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Speed Calming Measure on the Municipal Parking

Proposed Alterations on the George Municipality Parking Area

The George Municipal Parking area between Progress and Victoria Streets is experiencing a high flow of traffic creating potential safety risks for motorists and pedestrians. To address this, the Municipality will install speed-calming measures in the Municipal Parking area.

The intended alterations are aimed at introducing speed bumps at the specified locations throughout the parking area.

The new alterations also include:
• Speed bumps manufactured from rubber with noise reduction, withstand high traffic volumes and be aesthetically pleasing.
• A temporary barrier to prevent exit out to Progress Street during office hours.
• The Municipality intends to erect a new stop sign.
• Apply direction signage on the road surface to indicate EXIT towards Victoria Street.
• A sign at each entrance to advise you are entering a pedestrian area – Drive slowly.

The period at which the installations and alterations will be done will be announced.