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The George Municipality’s Communication team was nominated as one of the top three most proactive communication teams in local municipalities in South Africa during the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) Communications Awards last week.

The other two nominees were Umzimvubu Local Municipality from the Eastern Cape towns of Mount Frere and Mount Alyliff (the winners) and Thaba Chweu Local Municipality from Mashishing, previously called Lydenburg, in the north-western region of Mpumalanga.

The Awards Ceremony formed part of the SALGA 6th Annual National Communicators’ Forum that took place between 12 – 14 April 2023 at Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC). SALGA’s National Communicators Forum offers a platform for Municipal Communicators to share insights, developments, and the latest trends in the communications industry. Municipalities across South Africa are nominated for various Communication Awards at the forum.

According to SALGA, the award for which the George Municipal Communications team was nominated, is for a communications team that is always proactive in its work. “It ensures that it takes part in information sharing, creates more awareness, or even profiles certain service delivery programmes and events. This team remains committed to actively participating in various platforms and programmes in the three spheres of Government. This is quite an outstanding team indeed!”

“We would like to congratulate our communication team for doing outstanding work that caught the attention of the SALGA adjudication team, as there was no entry submitted. This certainly is a sign that the George Municipal Communication team strives to ensure that the municipality communicates in an effective, transparent, coordinated and professional manner, which increases public confidence in the municipality and participation in the municipal processes,” said Dr Michele Gratz, George Municipal Manager.

The George Municipal Communication team comprises Chantel Edwards (Communications Manager), Ntobeko Mangqwengqwe (Senior Communication Officer) and Debra Sauer (Communication Officer).

Watch highlights of the Award Ceremony:


From left: Chantel Edwards (Communications Manager), Ntobeko Mangqwengqwe (Senior Communications Officer) and Debra Sauer (Communications Officer)