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NOTICE NR. T/ING/029/2022 Emergency Water Tariffs 2022/23

This notice serves to notify all interested parties of the following:

On 24 November 2022 the Council of the City of George determined, in terms of the George Municipality Water Services By-Law to Limit or Restrict the Use of Water that enhanced Water Restrictions as provided below will be implemented, and Emergency Tariffs as published in the George Municipality’s List of Tariffs, 2022/23 will be charged as per the Water Tariffs, Section 2.


  1. Emergency tariffs shall be implemented immediately, as published in the annual tariffs list, as per 2A, and per category of user;
  2. Emergency tariffs shall become effective after notice thereof for a period not exceeding two weeks prior to the effective date, and per the provisions of Section 4 of the Water Services By-law to Limit or Restrict the Use of Water;
  3. Each household shall be limited to 15kl/month;
  4. Other users, businesses and the entertainment industries shall reduce consumption by 15% of the average use over the previous 6 months. Failure to comply will result in a fine as published in the annual tariffs list;
  5. Industries shall reduce consumption by 10 % of their average use over the previous 6 months. Failure to comply will result in a fine as published in the annual tariffs list;
  6. Flow reducing devices shall be installed where the above limits are exceeded. Except for a registered indigent household, the offender will be charged for the cost of the installation;
  7. The public awareness campaign shall be intensified;
  8. Consumers shall be closely monitored, and specifically those that do not heed the restrictions identified;
  9. Gardens may be watered using only watering cans or buckets, any time of day;
  10. Any person who contravenes these restrictions is guilty of an offence and is, upon conviction, liable to a fine as published in the annual tariffs list, or six months imprisonment;
  11. Secondary offenders will be liable to an additional fine as published in the annual tariffs list;
  12. Garden Route DM Disaster Management shall be approached, and requested to inform Provincial Disaster Management of the situation and request that support be provided where required;
  13. Emergency procedures may be followed, where legislation permits it, e.g. with the procurement of goods and services, appointment of personnel/service providers;
  14. A Finance task team shall be formed to monitor usage and identify high users;
  15. A 24-hour complaint line is already in place where whistle blowers can report offenders, on 0800 424477;
  16. Council is requested to provide political support.

The 2022/23 Tariff List makes provision for fines as referred to in the above restrictions, as follows:

Water restrictions:  Admission of guilt fines are in accordance with Section 6, read with section 4 of the Water Services By-law to Limit or Restrict the Use of Water, and AS PER MAGISTRATE’S TARIFFS.

Emergency tariffs to be implemented:

  1. a) First free 6kl per month for domestic households only.
  2. b) All residential consumption, and businesses consuming below 100kl/month, to be charged as per the tariffs below.
  3. c) All other users to be charged 1,5 x the water tariff as published in the annual tariff list.
  4. d) The maximum allowable residential use be reduced to 15 kl / household / month.
Consumption per month Domestic: Indigent Households: Emergency Tariff



Domestic: Emergency Tariff



Industries / Businesses with consumption <100kl/ day Emergency tariff (1402)


  0-6kl  FREE FREE R19,44 /kl
> 6-15kl R19,44 /kl R19,44 /kl R19,44 /kl
> 15-20kl R25,28 /kl R25,28 /kl R25,28 /kl
> 20-30kl R39,18 /kl R39,18 /kl R37,93 /kl
> 30-50kl R68,55 /kl R68,55 /kl R45,50 /kl
>50kl R137,07 /kl R137,07 /kl R52,33 /kl


  • ALL OTHER USERS: Published tariff x 1.5

Areas with high water pressure and/or high consumption will be identified for the installation of pressure reduction and/or flow reduction mechanisms, including individual properties in the case of violations of the water restrictions. The cost of the device and the installation thereof will be for the cost of the violator, except for registered Indigents where devices will be installed free of charge.

On properties where use is made of own water, e.g. from a borehole or rain water tank, a clear notice with the words “OWN WATER” must be displayed on the property.

The above-mentioned water restrictions and emergency water tariffs will be applicable for water usage as from the date of final publication.

