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MANDELA DAY: GO GEORGE supports community initiatives

MANDELA DAY: GO GEORGE supports community initiatives
GO GEORGE staff always enjoy demonstrating care and compassion by giving of their personal time to the community on Mandela Day.

This year, as was the case in 2020, Covid-19 lockdown restrictions and safety measures limited the ways of reaching out and making a difference. However, there is always some way to send a message of care to those in need, and to support the organisations and volunteers dedicated to improving their lives.

Generous donations from the GO GEORGE staff in their personal capacity made it possible to deliver 20 care packs to the Phambili Refuge for Women and Children, as well as bread and soup ingredients to CREMHOG, an organisation providing food to the homeless, amongst other initiatives. A few staff members also decided to donate blood.

James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, expressed the commitment of the bus service and all stakeholders to the upliftment of the George community. “Our staff’s personal contributions towards the Mandela Day initiative are but a token of our commitment towards building the caring society that Madiba has envisioned and strived for,” he said.

Contributions from GO GEORGE staff made it possible to deliver 20 care packs to the Phambili Refuge for Women and Children. Receiving the donation is Megan October from Phambili (left), with Basil Myners (GO GEORGE Communications Team) and Tyron Jeyi (GO GEORGE Community Liaison Officer).

GO GEORGE staff donated soup packs and bread in support of CREMHOG, a volunteer organisation providing food to the homeless. Handing over the donation to André Olivier (far right) are Basil Myners (GO GEORGE Communications Team), left, and Tyron Jeyi (GO GEORGE Community Liaison Officer).
BLOOD DONATION – 2 photos:
To support the Mandela Day initiative of giving back to the community, Cecil Barry and Nondumiso Buthelezi, members of the GO GEORGE system planning team, donated blood at the Western Cape Blood Service.

MANDELA-DAG: GO GEORGE ondersteun gemeenskapsinisiatiewe
Uitgereik 18 Julie 2021

GO GEORGE-personeel geniet dit altyd om omgee en deernis te toon deur van hul persoonlike tyd aan die gemeenskap te gee op Mandela-dag.

Vanjaar, soos in 2020 ook die geval was, het Covid-19-inperkings en -veiligheidsmaatreëls die maniere waarop mense kan uitreik om ‘n verskil te maak, beperk. Daar is egter altyd ‘n plan te make om ‘n boodskap van omgee te stuur aan diegene in nood, en om die organisasies en vrywilligers wat toegewy is aan die verbetering van hul lewens te ondersteun.

Ruim skenkings van die GO GEORGE-personeel in hul persoonlike hoedanigheid het dit moontlik gemaak om onder meer 20 sorgpakkies aan die Phambili-toevlugsoord vir vroue en kinders te oorhandig, asook brood- en sopbestanddele aan CREMHOG, ‘n organisasie wat kos aan die haweloses verskaf. ‘n Paar personeellede het ook besluit om bloed te skenk.
James Robb, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, het die verbintenis van die busdiens en alle belanghebbendes tot die opheffing van die George-gemeenskap uitgespreek. “Ons personeel se persoonlike bydraes tot die Mandela-dag-inisiatief is maar ‘n klein gebaar van verbintenis tot die bou van die omgee-samelewing wat Madiba gevisualiseer en nagestreef het,” het hy gesê.

Bydraes van GO GEORGE-personeel het dit moontlik gemaak om 20 sorgpakkies aan die Phambili-toevlugsoord vir vroue en kinders te lewer. Hier ontvang Megan October van Phambili (links), die skenking van Basil Myners (GO GEORG-kommunikasiespan) en Tyron Jeyi (GO GEORGE-gemeenskapskakelbeampte).
GO GEORGE-personeel het soppakkies en brood geskenk ter ondersteuning van CREMHOG, ‘n vrywilligersorganisasie wat kos aan die haweloses verskaf. Hier ontvang André Olivier (heel regs) die skenking van Basil Myners (GO GEORGE-kommunikasiespan), links, en Tyron Jeyi (GO GEORGE-gemeenskapskakelbeampte).
Om die Mandela-dag-inisiatief om terug te gee aan die gemeenskap te ondersteun, het Cecil Barry en Nondumiso Buthelezi, lede van die GO GEORGE-stelselbeplanningspan, bloed by die Wes-Kaapse Bloeddiens geskenk.