delicious roosterkoek, pancakes or other light meals.

Share your awesome experiences with us on your socials!

#visitgeorge #visitwilderness #visituniondale

Want to know more about what you can see, do, eat and where you can stay?

GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL – 13 February 2023

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height:  66,97
Rainfall for last 7 days:                                                  27.1mm (Measured up to and including 13 February 2023)

The co-operation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the detailed Stricter Water Restrictions in English/Afrikaans and Isixhosa.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477. Fines will apply and/or six months imprisonment.
Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.


The 2023 Official Opening of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament (WCPP) and the Premier’s State of the Province Address (SOPA) will be held on Thursday, 16 February 2023 at 10:45. The debate on the SOPA and the Premier’s reply will take place on the following day, Friday, 17 February 2023 at 09:00 and 14:30 respectively.  The format of the proceedings will be hybrid, with some Members participating in-person in the Chamber, and others via virtual platform, from their constituencies.

The public of George  is invited to attend the livestreaming of the events at the George Municipal Civic Centre. Seating will be available for 300 persons only for each session, and the arrangements are first come, first served. The hall will open at least one hour prior to each event.

Thursday 16th February, George Civic Centre – Official Opening and SOPA, 10:45
Friday 17th February, George Civic Centre – Debate on the SOPA, 09:30
Friday 17th February, George Civic Centre, Reply on the SOPA Debate, 14:30

Official Opening and SOPA, 16 February 2023, 10:45:
Debate on the SOPA, 17 February 2023, 09:30:
Reply on the SOPA Debate, 17 February 2023, 14:30:

Enquiries to Edward Ganza 044 8019111

Updated status on the BFI Water Projects for George

George Municipality received a Budget Facility for Infrastructure Funding (BFI) grant to the value of R1.107 billion from the National Treasury in the 2021/22 financial year. The BFI project with its various components has shown significant progress and expenditure to date in the 2022/23 financial year. George Municipality is actively working to keep our economy on the go – by ensuring adequate long-term planning and investment in our resources  – that is water, sewerage and electricity.

The full BFI project is to be completed in the next thirty (30) months. George Municipality provides water services to over 212 120 residents from 62 722 households (STATSSA 2017) across 28 wards including the coastal areas of Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, Victoria Bay, Herold’s Bay and Gwaing in the city of George area. The objectives of the project are to ensure adequate potable water supply to meet the demand of the current population and to provide security for future development, both social and economic, and to reduce pollution of certain main water courses.

Updates on the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works components funded by BFI
The project consists of 12 components, some of which will be executed in more than one construction phase.

Component 1 and 2
The 20 Ml/d extension to the New Water Treatment Works (New WTW) is component 2 of the 12.

The first contract, valued at R263 million, has been awarded for the civil engineering works and construction has commenced on site. The tender for the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation (MEI) works was awarded R217 million. Component 2  is the largest single component of the BFI project

Earthworks have been completed, with the major excavation for the WTW extension consisting of some 20 000 metric cubes of earth material stockpiled on site for re-use elsewhere on other components of the BFI project as well as other municipal projects. The placing of concrete is progressing well and the structures are now above ground level.

The construction on the 600m long, 900mm diameter, clear water HDPE pipeline commenced towards the end of 2022 and is currently nearing 50% completion. The forestry permit was issued in early January 2023 and the remaining construction throughthe  sensitive indigenous forest can now proceed.

The dewatering facility for the water treatment process residuals (not sludge) is also progressing well and the concrete wall of the first of three tanks was cast at the end of January 2023. This forms part of component 2 of the BFI project and will eliminate the residuals from being discharged to the sewer system and therefore reduce the load on the sewage conveyance system andpump stationss, as well as reduce the load on the wastewater treatment processes and the main sludge dewatering facility.

Meul Pumpstation Inlet Works 

Component 3
The refurbishment of the existing Sludge Discharge System Phase 1 and 2 will take place at the Eden, Meul and SchaapkopPump stationss.