The public is herewith invited to provide their comments to Ms Sam Gcagcaso at or to deliver hand written submissions to the Directorate: Civil Engineering Services, Old Town Hall, corner of York and Market Streets, GEORGE, or to the closest area office.

All comments are to be submitted by 16h30 on Monday 12 December 2022.

All comments will be considered before the final Water Restrictions are approved by Council of the George Municipality.

The co-operation of all users of municipal water is essential and is appreciated greatly.

Report contraventions of the current Water Restrictions on 0800 424477 – fines apply.
Report all water leaks on 044 801 
9262/66  or A/ h 044 801 6300

Water Leaks can also be reported at your nearest Area Office or Thusong Centre, emailed to or reported via the Municipal App.



Hierdie kennisgewing dien om alle belanghebbende partye van die volgende in kennis te stel:

Op 24 November 2022 het die Raad van die Stad George, ingevolge die George Munisipale Waterdienste-verordening om die Gebruik van Water te Beperk, bepaal dat verbeterde waterbeperkings soos hieronder verskaf geïmplementeer sal word, en Noodtariewe soos gepubliseer in die George Munisipaliteit se Tariewelys 2022/23 gehef sal word volgens die Watertariewe, Afdeling 2.


  1. Noodtariewe sal onmiddellik geïmplementeer word, soos gepubliseer in die jaarlikse tariewelys, soos per 2A, en per kategorie van verbruiker;
  2. Noodtariewe sal tot stand kom na kennis daarvan vir ‘n tydperk van hoogstens twee weke voor die implimenterings datum, en volgens die bepalings van Artikel 4 van die Waterdienste-verordening om die Gebruik van Water te Beperk;
  3. Elke huishouding sal beperk word tot 15kl/maand;
  4. Ander verbruikers, besighede en die vermaaklikheidsbedryf sal verbruik met 15% van die gemiddelde verbruik oor die vorige 6 maande verminder. Versuim om te voldoen sal lei tot ‘n boete soos gepubliseer in die jaarlikse Tariewelys;
  5. Nywerhede sal verbruik met 10 % van hul gemiddelde verbruik oor die vorige 6 maande verminder. Versuim om te voldoen sal lei tot ‘n boete soos gepubliseer in die jaarlikse Tariewelys;
  6. Vloeibeheertoestelle moet geïnstalleer word waar bogenoemde perke oorskry word. Behalwe vir ‘n geregistreerde Deernis huishouding, sal die koste van die installasie van die oortreder verhaal word;
  7. Die openbare bewusmakingsveldtog sal verskerp word;
  8. Verbruikers sal fyn gemonitor word, en diegene wie nie ag slaan op die beperkings sal geïdentifiseer word;
  9. Tuine mag enige tyd van die dag met slegs gieters of emmers natgemaak word;
  10. Enige persoon wat hierdie beperkings oortree is skuldig aan ‘n misdryf en is, by skuldigbevinding, aanspreeklik vir ‘n boete soos gepubliseer in die jaarlikse tariewelys, of strafbaar met ses maande gevangenisstraf;
  11. Sekondêre oortreders sal aanspreeklik wees vir ‘n bykomende boete soos gepubliseer in die jaarlikse Tariewelys;
  12. Tuinroete Distrik Munisipaliteit Rampbestuur sal genader word, en versoek word om Provinsiale Rampbestuur in kennis te stel van die situasie en te versoek dat ondersteuning verskaf word, waar nodig;
  13. Noodprosedures kan gevolg word, waar wetgewing dit toelaat, bv. met die verkryging van goedere en dienste, aanstelling van personeel/diensverskaffers;
  14. ‘n Finansiële taakspan sal saamgestel word om verbruik te monitor en hoë verbruikers te identifiseer;
  15. ‘n 24-uur klagtelyn is reeds in plek waar die publiek oortreders kan aanmeld, by 0800 424 477;
  16. Die Raad word versoek om politieke ondersteuning te bied.

Die 2022/23-Tariewelys maak voorsiening vir boetes soos na verwys in die bogenoemde beperkings, soos volg:

Waterbeperkings: Erkenning van skuld boetes is in ooreenstemming met Artikel 6, gelees met artikel 4 van die Waterdienste-verordening om die Gebruik van Water te Beperk, en SOOS PER LANDDROS TARIEWE.

