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Phase 3 – Operation Cleanup – Project Pacaltsdorp

Phase Three of Operation Clean up swung into action yesterday  (Monday 25 October 2021) in Pacaltsdorp with cleaning teams from Community Services moving in to clear up illegal dump sites and raise awareness around the dangers of illegal dumping. A total of 44 areas will be targeted over the next two weeks with JCB and tipper trucks. Community Service Officials will hand out flyers on the dangers of illegal dumping in the areas that are cleared.

The first area cleared was an illegal dumpsite behind AFM Church, Pacaltsdorp which yielded a total of 486 full black bags. Seen here with a portion of the black bags collected is Mervin Olivier, one of the team co-ordinator’s.



George Municipal Law Enforcement officials will carry out patrols and create awareness around the safe keeping of animals, illegal dumping, dangers of cable theft, vandalism and other municipal by-law related matters.



The Youth office will be hosting a Parenting Programme jointly with Seven Passes, every Tuesday morning with young women from Pacaltsdorp with children, between the ages of 2 – 9 years old. This is a closed group, so if anyone is interested in this programme, they can contact  the municipal office on 044 802 2900.

Various outreaches have been completed,  and are still in progress with Pacaltdorp Primary and Pacaltsdorp Secondary School over the next two weeks. Programmes will also be run with Youths who have completed their schooling. These programmes are run in conjunction with the Pacaltsdorp Business Chamber, and includes entrepreneurship training/mentoring, job readiness, leadership and life-skills training.

At Pacaltsdorp Secondary School, the municipal team provided Career Counselling together with the Department of Labour for Grade 12 learners. This included Leadership and Positive Citizenship encouragement at their Grade 12 Valedictory ceremony.  An afterschool programme, incorporating tennis, to instill discipline and life-skills will take place with learners from Pacaltsdorp Senior Secondary School through the peer educator programme.



The parks teams will be addressing the trimming of trees where necessary,  cutting of grass on sidewalks as well as spraying for weeds this week. In the photograph Jonathan McKenzie Small Plant Operator for Parks and Recreation is seen cutting verges.



Finance Officials will be stationed at the Pacaltsdorp Community Hall on Wednesday 27 October from 9am – 1pm to assist members of the public with the completion of indigent applications, assist with account queries and facilitate arrangements on overdue accounts. Please bring along a copy of your monthly municipal account, any other relevant paperwork and your ID.


Pacaltsdorp Library has installed an exhibition on Illegal Dumping as well as one in honour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month set up by library assistant, Eurogene Carolus. The library will be running an extensive programme over the next two weeks,  including book lending to various creche’s Soete Uurtjies, Grade R New Dawn Park Primary, Grade R Pacaltsdorp Primary, Rooibootjie in Syferfontein, Rosedale Community Creche and Vuurvliegies.

The 10 books loaned to each creche will contain information on illegal dumping to raise awareness amongst our youngest residents. Illegal Dumping Awareness activities will also be run together with officials from Community Services, this Friday and next with older learners of Pacaltsdorp Primary School.  The creche Soete Uurtjie will be treated to a story hour as well as colouring exercise.