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George Weekend Wrap – weather related incidents update

Roads Update
All roads are currently open and free-flowing following a mudslide and fallen tree on the N2 (Kaaiman’s Pass / Far Hills)

NOTE Please use Saasveld / Seven Passes with extreme caution.
Kindly report any visible damage to road surfaces to 044 801 9262/6

Water Outages
All pipe bursts have been repaired and water has been restored.
Should any residents not have water, please report to Water leaks, pipe bursts, sewerage: 044 801 9262/6

Storm Drains
Fifty-seven (57) complaints were received following the heavy rainfall and by 8pm Sunday night fifty (50) blockages had been cleared and two (2) gravel roads had been repaired. Please report any blocked stormwater drains to  044 801 9262/6

Power Outages
A portion of Ballots Bay remains without power following the subsidence of ground around an electrical pole in Thembalethu. Teams have returned to the site to continue with repairs and an ETR will be provided as soon as possible.

Wilderness Heights – terrain issues are making the repair extremely difficult. Teams have returned to site to continue with repairs and an ETR will be provided as soon as possible.

Assistance to flooded homes/areas
250 pieces of Gumplast were issued to 25 areas within George, as a temporary measure to assist over the weekend to those residences which qualified in terms of the Municipal Emergency and Accommodation Assistance Policy.

Gwaiing Landfill Site
The landfill site is open but please proceed with caution as the road is slippery following extreme weather conditions this weekend.

For emergencies please contact any of the following numbers:
All after-hours emergencies: 044 801 6300
FIRE ONLY 044 8016311

We thank the residents for their cooperation and patience during this situation.