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After-hours Assistance for Blocked Pre-Paid Electricity Meters to be discontinued from July 2024

Effective July 2024, after-hours assistance for blocked pre-paid electricity meters will no longer be available. Therefore, arrangements to unblock a meter must be made before Friday afternoons at 14:00.

Once all credit control actions (such as SMS notifications and final demand notices) have been implemented and no response is received from the client, a one-time block for R300.00 will be instituted on arrear accounts. This means that the account holder can incur up to 10 transactions to the maximum value of R300. After reaching the R300 limit or completing 10 transactions, the meter will be fully blocked with no further purchases allowed and unblocking arrangements will need to be attended to during the week.

If you buy 10 times for R10.00 or R20.00 your meter will be blocked before you reach the R300.00 limit due to the 10-transaction cap.

To UNBLOCK your prepaid meter, follow one of the steps below:

• Full payment of your municipal account
• Payment arrangement
• Apply for Indigent Subsidy if you qualify (2 x SASSA)

For assistance, contact the Municipality’s Credit Control section during office hours at 044 801 9111 or email


Na-ure bystand vir geblokte pre-paid meters word vanaf Julie 2024 gestaak
Met ingang van Julie 2024 sal die na-ure bystand vir geblokkeerde pre-paid meters nie meer beskikbaar wees nie. Enige reelings om ’n blok te lig moet dus geskied voor Vrydag-middae om14:00.

Wanneer alle kredietbeheeraksies (soos SMS-kennisgewings en finale kennisgewings) geïmplementeer is en geen reaksie van die kliënt ontvang is nie, sal ‘n eenmalige blok vir R300.00 op agterstallige rekeninge ingestel word. Dit beteken dat die rekeninghouer tot 10 transaksies kan aangaan, tot ’n maksimum van R300 om krag te koop. Nadat die R300-limiet bereik is of 10 transaksies voltooi is, sal die meter ten volle geblok word en geen verdere aankope sal toegelaat word en ontblokkeringsreëlings sal gedurende die week gedoen moet word.

As daar dus 10 keer krag gekoop word vir R10.00 of R20.00 sal die meter geblok word voordat die R300.00 limiet bereik is as gevolg van die 10-transaksielimiet.

Om ’n geblokte pre-paid meter te ontblok volg asseblief een van die volgende stappe hieronder.

• Volle betaling van u munisipale rekening
• Afbetalingsreeling
• Doen aansoek om deernis subsidie indien u kwalifiseer (2 x SASSA)

Vir bystand, kontak die Munisipaliteit se Kredietbeheerafdeling gedurende kantoorure by 044 801 9111 of e-pos


Uncedo lwasemva kweeyure zomsebenzi lwee-Akhawunti eziValiweyo Luyekiwe ukususela kweyeKhala 2024

Ukuqala kweyeKhala 2024, uncedo lwasemva kweeyure zomsebenzi kwii-akhawunti ezivaliweyo alusayi kuphinda lufumaneke.

Akuba onke amanyathelo olawulo lwamatyala (afana nezaziso zeSMS, kunye nezaziso zebango lokugqibela) ephunyeziwe kwaye kungekho mpendulo ifunyenweyo evela kumxhasi, ukuvulwa kombane ovaliweyo ngenyoba enye yokuthenga umbane ukuya kuma kuma-R300.00 kuya kuqaliswa kwii-akhawunti ezisemva ngentlawulo. Oku kuthetha ukuba umnini-akhawunti angathenga umbane ukuyokutsho kwi-10 lezihlandlo kwelona xabiso liphezulu lama-R300. Emva kokufikelela kumda wama-R300 okanye ukugqiba izihlandlo zentengo ezili-10, imitha yombane iya kuvalwa ngokupheleleyo kungasayi kuphinda kuthengwe kwaye amalungiselelo okuvula kuya kufuneka enziwe Phakathi evekini.

Ukuba uthenga izihlandlo ezili-10 nge-R10.00 okanye nge-R20.00 imitha yakho iya kuvaleka phambi kokuba ufikelele kuma-R300.00 eqingqiweyo ngenxa yomlinganiselo wezihlandlo ezili-10 zokuthenga.

Ngaba ufuna UKUVULA isixhobo sakho sokulinganisa umbane ohlawulelwa kwangaphambili? Thabatha elinye lala manyathelo alandelayo:
• Hlawula i-akhawunti yakho kamasipala ngokupheleleyo
• Yenza amalungiselelo entlawulo
• Faka isicelo seNkxaso-mali yabangathathintweni ukuba ufanelekile (2 x SASSA)

Malunga noncedo, qhagamshelana necandelo lolawulo lwamatyala kamasipala ngamaxesha omsebenzi ku- 044 801 9111 okanye nge-imeyili ku