  1. Eerste gratis 6kl per maand slegs vir residensiële huishoudings;
  2. Alle residensiële verbruik, en besighede wat minder as 100kl/maand verbruik, moet volgens die tariewe hieronder gehef word.
  3. Alle ander verbruikers sal 1,5 x die watertarief soos gepubliseer in die jaarlikse tariewelys gehef word.
  4. Die maksimum toelaatbare residensiële verbruik word verminder tot 15 kl / huishouding / maand.


Verbruik per maand Huishoudelik: Deernis Huishoudings: Nood Tarief


Huishoudelik: Nood Tarief


Nywerhede / Besighede met verbruik <100kl/ dag Nood Tarief (1402)


  0-6kl  GRATIS GRATIS R19,44 /kl
> 6-15kl R19,44 /kl R19,44 /kl R19,44 /kl
> 15-20kl R25,28 /kl R25,28 /kl R25,28 /kl
> 20-30kl R39,18 /kl R39,18 /kl R37,93 /kl
> 30-50kl R68,55 /kl R68,55 /kl R45,50 /kl
>50kl R137,07 /kl R137,07 /kl R52,33 /kl


ALLE ANDER VERBRUIKERS: Gepubliseerde tarief x 1.5

Gebiede met hoë waterdruk en/of hoë verbruik sal geïdentifiseer word vir die installering van drukvermindering- en/of vloeibeheer meganismes, insluitend individuele eiendomme in die geval van oortredings van die waterbeperkings. Die koste van die toestel en die installering daarvan sal van die oortreder verhaal word, behalwe vir geregistreerde Deernis huishoudings waar toestelle gratis geïnstalleer sal word.

Op eiendomme waar van eie water gebruik gemaak word, bv. vanaf ‘n boorgat of reënwatertenk moet ‘n duidelike kennisgewing met die woorde “EIE WATER” op die eiendom vertoon word.

Bogenoemde waterbeperkings en nood watertariewe van toepassing wees vanaf die datum van finale publikasie. .

Die publiek word hiermee uitgenooi om hul kommentaar aan Me Sam Gcagcaso te verskaf by of om handgeskrewe voorleggings te lewer aan die Direktoraat: Siviele Ingenieursdienste, Ou Stadsaal, hoek van York- en Markstraat, GEORGE, of aan die naaste area kantoor.

Alle kommentare moet teen 16h30 op Maandag 12 Desember 2022 ingedien word.

Alle kommentare sal oorweeg word voordat die finale Waterbeperkings deur die Raad van die George Munisipaliteit goedgekeur word.

Die samewerking van alle verbruikers van munisipale water is noodsaaklik en word opreg waardeer.

Rapporteer oortredings van die huidige Waterbeperkings by 0800 424477 – boetes geld.
Rapporteer alle waterlekke by 044 801 9262/66 of N/u 044 801 6300.

Waterlekke kan ook by jou naaste Areakantoor of Thusong-sentrum aangemeld word, per e-pos aan gestuur word of via die Munisipale App aangemeld word.



Esi saziso sisetyenziselwa ukwazisa onke amaqela anomdla ngoku kulandelayo:

Ngomhla wama- 24 eyeNkanga 2022 iBhunga leSixeko saseGeorge ligqibe, ngokoMthetho kaMasipala weeNkonzo zaManzi zikaMasipala waseGeorge wokuba liLinganisele okanye liThintele ukuSetyenziswa kwaManzi ukuba Izithintelo zaManzi ezongeziweyo njengoko zibonelelwe ngezantsi ziya kuphunyezwa, kwaye neZintlu zaMaxabiso ethuba lokuxakeka njengoko zipapashiwe kwiZintlu zaMaxabiso zikaMasipala waseGeorge, zika-2022/23 ziya kuhlawuliswa ngokoLuhlu lwaMaxabiso Amanzi, Icandelo lesi-2.


