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Mayor extends good wishes to matrics 2020

George Municipality Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk extends the following message to matrics 2020, whose exams start next week, 5 November 2020:
“The George Municipality wishes the Matrics of 2020 a successful final examinations period.

Because of Covid-19, you have experienced one of the most extraordinary years in school history and we commend you for the effort you have put in despite the challenges.

We keep you in our thoughts in the coming weeks, and urge you to prepare adequately and with your future in mind. No matter your plans, your matric results will be the first step into whatever opportunities you want to explore.

I thank all educators, parents and individuals who have added value to our children’s lives. Your efforts are recognised and appreciated, especially in light of this unusual year and its many trials.

I am certain that our matrics will make us proud in future – not only because of your academic results but also because of the meaningful contribution you will one day make in society.

Good luck with your exams and enjoy the holiday that awaits you on the other side.

Remember always to believe in your future, that dreams can come true, and that George will always be home.”

George Municipality Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk:


Distributed by George Municipality Communication Department