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GO GEORGE helps learners to plan best route

In the photo above: Elethu Ntazini and Asisebenzele Josias live in Lawaaikamp and travel by bus to Pacaltsdorp Secondary School. GO GEORGE communication champion Janell Gelant helped them understand how different routes can take them to school and home.

Elethu Ntazini en Asisebenzele Josias woon in Lawaaikamp en ry bus na Pacaltsdorp Sekondêre Skool toe. GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeampte Janell Gelant het hulle gehelp om te verstaan hoe verskillende roetes hulle skool toe en huis toe kan neem.

After a successful programme last year, GO GEORGE has embarked on another round of school visits, familiarising grade 8 learners who take the bus to school with their different route options. Senior learners also use this opportunity to learn how to use the network of routes and fixed schedules to their advantage.

School children are an important component of passengers using the GO GEORGE bus service daily.
“Although most know their route to school, those who start high school this year might not be aware of the different routes and transfers available to get them to their new schools,” says Morné Lakay, Acting GO GEORGE Manager. “We see learners waiting at bus stops, hoping to get onto a bus that might already be full by the time it reaches them, while another more convenient route is available on our network that connects the different areas in town.”

A unique map depicting the different options available to school and back home has been created for each school and is being handed out and explained to the young passengers at bus stops near the schools or during group visits to the school. These maps can also be downloaded from the GO GEORGE website at
Any schools that would like to request a visit from the GO GEORGE communications team can leave a message at the Call Centre by phoning 0800 044 044. The Call Centre agents are also well-informed and equipped to assist passengers with trip planning.


Jonah Wolhuter and Steven Uithaler are learners at Van Kervel School. GO GEORGE communication champion Ferdie Geduld helped them plan their trips to school and back home.

Theahandre Holland was surprised by the different options of travelling to Outeniqua High School, as explained by GO GEORGE communication champion Khadija Luangula.

Tyron Jeyi, GO GEORGE Community Liaison Officer, explained to the grade 8 learners at Heatherlands High School how the bus system works and how the network of routes allows passengers to travel from any area in town to their destination by transferring between routes.


GO GEORGE help leerders om die beste roete te beplan

Ná ‘n suksesvolle program verlede jaar het GO GEORGE nog ‘n rondte skoolbesoeke aangepak om graad 8-leerders wat bus ry skool toe vertroud te maak met hul verskillende roete-opsies. Senior leerders gebruik ook hierdie geleentheid om te leer hoe om die netwerk van roetes en vaste skedules tot hul voordeel te gebruik.
Skoolkinders is ‘n belangrike komponent van passasiers wat daagliks van die GO GEORGE-busdiens gebruik maak.
“Hoewel die meeste hul roete skool toe ken, is die leerders wat vanjaar met hoërskool begin dalk nie bewus van die verskillende roetes en oorklimpunte wat beskikbaar is om hulle by hul nuwe skole te kry nie,” sê Morné Lakay, waarnemende GO GEORGE-bestuurder. “Ons sien leerders wat by bushaltes wag en hoop om op ‘n bus te klim wat dalk reeds vol is teen die tyd dat dit hulle bereik, terwyl nog ‘n geriefliker roete op ons netwerk beskikbaar is wat die verskillende areas in die dorp verbind.”
‘n Unieke kaart wat die verskillende opsies skool toe en huis toe uitbeeld, is vir elke skool geskep en word by bushaltes naby die skole of tydens groepbesoeke aan die skool uitgedeel en aan die jong passasiers verduidelik. Hierdie kaarte kan ook afgelaai word vanaf die GO GEORGE-webwerf by
Enige skole wat ‘n besoek van die GO GEORGE-kommunikasiespan wil aanvra, kan ‘n boodskap by die inbelsentrum laat deur 0800 044 044 te skakel. Die inbelsentrumagente is ook goed ingelig en toegerus om passasiers met ritbeplanning te help.

Jonah Wolhuter en Steven Uithaler is leerders aan die Van Kervel-skool. GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeampte Ferdie Geduld het hulle gehelp om hul ritte skool toe en terug huis toe te beplan.
Theahandre Holland was verras deur die verskillende opsies om met die bus by Hoërskool Outeniqua uit te kom, soos verduidelik deur GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeampte Khadija Luangula.
Tyron Jeyi, GO GEORGE-gemeenskapskakelbeampte, het aan die graad 8-leerders by Hoërskool Heatherlands verduidelik hoe die busstelsel werk en hoe die netwerk van roetes passasiers toelaat om van enige gebied in die dorp na hul bestemming te ry deur tussen roetes oor te klim.
