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Draft Informal Trading By-Law

The draft informal trading by-law was provisionally approved by Council on 23 February 2023 and a public participation process was also approved.

The intent of this by-law is to:

  • provide for the right to engage in informal trading;
  • to establish informal trading areas and informal trading sites on municipal property;
  • to provide for the granting of trading permits to trade on municipal property;
  • to restrict and prohibit informal trading in certain areas;
  • to regulate the conduct of informal traders;
  • to regulate informal trading at special events;
  • to provide for measures to ensure health and safety;
  • to create offences and penalties;
  • to provide for the repeal of laws; and
  • to provide for matters incidental thereto.

The following are the most important changes to the current by-law:

  • Adoption of Trading Zones in areas where there is significant overlap between formal and informal trading;
  • changes to types of trading- roving traders who can move around from place to place in the municipal area;
  • food trucks/mobile trading- which is regarded as trading from caravans, trailers, light delivery vehicles or a trolley or a similar device;
  • transfer of payments in certain cases;
  • boundaries of trading; and
  • demarcation of trading areas.

The draft Informal Trading By-Law notice will be published in he George Herald, on the Municipal Website and municipal social media sites. The draft Informal Trading By-Law will be available on our website, follow this link

Hard copies will be provided at all public libraries in George for review. Deadline for feedback is 5 June 2023. Comments and inputs can be emailed to,  phoned in to 044 801 9148 or submitted in person at the George Municipality Ground Floor ,71 York Street, George ,6530


Enquiries to Dr Kosie Haarhoff