Construction of the first phase is progressing well at the Meul and Eden Pump Stations

Phase 1: The first phase of the upgrading and refurbishment of the Meul Sewagepump stationn is underway and certain components have been completed, including a standby generator and new motor control centre panels. This is also the case for the new Motor Control Centre at the Eden Sewagepump stationn. Civil construction on the Meul SewagePump stationn is progressing well with challenging conditions having to be managed with regular flooding of the works occurring during high rainfall events. Phase 1 of the Schaapkop Sewage Pumpstation implementation was delayed, and the design process isunderwayy to incorporate both phases 1 and 2 to be implemented as a single project.

Phase 2: Consultants have been appointed for the design of the second phase of the pump station upgrades of the three sewage pump stations.

Component 4
The upgrading of the Garden Route Dam Outlet and Supply project includes the replacement of the existing 600 mm diameter raw water pipeline from the intake tower at the Garden Route Dam to the raw waterpump stations, with a new 800 mm diameter stainless steel pipeline to accommodate a higher flowratebyh the future raw water flow requirements.

The project is currently in the procurement stage, with construction tenders closing mid-February 2023, and construction potentially commencing in May 2023.

Component 5
2 x 1250 kVA generators will be installed at the Garden Route Dam raw water pumpstation. This will mean that during loadshedding or any other power outage, raw water can continue to be pumped uninterrupted to the Water Treatment Works for processing for drinking water supply.

Status: The construction contract has been awarded and construction is progressing well.  The delivery of the generators to the site is expected by mid-February 2023, with the full operation of the generators scheduled for the end of June 2023.

New Water Treatment Works clear water pipeline construction.

Component 6
An additional 30 mega litre raw water storage balancing dam will be constructed, that includes a 340m long 800mm diameter raw water pipeline, to secure sufficient raw water storage capacity to supply the 20Ml/day extension to the Water Treatment Works. The new raw water dam will supplement the existing storage dams that provide raw water to the two water treatment plants.

Status: The preliminary design process has been completed with consideration of two alternative positions in order to select the most cost-effective solution. Final designs are nearing completion, to be followed by the procurement of a Contractor to construct the works.

Component 7
The rehabilitation of the Old Water Treatment Works, located at 9th Avenue Denneoord will allow for the refurbishment of the 25 Ml/d treatment plant which is currently rated at only 20.5 Ml/ per day.

Status: This component consists of four separate contracts and the tenders were awarded at the beginning of 2022. Construction is under way at the Old WTW and some condition assessments of the existing infrastructure necessitated design changes at the start of the contract, causing unforeseen delays. The air extraction from the filter galleries was completed and the emergency chlorine scrubbers have been ordered. Both shipments of filter media arrived in 2022 and fence construction is under way.

A temporary package water treatment plant was installed and commissioned in mid-December 2022 to facilitate scheduled plant shutdowns to enable work to proceed uninterrupted. This temporary plant also increased the volume of potable water available to meet the peak holiday season demand.

Component 8
Refurbishment of the Kaaimans River Pumpstation equipment will include the installation of 6 new submersible vortex impeller pumps in the sump, a strainer system and 6 new high lift centrifugal pumps and includes the replacement of the electrical control equipment. The Kaaimans Pumpstation discharges into the Garden Route Dam and contributes significantly to the George raw water resource requirements.

Status: The project is currently in the procurement phase, with tenders closing in February 2023, and it is anticipated that construction will commence in May 2023.

Component 9 and 10
The new 14,5 Ml Pacaltsdorp West Reservoir; 3 Ml Pacaltsdorp East Reservoir, 300 kl Tower and pumpstation will address the inadequate emergency and balancing storage in this suburb.

Status: The designs are in process, to be followed by the procurement of a contractor for the construction of the works. The detailed design process will be aligned with the environmental and town planning processes.

Residual tank construction.

