Beware Housing Subsidy Scam‼
George Municipality has been made aware of a housing subsidy scam in which a member of the public is contacted by WhatsAPP, alledgedly by the George Municipality with a notice which confirms that they have been approved for a housing opportunity. When making contact with the individuals listed on the fraudulent notice they are requested to pay a sum of money / deposit before collecting keys to the house at the George Municipality.
George Municipality will firstly not communicate via WhatsAPP for confirmation of a housing opportunity and will NOT request payment from any person on the Housing Database in order for the process to conclude. The notice is fraudulent and any person receiving such a notice is requested to inform the municipal Housing Department on 044 802 2033. A criminal charge can be laid at your nearest SAPS office.
DRINGENDE PUBLIEKE KENNISGEWING: Pasop Behuisingsubsidie-bedrogspul
George-munisipaliteit is bewus gemaak van ‘n bedrogspul met behuisingsubsidie waarin ‘n lid van die publiek deur WhatsAPP gekontak word, na bewering deur die George-munisipaliteit met ‘n kennisgewing wat bevestig dat hulle goedgekeur is vir ‘n behuisingsgeleentheid. Wanneer kontak gemaak word met die individue wat op die bedrieglike kennisgewing gelys word, word hulle versoek om ‘n bedrag geld/deposito te betaal voordat die sleutels van die huis by die George Munisipaliteit afgehaal kan word.
George Munisipaliteit sal eerstens nie via WhatsAPP kommunikeer vir bevestiging van ‘n behuisingsgeleentheid nie en sal NIE betaling van enige persoon op die Behuisingsdatabasis versoek om die proses af te handel nie. Die kennisgewing is bedrieglik en enige persoon wat so ‘n kennisgewing ontvang, word versoek om die munisipale Behuisingsdepartement in kennis te stel by 044 802 2033. ‘n Kriminele klag kan by jou naaste SAPD-kantoor gelê word.