Making our beaches safer for you!
Prohibited substances and conduct at Municipal Beaches
George Municipality has a NO ALCOHOL policy applicable to Beaches and other Public areas, which will be strictly enforced especially during the Festive period. The George law enforcement officers will be assisted by beach monitors during the Festive season to assist with beach patrols, and the enforcement of Municipal bylaws to ensure safe beaches for everyone.
The control, searching of vehicles and bags access at municipal beaches is implemented under “The access to public premises and access of vehicles Act (53 1985)”. Members of the Public are warned that prohibited substances, weapons, alcohol, fireworks etc. will be confiscated and that fines can be issued. All confiscated items or goods will be handed over to the South African Police Service (SAPS) for disposal.
No dogs or other animals are allowed on the beach, unless there are signs, which identify any allowed times and areas.
George Municipality encourages all beachgoers to co-operate with our officials to ensure their visit to the beach is a safe and enjoyable experience. Neighbourhood Watch, Community Police Forums, George and Provincial Traffic Services, SANPARKS, National Sea Rescue Institute, Private Security Companies, the South African Police Service (SAPD) including Business Owners also assist the Municipality to ensure a safe festival season. Previous festive seasons have been very successful due to the excellent co-operation between all role players and members of the public.
The beach areas under the control of the George Municipality include Wilderness Main Beach, Wilderness Lagoon, Wilderness Steps, Wilderness Lientjiesklip, Victoria Bay Beach, Gwaing River Mouth Beach and Day Camp and Herold’s Bay Beach and Tidal pool.
For any further information on complaints please contact the Law Enforcement office on 044 801 6350 (07h45 – 16h30)
or 044 801 6300 (A/h Assistance team only for bylaw-related offences and emergencies).
The public can also send e-mails to with complaints of related matters.
Law Enforcement Office – 25B Cathedral Street.
Veiliger strande vir almal!
Verbode middels en gedrag by Munisipale Strande
George Munisipaliteit het ‘n GEEN ALKOHOL beleid van toepassing op strande en ander openbare gebiede, wat veral gedurende die Feestyd streng toegepas sal word. Die George-wetstoepassers sal gedurende die Feestyd deur strandmonitors bygestaan word om te help met strandpatrollies, en die toepassing van munisipale verordeninge om veilige strande vir almal te verseker.
Die beheer, deursoeking van voertuie en saktoegang by munisipale strande word geïmplementeer onder “Die Wet op Toegang tot Openbare Persele en Toegang tot Voertuie (53 1985)”. Lede van die Publiek word gewaarsku dat verbode middels, wapens, alkohol, vuurwerke ens. op beslag gelê sal word en dat boetes uitgereik kan word.Alle gekonfiskeerde items of goedere sal aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) oorhandig word vir wegdoening.
Geen honde of ander diere word op die strand toegelaat nie, tensy daar tekens is wat enige toegelate tye en gebiede identifiseer.
George Munisipaliteit moedig alle strandgangers aan om met ons amptenare saam te werk om te verseker dat hul besoek aan die strand ‘n veilige en aangename ervaring is. Buurtwagte, Gemeenskapspolisieforums, George en Provinsiale Verkeersdienste, SANPARKE, Nasionale Seereddingsinstituut, Private Sekuriteitsmaatskappye, die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) insluitend sake-eienaars staan ook die Munisipaliteit by om ‘n veilige feesseisoen te verseker. Vorige feesseisoene was baie suksesvol vanweë die uitstekende samewerking tussen alle rolspelers en lede van die publiek.
Die strandgebiede onder beheer van die George Munisipaliteit sluit in Wildernis Hoofstrand, Wildernisstrandmeer, Wildernis “Steps”, Wildernis Lientjiesklip, Victoriabaaistrand, Gwaingriviermondstrand en -dagkamp en Heroldsbaaistrand en Getypoel.
Vir enige verdere inligting oor klagtes kontak asseblief die Wetstoepassingskantoor by 044 801 6350 (07h45 – 16h30)
of 044 801 6300 (N/u-bystandspan slegs vir verordening-verwante oortredings en noodgevalle).
Die publiek kan ook e-posse stuur na met klagtes oor verwante sake.
Wetstoepassingskantoor – Cathedralstraat 25B.