Component 11 and 12
A new pumpstation and control valves will be provided at the existing Thembalethu West reservoir and tower; a new 8 Ml Thembalethu East Reservoir, 1000 kl tower and pumpstation will provide adequate potable water storage and increase security of potable water supply to Thembalethu as well as provide capacity to meet future development water demands.

Status: The design of the works is in progress and will be followed by the procurement of a contractor for the construction of the works.


Be proactive – Track your own water usage!

The George Council tabled stricter water restrictions to curb the excess use of potable water (treated drinking water) in December 2022. Knowing how to read your water meter and monitoring it is a simple way of keeping track of how much water is being used on your property and can help prevent water wasted through undetected leaks and avoid unexpected high bills.

George experienced below-average rainfall in 2022 and the Garden Route Dam is currently at 63.82% (based on the raised dam wall). There is a real risk of another below-average winter rainfall season ahead, so we need to keep our dams fuller for longer. The continued load-shedding contributes to the disruption of drinking water production and we need to conserve what we have in our reservoirs.

How to read your meter?

  • Open your water meter box. If the lid is closed, you can usually open it gently with something like a screwdriver. Please be careful not to break the lid.
  • No matter what type of water meter it is, the black numbers represent thousands of litres, called kilolitres, and red numbers represent litres.
  • Water charges are based on the number of kilolitres of water used on the property every month. If you are submitting your own readings to the City (e.g., if your meter is difficult for meter readers to access), you only need to supply the black numbers when submitting your reading.
  • Water meters continually record the amount of water that passes into a property throughout the lifespan of the meter. The tally on the meter does not reset from month to month. Subtract the previous reading from your current reading to determine usage for the period between readings.
  • Please email your water meter readings along with the account holder’s name, contact details and GRG account number and date of reading to
  • Please note that meter readings are done per area at different times of the month, and it is important that your meter reading email is submitted around the same time as your area’s reading time. Please check the date of the previous reading at the bottom of your account to determine your meter reading slot.

Monitoring your meter readings to check how much you’re using or to confirm a leak?

  • Check by how much the numbers on the meter increase to see how much water is being used. Monitor this on a regular basis e.g., weekly or monthly, and keep a written record.
  • To check if you have a leak, first stop all water use in the house (tightly close all taps) and note how much the meter reading is. Then wait about 15 minutes and check the meter reading again. If the numbers have gone up, it means you probably have a leak.
  • One leaking toilet can waste between 2600 – 13 000 litres of water per month, and one leaking tap can waste between 400 – 2600 litres of water per month.

What are our Water Restrictions and how do they affect your household?

  1. Every household is now limited to using 15 kilolitres of water per month. Emergency tariffs will be charged for any household which uses more than 15kl.
  2. Businesses dependent on municipal water, including commercial car washes must reduce their use of water by 15% of their past 6-month average.
  3. Large industry must reduce their use of municipal water by 10% of their past 6-month average.
  4. Gardens can be watered any time of the day but only with watering cans or buckets, no hosepipes are allowed.
  5. The Irrigation or watering of ALL sport fields using municipal water is prohibited.
  6.  Washing of vehicles with a garden hose is prohibited. Only buckets are allowed.
  7. Cleaning of any outside surface areas using a water hose is prohibited.
  8. Filling up of swimming pools with municipal water is prohibited.
  9. Applications for exemption can be submitted to the Deputy Director Water for consideration.
  10. Those making use of their own water must display a visible sign stating, “Own Water”.
    (Please see for the full list of proposed restrictions.)

Treated Effluent and Raw Water for irrigation or construction purposes is available and details can be requested from the Directorate: Civil Engineering Services (

Report contraventions of the current Water Restrictions on 0800 424477 – fines apply.
Report all water leaks on 044 801 9262/66 or A/ h 044 801 6300

Water Leaks can also be reported at your nearest Area Office or Thusong Centre, emailed to , via the Municipal App or phoned in to 044 801 9311.