  1. Amaxabiso ethuba lokuxakeka aya kuphunyezwa ngoko nangoko, njengoko kupapashiwe kuluhlu lwamaxabiso onyaka, ngokwe-2A, kunye nangokodidi lomsebenzisi;
  2. Amaxabiso ethuba lokuxakeka aya kusebenza emva kwesaziso sawo ngexesha elingadlulanga kwiiveki ezimbini phambi komhla wokusebenza, kunye nangokwezibonelelo zeCandelo lesi-4 loMthetho kaMasipala weeNkonzo zaManzi  wokuba kuLinganiselwe okanye kuThintelwe ukusetyenziswa kwaManzi;
  3. Umzi ngamnye uya kulinganiselwa kwi-15kl/ ngenyanga;
  4. Abanye abasebenzisi, amashishini kunye namashishini olonwabo aya kunciphisa ukusetyenziswa nge- 15% le-avareji yosetyenziso kwiinyanga ezi-6 ezidlulileyo.
  5.  Ukusilela ukuthobela kuya kukhokelela kwisohlwayo njengoko sipapashiwe kuluhlu    lwamaxabiso onyaka;
  6. Amashishini aya kunciphisa usetyenziso nge- 10% le-avareji yosetyenziso kwiinyanga ezi-6 ezidlulileyo.
  7. Ukusilela ukuthobela kuya kukhokelela kwisohlwayo njengoko sipapashiwe kuluhlu lwamaxabiso onyaka;
  8. Izixhobo zokucutha uqukuqelo lwamanzi ziya kufakelwa apho ukulinganiselwa okungentla kugqithiwe kulo. Ngaphandle kwamakhaya angathathintweni abhalisiweyo, umoni uya kuhlawuliswa ngendleko yofakelo;
  9. Iphulo lokwazisa uluNtu liya kuqiniswa;
  10. Abasebenzisi baya kujongwa ngeliso elibukhali, kwaye ngakumbi abo bangazithobeliyo izithintelo ezalathiweyo;
  11. Izitiya zingankcenkceshelwa kuphela kusetyenziswa iinkonkxa zokunkcenkceshela okanye amathunga, nangaliphi ixesha losuku;
  12. Nawuphina umntu otyeshela ezi zithintelo unetyala, kwaye akugwetywa, unoxanduva lokuhlawula isohlwayo njengoko kupapashiwe kuluhlu lwamaxabiso onyaka, okanye iinyanga ezintandathu entolongweni;
  13. Aboni besibini baya kuba noxanduva lwesohlwayo esongezelelweyo njengoko sipapashiwe kuluhlu lwamaxabiso onyaka;
  14. Ulawulo lweNtlekele lweGarden Route DM kuya kuthethwa nalo, kwaye lucelwe ukuba lwazise uLawulo lweNtlekele lwePhondo ukuba luthathe ingqalelo yemeko kwaye lubonelele ngenkxaso apho kuyimfuneko;
  15. Iinkqubo zethuba lokuxakeka zingalandelwa, apho umthetho uvumela oko, umz. Ngokufumana ngokuthenga iimpahla kunye neenkonzo, ukuqeshwa kwabasebenzi/ kwababoneleli ngeenkonzo;
  16. Iqela lezeMali liya kusekwa ukuba libeke iliso kusetyenziso nokwalatha abasebenzisi abaphezulu;
  17. Ucingo lwezikhalazo lweeyure ezingama-24 sele lukho apho oontamnani bangaxela aboni, kunye naku- 0800 424477;
  18. iBhunga liyacelwa ukuba libonelele ngenkxaso yezopolitiko.

Uluhlu lwamaxabiso luka- 2022/23 lwenza ubonelelo lwezohlwayo njengoko kubhekiswa kuzo kwizithintelo ezingentla, ngolu hlobo:

Izithintelo zamanzi:  Ukuvunywa kwezohlwayo zetyala kuhambelana neCandelo lesi-6, elifundwa kunye necandelo lesi- 4 loMthetho kaMasipala weeNkonzo zaManzi ukuba kulinganiselwe okanye kuThintelwe ukusetyenziswa kwaManzi, NGOKOLUHLU LWAMAXABISO KAMANTYI.

