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OCC visitors impressed by GO GEORGE features

Dep Mayor and Georgie:
George Deputy Mayor, Cllr Raybin Figland and mascot Georgie sent of the athletes with inspiring words of support.

Raven Benny, a wheelchair user for the last 24 years, has missed only one OCC to date. This was after he coincidentally happened to visit the Garden Route during the first race and was faced with closed streets and red flags as he entered town. Awed by the concept, Benny has been bringing groups of wheelchair users to the OCC ever since.

This year, he was intent on using the most affordable, available, safe public transport from KZN to George (using a long-distance bus service) and in and around George. He made email enquiries about the GO GEORGE ticketing system and where to buy cards before they embarked on their journey.

Putting public transport to the test
“It has been a predominantly rewarding experience to have been in a town that has a working accessible public transport system in place,” Benny said. “My friends and I used the past four days to really put accessible public transport to the test and were sadly dissatisfied and disappointed at times at the level of service received from the long-distance carrier.
“However, we are in awe of the efficiency of the GO GEORGE bus service. We appreciated it from the first trip on Friday morning. We had time for six trips in all directions and found it safe and easy to use, accessible to navigate independently and surprisingly affordable. The only time we felt let down, was when we could not top up our cards to load more rides at the recommended vendor. But this was resolved by doing it at the George Transport Hub with the support and guidance of the GO GEORGE Call Centre.

“All the other moments were fun and memorable, and the bus service allowed us to circulate independently throughout the town during our two-day stay. We disembarked from the long-distance bus at the George station and used only GO GEORGE buses for the next two days – to our accommodation, from there to the registration point, to the shops, and even when we forgot our meal tickets on the morning of the event, we sent one of our helpers to go fetch it using GO GEORGE. We have trips left on our cards and will definitely be back to use them!”

Ghana’s champ loves the minibus hoist
Participants from Ghana were equally impressed with the GO GEORGE service as they tested the hydraulic hoist on the GO GEORGE minibus exhibited at the OCC. Star marathon athlete and winner of the 42-km racing cycle category, Raphael Botsyo Nkegbe participated for the fifth time this year and says the OCC is a fixture on his calendar.

“Our club minibus in Ghana is also fitted with a hoist but seeing it on public transport in South Africa is awesome. I look forward to the day we can boast the same kind of universal accessibility on the public buses in my country too,” Nkegbe said.

Capetonians felt safe on the buses
Another regular group of visitors and participants in the 5-km event is the Mandla Sport 4 Change organisation from Cape Town of whom several members tested the minibus hoist. According to Chairperson Vanessa Baadjies, they felt safe to travel with GO GEORGE, having enough space to board in their wheelchairs and being able to strap into the wheelchair bay.

GO GEORGE participation
Eighteen members of the GO GEORGE communications team pulled out all the stops to support participants and visitors, manning an information gazebo next to the demonstration minibus and telling visitors more about the service and its focus on universal accessibility. As always, the mascot Georgie and communication champions were there to cheer on the participants and pose for photos with “fans”. This time, they also participated in the fun go-kart race, making the finish line exhausted but chuffed with themselves.

Peter Sampson on hoist:
Peter Sampson, part of the Mandla Sports 4 Change team from Cape Town, said he felt very safe to travel with GO GEORGE, having enough space to board in his wheelchair and being able to strap into the wheelchair bay.

Raven Benny and Shirnae:
Raven Benny led a team from Kwazulu-Natal, using only public transport to and in George and back home. To accommodate their five wheelchairs on one bus, some of the team members were assisted to sit on the seats while folding up their wheelchairs. With him is Shirnae van Coller from the GO GEORGE Call Centre who guided the group to get to the Transport Hub to top up their cards with trips.

KZN group at bus stop:
This group of wheelchair users from Kwazulu-Natal spent their entire journey and time in George using only public transport. Here they are waiting for a GO GEORGE bus, supported by GO GEORGE communication champions.

Raphael Botsyo Ghana:
Ghana’s star marathon athlete and winner of the 42-km racing cycle category, Raphael Botsyo Nkegbe said he is looking forward to the day they can boast the same kind of universal accessibility on the public buses in his country. He enjoyed the informative demonstration by driver Johndré du Plessis.

Go-kart team:
George Municipality’s Public Transport Oversight Official, James Robb (second from right), wishing the GO GEORGE go-kart team well before they “take on the open road in their first attempt at the coveted title”. The driver in front is Akhona Gxumisa and at the back from left are Tyron Jeyi, Thobile Simelele, Robb and Ryan Manuel.

OCC-besoekers beïndruk deur GO GEORGE-funksies
Raven Benny, ‘n rolstoelgebruiker vir die afgelope 24 jaar, het tot dusver net een Outeniqua-rolstoelmarathon (OCC) gemis. Dit was nadat hy toevallig tydens die heel eerste wedren die Tuinroete besoek het en op geslote strate en rooi vlae afgekom het toe hy die dorp binnekom. Met groot waardering vir die konsep bring Benny sedertdien groepe rolstoelgebruikers na die OCC.
Vanjaar was hy van voorneme om die mees bekostigbare, beskikbare, veilige openbare vervoer van KZN na George (met ‘n langafstandbusdiens), en in en om George te gebruik. Hy het per e-pos navraag gedoen oor die GO GEORGE-kaartjiestelsel en waar om kaarte te koop voordat hulle weg is by die huis.