Photograph for illustration only.

Planet Youth – a better future for all

In the group photograph are the Executive Mayor for George, Leon van Wyk (centre) standing next to Pall Rikhardsson (From Iceland, CEO of Planet Youth), CEO Planet Youth Iceland (left of Ald Van Wyk, grey suit) at the launch today held in the George Civic. The programme is a joint operation by various western cape government departments, the University of Cape Town and various NGO’s and public partners.

Planet Youth, a whole-of-society programme focussed on mental health, was launched today 3 February 2023 in George.

The programme, coordinated by the departments of Health, Education and Cultural Affairs and Sports is an Icelandic prevention concept that has proved success in reducing substance abuse and is designed to strengthen protective factors and building healthy communities, especially young people.

“The Planet Youth programme being launched in the George subdistrict of the Garden Route provides us with a unique opportunity to positively influence the lives of our young people. The programme relies on intersectoral partnerships, interconnectedness with our communities and a whole-of-society approach to ensure that our youth reach their ultimate potential and realise their dreams. The coordinating team comprising representatives from various departments and spheres of government has been hard at work to set the scene for the good work that is to follow. Collectively, we look forward to the positive impact the programme will have on our communities at large,” said District Director for the Garden Route and Central Karoo health districts, Mr Zee Brickles.

“This concept has already kicked off with trial surveys at Jonga High, Thembalethu High and Pacaltsdorp High School in 2022. The official roll-out of the programme to the schools in George will take place in February 2023. We will start with a survey of all the Grade 8 and 9 learners of George, Uniondale and Haarlem this month. This will be followed by school and community meetings to assess the results of the surveys and identify possible community programmes to address the issues identified. A Convenors Group has been established, with the Department of Health, George Municipality, departments of Education, Cultural Affairs and Sports, Social Development, University of Cape Town, SAPS and several non-governmental organisations,” said Dr Zilla North, Medical Manager for the George subdistrict.

The aim of the programme is to enrol all children in George across the subdistrict in activities that promote protective factors to develop healthy futures. The local community aims to achieve significant reduction in youth alcohol harms which will be measured as decreased school dropout rates, improved school academic performance, and a reduction in violence. This is projected to alleviate the burden on the overwhelmed mental healthcare system, correctional services, judiciary, education and social development.

“I am very excited and proud that the Planet Youth programme is being launched in George. I had the opportunity to meet and engage with the core team that will be driving the introduction of this whole of society programme. Planet Youth will provide our youth in George with the opportunity to become part of the anticipated benefits ranging from wellness and employment, to food security and cultural and sporting achievements”, said Executive Mayor Mr Leon van Wyk

The local community aims to improve employment rates by producing employment-ready youth. By applying the Planet Youth vision of positioning the school as the hub, reducing the economic and social harms of youth substance use and by increasing employment rates, the local community aims to significantly improve food security in affected communities. It is also aiming to achieve a significant increase in sporting and cultural achievement which will improve mental health, physical well-being and competitiveness in affected schools.

Background to Planet Youth Programme:

Planet Youth George is a WOSA (whole-of-society approach) platform for community collaboration that aims to improve mental health by reducing youth substance use, violence, and school dropout rates using an evidence-based and internationally tested approach of youth development activities, community empowerment and rigorous auditing.

Planet Youth inc. is an international organisation, working in many countries worldwide, developed and underdeveloped, to alleviate alcohol harms in adolescence with benefits across the life course.

Planet Youth and the University of Cape Town commenced the George Planet Youth Programme in October 2022.

Core principles of the Planet Youth community programme

  • The programme utilises an intersectoral approach involving a multitude of NGOs, enterprises, and departments of government using a WOSA  approach.
  • The programme is a long-term investment with sustainable long-term outcomes (at least 10 years).
  • The programme is community based, with schools becoming hubs of afterschool sports, cultural, food security and community development activities. Schools will collaborate with parents and organisations to engage them in encouraging youth participation and fostering good parenting techniques.
  • The programme develops local expertise and skills to maintain the quality improvement cycles that are initiated.
  • The programme will be rigorously audited through bi-annual surveys and reports to quantify the impact of interventions and guide further efforts.