Uluhlu lwamaxabiso ethuba lokuxakeka kumele luphunyezwe:

  1. I- 6kl yokuqala yasimahla ngenyanga kwimizi yasekhaya kuphela.
  2. Lonke usetyenziso lweendawo zokuhlala, kunye namashishini asebenzisa ngaphantsi kwe-100kl/ngenyanga, kumele luhlawuliswe ngokoluhlu lwamaxabiso angezantsi.
  3. Bonke abanye abasebenzisi kumele bahlawuliswe i- 1,5 x uluhlu lwamaxabiso amanzi njengoko lupapashiwe kuluhlu lwamaxabiso onyaka.
  4. Olona setyenziso luvumelekileyo lwendawo yokuhlala kumele lucuthwe lube li-15 kl / ngekhaya / ngenyanga
Usetyenziso ngenyanga Ekhaya: Amakhaya angathathintweni: Uluhlu lwamaxabiso ethuba lokuxakeka



Ekhaya: Uluhlu lwamaxabiso ethuba lokuxakeka (1401)



Amashishini / Amashishini anosetyenziso lwe <100kl/ ngosuku

 Uluhlu lwamaxabiso ethuba lokuxakeka (1402)


  0-6kl  SIMAHLA  SIMAHLA R19,44 /kl
> 6-15kl R19,44 /kl R19,44 /kl R19,44 /kl
> 15-20kl R25,28 /kl R25,28 /kl R25,28 /kl
> 20-30kl R39,18 /kl R39,18 /kl R37,93 /kl
> 30-50kl R68,55 /kl R68,55 /kl R45,50 /kl
>50kl R137,07 /kl R137,07 /kl R52,33 /kl
  • BONKE ABANYE ABASEBENZISI:  Uluhlu lwamaxabiso olupapashiweyo x 1.5

Iindawo ezinoxinzelelo oluphezulu lwamanzi kunye/ okanye ukusetyenziswa okuphezulu ziya kwalathwa malunga nofakelo lokunciphisa uxinzelelo kunye/okanye iindlela zokunciphisa uqukuqelo lwamanzi, kuqukwa neepropati zomntu ngamnye kwiimeko zotyeshelo lwezithintelo zamanzi. Iindleko zesixhobo kunye nofakelo lwaso ziya kuba ziindleko zomoni, ngaphandle kwaBangathathintweni ababhalisiweyo apho izixhobo ziya kufakelwa simahla.

Kwiipropati apho kusetyenziswa khona amanzi akho, umz. avela kumngxuma wesitsala-manzi okanye kwitanki lamanzi emvula, isaziso esicacileyo esinala mazwi “AMANZI AM” kumele sixhonywe kwipropati.

Ezi zithintelo zamanzi zikhankanywe ngentla kunye noluhlu lwamaxabiso ethuba lokuxakeka ziya kusebenza malunga nokusetyenziswa kwamanzi ukususela ngomhla wokupapashwa kokugqibela.

UluNtu luyamenywa ukuba lunike izimvo zalo kuNksk. Sam Gcagcaso okanye lunikezele ngesandla ngezimvo ezibhaliweyo kwiCandelo loLawulo: Iinkonzo zoBunjineli boLwakhiwo, kwiHolo leDolophu eliDala, kwikona yeYork kunye neMarket Street, eGEORGE, okanye kweyona ofisi yengingqi ikufutshane.

Zonke izimvo kumele zingeniswe nge-16h30 ngoMvulo 12 eyomNga 2022.

Zonke izimvo ziya kuqwalaselwa phambi kokuphunyezwa kokugqibela kweZithintelo zaManzi liBhunga likaMasipala waseGeorge.

Intsebenziswano yabo bonke abasebenzisi bamanzi kamasipala ibalulekile kwaye ixatyiswa kakhulu.

Xela utyeshelo lwezithintelo zamanzi zangoku kwa- 0800 424477 – izohlwayo ziyasebenza.
Xela konke ukuvuza kwamanzi kwa- 044 801 
9262/66  okanye  emva kweeyure zomsebenzi 044 801 6300

Ukuvuza kwamanzi kungaxelwa kananjalo kwi-Ofisi yakho yeNgingqi ekufutshane okanye eThusong Centre, kuthunyelwe nge-imeyili , nge -App kaMasipala.