Issued by George Municipality 13 March 2023 for immediate release
The George Municipal area is rich in history which is reflected in various traditions, natural- and physical sites, buildings and other elements and that is why the Municipality has appointed a service provider to develop a guiding Heritage Strategy and Action Plan. According to Lauren Waring, Director of Human Settlements, Planning and Development, the intention is to promote good management of the heritage elements to enable and encourage communities to nurture and conserve their legacy so that it may be bequeathed to future generations.
“Our heritage is unique and precious and has the potential to affirm our diverse cultures and should shape the milieu (‘sense of place’) of George,” Waring said.
The National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 (Act 25 of 1999) (NHRA) sets out requirements in respect to the identification, protection and management of heritage resources.
The George Municipality has appointed a service provider to undertake the following:
- a) Compilation of a guiding Heritage Strategy and Action Plan which will highlight what must be done, by whom and when. This will assist the Municipality to apply for funding for the technical process requirements and to work towards addressing the requirements of the National Heritage Resources Act (NHRA).
- b) To identify two heritage precincts and related development guidelines, being a pilot phase of implementation of the strategy, and
- c) To evaluate the policies of the George Municipal Spatial Development Framework (Draft 2023) and other municipal management instruments to facilitate the implementation of the outputs noted in the Strategy.
The appointed consultants will start gathering available information in March 2023. Stakeholder engagements will be scheduled in due course to obtain specific inputs and comments on the Strategy and Precinct Plans.
The beautiful Outeniqua Mountains as a natural resource
Pacaltsdorp: The old United Congregrational Church in Pacaltsdorp built out of stone is another heritage site.
The Kaaimans River Bridge trailing over the Kaaimans River Mouth is also considered a heritage site of George.