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RESERVOIRS are recovering well but the situation remains critical – WATER BALANCING REMAINS IN PLACE

RESERVOIRS are recovering well but the situation remains critical
George Municipality, 30 November @ 11h00

George Municipality urgently appeal to the residents of George to USE WATER SPARINGLY and ONLY FOR BASIC NECESSITIES. Average consumption has not reduced at all and is closer to the highest averages measured in a normal month.

Without the assistance of everyone, water balancing will have to continue indeterminately until normal balance can be achieved.

We plead with the public to limit their household water consumption during peak times. Peak times are between 07h00 – 09h00 in the morning, 12h00 to 14h00 and 17h00 to 20h00.

We thank the members of the public who have been cooperating thus far, but without everyone’s help, the network will take even longer to stabilise.

We are aware that Glenbarrie, Camphersdrift, Blanco, Heatherlands and Heatherpark being without water, trucks are positioned at the following addresses:

• Airway Road – Bowling Club
• Heatherpark – At the back of Spar
• Blanco – Post Office (Cnr of George Road/ Maitland Street)
• Glenbarrie – Police College, Plantation Road
• Heatherlands – At the back of Engen Garage

The Civil Engineering Services Department will continue to monitor until the reservoirs have recovered enough before opening full network again.

The public is to note that if they do not have water, it is not necessarily due to a pipe burst but due to controlled water balancing of the system. Every attempt is being made not inconvenience the public and personnel are co-ordinating the placement of water trucks when and where required.

The co-operation of the entire community of George, Wilderness and Herold’s Bay is requested.

PLEASE report EMERGENCIES ONLY to 044 801 9111 until Telkom can restore other lines.