The 27th of October 2021 marks the beginning of a new phase in your young and budding academic careers. You will be starting your final examinations. Despite all the challenges you have faced over the past couple of years, you have worked hard and fought hard to get to this stage.
The Covid-19 pandemic has helped prepare you for life’s challenges that are often tough. It is now time for you to use this very same tenacity as you face this next challenge. These exams are twelve years in the making and represent the culmination of your journey as a learner. For this reason, it is extremely important that you study hard and prepare yourselves to the best of your ability for the task that lies before you later this month and next month. As a young person in our country, you have an important role to play in shaping our societies and it starts here.
There will be nerves, this is the case for each of us when we encounter something new or unknown, but do not be discouraged. It will be good to keep calm during the exams. Stay focused, keep your eyes on the prize – to achieve great results that will open doors for you and shape your entire future.
Matric class of 2021, this is your moment. Use the time you have been given to prepare, wisely. You have the backing, well wishes, thoughts and prayers of this entire George municipal area behind you.
Do not be discouraged, face this challenge, and conquer it.
Good luck to all of you, make us proud.
Your Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk
Die 27ste Oktober 2021 is die begin van ‘n nuwe fase in jul jong en ontluikende akademiese loopbane, dit is die begin van jul finale eksamens. Ten spyte van al die uitdagings waar voor julle die afgelope paar jaar te staan gekom het, het julle hard gewerk en hard baklei om hier uit te kom.
Die Covid-19 pandemie het julle voorberei vir die lewe se dikwels moeilike uitdagings. Dit is nou tyd om hierdie volharding in te span om die volgende uitdaging die hoof te bied. Hierdie eksamens is twaalf jaar in wording en verteenwoordig die hoogtepunt in jou reis as leerder. Dit is daarom uiters belangrik om hard te studeer en jouself tot die beste van jou vermoë voor te berei op die taak wat later hierdie maand en volgende maand voorlê. As ‘n jong persoon in ons land het jy ‘n belangrike rol om te speel in die vorming van ons samelewing, en dit begin nou.
Daar sal senuwees wees, dit is vir ons almal die geval wanneer ons iets nuuts of onbekends teëkom, maar moenie moed verloor nie. Dit sal goed wees om kalm te bly tydens die eksamens. Bly gefokus, hou jou oog op die prys – om uitstekende resultate te behaal wat vir jou deure gaan oopmaak en jou hele toekoms gaan vorm.
Matriekklas van 2021, hierdie is julle oomblik. Gebruik die tyd wat jul gegun is om goed voor te berei. Julle het die steun, goeie wense, gedagtes en gebede van hierdie hele George munisipale gebied.
Moenie moed verloor nie, kyk die uitdaging vierkantig in die oë en oorkom dit.
Sterkte aan julle almal, maak ons trots.
Uitvoerende Burgemeester, Leon van Wyk