Openbare vervoer getoets
“Dit was grotendeels ‘n bevredigende ervaring om in ‘n dorp te wees wat ‘n werkende, toeganklike openbare vervoerstelsel bedryf,” het Benny gesê. “Ek en my vriende het die afgelope vier dae gebruik om werklik toeganklike openbare vervoer op die proef te stel en was ontevrede en teleurgesteld oor die vlak van diens wat ons op die langafstandbus ontvang het.

“Ons is egter in verwondering oor die doeltreffendheid van die GO GEORGE-busdiens. Ons het dit waardeer vanaf die eerste rit Vrydagoggend. Ons het tyd gehad vir ses ritte in alle rigtings en het dit veilig en maklik gevind om te gebruik, toeganklik om onafhanklik te navigeer, en verrassend bekostigbaar. Die enigste keer dat ons in die steek gelaat gevoel het, was toe ons nie ons kaarte kon aanvul met ritte by die aanbevole verkoper nie. Maar die probleem is opgelos deur ons kaarte by die George-vervoerkern (Transport Hub) te herlaai met die ondersteuning en leiding van die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum.

“Al die ander oomblikke was lekker en onvergeetlik en die busdiens het dit vir ons moontlik gemaak om onafhanklik deur die dorp te beweeg tydens ons verblyf van twee dae. Ons het by die George-stasie van die langafstandbus afgeklim en vir die volgende twee dae slegs GO GEORGE-busse gebruik – na ons verblyf, van daar na die resiesregistrasiepunt, na die winkels, en selfs toe ons die oggend van die marathon ons etekaartjies vergeet het, het ons een van ons helpers gestuur om dit met ’n GO GEORGE-bus te gaan haal. Ons het ritte oor op ons kaarte en kom beslis terug om dit te gebruik!”

Ghana se kampioen hou van minibushyser
Deelnemers van Ghana was ewe beïndruk met die GO GEORGE-diens toe hulle die hidrouliese hyser op die GO GEORGE-minibus wat by die OCC uitgestal is, getoets het.
“Ons klub in Ghana se minibus is ook toegerus met ‘n hyser, maar dit is wonderlik om dit op openbare vervoer in Suid-Afrika te sien. Ek sien uit na die dag wat ons ook met dieselfde soort universele toeganklikheid op die openbare busse in my land kan spog,” het Nkegbe gesê.

Kapenaars voel veilig op die busse
Nog ‘n gereelde groep besoekers en deelnemers aan die 5 km-byeenkoms is die Mandla Sport 4 Change-organisasie van Kaapstad van wie verskeie lede die minibushyser getoets het. Volgens voorsitter Vanessa Baadjies het hulle veilig gevoel om met GO GEORGE te reis, en was daar genoeg ruimte om met gemak op die bus te kom in hul rolstoele en in die rolstoelruimte vas te gespe.

GO GEORGE-deelname
Agtien lede van die GO GEORGE-kommunikasiespan het hul kant gebring om deelnemers en besoekers te ondersteun, ‘n inligtingsgazebo langs die demonstrasie-minibus te beman en besoekers meer oor die diens en die fokus op universele toeganklikheid te vertel. Soos altyd was die gelukbringer Georgie en passasiersdiensbeamptes daar om die deelnemers entoesiasties aan te moedig en saam met “bewonderaars” vir foto’s te poseer. Hierdie keer het hulle ook aan die prettige kaskarwedloop deelgeneem en die wenstreep uitgeput maar hoogs in hul skik gehaal.

Peter Sampson op hyser:
Peter Sampson, deel van die Mandla Sports 4 Change-span van Kaapstad, sê hy voel baie veilig om met GO GEORGE te reis, met genoeg spasie om in sy rolstoel op die bus te kom en in die rolstoelruimte vas te gespe.

Raven Benny en Shirnae:
Raven Benny het ‘n span van KwaZulu-Natal gelei en slegs openbare vervoer na en in George en terug huis toe gebruik. Om hul vyf rolstoele in een bus te akkommodeer, is van die spanlede gehelp om hul rolstoele op te vou en op die bus se sitplekke te sit. Saam met hom is Shirnae van Coller van die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum wat die groep gehelp het om by die Vervoerkern (Hub) uit te kom om hul kaarte met ritte aan te vul.

KZN-groep by bushalte:
Dié groep rolstoelgebruikers van KwaZulu-Natal het hul hele reis en tyd in George deurgebring deur slegs openbare vervoer te gebruik. Hier wag hulle vir ‘n GO GEORGE-bus, bygestaan deur GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes.

Raphael Botsyo Ghana:
Ghana se ster-marathonatleet en wenner van die 42 km-renfietskategorie, Raphael Botsyo Nkegbe, het gesê hy sien uit na die dag waarop hulle met dieselfde soort universele toeganklikheid op die openbare busse in sy land kan spog. Hy het die insiggewende demonstrasie deur die busbestuurder Johndré du Plessis geniet.

Go-kart team:
George-munisipaliteit se toesigbeampte oor openbare vervoer, James Robb (tweede van regs), wens die GO GEORGE-kaskarspan sterkte toe voordat hulle “die oop pad aanpak in hul eerste poging tot die gesogte titel”. Die bestuurder voor is Akhona Gxumisa en agter van links is Tyron Jeyi, Thobile Simelele, Robb en Ryan Manuel.

Dep Mayor and Georgie:
George se onderburgemeester, raadslid Raybin Figland, en gelukbringer Georgie het die atlete met inspirerende woorde by die wegspringplek ondersteun.