South Cape Children’s Choir, an amateur regional children’s choir based in George performed and finished the programme of the day with an unusual and stirring rendition of the national anthem.

Issued by George Municipality, on behalf of the Western Cape Department of Health


Construction at Meul Sewage Pumpstation


The necessary installation of mechanical and electrical equipment to upgrade the Meul Sewage Pumpstation is required.

Thursday, 09 February 2023 from 06h00 to 18h00

The public and residents are requested to use water sparingly during this time and to discharge as little as possible water into the sewer network. Please limit flushing toilets, washing laundry, dishes, showering or bathing.

The Meul Sewage Pumpstation will not be operational during this period and the use of suction tankers is necessary.

The public is requested to stay away from the site, and the access road to the site, to prevent hinderance of the work being executed, for health and safety compliance and to minimise the pumpstation operational down-time.

 ENQUIRIES: iX Engineers: 082 944 3654

ESKOM POWER OUTAGE – Wilderness and surrounds

Monday 6 February 2023, @ 06h30

George Municipality confirms that the entire Wilderness and surrounds currently has no power due to an ESKOM fault. Our team is in contact with ESKOM and will advise once we receive updates from them on the ETR.

Issued George Mun


Issued 5 February, George Municipality @ 19h30

Water supply will be interrupted in portions of Loerie Park on Tuesday 7 February 2023, from 09h00 – 15h00. The water supply disruption is due to the upgrading of the water line.

Water Trucks will be available to supply drinking water to the affected areas.
The following streets will be affected: Boekenhout St; De Mist Street, 5th Avenue

For more information, please contact Mr Maqutywa on 044 801 9407.
We apologize for any inconvenience.


Loadshedding will be implemented at Stages 3 and 4 between 05:00 on Monday morning and 16:00 on Wednesday.

Receive Eskom load-shedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at

George will be affected as follows:
Sunday 05/02/2023
20:00 – 22:30

Monday 06/02/2023
12:00 – 14:30
20:00 – 22:30

Tuesday 07/02/2023
04:00 – 06:30
20:00 – 22:30

Wednesday 08/02/2023
04:00 – 06:30
12:00 – 14:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Sunday 05/02/2023
23:00 – 01:30

Monday 06/02/2023
15:00 – 17:30
23:00 – 01:30

Tuesday 07/02/2023
07:00 – 09:30
16:00 – 17:30
23:00 – 01:30

Wednesday 08/02/2023
07:00 – 09:30
15:00 – 17:30

Consumers are reminded to use electricity sparingly especially when power returns after load shedding. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network. Consumers are requested to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding.


Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at

Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented on Friday from 05:00 while Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented on Saturday morning from 05:00.

George will be affected as follows:
Thursday 02/02/2023
22:00 – 00:00

Friday 03/02/2023
06:00 – 08:30
14:00 – 16:30
22:00 – 00:30

Saturday 04/02/2023
06:00 – 08:30
14:00 – 16:30

Sunday 05/02/2023
04:00 – 05:00
20:00 – 22:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Thursday 02/02/2023
17:00 – 19:00

Friday 03/02/2023
01:00 – 03:30
09:00 – 11:30
17:00 – 19:30

Saturday 04/02/2023
01:00 – 03:30
09:00 – 11:30
17:00 – 19:30

Sunday 05/02/2023
16:00 – 17:30
23:00 – 01:30

Consumers are reminded to use electricity sparingly especially when power returns after load shedding. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network. Consumers are requested to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after loadshedding.

