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Indigent and other Support

Lydi Geja 044 801 9363 or Rene Lindoor 044 801 9130

Click for Application Form for Indigent Support.
Click for Documents Required with Indigent Application
Click for Letter to Sassa to request proof for Indigent application.
Click for Letter to SARS Consent Form in terms of Section 69(6)(b)
Click for Application Form for Rebate on Property Rates (household income of more than two times state pension (SASSA\) per month.
Click for Letter to Sassa to request proof for Rebate Application.

Indigent Subsidy 
The George Municipality has an indigent support programme that helps needy people to access basic municipal services in its municipal area.

General information

  • You must update your registration when your circumstances change and reapply for  1 July of each financial year.
  •  It is very important that the Indigent Support office has your correct cell phone number. If it changes, please let them know.
  •  Once you have registered as an indigent, the subsidy will be applied to your municipal account and electricity tokens uploaded to your prepaid number every month.
  •  You must pay for any extra water and electricity you use that is not included in the support.
  • If your house is worth more than R150 000, you will be billed for property tax.
  • The verified collective gross monthly income of all occupants of the dwelling over 18 years of age may not exceed the amount as determined in the municipal tariff list (excluding the listed grants).

You can apply for indigent support if you are:

  • The registered owner /s and spouse/s of  residential properties or married to such an owner or,
  • The occupier/s and spouse/s or,
  • The backyard dweller/s  and spouse/s  -(maximum of two (2) structures  on the property),
  • Pensioners,
  • Legal Guardian or primary caregiver of minors.

To qualify for the programme, you must:

  • Be a South African citizen with a valid identification document.
  • Total household income  may not exceed, two times state pension (SASSA) per month and /or,
  •  be a registered owner, occupier or backyard dweller on a property used for residential purposes.
  • Be a fulltime occupant and not own any other property within the Republic of South Africa
  • Property must only be used for residential purposes
  • Water consumption may not exceed an average of 15kl per month inclusive of the free 6kl and/or
  • Electricity consumption may not exceed an average of 400Kwh units per month, inclusive of the 70Kwh units
  • Capacity of pre-paid electricity meter for indigent consumers will be set at 20 Amps, 30Amps with one additional dweller, 40 Amps with two additional dwellers.

To apply, you must:

  1. Fill in an official application form at the finance hall of the municipality main building (access from parking lot via Victoria or Progress Streets) or at a municipal area office in your community OR at the designated Municipal Client Area Offices in your community in George, Uniondale and Haarlem.
  2.  Email or and ask for an indigent support application form, fill it in and send it back together with the below-mentioned documents OR
  3. Click to download the form, fill it in and send it back together with the below-mentioned documents to or

Bring with you/submit the following documents:

  • A copy of your ID document.
  • If you earn a salary, bring a salary slip that is not older than three months.
  • Bank statements from the last three months.
  • Your municipal account.
  • A prepaid electricity token from the place where you live.
  • If you are unemployed, bring an Affidavit (a stamped letter) stating that you are currently unemployed.
  • If you receive a Sassa grant, bring a letter from Sassa confirming your grant as well as your Sassa card. Your SASSA grant will not be affected by your Indigent Application.

Registered Applicants Receive

  • Water Subsidy: 100% subsidy on the basic charge and 6kl of water per month per household.
  • Electricity Subsidy: 100% subsidy for up to 70kWh of electricity per month per household.
  • Refuse Removal Subsidy: 100% subsidy for refuse removal per month.
  • Sewerage Disposal Subsidy: 100% subsidy for sewerage disposal per month.

Deceased Estates
In order for a child or relative to be able to apply for Indigency in a house where the owner/s is deceased the following is required:

  1. Report the deceased estate to the court or via an attorney, depending on the value of the assets.
  2. If there is an inheritance involved, provide a copy of the testament (will).

An indigent application can only be submitted if all the required documentations are submitted with the provisioned application form. Some of the basic documentations required might be:

  • ID’s of the applicants and all occupants staying in the house
  • Proof of income / unemployment
  • Death certificate/s
  • Authority letter/s
  • Testament
  • Electricity slip with meter number
  • Services account

NB:- more documentations can be requested depending on circumstances.

Rebate for Persons earning more than two times State Pension (SASSA) 
Households not qualifying for Indigent Support because they earn more than two times state pension (SASSA) per month or that do not qualify because of other criteria, can apply for a percentage rebate (discount) on property rates by downloading the Application Form for Rebate on Property Rates listed above,  filling it in and sending it to along with the above-mentioned documentation.

Rebates are determined annually as part of the budget process and updated in the annual tariffs list.