ESKOM LOADSHEDDING UPDATE, 31 January 2023 @ 13h00

Stage 5 loadshedding will be implemented from 12:00 this afternoon until 21:00 tonight. Thereafter Stage 6 loadshedding will be implemented until 05:00 tomorrow morning. Stage 5 loadshedding will then be implemented continuously from 05:00 on Wednesday until further notice.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at

George will be affected as follows:
Tuesday 31/01/2023
16:00 – 18:30

Wednesday 01/02/2023
06:00 – 08:30
14:00 – 16:30
22:00 – 00:30 **

Thursday 02/02/2023
00:00 – 02:30 **
06:00 – 08:30
14:00 – 16:30
22:00 – 00:30

Friday 03/02/2023
06:00 – 08:30
14:00 – 16:30
22:00 – 00:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Tuesday 31/01/2023
19:00 – 23:30 **

Wednesday 01/02/2023
01:00 – 03:30
09:00 – 11:30
17:00 – 19:30

Thursday 02/02/2023
01:00 – 05:30 **
09:00 – 11:30
17:00 – 19:30

Friday 03/02/2023
01:00 – 03:30
09:00 – 11:30
17:00 – 19:30

Consumers are reminded to use electricity sparingly especially when power returns after load shedding. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network. Consumers are requested to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after loadshedding.

GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL – Water Restrictions remain in place

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height : 63,41 %
Rainfall for last 7 days: 33 mm (Measured up to and including 30 January 2023)

The co-operation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the detailed Stricter Water Restrictions in English/Afrikaans and Isixhosa.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477. Fines will apply and/or six months imprisonment.
Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL – Water Restrictions remain in place

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height : 63.17%
Rainfall for last 7 days: 5.4mm (Measured up to and including 23 January 2023)

The co-operation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the detailed Stricter Water Restrictions in English/Afrikaans and Isixhosa.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477. Fines will apply and/or six months imprisonment
Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them

Advertisement for call for event support proposals 2023_24



George, Wilderness and Uniondale boasts a diverse range of lifestyle, sports, and cultural events.

George Municipality is considering the sponsorship and/or partnering with local events in line with the mandate to promote economic activity and social cohesion. The sponsorships are also intended to combat seasonality, increase geographical spread of events to all the communities of George and promote the city as an event destination of choice.  The selection of events will ensure a balanced, year-round calendar of events to the benefit of the citizens of George.

Event organisers are invited to apply for event support, in the form of sponsorship and/or partnerships for events and festivals, within the George municipal area for the period starting from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.

How to apply:

  1. Download the application form at
  2. Complete the application form and submit, along with the following documentation:
  • A detailed event proposal (including all sponsorships, profile, promotional plans, track record of previous events (including statistics) and a sustainability plan).
  • Portfolio of evidence of previous successful events organised, with photos or images of the previous event in JPEG format, if applicable, along with social media and website details.
  • For new events, provide a detailed business plan with financial projections.
  • A set of the Event Organisers latest Annual Financial Statements, signed by the COO and CFO.
  • An endorsement letter from the relevant governing body or association (Sports association, Tourism Office, Ratepayers and Residents Association, etc.) if applicable.
  • Land use permission for the venue plus a letter of approval for the use thereof from the owner of the property.

Event Applications must be sent to Claudine Carelse via e-mail to by 28 February 2023.  For more information contact Claudine Carelse on 044 801 9295



#gettoknowGEORGE_JANUARY 2023


Each month the tourism section of George Municipality, which represents the tourism offices for George, Wilderness and Uniondale, will be sharing snippets to help you get to know more about all that is available to you and your visiting friends and family.


The town of George is an historically and culturally diverse city with breath-taking natural sites to explore in your free time.

Township Tourism in George
Meet locals and explore South African heritage and culture in communities such as Pacaltsdorp and Themablethu. Thembalethu is an exuberant community located to the east of George and is predominantly home to people of the Xhosa culture but also other South African Cultures and various people from other African cultures. Thembalethu is a Xhosa word meaning “Hope.” Visitors and locals can book a township tour with a local site guide from the community to explore the history of Thembalethu and experience the day-to-day way of life in this vibrant township. In Thembalethu you can discover local crafters who will share their passion for arts and crafts. You can learn about their life stories and become enlightened on various interesting topics relating to indigenous cultures. Locals share experiences, much to the delight of both local and foreign visitors – but beware – this experience is not always for the feint-hearted, as anything from sheep’s head to chicken feet can be found in between more conventional offerings. One local tourism company, Explore Our Hood takes visitors on bicycle tours, leisurely exploring the township. On this tour, visitors to Thembalethu can meet local citizens who aim to share their favourite meals from “braai vleis” known to the locals as “shisanyama’, “vetkoek”, unique street food, and discover a small confectionary shop in the heart of the township.

To book a township tour of Thembalethu contact Mzwandile Gincana on 065 519 8542 or email him on

Dine with a Local, one of the many exciting Thembalethu experiences
Taste true South African hospitality, culture, and local talent by sharing a meal with a local family in their home. Visitors will expand their world through learning about a new culture, experience other cultural traditions and conversate on what makes their community and neighbourhood unique. Meet people from all walks of life while sharing a cultural exchange through painting, singing, poetry and dancing. No two evenings are the same, making each evening special.

Send an email .to to book your seat at a Dine with a Local table in George. Minimum of 4 pax, depending on bookings for the specific date.

Historical Walk in Pacaltsdorp
Discover the history of Pacaltsdorp formerly known as Hoogekraal and established in 1813 as a mission station while walking around the oldest streets in Pacaltsdorp. Walk back in history with a local site guide from the Pacaltsdorp community who will educate you on the KhoiKhoi people, an indigenous race to Southern Africa, and considered the indigenous people of the region. Meet interesting residents who are proud to share their family stories and history of the community. Drive down to Gwaing River Mouth a hidden gem of Pacaltsdorp. Gwaing River Mouth is a beautiful river mouth enjoyed by the locals for recreational purposes

To book the Pacaltsdorp Historical Walk contact Werdi Alaart on 061 047 7474 or email him on

Indigenous rock painting around George
The Outeniqua mountain range in George is named after the Outeniqua KhoiKhoi tribe, who once lived in the mountains. The name “Outeniqua” is said to derived from the KhoiKhoi language and means “they who bear honey’ or “man laden with honey”. Rock paintings by the KhoiKhoi people can still be found in the area. Visitors and locals who are curious to learn more about the indigenous tribes of our town can book a local site guide to view rock paintings in our area.

Contact Melissa Treurnicht on 073 216 7153 or email her on to book a rock painting tour.

Montagu Pass
The historical Montagu Pass will lead you to the Old Toll House, one of many national monuments in George. The pass was named after John Montagu, Colonial Secretary of the Cape in the 1840. This historical dirt road can be found just off the Outeniqua Pass on route to Oudtshoorn. The Old Toll house is a small stone building that collected revenue to assist with the maintenance and repair of the pass. To raise funds for the restoration of the Toll House, it is open for coffee and pancakes on Saturday mornings. Why not support a good cause and enjoy some ‘boeretroos’ with a delicious cinnamon pancake family and friends. For more information contact Gerda Stols on 083 772 8252.

VISIT YOUR LOCAL TOURISM OFFICES Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

George Tourism
044 801 9295
124 York Street, George Central, George, 6529

Wilderness Tourism
+27 44 877 0045
198 George Road, Wilderness, 6560

Uniondale Tourism
+27 44 518 0030
Virtual assistance
instagram/uniondaletourism #exploreuniondale

GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL – Water Restrictions remain in place

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height :          64,36%
Rainfall for last 7 days:                                                          2.2 mm (Measured up to and including 16 January 2023)

The co-operation of all users of municipal water is essential and is appreciated greatly.

Follow this link for the detailed Stricter Water Restrictions in English/Afrikaans and Isixhosa.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477. Fines will apply and/or six months imprisonment.

Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.